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US Accuses Pakistan of Altering Missiles - NYT

Agnostic, you make me laugh. We owe Pakistan nothing. If you are so concerned about Pakistan, why don't you get up off your fat a$$ and go to Pakistan if you like it better that America. Nobody is forcing you to stay here and we sure don't want you here with your anti-American attitude.

U.S. needs time to rebuild trust in Pakistan: Gates
WASHINGTON: Pakistani mistrust over U.S. intentions has "some legitimacy" since the United States has turned away from that country twice in the last three decades, and it will take time to win their confidence, Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

US envoy in Pakistan Ms Anne Wood Patterson
She said, “We all are responsible for this bad image and are making efforts to remove this perception.” There is a need to promote people-to-people contact to improve the trust between the two countries.
Agnostic, you make me laugh. We owe Pakistan nothing. If you are so concerned about Pakistan, why don't you get up off your fat a$$ and go to Pakistan if you like it better that America. Nobody is forcing you to stay here and we sure don't want you here with your anti-American attitude.

Oh yes you do - over a billion, not counting interest while your fat cat accountants quibbled over ways to jiff Pakistan of its money, for logistical support - basing, refueling, fuel supplies, operations in support of coalition troops etc.

This amount would in fact keep on accumulating in terms of money owed Pakistan till the day you convince your legislators to end the agreement under which Pakistan provides these services and serves as a transit route.

Shame on you and your government, in debt to a nation you call a 'terrorist supporter' (which of course you have no evidence of but like to rant about since it helps hide your own nations failures in Afghanistan and its attempts to scam Pakistan - carpetbaggers and what?).

And left with no argument at all and called out on your lies, what do you resort to? The same old canard of 'go somewhere else if you don't liek it here'.

Lets see, if the Republicans had their way on that old line, the only people left in the US would be fat, middle aged wealthy white people... and some younger 'Joe The Plumber types':lol:

Pay up, move out (end transit through Pakistan) or shut up.
Airforcepilot has let anger get the better of him - it is very difficlut for him like so many others to understand the substance of what he calls "anti-americanism"

I would encourage him to read the following post, it has not been written by any Pakistani:


What I should like readers to take from the material is that if someone as distinguished as Mullen and the Sec. of State understand the issue, why are others having such a problem with it?

And just I can add my 2 cents on this whole aid business -- end it now!! it's bad for US, it's bad for Pakistan.
Agnostic, you make me laugh. We owe Pakistan nothing.

US paying Pakistan $100m monthly for logistics support: report

IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency (globalsecurity.org)

Islamabad, March 22, IRNA - Pakistan receives almost $100 million per month, on account of logistics support, it provides to the US troops in the war against terrorism, reports said Monday.
According to a half-yearly review report of the Asian Development
Bank (ADB), the logistics support payments increased by 83.3 percent during July-December 2003 to total $581 million or about $97 million a month.
Pakistan and the United States signed an acquisition and cross
servicing agreement (ACSA) in early 2002 to facilitate reciprocal
provision of logistics support and services between the two armed
, to be used primarily during combined exercising, training,
deployments, operations or other cooperative efforts.
Items permitted under the ACSA include food, water,
transportation, POL, communications and medical services and also
covers use of facilities, training services, repairs and maintenance
etc, said the Manilla-based bank.
In addition to normal billing of fuel, water and communication
charges, the government also charges for the facilities, like
airbases, storages etc., it offered to US forces in the region.
The agreement was mainly concluded to formalize the arrangement
of logistical support offered to the US forces in Afghanistan.
Pakistan furnishes monthly bills to the United States in this
regard, and the United States pays these charges out of its defence

