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Turkish forces have entered Syria to end Assad's rule

Didn't realize Syria was a Turkish colony.

The turks and majority of Syrians share the same faith

Why should a murderous alewite dictator like Assad rule over a sunni Muslim population for life?
You are funny,what Libya are you talking about?
Its already worse then Libya,did 300k people die in Libya?
Atleast they have some kind of a government, unlike Libya which is no mans land run by different factions.

If anyone thinks FSA is going to form government without any other factions involving or FSA getting in power struggle from inside, youre delusional.
Assad need to go. His Hunger for power will not stop, hundreds of thousands died due to him. Peace is not possible under Assad rule.

And turkey is part of NATO. Russia will never take risk to attack turkey.

Hope they also take action against ISIS because it is terrorist organization too.

This is one of those few posts from you I agree with. Well said but we're a minority on this forum as far as Syria is concerned!

The turks and majority of Syrians share the same faith

Why should a murderous alewite dictator like Assad rule over a sunni Muslim population for life?

It is the will of the mafia bosses of the UNSC. Unanimously when they want something the rest of the world is helpless. Logic or ethics has no relevance in such a case. Might is right is the bottom line.
Why doesnt Iran do anything against Israel but helps Assad who have already killed more than 500,000 of his own people! You live in Saudi there are many Syrians here why dont you go and ask them yourself who do they support? You will get your answer. and ISIS actually helped that mongrel to stay in power so he is just interested in defeating FSA. Where is ISIS in Aleppo???Know your facts before spewing BS.
ISIS is a good password every power and actor involved in Syria uses to justify their actions. Be it the U.S, U.K, France, Russia,Iran, Turkey , Shias militias, even some sunni militias etc etc. Lol. They are like a white everyone uses for their needs and despise at the same time. :rofl:

Poor ISIS, everyone is against them , that's the only thing every player in Syria can at least agree on. :lol:


Am i defending KSA on this forum as you are defending to Iran?


whats wrong with a sunni leader over a sunni population

rather then a alewite minority dictator ruling for life?

A mistake , a big big mistake !


PHOTO: Turkish Army tanks driving to the Syrian Turkish border town of Jarabulus

Tayyip Erdogan has said that the Turkish Army has entered Syria to end the rule of President Bashar Assad, whom he accused of terrorism and causing the deaths of thousands.
“We entered [Syria] to end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad who terrorizes with state terror. [We didn’t enter] for any other reason,” the Turkish president said at the first Inter-Parliamentary Jerusalem Platform Symposium in Istanbul, as quoted by Hurriyet daily.

Erdogan said that Turkey has no territorial claims in Syria, but instead wants to hand over power to the Syrian population, adding that Ankara is seeking to restore “justice.”

Read more
'Know your limits!' Erdogan reminds EU Parliament who's in charge of Turkey
“Why did we enter? We do not have an eye on Syrian soil. The issue is to provide lands to their real owners. That is to say we are there for the establishment of justice,” he said.

He went on to say that “in his estimation” almost 1 million people have died in the conflict in Syria, although no monitoring group has provided any similar figures. The latest UN estimate stands at 400,000 people killed in the five-year civil war.

Erdogan said that Turkey could not “endure” the unending killing of civilians and “had to enter Syria together with the Free Syrian Army.”

The Turkish leader also accused the UN of inability to influence the situation in Syria and said that the organization is ineffective in its current state.

“The world is bigger than five,” he said, referring to the number of permanent members on the UN Security Council, as reported by Hurriyet.

Turkish troops entered Syria on August 24, launching operation Euphrates Shield. Turkey deployed ground troops and air power to northern parts of its neighboring country, with the stated goal of retaking areas held by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

However, many observers have said that Ankara aims to suppress Kurdish forces in Syria and prevent them from connecting three de facto autonomous Kurdish areas into one enclave south of the Turkish border.

In October, Turkey’s air forces killed between 160 and 200 fighters of the Kurdish YPG militia group in 26 airstrikes conducted in just one night. The Turkish military campaign in Syria has also led to increasingly strained relations with Assad’s government.

Ankara was forced to halt air support for its ground incursion into Syria on October 22, after Damascus vowed to shoot down Turkish Air Force planes in Syrian skies, accusing Turkey of violating its national sovereignty.

Turkey in turn accused the Syrian Army of attacking FSA fighters in the northern Aleppo province.

Well one, I don't think Turkey is ready for a protracted conflict with the Syrian regime neither do I think they are capable of pushing FSA troops into Damascus. Not only that but how will Turkey deal with the Kurds?

But one question remains, If Assad falls who is going to take his place? Last time I checked the FSA doesn't have a head of state picked neither has they ever shown any aptitude in the rebuilding of the country.
Am i defending KSA on this forum as you are defending to Iran?
Really? You are not defending Iran? Twisting the point towards Arabs to defend Iran is old tact of students of Khana e Farhang.
There was a meeting between Turkey and other GCC's countries month ago and all of them decided to support Turkey in its effort to tackle Russian/Iranian/YPG and Assadist terrorists in Syria.
Russia isn't a superpower anymore and the bravest thing they could do after Turkey shot down the Russian jet, Russia decided to open an office to represent YPG kurds in Moscow. What kind of superpower is that country? lol


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