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U.S. Embassy in Turkey

As far as i know salafi’s are no fan of Erdogan. Dont make baseless claims just for the sake of argument.
Go ahead and ask him

forget about Turkiye even worldwide no leader comes close to him.
Oh yeah? When people lost their houses from the big fire two summers ago,he went around throwing bags of tea. He was literally tea-bagging them.

Now millions of people are homeless and more than 40,000 dead with about 100,000 missing and he promises to "rebuild everything in 1 year". How will he rebuild it? The same way? By giving amnesties and letting his buddies in the big construction companies take over the work? And what will he rebuild? Houses? What about the lives of these people?

He's giving 490 euros to each family,meanwhile trying to quiet every criticism. But the people are fed up and angry. Buyuk Erdogan? Ne buyuk Erdogan?

What else do you need to happen to get your minds off this person,you fanboys?
That's your excuse? That's your pathetic excuse? You live and work and pay taxes to a country you hate,in a culture you despise and a nation you would betray,because you don't have the guts to go to Pakistan. Because you know that you prefer living in Europe than the subcontinent. You love talking about Pakistan,but not living in Pakistan. You wouldn't go there even if they kicked you out of Britain.

You're the hypocrite.
I moved my entire family here hoping I would get into real estate business and would let my kids live and feel our culture so they don't forget our roots. Whatever money i make abroad I send it back here. Even though I love this country have been coming here every year for 3 months or more since I was 15 years old(now 32) I'm finally done with this country. Those who have power and money on this land rule these lands. Any middle or poor man is just a slave of the rich and the ones who hold power. I've witnessed it first hand the normal civilian has no power or protection. So gracefully, I'll say this, fuvk this country. Once I get cleared to back to the states I'm never coming back.

I'm saying this now because im angry at law enforcement agencies and the justice system but after 6 months of staying in the states I will come back running to this country. I don't know what it is but I just can't move this country out of my blood.
Those who have power and money on this land rule these lands. Any middle or poor man is just a slave of the rich and the ones who hold power. I've witnessed it first hand the normal civilian has no power or protection. So gracefully, I'll say this, fuvk this country. Once I get cleared to back to the states I'm never coming back.
Obviously there are big political problems in Pakistan and corruption in a different level than let's say USA.
ERDOGAN built over 1.180.000 buildings for low income - poor families in the last 20 years

Turkiye's state owned housing agency TOKI was build houses for low income and poor Families in all over Turkiye

and over 4 million people reside in TOKI buildings the institution offers high quality housing in a number that surpasses the population of certain European Countries

TOKI Houses are dream houses for the low income and poor Families



133,759 houses built by TOKI not damaged in Türkiye quakes​

A total of 133,759 TOKI buildings in the earthquake zone in 10 provinces were not damaged thanks to its earthquake-resistant structures applied in buildings such as "raft foundation", "tunnel formwork carrier system" and "high concrete strength".



After the earthquake of 6.8 magnitude that occurred on January 24, 2020, the construction of approximately 24.000 houses was completed in Elazig




Türkiye to build 30,000 homes in quake-hit areas; work to begin in March
ERDOGAN built over 1.180.000 buildings for low income - poor families in the last 20 years

Turkiye's state owned housing agency TOKI was build houses for low income and poor Families in all over Turkiye

and over 4 million people reside in TOKI buildings the institution offers high quality housing in a number that surpasses the population of certain European Countries

TOKI Houses are dream houses for the low income and poor Families



133,759 houses built by TOKI not damaged in Türkiye quakes​

A total of 133,759 TOKI buildings in the earthquake zone in 10 provinces were not damaged thanks to its earthquake-resistant structures applied in buildings such as "raft foundation", "tunnel formwork carrier system" and "high concrete strength".



After the earthquake of 6.8 magnitude that occurred on January 24, 2020, the construction of approximately 24.000 houses was completed in Elazig




Türkiye to build 30,000 homes in quake-hit areas; work to begin in March
You seriously still support this man and his "building" projects?? Have you no shame? Even now? Haven't you woken up even now?

Whoever can understand Turkish,should watch this video:

You completely ignored what I told you and you went on talking about your conspiracy theories in long posts. In the end you said that you are a salafi.

I explained to you in detail how it was actually Erdoğan who had started provocations and threats,but you kept saying how Americans use Greece as a proxy. You completely ignored everything I told you and showed you. For you,Erdoğan is a hero who is fighting against the evil Western imperialists. And you call me misinformed...
What conspiracy theory? I wonder what your problem is. These are documented facts. Official U.S. policy since 1975. Are you claiming that the petrodollar does not exist in official U.S. sources. I'm telling you that is the real source of this manufactured Greece Turkey crisis. Neither Russia nor China can bring the U.S. to its knees economically. Only the Muslims can do this. Which is why the U.S. never promotes democracy in the Middle East. The U.S. is by far more afraid of the Muslim world than all of Assia combined+Russia. See how they are trashing Russia in Ukraine.