The billing varies depending on the usage and consumption pattern
in a given month, according to the report.
Initially, the government hoped a payment of around $60-75
million a month, but recent upsurge indicates heightened activity of
the US troops in the region.
Last year, a report of the US Central Command detailed this
logistical support in the operation enduring freedom (OEF), saying
Pakistan provided five air bases/airfields, and emergency landing
rights for planes anywhere in Pakistan.
On the average 0.4 million liters of fuel per day was provided to
the US forces as well as all other services on the bases used by them.
"A total of 57,800 sorties have been generated from Pakistan`s
air space/soil," the CENTCOM said.
In order to facilitate launching of air operations into
Afghanistan, Pakistan provided 2/3 of its air space as air corridor to
the US/coalition forces.
By so doing, Pakistan had to reschedule/redirect many of the
commercial flights.
The Pakistan Navy also provided landing facility to the
US/coalition ships at Pasni.
At sea, Pakistan Navy operations/training were curtailed in order
to accommodate and facilitate the operations of US/coalition naval
The Naval Operations at Pasni were the largest operations in size,
duration and depth that the US Marine Corps had conducted since the
Korean War.
Pakistan also apprehended more than 550 most wanted men in the
US-led war against terrorism, including the most wanted al-Qaeda
figures, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, Abu-Zubaida and Ramzi bin Al-Shaiba.
Pakistan has also launched a massive operation in the Federally
Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).
Pakistani forces with the help of FC penetrated the tribal areas
soon after the first US strikes in the Tora Bora valley in Afghanistan
just across the border, particularly focusing on Waziristan, Miran
Shah and Wana.
The CENTCOM report also estimated a loss of over $10 billion
since October 2001 to Pakistan due to its support to the OEF.
The United States offered Pakistan compensation in the shape of
direct grants and debt write-offs, and support in the shape of debt
rescheduling agreement and new concessional multilateral loans.

US paying Pakistan $100m monthly for logistics support: report

DJ Pakistan To Get $500M-$600M From US For Logistics Support-Min

ISLAMABAD (Dow Jones)--Pakistan will receive $500 million-$600 million within the next six months as compensation for providing logistics support to the U.S. during its war on terror in Afghanistan, the country's finance minister said Wednesday.

"The U.S. is likely to release the amount in the next six monthsas we have sent all the completed bills," said Shaukat Tarin.

Washington has to pay Pakistan $1.4 billion as the outstanding amount under the Coalition Support Fund.

Pakistan is seeking nearly $1.5 billion during the current fiscal year under the fund, said Tarin.

"A congressional oversight is in process in the U.S., which will clear the appropriations," said Tarin.

-By Islamabad Bureau, Dow Jones Newswires; 91-11-43563354; meenakshi.ray@dowjones.com

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
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Airforcepilot has let anger get the better of him - it is very difficlut for him like so many others to understand the substance of what he calls "anti-americanism"

I would encourage him to read the following post, it has not been written by any Pakistani:


What I should like readers to take from the material is that if someone as distinguished as Mullen and the Sec. of State understand the issue, why are others having such a problem with it?

And just I can add my 2 cents on this whole aid business -- end it now!! it's bad for US, it's bad for Pakistan.

Thanks for your input. I'm not angry at all. All the anti-American postings just turns me off. I will read the link you posted...Thank you!
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The US/Pakistan relationship is exceedingly complex. We (the US) have not understood, or we have ignored, Pakistani vital interests, especially with respect to their strategic needs in their neighborhood. We always put our interests first, always. We bully them and then act petulant when they don't "love" us. We don't help them get justice over Kashmir. We play games with their enemies, like the Indians and the Afghans. We take their money for F-16's, sit on it for years, and then only very reluctantly honor our commitments. So, we do owe the Pakistanis a lot, money certainly, but also some measure of allegiance. We need to try walking a mile in their shoes for a change. Your responses on this thread are way out of line, IMHO.
Thanks for your input. I'm not angry at all. All the anti-American postings just turns me off. I will read the link you posted...Thank you!

Accept the reality. This ain't Hollywood. If you think that the world likes US foreign policies then you are sadly mistaken.

