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'They' are uniting and 'we' are dividing!

You may assume i am a Hindu Baniya & i am saying this in regards to Islam only,let me clarify by 2100 all forums of religions will be wiped out.

Sir bade dino baad dikhai deyo ho,hua kya

Yaar zalimo ne ban kar diya tha

Why??even i don't know:mad:
You mean to say from adam and eve everyone came to this earth and all are equal if they believe in god given religion ...!!!!!so what about those children of adam and eve who were there before islam ? Are they equal or was there any condition applied them too....looking at brainwashed intellectual level of you people i thank myself for being born in hindu family with no restriction and brainwashing about religion ...

What about those children of Prophet Adam and Eve who were there before Islam....

Just see the common sense of a hindu!!!
Abisafyan said:
What about those children of Prophet Adam and Eve who were there before Islam....

Just see the common sense of a hindu!!!
Oh now shut your retarded bs ...you may be indebted to your religion and may have a deep sense of slave mentality but i am not indebted to any religion ..you now start to prwach islam was not started at middle east around 2000 years ago ..it was there before earth started tspin bla bla bla ....keep your bullshit to yourself and i know being reasonable is difficult for you ...
'They' are uniting and 'we' are dividing!

Dividing Muslims by sectarianism is the same curse as dividing Muslims by color, creed and caste.
The former is the Iblisism of clergy, whereas the later is that of seculars.
Weakness is the biggest curse of all, one must not forget.
If the fullflegde 27 independent Naswara States can live united as European Union,
if more than 1300 million virtually atheist Chinese can run a colossal country.
and if over one billion secular and idol worshiper Hindus with 40% outcaste can breath together, what the hell has struck the minds of 180 million Pakistani Muslims, who can't live together in God Granted Country; Pakistan???

Simple dude...when culture override religion, people would like to keep their culture 1st and then religion as 2nd priority..Because culture is very close to every ones heart....This is the rule of the nature...A villager will adhere to his village tradition more than the religion if it is something different...And this is what happening is your nation as well as rest of the world...
Simple dude...when culture override religion, people would like to keep their culture 1st and then religion as 2nd priority..Because culture is very close to every ones heart....This is the rule of the nature...A villager will adhere to his village tradition more than the religion if it is something different...And this is what happening is your nation as well as rest of the world...
How dare you contradict with a muslim view. They are all one regardless of where they come from, whether they are forced in to religion, or converted on sword. All the different cultures in Muslim countries is a planned by baniyas and zionista from 3 centuries. They introduced alcohol and hijras in to Pakistan, and now they are forcing democracy in to Muslim countries. All the negatives in all th Muslim countries is a big plan of non-Muslim countries to stop them.
'They' are uniting and 'we' are dividing!

Dividing Muslims by sectarianism is the same curse as dividing Muslims by color, creed and caste.
The former is the Iblisism of clergy, whereas the later is that of seculars.
Weakness is the biggest curse of all, one must not forget.
If the fullflegde 27 independent Naswara States can live united as European Union,
if more than 1300 million virtually atheist Chinese can run a colossal country.
and if over one billion secular and idol worshiper Hindus with 40% outcaste can breath together, what the hell has struck the minds of 180 million Pakistani Muslims, who can't live together in God Granted Country; Pakistan???

Thats other than Pakistan rests are very very old.... India or China.... they are not created to stay together just because they were Muslims or Hindus or Buddhist or atheists.... they are outcome of great civilizations...... the bond is not religion or hatred... the bond is history, culture, heritage and civilization....
You, hindus are the most unaware mob of people, don't know even certain basic universal facts, hence one finds it hard to exchange views properly.
This is universal fact that the original ideology/entity is always one, there might be many others, would be sects/versions/copies as per whims, however.
Likewise is the case of religion, Allah Almighty can't be supposed to choose different religions for different peoples.
Since the settlement of humankind on earth 'Divine Religion' was granted to the first Prophet Adam PBUH to be followed by the entire generations to come.
This is why Muslims believe firmly that the whole humankind is the descendants of only one Parent Couple: Adam and Hawa (Eve) and being so all human beings are equal, provided they don't defy the Lone Creator; Allah and His chosen Religion; Islam.
Nothing can be called a Divine Religion, which divides humankind in different kinds.
And this is why that Muslim is the only nation in the world who believes in all the Divine Assigned Prophets PBUT, for they were preaching the same basic teaching of Divine Religion; Islam.
Whereas none among other nations does believe in any Allah Assigned prophet.
This is why Islam is the only religion, having been addressing to the entire humankind.
Islam is the only name of a religion having been God Given.
It's why none among other creeds is having a Divine Name.
Synthetic are other creeds and so are their names.
It's why all other human woven creeds having been attributed to a name after any humankind, region, to a splinter group or individual.
In certain domain, a ruler won't be supposed to issue more than one inter se conflicting and contradicting constitutions for the same subject in the domain.

Do you know how you sound. Let me tell you. Its like an Indian saying

"Dude all humans are one. And all the world should have one ruler. BJP is the only party in which the followers are believing. Rest of the countries rulers are not the one chosen. Narendra Modi is the only chosen one. He should be the ruler of world. You dont know the universal fact stated in BJP manifesto. It is said that Narendra Mpdi is the ruler of the world. So you all should leave your government and join Indian country and lets make one country with the chosen Narendra Modi as ruler"

You think people will take your religion and scriptures seriously.
It's just Autumn of Muslim World

The Muslim Nation has been the lone original and complete nation ever having been witnessed on the earth, speaking academically.
It's autumn of Muslim World, nevertheless right today the total area, population and number of armed forces personnels of 57 Muslims countries, viz.
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan,
Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Brunei, Burkina Faso,
Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire,
Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana,
Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,
Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic,
Lebanon, Libya,
Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique,
Niger, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Palestine,
Saudi Arabia, Senegal Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo-Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan,
Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan,
Yemen) are;

3,11,27,496 sq km, (area)
1,45,22,32,168 (population)
52,14,800 (armed forces personnels) respectively.
On the other hand the Area, population and number of personnels of armed forces of USA, are;

1,70,75,200 sq km, (area)
14,41,12,350 (population)
9, 60,600 (armed forces personnels) respectively.

Likewise that of China are;
95,71,300 sq km,
1,29,46,29,600 (population)
22,50,000 (armed forces personnel) respectively.

And that of Russia are;
1, 70,75,200 sq km, (area)
14,41,12,350 (population)
9,60,600 (armed forces personnel) respectively.

In the entire human history Muslim Empires/States have never outnumbered 'them' in terms of men and means, still Muslims outclassed them for long.
Today it's first time in human history, Muslims have outnumbered 'them' nevertheless 'they' have outclassed 'us'.
What's the bottom line, simply leadership deficiency!!!

Just go to Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Malaysia or any Arabic and say I am Pakistani and this is my theory!!!! Either they will laugh on you or beat you to hell.

Mr Zaid Hamid theory of joking is old now. lol

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