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Turkey calls for no-fly zone in Syria

So then you agree that we dont harbor terorrists?

How does my statement about Turkey sheltering terrorists, equal being anti-Turkey?
You could say anti-Turkish policy in this specific matter, but anti-Turkey as a country is stretching it. And again, if you disagree, cool. I wont accuse you or label you, as you are doing.
Chillax. Did you eat that sesame cake yet? It will make you feel better :)
Calling them terrorists or freedom fighters is not the point.But I do agree those who you support,have also committed too much crimes in Syria.Many of the arms you gave to rebels ended up in hands of Al-Qaeda affiliated groups, like Jebha al-Nusrah.You should agree Tur[/QUOTE
As you said ALSO,so there is not an innocent side.
You confirmed that Assads side is also guilty,thats the point.
Blaming on one side is the problem.
As if Turkey is to blame for what happend in Syria.
Dear fellow members, have a look on below mentioned points and put forward your POV

Al-Assad and Al-Maliki both are going through the period of their political Survival. Iran is going through tough sanctions and isolation, Hezbollah is still militarily, as of now, but living in extremely fragile political phase of the movement’s life.

Turkey is going through a great economic, political and military resurgence of its ottoman past. On the other hand GCC is economically, politically and militarily buoyant.

With all the regional permutation and combination, it seems that Iran can only extend the Al-Assad regime’s end but cannot save the regime from the fall.
How does my statement about Turkey sheltering terrorists, equal being anti-Turkey?
You could say anti-Turkish policy in this specific matter, but anti-Turkey as a country is stretching it. And again, if you disagree, cool. I wont accuse you or label you, as you are doing.
Chillax. Did you eat that sesame cake yet? It will make you feel better :)

The FSA is the only organization being supported by Turkey & GCC not Jabhat alnusra and their affiliates. Iran on the other hand, bankrolls terrorist militias in almost every country in the region, Houthi army, Hizballah, PKK, Mehdi army....
Dear fellow members, have a look on below mentioned points and put forward your POV

Al-Assad and Al-Maliki both are going through the period of their political Survival. Iran is going through tough sanctions and isolation, Hezbollah is still militarily, as of now, but living in extremely fragile political phase of the movement’s life.

Turkey is going through a great economic, political and military resurgence of its ottoman past. On the other hand GCC is economically, politically and militarily buoyant.

With all the regional permutation and combination, it seems that Iran can only extend the Al-Assad regime’s end but cannot save the regime from the fall.

Maliki represents the majority of his country and is elected by people.Only because other Arab countries don't like him solely because he doesn't follow their sect and interests, doesn't make the villain.
Iran won't be like this until judgement day and when sanctions are gone,Iran's role will be much more important.You do know the potential and capability Iran has in this aspect.Now look what this 'isolated' Iran is doing in ME.It's a significant factor in almost anything going on in ME region.
But your conclusion was unreasonable.Assad is a person, he may go some day, but interests and Syria will remain.We should all sit and watch who is gonna gain the most from it.
Hezbollah is powerful more than anytime in its history, that doesn't even need further explanation.
Syria will bend to our will and interest. We let other people rule our borders for too long. Dictators will go and democracy will come into place.
Syria will bend to our will and interest. We let other people rule our borders for too long. Dictators will go and democracy will come into place.
democracy? there is no such thing as democracy in this world...

and Ottoman empires days are over... keep dreaming....

and dont forget to ask NATO for protection...
The FSA is the only organization being supported by Turkey & GCC not Jabhat alnusra and their affiliates. Iran on the other hand, bankrolls terrorist militias in almost every country in the region, Houthi army, Hizballah, PKK, Mehdi army....

BS. Turkey has supported Al-Nasruh in the hope they would counter the Kurds.
democracy? there is no such thing as democracy in this world...

and Ottoman empires days are over... keep dreaming....

and dont forget to ask NATO for protection...
It is our time baby! Shia dictatorship is over. Democracy is going to have the last word. Soon no-fly zone will be established and Assad will be pushed in a corner like a small animal. I heard him today on the radio with his bad english begging the world to save him. It is too late. Assad has been very bad to Turkey. Now it is our turn. If it was up to me I would drag his body through the cities but I'm not like you guys. I hope he gets dragged to court and force him to answer to the law and crimes against Islam and Humanity.
democracy? there is no such thing as democracy in this world...

and Ottoman empires days are over... keep dreaming....

and dont forget to ask NATO for protection...
What dont you get?
Turkey is NATO,there is no asking for help.
It is our time baby! Shia dictatorship is over. Democracy is going to have the last word. Soon no-fly zone will be established and Assad will be pushed in a corner like a small animal. I heard him today on the radio with his bad english begging the world to save him. It is too late. Assad has been very bad to Turkey. Now it is our turn. If it was up to me I would drag his body through the cities but I'm not like you guys. I hope he gets dragged to court and force him to answer to the law and crimes against Islam and Humanity.


What dont you get?
Turkey is NATO,there is no asking for help.

Yes, there is. Turkey, for instance, has asked the NATO for those Patriot missiles. Without a official request for help, those missiles wouldn't have been installed on Turkey's borders.

Yes, there is. Turkey, for instance, has asked the NATO for those Patriot missiles. Without a official request for help, those missiles wouldn't have been installed on Turkey's borders.
Turkey asked members of the NATO community where turkey belongs to.
NATO has 28 members,Turkey is one of them.
The members Germany,The Netherlands and The USA sent the Patriots.
Turkey is a part of NATO to be clear!
It is our time baby! Shia dictatorship is over. Democracy is going to have the last word. Soon no-fly zone will be established and Assad will be pushed in a corner like a small animal. I heard him today on the radio with his bad english begging the world to save him. It is too late. Assad has been very bad to Turkey. Now it is our turn. If it was up to me I would drag his body through the cities but I'm not like you guys. I hope he gets dragged to court and force him to answer to the law and crimes against Islam and Humanity.

You talk too much, just like erdogan.
democracy? there is no such thing as democracy in this world...

and Ottoman empires days are over... keep dreaming....

and dont forget to ask NATO for protection...

you know the problem ?

"the Sword of Damocles"
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