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US Commander Gen. John Nicholson says US knows the Afghan Taliban leadership isin the Quetta and Pes

There are 4 very good reasons why US cannot attack Pakistan.

1. Attacking Pakistan means the US would be attacking their own supply lines to Afghanistan. Attacking from the Arabian Sea or from Afghanistan itself means starving the Afghan mission of resources and having the Taliban make a run for Kabul. The US will need to withdraw from Afghanistan before taking on Pakistan.

2. Fighting a nuclear armed country is different from fighting a non-nuclear country. With the development of the Nasr missile, Pakistan has demonstrated the capability to miniaturize nuclear weapons. A suitcase bomb in a flight to Chicago, or a container shipped to Europe would be a nightmare. Alarm bells will be ringing in London and Paris before the ink is dry on the press release from the Ministry of Defence.

3. Talking of nightmares, the West's worst nightmare is nuclear weapons "falling into the hands of terrorists." Pakistan can make that happen.

4. The US has not won a war since 1945. Pakistan is 2.5 times larger than Iran and 6 times larger than Iraq and Afghanistan. After not winning in Iraq and Afghanistan, the neocons have been itching to attack Iran. Despite bipartisan support, this would be very difficult to pull off even though Iran is systematically demonized in the Western press. Iran would be a bite too big to chew. If Iran is difficult to attack despite the demonization, how difficult is it to Pakistan to attack? It has not been demonized as much and is even a bigger bite. And it does not even pose a direct threat to Israel.

So quit dreaming. Donald Trump may look dumb. He isn't this dumb. And no my Indian friends, Trump isn't going to fight the war for you that you yourself cannot fight. The US has run out of countries to attack. The only ones left standing today are too difficult to destabilize without problems coming back to haunt the US. Examples include China, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Turkey, etc. These countries are therefore natural allies to each other.
Hamid Gul must have been great chess player. He would have played so well to knock himself out.
Why do they have to repeat this every now and then.. OBL was not supposed to be in Pakistan.. .. Mulla Omar was not died in Pakistan.. .. 2 big leaders were not killed in Pakistan.. ..
And Hamid Gul hated America. Why? Because he woke up one day and smelled the coffee. He realised he had been used and cheated like a common hooker. The Americans had used him to become the sole super power and then kicked Pakistan. Thus all the angst he had.

We need more smart generals like him I reckon.
Why do they have to repeat this every now and then.. OBL was not supposed to be in Pakistan.. .. Mulla Omar was not died in Pakistan.. .. 2 big leaders were not killed in Pakistan.. ..
and WMDs were found in Iraq:usflag::usflag::usflag:
Yeah and US also knew that IRAQ had mass destruction weapons.
Why do they have to repeat this every now and then.. OBL was not supposed to be in Pakistan.. .. Mulla Omar was not died in Pakistan.. .. 2 big leaders were not killed in Pakistan.. ..

Pakistan's war on terror is going on to on for ever for this reason alone. First cultivate and grow rats to harm others, the rats turn their guns the wrong way and then conveniently blame India and America.

There are 4 very good reasons why US cannot attack Pakistan.

1. Attacking Pakistan means the US would be attacking their own supply lines to Afghanistan. Attacking from the Arabian Sea or from Afghanistan itself means starving the Afghan mission of resources and having the Taliban make a run for Kabul. The US will need to withdraw from Afghanistan before taking on Pakistan.

If you think starving US soldiers in Afganistan is a bright idea, the US can do the same thing to Pakistan as a whole.
Pakistani Bravado is misplaced. Even Chinese will do very little.

2. Fighting a nuclear armed country is different from fighting a non-nuclear country. With the development of the Nasr missile, Pakistan has demonstrated the capability to miniaturize nuclear weapons. A suitcase bomb in a flight to Chicago, or a container shipped to Europe would be a nightmare. Alarm bells will be ringing in London and Paris before the ink is dry on the press release from the Ministry of Defence.

3. Talking of nightmares, the West's worst nightmare is nuclear weapons "falling into the hands of terrorists." Pakistan can make that happen.

You really want Pakistan to turn into an irradiated wasteland ? Threatening the west with Nuclear terrorism is the worst idea ever. And Pakistanis claim they do not support terrorists and terrorism :lol: Let me screen shot this post.

