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Featured Time to bury the past and move forward: COAS Bajwa

As a peace initiative, Pakistan is releasing new videos of Abhinandon where he talks about Pakistan and India should have good relations and that Indian media sucks...a war monger.
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There is a reason that Brasstacks was called off in 1987, there was still a concern when Op parakram was called off in 2001, or
Op Parakram had caused an estimated 800 loss of lives of foot soldiers and others, and caused billions of rupees loss to India coffers, all for nothing.

And parliament attack in India was an inside job, done for a multitude of benefits.

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Khan-Bajwa Doctrine of Unilateral Unconditional Pacifism

Simple questions to this thinking ...

How to Bury the Past .... ???

On what conditions and grounds .... ???

this approach is destined to fail .... Khan and Bajwa can not bury common past of India-Pakistan unilaterally they need ideal conditions in Present time to achieve this and what is the present of India .... ???

what class and ideology is ruling in India ... ???

Any favourable OR even remotely supporting conditions exist for this NOBEL CAUSE .... ???


This is all a sorry excuse for not making the hard decisions.

BJP/RSS does NOT want peace. They want to rule Muslims. They want to destroy you --- and, till then, destabilize you.

Through their proxies / non-state actors, they are killing your citizens / soldiers every month --- and you are talking about peace...?

These are noble words with no connection to the real challenges Pakistan faces. This really pains me.

Negotiating for peace is possible only when you are in a position of obvious strength that the other side recognizes --- that is not the case. India openly supports terror in Pakistan without any fear of consequences. Fix this imbalance first and then peace will become more attainable. For peace, you need real deterrence. Tit for tat attacks. Offensive spec ops / intel ops. Not cute words.

My 2c.

World shall witness that we gave another chance to the peace in the region & world. This is the strategy and works perfectly. Indian intentions are clear and so our response but we don't want to be on the wrong side in history. So, now it has been expressed once again and world knows what could happen. These statements are heard in every concerned quarter of the world. For example.......

and then this...

The UN chief warned that any military confrontation between Pakistan and India would be a disaster of unmitigated proportions for both countries and for the whole world.

We have expressed this defensive / pacifist stance (passing it off as mature statesmanship and other cruel jokes) so many times already.

When we keep saying it, it starts to sound a lot like weakness.

Peace requires deterrence.
Deterrence requires raising the cost for / introducing fear of consequences for the Indian security establishment / govt.
THAT is how peace is attained, not by empty words.

Talk is cheap.
We shouldn’t give this type of statements for India , let the India come and beg for peace with us.
This Dawn and The News is a anti establishment media , twist the entire Gen Bajwa statements and Hussein Haqqani and India media started their propaganda against this statement and their media showing our peace offer means we are weak. Indian are incorrigible, they only understand danda language.
Does Pakistan allow the right of secession to its territories? If the answer is no, then you are a hypocrite and why you won't make an iota of difference to either India or the world with your Nazi this, fascist that, rants.

The people are free to move and take up citizenship elsewhere but cannot declare their penny pockets independent.
We're not talking about the succession of just any territory, but territory that is considered by the UN & international community as disputed. India and Pakistan agreed to the UNSC resolutions to resolve the dispute of J&K, so your argument is a strawman.
Tell me who will take next step???
According to the Prime Minister and the COAS, it is India that has to take the first step. Pakistan cannot do any more.

If the GoP does not adhere to that position, we will be amongst the first to condemn the Pakistani government & military.
We are appeasing a racist fascist lunatic.

Not the right way
We're not appeasing anyone.

No concessions have been made, not even on something so basic as allowing Indian exports to Afghanistan through Pakistan.

The resolution of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute was highlighted as being critical to future peace between Pakistan and India, and the responsibility was placed upon India to take the first steps.

Where exactly then do you see appeasement?
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Shameful speech perhaps. Bury the past and move forward means forget about the UN resolutions and go on with a divided Kashmir as a permanent solution. That is really what he is saying.

UN lost credibility as an organization the day US defied it and invaded Iraq...Come out of the UN Mentality...It is a lame duck...
This is all a sorry excuse for not making the hard decisions.
What kind of 'hard decisions' would you like to see? Please explain.
UN lost credibility as an organization the day US defied it and invaded Iraq...Come out of the UN Mentality...It is a lame duck...
We'll agree with your position that the UN has lost credibility when India formally leaves the UN.

Until then, the UNSC resolutions on the disputed territory of J&K remain valid and India continues to violate them as a rogue member of the international community by refusing to allow the Kashmiris the right to self-determination.
Sure - so, given the statements of the Pakistani Prime Minister, Foreign Minister & COAS, of India being responsible for taking the first steps, what do you see India doing, if anything?

We will give peace a chance..Its been 70+ years....we can all bury the hatchet and make lasting binding commitments or we can keep this as side irritant for next 73 years

If IK is visionary he will take the deal of making LOC the International Border....It is the ONLY plausible solution to the conflict
We will give peace a chance..Its been 70+ years....we can all bury the hatchet and make lasting binding commitments or we can keep this as side irritant for next 73 years

If IK is visionary he will take the deal of making LOC the International Border....It is the ONLY plausible solution to the conflict
'Giving peace a chance' is not a step, first or any other.

What tangible first step will India take to show it wants to have peace and resolve the J&K dispute?
Wrong , majority of indians hold strong animosity towards Pakistan not because of the existence of Pakistan but what happened in kashmir in late 89s and 90s,what happened in kargil ,what happened on 26/11.
Some might want India and Pakistan to be united again but that's a small minority ,majority are ok or happy with Pakistan being a separate country.
Yup. I believe India will take a different approach to Pakistan BASED on the military situation in Kashmir- Pakistan cant expect to keep sending Fedayeen and JEM to Kashmir to fight INdians and expect Indians to believe them when they say they want peace with India in Kashmir.

Also, INndia's stature and strength globally is currently on the uptrend, so India is probably the least motivated to make concessions/peace with Pakistan without getting something solid in return.

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