Your country could have saved hundreds of billions of dollars if it had not "liberated" iraq and other places. Sorry but not every one likes the american model of democracy.GOD knows what will happen in Iraq and other places after some years. We may even see Col Ralph Peter's map come into reality. Now you are indebted to china and japan (the combined figure is around 1.3 trillion $ IIRC). Stop this offensive foreign policy and save your economy,while you are at it save the precious lives of your fellow country men and the people of the world.
I wrote and called my representative asking him to vote no on any aid to Pakistan. With the economy doing poorly and people losing jobs, sending aid to Pakistan, a country who supports terrorism is a bad idea.
The country has stood in harms way to keep your boys in uniform alive! We have lost more men on the field than your entire coalition combined!

Personally there are many people in Pakistan who want to reject American aid. Your reasoning for your fledgling and overburdened economy would've been fine, but to insert the extra stipulation of terrorism accusation is exactly what is wrong with the half-*** thinking being put into Pakistani affairs by some of the Americans.
Airforcepilot has let anger get the better of him - it is very difficlut for him like so many others to understand the substance of what he calls "anti-americanism"

I would encourage him to read the following post, it has not been written by any Pakistani:


What I should like readers to take from the material is that if someone as distinguished as Mullen and the Sec. of State understand the issue, why are others having such a problem with it?

And just I can add my 2 cents on this whole aid business -- end it now!! it's bad for US, it's bad for Pakistan.
Can't agree more. This aid is going to ultimately break our backs one day. One sure sign of aid not working for Pakistan is the load-shedding problem.

There is load-shedding all over Pakistan, till some new aid comes and the power plants kick into action.

This shows that we're just eating into our aid and not really "learning how to fish with it". The new power plants are being set-up with Chinese assistance, not American, which is what we should be actually doing with the aid. We toughed it out without aid in 1990s and we were better for it.

Unfortunately, this aid, is bribe money to our leaders, not actual assistance to the people of Pakistan.
....All the anti-Americanism just turns me off. I will read the link you posted...Thank you!

Try living in the middle east for a few years and having French relatives :hang2:

To be honest, some of the hatred is well deserved. The Egyptians hold us responsible for Hosni Mubarak’s long reign as GOD in Egypt. The Arabs for the plight of Palestine ditto for Oman and the rest of the Middle East. The Malaysian’s and Indonesian’s blame us for just about everything. The hatred or ‘anti-Americanism’ stems from our meddling in other states affairs and all for the sake of short term strategic goals.

We have a complex relationship with Pakistan and although it may appear to you that the man on the streets in Karachi is cheering every American casualty in Afghanistan it is really not the case. The man on the streets in Karachi is dreaming of a nice home, dreaming of sending his kids to school so that they may have a bright future, dreaming of living in a country that is secure and stable. These dreams are for the foreseeable future just dreams, and we are partly responsible.

I for one think we should stop meddling, it’s time we tend to our own backyard; there is much work to be done right here at home. :usflag:

The US/Pakistan relationship is exceedingly complex. We (the US) have not understood, or we have ignored, Pakistani vital interests, especially with respect to their strategic needs in their neighborhood. We always put our interests first, always. We bully them and then act petulant when they don't "love" us. We don't help them get justice over Kashmir. We play games with their enemies, like the Indians and the Afghans. We take their money for F-16's, sit on it for years, and then only very reluctantly honor our commitments. So, we do owe the Pakistanis a lot, money certainly, but also some measure of allegiance. We need to try walking a mile in their shoes for a change. Your responses on this thread are way out of line, IMHO.

Thanks TruthSeeker. Please put this in an email and send it to Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton as well.

Peope who think Pakistan will not survive without US aid and support are the people who watch CNN & Fox News all day and read NY Times. There is no cure for this disease except for a dose of reality.

Trust me reality will come in a very harsh way. If Pakistan ends it's support in WOT then be prepared for recieving many body bags from Afghanistan. All Pakistan would need to do is cut off its support in Afghanistan.
Agnostic, you make me laugh. We owe Pakistan nothing. If you are so concerned about Pakistan, why don't you get up off your fat a$$ and go to Pakistan if you like it better that America. Nobody is forcing you to stay here and we sure don't want you here with your anti-American attitude.

Criticizing American foreign policy is not anti-American. It is the right and duty of every American citizen.

Doctor's orders: Cut down on Fox News and call me in the morning.
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