Erdogan, Imran Khan, Sheikh Tamim of Qatar, and others, want to end this Western dominance over Muslim lands like Saudi, U.A.E., Libya, etc. We own much of the world's oil wealth. The U.S. dollar has value only because of our oil wealth and the hypocrites the U.S. imposed over us. We want to get rid of these bastards and their murderous puppet rule. Which is why Erdogan supported the Arab spring. The interventions in Libya, Iraq, Somalia, and Iraq must be viewed through this lense if you must understand this global cold&hot war between the Muslim world and the West. We are at war whether you admit it or not. And this war is expanding and intensifying rapidly. You only buy time with the dictators you impose on Egypt, U.A.E. etc that temporarily puts a tight lid on the anger of the Muslim masses. Erdogan has a military and industry with the capacity to arm Muslims to face the Western weapons they've dreaded for long. If he is allowed to rebuild Libya, Egypt will be in trouble as the Libyan military will be an existantial threat to Sisi's regime or that of any western puppet's.

Look at it this way. Suppose Turkey rebuilds the Libyan and Somali militaries and arms them with state of the art weapons. At Turkey's signal, the Somali central government can start a nationwide war against seccessionists and U.S.-backed Alshabab. This will create a civil-war-like situation, but a powerful and well-trained Somili central government military will deal with it and quickly eliminate the enemy forces backed by the West. Somalia will be united under a single Islamist government.

A similar event can happen in Libya. A powerful Libya can start war with the Egyptian puppets any moment. This will be even more effective if a formal alliance is created comprising Turkey, Qatar, Azerbaijan, Somalia, and especially Pakistan. These puppets won't survive as even their people (Muslims) hate them. Any excuse can be used to start such a war, such as their maritime disputs (similar to what the U.S. is doing between Turkey and Greece). The most important thing is to get these puppets into a war. They won't survive it even with Western support. Because Muslims hate them and only hypocrites in Egypt will support the likes of Sisi. This will make the hypocrites more visible and can be eliminated more effectively. With their destruction, the Muslim communities can have peace and progress, and become powerful.

Pakistan can also be prepared for a war with India over Kashmir. With the Turkish military industry behind Pakistan, India won't stand a chance in Kashmir. They will be defeated even if it comes at some cost to Pakistan, but Kashmir is liberated, and a very powerful message sent to the enemies of Islam worldwide.

Qatar can be prepared for a war with both Saudi and Emirati puppets. After all, they tried to invade Qatar. Any artificial crisis can be manufactured to start this war. It's intent is to destroy the puppet regimes who have zero public support among true Muslims. If the West intervenes on the side of their Saudi, Emirati, and Egyptian puppets, Turkey, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, and any other Muslim around the world will be invited for Jihad to liberate the holy land and Muslim lands. You'll be surprised how many will respond if this call is given by Turkish, Pakistani, and Qatari governments, especially with the backings of most of the Islamic world scholars.

The most important thing about all these possibilities is that the petrodollar (dollar for oil) will be ended and the U.S. dollar becomes a worthless piece of paper.

You support TOKI to build 1.180.000 new houses in the last 20 years

and 133,759 TOKI buildings in the earthquake zone in 10 provinces were not damaged

Thanks to its earthquake-resistant structures applied in buildings such as "raft foundation", "tunnel formwork carrier system" and "high concrete strength"

ERDOGAN is only leader who supported urban renewal project

About The Law by 2012

On the other hand , most of 30-40-50-60 years old buildings collapsed

51.6 % of the buildings in the 10 provinces affected by the earthquake were built before 1999, and 48.4 % were built during the AK Party period.
but 97% of the collapsed buildings were built before the AK Party.

There are almost 18 million buildings in Turkiye
Out of the 6.7 million buildings which need renewal
Turkiye doesnt have money to destroy and re-build 6.7 millions of 40-50 years old buildings in a short period
( we need $670 billion - $1 trillion to do it ) ..

AK Party destroyed and re-built only 1,5 million buildings in 20 years
also TOKI built 1.18 million new houses in 20 years

btw Most of buildings in the world can not survive against 4 big earthquakes ( 6,5 , 6.6 , 7.6 , 7.7 ) within 9 hours
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You support TOKI to build 1.180.000 new houses in the last 20 years

and 133,759 TOKI buildings in the earthquake zone in 10 provinces were not damaged

Thanks to its earthquake-resistant structures applied in buildings such as "raft foundation", "tunnel formwork carrier system" and "high concrete strength"

ERDOGAN is only leader who supported urban renewal project

About The Law by 2012

On the other hand , most of 30-40-50-60 years old buildings collapsed

51.6 % of the buildings in the 10 provinces affected by the earthquake were built before 1999, and 48.4 % were built during the AK Party period.
but 97% of the collapsed buildings were built before the AK Party.

