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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

have you looked into their hearts?
you have started a war and in war innocents die. thousands of innocent muslims. turkey could have fenced its border with syria rather then invading their territory. turkey has given US an excuse to carry out more atrocities in the region and i am afraid turkey will suffer as turkey is going against islamic principles and has preferred national interests. pak did the same mistake and today it is right at the very bottom with no honor at international level, lost 70000 lost their lives, begging the whole world . this is what we have achieved when we preferred national interests over islamic principles out of fear and lust for worldly gains. and the worst thing is that we havent learned a thing. the fitna of nationalism will take the entire muslim world to destruction.

Let's make it clear, My point in on any Rat alike Groups, like PKK/YPG etc... I have my own reason for that, that may differ with our Turkish Brothers... my opinion is linked to the Syrians who got back stabbed years after years by those Rats, I still remember Aleppo... Azaz...Tel Rifaat and so on...
And yes I prefer a Muslim group/entity over a Communist/Atheist one who play the flipping coin when it suits their agendas...

I know, that such offensive will kill innocents, I already saw it... on both sides already... It's been 8 years that people who asked nothing but to live a better life got butchered and The world watch in silence... but when Rats groups get poked in their A$$ then all of a sudden the whole World Hypocrisy shows up... And for that... It's already a win for me...

What I want is the End of ASSad... And if removing the rats in home contribute to it's fall... Im' all in...

And Yes Nationalism is a cancer...and shall be dealt in due time Inshallah.

Long time no see,how is lif?
Good, Mostly back here for the latest "Events"
What I want is the End of ASSad... And if removing the rats in home contribute to it's fall... Im' all in...

And Yes Nationalism is a cancer...and shall be dealt in due time Inshallah.
is it just your desire or desire of your government as well? if it is aim of your government as well i think turkey is shooting itself in the foot and is miscalculating her own power and power of the other countries as well. your operation has already pissed off US and removing assad will also annoy russia and putin wont allow it. it seems turkey is acting like iran who think they can bully all of her neighbors.
The first steps.
Turkish Military is operating in a smart decisive way. As they started the offensive without any slow-moving armoured units advancing in however because they are very easy targets to get engaged by ATGMs on flat terrain, therefore, Turkish Forces first secured all surrounding open land so ypg terrorists can't use them, As you guys know Most ATGMs have a strict firing range if im correct, under that circumstances they cannot be used which especially not in closed environments like cities or urban zones. however in the cities only RPGs are pretty much functional against armoured units. But as you know Turkey has did modernization and upgrades to the M60T which rpg's (1st stage) wouldn't be effective against our tanks. This is my analysis.

As you know First operation in Syria. Euphrates Shield was a disaster for our armoured units, Seems like we changed some tactics.
The first steps.
Turkish Military is operating in a smart decisive way. As they started the offensive without any slow-moving armoured units advancing in however because they are very easy targets to get engaged by ATGMs on flat terrain, therefore, Turkish Forces first secured all surrounding open land so ypg terrorists can't use them, As you guys know Most ATGMs have a strict firing range if im correct, under that circumstances they cannot be used which especially not in closed environments like cities or urban zones. however in the cities only RPGs are pretty much functional against armoured units. But as you know Turkey has did modernization and upgrades to the M60T which rpg's (1st stage) wouldn't be effective against our tanks. This is my analysis.

As you know First operation in Syria. Euphrates Shield was a disaster for our armoured units, Seems like we changed some tactics.
And, the Turkish Army is extensively using smart UAVs - all indigenously produced - 24/7 to take out the b@st@rds!!! Couple it with pinpoint artillery and rocket attacks on their hideouts!!! Not to mention the jets and choppers are called like taxies!!! And, FSO - trained like the Muslim armies should be trained - is ready to take the revenge for the last hundred years of unprecedented oppression meted out on them!!! I can tell this much - it won't be pretty either for the proxy traitors or their masters residing in the palaces...
And Yes Nationalism is a cancer...and shall be dealt in due time Inshallah.


After having captured the industrial neighboorhood of Resulayn this morning, the SNA has moved into residential neighbourhoods.

Remarkably, video material from the front has so far failed to capture much Turkish ground involvement. Either the Turks are keeping a low profile or the SNA is well-trained enough to lead the ground war by themselves.
After having captured the industrial neighboorhood of Resulayn this morning, the SNA has moved into residential neighbourhoods.

Remarkably, video material from the front has so far failed to capture much Turkish ground involvement. Either the Turks are keeping a low profile or the SNA is well-trained enough to lead the ground war by themselves.
Turkish comandos and SF are moving at night, handling the most job and at the morning SNA comes to finish the detailed job and settle there.

We do not see much videos from Turkish forces at this operation, this is right but that might be about some possible orders from military.
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Turkish comandos and SF are moving at night, handling the most job and at the morning SNA comes to finish the detailed job and settle there.

BTW our drones are helping YPG/PKK to fly freely. Guys face at the end makes me smile.

That is the SAA getting hit by an ISIS mine. I saw the video months ago

SNA also entering Resulayn from the west now.

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