@waz @WebMaster Any forum rules against support of Nuclear terrorism :lol:

4. The US has not won a war since 1945. Pakistan is 2.5 times larger than Iran and 6 times larger than Iraq and Afghanistan. After not winning in Iraq and Afghanistan, the neocons have been itching to attack Iran. Despite bipartisan support, this would be very difficult to pull off even though Iran is systematically demonized in the Western press. Iran would be a bite too big to chew. If Iran is difficult to attack despite the demonization, how difficult is it to Pakistan to attack? It has not been demonized as much and is even a bigger bite. And it does not even pose a direct threat to Israel.

So quit dreaming. Donald Trump may look dumb. He isn't this dumb. And no my Indian friends, Trump isn't going to fight the war for you that you yourself cannot fight. The US has run out of countries to attack. The only ones left standing today are too difficult to destabilize without problems coming back to haunt the US. Examples include China, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Turkey, etc. These countries are therefore natural allies to each other.

Chinese could not do diddly squat in Dhoklam, they will shutup and sit in a corner when it comes to American military intervention. Russians and others will probably support verbally, but nothing concrete will be there on the table to help Pakistan. Its one thing for Pakistan to hope to win against India, but US..i doubt you will survive even a few days....
No more carrots I see. He goes on to say that steps are taken to address those.

Here is a bigger question though

IF Pak refuses to change course, are we gonna see commando style operations and actual air strikes in Pak?
Will Pak shoot down or target americans in Pak, if yes then what are the repercussions ?
We saw how it worked for Turkey in the Russian episode. Big big questions for Pak policy makers...
I dont know why, but that statement coming from an Afghan made me laugh ALOT

If anybody thinks that US will "accept " defeat in Afghanistan
they are WRONG ; they will destroy their enemies before leaving
I hope the same statement was not said about the USSR


so refreshing
If you think starving US soldiers in Afganistan is a bright idea, the US can do the same thing to Pakistan as a whole.
Pakistani Bravado is misplaced. Even Chinese will do very little.

You really want Pakistan to turn into an irradiated wasteland ? Threatening the west with Nuclear terrorism is the worst idea ever. And Pakistanis claim they do not support terrorists and terrorism :lol: Let me screen shot this post.

@waz @WebMaster Any forum rules against support of Nuclear terrorism :lol:

Perhaps you don't understand how American military thinking works. The US only attacks countries that cannot attack back. Typical schoolyard bully behavior. Yes, America can turn Pakistan into a nuclear wasteland. That is not the point. When America thinks about attacking any country, it does not consider what it can do to that country. The only thing to consider is what can that country do to America. Pakistan can retaliate. And in very unsavory ways. That is the point you miss.

Pakistan has never threatened America with anything, let alone nuclear terrorism. The threat of nuclear weapons "falling into the hands of terrorists" is only a Western nightmare. Read the Western analyses of an attack on Pakistan, and this is their foremost concern. Pakistan needs to highlight the possibility that any deterioration of its command and control structure will have untoward consequences. Message sent.

Your response?
Why do they have to repeat this every now and then.. OBL was not supposed to be in Pakistan.. .. Mulla Omar was not died in Pakistan.. .. 2 big leaders were not killed in Pakistan.. ..
US didn't do anything to Pakistan at that time ever wonder why?
First some Indian tell me if the USA can attack and destroy India without any repercussions, then we can safely assume that Pakistan can be attacked
US didn't do anything to Pakistan at that time ever wonder why?
Yah OBL was died due to heart attack... and the Taliban leader (forgot his name) killed in balochistan due to snake bite .. ..
These are same ungrateful afghans who are eating bread from our hands and polluting our sacred country since last 40 years?

Did you see US attacking North Korea ? or Iran ? USA will not dare to attack us, they know we can vaporise entire India and Israel before we go down. Attacking nuclear states is not a kids play.

The scenerios were already simulated during President Bush's time by the MIT folks - the best the USA can afford!!! It was shown that the world will go down with Pak!!! The Ehl-I Dunya believe in studies/statistics/conjectures etc. and losing Dunya isn't an option for them!!! Almost no serious US commentators believe that much leverage is left over Pak!!!! Forget about these NA thugs losers. They should rather straighten their necks to get hanged like Najibulla!! Guess what President Trump doesn't give a damn!!!!
they are making fool of Americans and Afghans, they have no policy, they are begging Taliban to give some concession and recognize US as legitimate party in Afghanistan so they can sit on same table and handover everything to Taliban in returns of little favors like not giving sanctuaries to fellow Jihadis and save their ugly faces.

150000 soldiers failed, 12000 will aslo..

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