There are almost 18 million buildings in Turkiye
Out of the 6.7 million buildings which need renewal
Turkiye doesnt have money to destroy and re-build 6.7 millions of 40-50 years old buildings in a short period
( we need $670 billion - $1 trillion to do it ) ..

AK Party destroyed and re-built only 1,5 million buildings in 20 years
also TOKI built 1.18 million new houses in 20 years

btw Most of buildings in the world can not survive against 4 big earthquakes ( 6,5 , 6.6 , 7.6 , 7.7 ) within 9 hours
@dBSPL @LegionnairE @merzifonlu @Dehydrated Trisolaran

I really want your opinion on that shit

I'm telling you that is the real source of this manufactured Greece Turkey crisis.
Then you know absolutely nothing about this region. I'm telling you again and again and you're stuck talking about the petrodollar.
After all, they tried to invade Qatar.
They didn't even try to invade Qatar. They only blockaded it.

Somalia will be united under a single Islamist government.

If he is allowed to rebuild Libya, Egypt will be in trouble as the Libyan military will be an existantial threat to Sisi's regime or that of any western puppet's.
You don't like Sissi? I don't like you. Bye.

These puppets won't survive as even their people (Muslims) hate them. Any excuse can be used to start such a war, such as their maritime disputs
Oh you think the Saudis and Emiratis hate their governments? They hate their royals? Are you crazy?
@dBSPL @LegionnairE @merzifonlu @Dehydrated Trisolaran

I really want your opinion on that shit
TOKI (Housing Development Administration) has made great strides in the last decades. It has completed the construction of 220,000 houses for low incomes in the last 3 years alone, so post Covid period. 108 projects are ongoing in 45 provinces. This does not include 2113 commercial facilities, 1389 schools, 997 sports halls, 912 places of worship, 269 hospitals, 215 student campuses, 99 primary health centers, 22 universities and 19 stadiums.

During the disasters of recent years, the housing needs in disaster areas (Bartın, Sinop, Giresun, İzmir, Muğla, Malatya, Elazığ, Van, etc.) were completed and delivered to the rightful owners within 1 to 2 years. Since 2000, the total number of houses built by TOKİ is approximately 1.2 million. Together with public buildings, village houses and barns the total number of buildings constructed in the same period is approximately 1.5 million.

95% of the houses built are social housing, i.e. for low- and middle-income people. If you meet the conditions (duration of residence, not owning a house, annual household income, etc.), you apply through the e-government system in your region of residence and participate in the lottery. Except for post-disaster housing, if you apply and qualify in the normal way, you pay for these houses within a state-supported mortgage system. The treasury covers part of the cost of these apartments. Apartments built for middle and upper income groups are sold through demand collection and open sales. As of the end of 2022, TOKİ was continuing the construction of a total of 144 thousand houses and other facilities at 775 construction sites.

In addition, an additional 500,000 housing project for low and middle-income people was launched in 81 provinces within 2 years. The draws for this project are taking place piece by piece. In this project, 20 percent quotas were allocated for young people, 20 percent for retirees, 5 percent for relatives of martyrs and veterans, and 5 percent for citizens with 40 percent or more disabilities.

The new action plan prepared by TOKI in response to the disasters in 11 provinces now includes the construction of 200,000 additional 3- and 4-story apartment buildings and 70,000 single-story village houses in disaster areas. Together with ongoing projects, this means the construction of about 2 million houses in about 2 years.

Turkiye has a strong construction sector. 2 million houses is difficult but not impossible. Our objection here is that this should not be turned into a political show. Otherwise, no one, including the opposition, is saying that this many houses cannot be built. It is state resources that will be using here.


In the context of urban transformation, for example, in Istanbul, 179,000 houses have been transformed through TOKI, while 108 projects are underway in 45 provinces, with plans, projects and construction of around 73,000 houses underway. In particular, TOKI is creating huge construction sites where urban planning problems and scattered settlements will be replaced by a new urban plan. Beneficiaries are renewing their houses with state guarantee an support.

However, due to the economic rent generated by this transformation, many projects are stopped by the courts or right holders organize to prevent demolition. For example, the 5 neighborhoods that were mostly collapsed during earthquakes in Hatay were part of the urban transformation plan, but these decisions were annulled by the courts in 2017 and 19. Had these neighborhoods been renovated, Hatay would not have been the province with the highest number of casualties in the earthquake.

