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Turkey Arrests Generals for Stopping Syria-Bound Trucks 'Filled With Arms'

Come on the pretence is getting a bit ridiculous now. It is clear that ISIS is backed by non other than Erdogan:

First, he let thousands of radical fighters free access through his border. There are even reports of isis being treated in Turkish hospitals!

Next he gets caught red handed supplying weapons across the border - and still can't clarify who it's for exactly.

Finally, putin has come out in the open accusing turkey of buying/facilitating isis oil! I'm not surprised at all, Turkey is the best strategically placed country for that illegal oil to go.

We've all wondered why nobody addresses the matter of isis oil. If there was any evidence that oil was bought by a non nato ally, the press would tear that country to shreds! But it's turkey, which is why none of the western allies are talking about it.

Moscow steps up attacks on Turkey as Vladimir Putin accuses Ankara of letting Isis smuggle out oil | Europe | News | The Independent

On a more pragmatic note, Erdogan and isis share the same enemies and broad objectives. Both are fighting Assad and the kurds. He's even using these radicals to attack his kurdish opponents in Turkey itself, what a coincidence that only kurdish movements are bombed in Turkey.

I feel sorry for Turks, some of the most open minded people on earth, but this guy Erdogan had turned out to be far more nasty than anyone could have imagined.
You're hopeless.
regime-change in turkey is urgent... .

Change your regime in your country first.Maybe it helps your people .

Check Hindu Times:
India tops world hunger list with 194 million people

Even you cannot find the Turkiye on world map in first look, you are able to talk about internal affairs about Turkiye.
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Turkey is loosing the time very fast and war in Syria has bringing Turkey towards disaster if Turkey doesn't act in time. The Russian Atheist terrorist along with atheist PYD kurds, Bashar al Assad and Satanic Republic pf Iran are hell bent on breaking Turkey and creating an Athiest state of Kurds in heart of Middle East. Turkey must depend on Allah as he is the Supreme force over all the worldly powers and help the Syrian Sunni forces with advanced weapons, provide them air cover and enter its army in Jarablus, Afrin and Tal Abyad to destroy the heinous plans of its enemies. Its now or never for Turkey and everybody will know this very soon the way Russian n Iranian plans against Islam n Ahl-us-Sunnah going on.
regime-change in turkey is urgent... akp out, progressives in... nato out, east/south bloc in.

At this rate where army & erdogan is pulling in opposite direction there can only be civil war similar to one witnessed in Egypt.
for some members in this section talking...

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