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'They' are uniting and 'we' are dividing!

As long as Islam has Kafir lands to attack and plunder in name of Jihad, Muslims are united. The moment the kafir's don't give the Muslims that opportunity by being too strong to be defeated, they turn on themselves and attack each other. Take Pakistan for example, earlier it was the Hindus and Sikhs who were the scapegoats, then the Christians and Ahmadis. Later it was the Shia's and now the more extreme Sunnis against the rest.
This is why the promise of Ghazwa-e-Hind is so popular concept in Pakistan.

If you want to know how Ghazwa-e-Hind would be like, look no further but at the Yezidis in present day Iraq!!!
If you want to know how Ghazwa-e-Hind would be like, look no further but at the Yezidis in present day Iraq!!!
What I cannot understand is that the Pakistanis keep harping about 1000 years Muslim rule of India on one hand, and other hand keep dreaming of Ghazwa-e-Hind. How many Ghazwa-e-Hind are there?
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I told u dude, we don't have appropriate leadership for the time being, so it's time out for some, who are taking advantage thereof.
It's quite natural that in autumn trees are shedding the old leaves.
But no sooner a leaf falls than fresh bud does appear!
between there's cold brrutal winter .. :lol:
What I cannot understand is that the Pakistanis keep harping about 1000 years Muslim rule of India on one hand, and other hand keep dreaming of Ghazwa-e-Hind. How many Ghazwa-e-Hind are there?

For me, even bigger question is -- Pakistanis can't decide among themselves if Islam conquered Indian sub-continent (or for that matter, SE Asia) peacefully or through the use of sword, "Yezidi" style.

Half of the people take pride in supposed 1000 year subjugation of Hindus through Ghazwa-e-Hind. The other half claim that Islam spread through peaceful Sufi-isque means while completely glossing over the frequent and often violent free-for-all conversions/plunders such as the ones being done against "Yezidis" right at this moment.

Watching "Yezidis" getting slaughtered in their thousands is like history being repeated in front of our own eyes!

To believe that we all went through all this lunacy is bone-chilling and quite a testament to the fact that religious fundamentalism is a real threat to survival of mankind!
Fed up of this muslim ummah or we are same or other such BS, everyone needs to accept the sensitivities of different cultural groups in the country and respect each other. But some religious groups in pakistan invite trouble by disrespecting the religious figures of the majority group or not caring about their sensitivities...........
One thing that every minority religious groups should get in their head is that paksitan is a sunni majority country and its culture is shaped by sunni islam. When someone from minority groups will disrespect prophet mohammad or his companions sahaba then these minority groups are themselves responsible for the trouble in which they find themselves.

Majority of Pakistani are Sunni not Wahhabi, that means practise what you are preach.
You must not have read history. Muslim rulers have created minarets with skulls to teach the locals a lesson. It was their thing. Timur slaughtered 100K people in Delhi. Turned around and did the same thing in Baghdad. Ghazni killed 50K in one of his raids on so math. He was there 17 times. Destroying temples was routine for these people. Ahmed shah abdali paid 5 rupees for every Hindu head his soldiers brought in. These are not things I'm saying, these were proudly recorded by the Muslim writers of the time. I could keep going on and on with examples like this. So give us a freaking break on how the Muslims improved everyone's lives.

Why going back to history when you can point him in the direction of "Yezidis"... right here and right now -- with photographic accounts. Too heinous for words!!!
What about those children of Prophet Adam and Eve who were there before Islam....

Just see the common sense of a hindu!!!
Common sense of hindu?more than half the Hindus laugh at your cock and bull Adam eve stories.you are believing fairy tales as true history and mocking the common sense of Hindus.first look into yourself.
Pakistan was born with hatred for India and hindus;The seed was sown then,fruits are being reaped now.Once the society is taken over by hatred it spreads like wild fire.First you hate non Muslims;after decimating non Muslims you want another object for your hatred which Sunnis find in shia and vice versa.Once a group is subjugated now Sunnis or shias start hating various sects within their groups like deobandis hating barelvis,salafis hating sufis etc.Finally when there is no object for hate you start hating yourselves.Pak if it wants to remain united and peaceful should first stop this hate propaganda against amyone and spread the idea that only with love can we achieve peace and harmony.But I am afraid it's already too late.
Pakistan was born on the name of Islam and the basis of basic difference between Hindu and Muslim culture so no a common Pakistani don't give a damm about and Indian nor about any Hindu.
They seriously don't give a fuc*................ :coffee:

Common sense of hindu?more than half the Hindus laugh at your cock and bull Adam eve stories.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I never knew Hindus are so curious about Islam that more than half of them actually know about Adam & Eve....
btw that cock & Bull stories are also believed by christians and Jews too you should also mind taking a look at Bible.........
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What I cannot understand is that the Pakistanis keep harping about 1000 years Muslim rule of India on one hand, and other hand keep dreaming of Ghazwa-e-Hind. How many Ghazwa-e-Hind are there?

You haven't been in Pakistan, you probably don't know anything about Pakistan, and you will never go to Pakistan, but you know about the opinion of the people in Pakistan. What else do you know, Mr. I-Know-Everything-About-Pakistan?
It's just Autumn of Muslim World

The Muslim Nation has been the lone original and complete nation ever having been witnessed on the earth, speaking academically.
It's autumn of Muslim World, nevertheless right today the total area, population and number of armed forces personnels of 57 Muslims countries, viz.
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan,
Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Brunei, Burkina Faso,
Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire,
Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana,
Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,
Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic,
Lebanon, Libya,
Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique,
Niger, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Palestine,
Saudi Arabia, Senegal Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo-Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan,
Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan,
Yemen) are;

3,11,27,496 sq km, (area)
1,45,22,32,168 (population)
52,14,800 (armed forces personnels) respectively.
On the other hand the Area, population and number of personnels of armed forces of USA, are;
Thanks for Eye opener...............I came to know from you that Guyana is a Muslim Country.................Albania,Malaysia,Turkey consider them selves as Secular Countries....................
it will eventually
You're mistaken badly Sir, time to get your head checked.....

Here comes the almost predictable indian BS rhetoric on such threads
He's actually somewhat right, it's the HATE mate...

Sadly visiting most of the threads, I see we're as shitt* as ever, bringing religion into every petty little matter while we know somewhere deep inside that it can't unite us never will.....
If we the Muslims are discussing our shortcomings, it doesn't mean by any stretch of imagination that Bharat or Hindus are having anything of any worth.

Muslims are talking about global standards and not at all about the union of hindu slums; Bharat!!!
Hindu slums ? Are you Insulting Hinduism ?
Jealousy and that too for India, hahahaha...

It's not your mistake however, for no religion is taken seriously in Bharat, we know..., for it is Islam alone having been taken seriously everywhere throughout the universe...
mazerat ke saaththose people are taken "realli serouslli" who keep creating troubels for others

u know what i mean.jpg
Live human beings and Ideologies do fight when there is lack of leadership, nevertheless, there is not a single Muslim State, where 40 % population have been declared as taboos and tagged as out caste for the whole life, my goodness!!!
Yeah such a state exist. I know it, just across the border.

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