The other main problem in urban transformation is the transformation of old neighborhoods rather than large projects for the transformation of almost entire neighborhoods. There is no merging of parcels here, usually each apartment building individually or rarely a few apartment buildings are converted into a housing estate together. These projects are subsidized by the state and beneficiaries are provided with temporary relocation and rental assistance. However, these projects have to be carried out by contracting companies, not TOKI. Apartment owners must agree among themselves, then agree with the contractor, and the plan must be in line with the zoning plan of the neighborhood. Here, there are 14/20 beneficiaries on average in +7/+8 storey buildings. This is where the problem starts. With only economic rent, necesary speed of transformation cannot be reached. Because people do not want the square meters of their apartments to decrease. Or worse, while some of the right holders agree with one contractor, another group agrees with another and the problem goes on and on for years. In a good neighborhood in Istanbul, a contractor can increase an apartment building with an average of 14 beneficiaries to 18 apartments and deliver the work without making a loss. But this is a very complex problem in many neighborhoods.

While the average annual demand for new housing in Turkiye is approaching 850 thousand units, the supply has been hovering around 550 thousand in recent years. This not only leads to a failure to achieve the desired speed in urban transformation, but also causes housing prices to rise. According to the "Population and Housing Survey" conducted by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) for the years 2018-2080, there is a need for 15 million new houses to be built in the next 20 years, add to this the transformation of risky buildings.. Apart from urban transformation and the renewal of risky building stock, the country still has a young population, with around 550,000 marriages taking place annually, the number of students migrating to another city every year is estimated to be around 300,000, while there are hundreds of thousands of families who change cities due to transfer or for other reasons.
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ERDOGAN built over 1.180.000 buildings for low income - poor families in the last 20 years

Turkiye's state owned housing agency TOKI was build houses for low income and poor Families in all over Turkiye

and over 4 million people reside in TOKI buildings the institution offers high quality housing in a number that surpasses the population of certain European Countries

TOKI Houses are dream houses for the low income and poor Families



133,759 houses built by TOKI not damaged in Türkiye quakes​

A total of 133,759 TOKI buildings in the earthquake zone in 10 provinces were not damaged thanks to its earthquake-resistant structures applied in buildings such as "raft foundation", "tunnel formwork carrier system" and "high concrete strength".



After the earthquake of 6.8 magnitude that occurred on January 24, 2020, the construction of approximately 24.000 houses was completed in Elazig




Türkiye to build 30,000 homes in quake-hit areas; work to begin in March
Step 1; Bring in 13 million refugees,
Step 2; make homes for 1 million people
Step 3; ???
Step 4; Profit.
Step 1; Bring in 13 million refugees,
Step 2; make homes for 1 million people
Step 3; ???
Step 4; Profit.
It's annoying how he still tries to portray Erdogan as a great leader,when the people that suffered from the earthquakes are angry at him.
@dBSPL @LegionnairE @merzifonlu @Dehydrated Trisolaran

I really want your opinion on that shit
AKP is a free market capitalist party. They've sold every single government owned company including giants like Türk Telekom. To a bunch of arabs at great loss to the state. Coming here to boast about a government owned company is hypocrisy at best

The AFAD building was one of the first to collapse in Hatay. It's obvious that government corruption is to blame. For many many years Erdo and his cronies the so called "beşli çete" have been robbing the state blind. In Turkish there's an idiom "if the imam farts the congregation defecates" They fostered this corrupt construction sector and the result is as you can see. Now they are trying to shift the blame.

Erdoğan has dictatorial powers, he can do whatever he wants. He's not the CEO of TOKİ, he's the president of the Republic of Turkey. He's responsible for these deaths. Everyone knows this. He's not weaseling his way out of this mess.

It's annoying how he still tries to portray Erdogan as a great leader,when the people that suffered from the earthquakes are angry at him.
Let the corrupt constuction company owners that became rich through their relationship with AKP vote for them now. They are fucking done.
The main reason why Erdogan is still in power despite everything is the incompetence of the main opposition bloc in the country. Maybe their aim is to keep Erdogan there anyway, who knows... Now hdp has also declared its open support and put IYIP in a political deadlock. The elections are a few months away, but it is still unclear who this bloc will put up against Erdogan. Kılıçdaroğlu has lost 14 elections, some of them as a result of political mistakes, some of them almost deliberate. And now he is leading the bloc he leads to another defeat. Don't overestimate Erdoğan. But don't underestimate the misery of the opposition either.
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The main reason why Erdogan is still in power despite everything is the incompetence of the main opposition bloc in the country. Maybe their aim is to keep Erdogan there anyway, who knows... Now hdp has also declared its open support and put IYIP in a political deadlock. The elections are a few months away, but it is still unclear who this bloc will put up against Erdogan. Kılıçdaroğlu has lost 14 elections, some of them as a result of political mistakes, some of them almost deliberate. And now he is leading the bloc he leads to another defeat. Don't overestimate Erdoğan. But don't underestimate the misery of the opposition either.
KK is the biggest AKP supporter after Erdoğan, there's no doubt about it. But this time even he can't save them.
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