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Turkish Naval Programs

If at least 20 of these VLS can carry and fire long range cruise missiles than I really hope Pakistan inducts at least 6 of them

32 cells VLS for SAMs ( if Turkish HISAR SAM can be quad-packed in one cell , then 64 x HISAR and 16 x SIPER )
also 32 cells VLS for long range cruise missiles
also 16 x anti ship missiles

so TF-2000 class Destroyer can be armed with 128 missiles and 450km CAFRAD AESA Radar

-- 64 x HISAR medium range SAM
-- 16 x SIPER long range SAM
-- 32 x GEZGIN long range cruise missiles or extra 32 SIPER long range SAM
-- 16 x ATMACA anti ship missiles

btw a single TF-2000 costs minimum $1 billion
Information: The design of I class has been converted. 5-8 I class frigates will be constructed with that design.



Information: The design of I class has been converted. 5-8 I class frigates will be constructed with that design.


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View attachment 557479

This is definitly good news. The initial 4 orders are from more then a decade ago. The requirements and needs of our navy has rightfully and understandably shifted. Especialy with the acquisition of first, and soon to be second, LHD/Light Aircraft Carrier. The Frigate fleet can be upgraded only so much. Whilst capable, some are still more then 3 or 4 decades old.
İ class planned for the replacement for yavuz class thiis one may be for the barboros class
Wow . God I'm coming to you...

Bro source is good ? İf good nice. But why still smart-s mk2 ? Any possible for Çafrad Light

It is reported that other engineer gave a different info. He said It is just to introduce subsystems. Sorry for early info.
Information: The design of I class has been converted. 5-8 I class frigates will be constructed with that design.


View attachment 557480
View attachment 557479
This is quite an immature design at conceptual stage(or even not),noone from navy would be patient to wait a few other years for its completion mate..
Moreover, I class block cutting has already started and purchases have been made,nothing is common between two designs.

ece geç saatlerde Tuzla'da inşaası devam eden TCG Anadolu LHD gemimizde ufak çaplı yangın çıkmış. Yangın büyümeden söndürülmüş.


A small fire has erupted aboard #Turkey’s first Light Aircraft Carrier/LHD TCG Anadolu. The blaze was quickly put out but authorities cannot rule our sabotage. The vessel is due to be commissioned in coming months. #NATO #IDEF2019 pic.twitter.com/Exc7F4g5bl

I am worried if they are going to decide either to replace blocks (assuming steel has subjected high temperatures) and re-build, install all those again. At least a few months delay of the delivery.
Sabotage is very less likely, isolation is prone to burn up during welding. (Its mostly that isolation burns at this stage there is nothing else except of painting which is flammable).
Better to correct,not to be commisioned but to be launched.
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Can somebody go and ask someone why the I-Class has seen such a slow down if not even a stop of its production? I would really like to know what the reason for it is. Money? Design changes?
I think one is from stm for showing tf-2000 (16 launcher one ) other one is from aselsan for showing çafrad one ship
Correction *DzKK and Aselsan, STM doesnt design TF-2000 . Armerkom, or design bureu in Pendik Shipyard does it.

Can somebody go and ask someone why the I-Class has seen such a slow down if not even a stop of its production? I would really like to know what the reason for it is. Money? Design changes?
Being laid before than finalizing design(*due to some political reasons) they had to go slower to produce " surely done" parts earlier to build middle blocks. I guess there are still a few tiny details which is not surely concluded so the production can not throttle to full speed.
I hope they use Gökdeniz/Korkut-D instead of Phalanx CIWS on TF-2000.
I hope they use Gökdeniz/Korkut-D instead of Phalanx CIWS on TF-2000.
Design is still evolving, SSMs are packed and located in rush and covered up ,front CIWS and its platform seems like done in rush either. I dont know why i end up counting 48 VLS instead of others who count 64 ,but looking at the current size of the ship (which is the final dimensions i can say) they can easily fit 80 VLS there.
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