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"The west shows how small Putin really is"...

Hilarious western delusions of grandeur that have nothing to do with reality. The opposite is true; Russia could easily bring down the whole Western "house of cards".

"All The Cards Are In Putin's Hands"

Russia, India And China Will Takeover World Leadership

By Paul Craig Roberts and King World News

Will Russia’s Response to Washington’s Aggression Be to Release Black Swans?

Click link to listen:

   "All The Cards Are In Putin's Hands" :Â
Information Clearing House - ICH

russia, india and china will take over world leadership? When they left the waiting line of food aid they may have a free minute lol.

The oil prices would shoot up higher than before even in the next few years, and it would indirectly benefit Russia again.

And there's no such thing as "west". It's just USA, with a few little bitches sucking up to their overlord. The weak states of western europe are a joke to the say the least, when it comes to military. Except for the UK and France, no European country has a significant military.

how shitty must your country of origin be that you run away into the west?
how shitty must your country of origin be that you run away into the west?

Yeah and what a shitty overpopulated wasteland was europe that it sent millions of immigrants to foreign lands, wiping out the native populations. If some aboriginal australian questions my presence here it would make sense, but you don't make sense at all. Lol a German questioning my presence here.

PS: Btw out of all the posters here, you make the shittiest posts by far. You seem like a really nasty individual lol. Apologies to the mods to have went all personal.
russia, india and china will take over world leadership? When they left the waiting line of food aid they may have a free minute lol.

dont know about world leadership but none of these three countries are in the line for food aid.......thank u
dont know about world leadership but none of these three countries are in the line for food aid.......thank u

india is on food aid and 95% of its people live under conditions that evryone in europe would see as unbearable.

Yeah and what a shitty overpopulated wasteland was europe that it sent millions of immigrants to foreign lands, wiping out the native populations. If some aboriginal australian questions my presence here it would make sense, but you don't make sense at all. Lol a German questioning my presence here.

PS: Btw out of all the posters here, you make the shittiest posts by far. You seem like a really nasty individual lol. Apologies to the mods to have went all personal.

i dont question your presence. Your escape is understandable.
india is on food aid and 95% of its people live under conditions that evryone in europe would see as unbearable.


sorry...no food aid being given to india...infact we r the biggest exporters of many grains n cattle....n "95% quote" is wrong too....dont troll if u know nothing ....thanks
Hilarious western delusions of grandeur that have nothing to do with reality. The opposite is true; Russia could easily bring down the whole Western "house of cards".

"All The Cards Are In Putin's Hands"

Russia, India And China Will Takeover World Leadership

By Paul Craig Roberts and King World News

Will Russia’s Response to Washington’s Aggression Be to Release Black Swans?

Click link to listen:

   "All The Cards Are In Putin's Hands" :Â
Information Clearing House -

This should be the full part
Dr. Roberts: “I was listening to the news today and there were all these self-righteous people just happy as all get out that they had finally stomped Russia into the ground and ‘Russia is now finished,’ and Russia was broken and ‘would soon be an American vassal state where it belongs.' And I was listening to this rot and got to thinking, ‘How can people be so utterly stupid?’ But they are, and they are just as stupid in Washington.

And in the meantime, as part of this process, Eric, we may see Russia unleash black swans that bring down the Western house of cards….

“Suppose the Russian government says, ‘Well, since the attack on the ruble is political and you guys are attacking the ruble and causing us so much trouble, we are just not going to pay off the next traunch of our debt that comes due early in 2015.'

Well, the European banking system would collapse because those banks are terribly undercapitalized. Some of them have loans to Russia that almost absorb the entire capital base. So the Russians don’t even have to default. They can just say, ‘We’re not going to pay this year. We will do it later. We’ll do it when the ruble stabilizes.’ (Laughter).

You can understand the impact of such a decision by the Russians on the West. And given all the linkages and the interconnections — when Lehman Brothers went down it had just about as much adverse affect on Europe as it did the United States.

What would come from that? Who knows? There are all kinds of derivatives and credit default swaps everywhere. We know these derivatives now are some multiple of the world’s Gross Domestic Product. And nobody really knows who all the counterparties are. If the European banks start going down, who knows what the impact on this pile of derivatives would be? But the whole Western system is a house of cards. It’s not based on anything other than market manipulation. So it doesn’t take much of a push to knock it down.

The biggest black swan of all, Eric, if the Russians get thoroughly angry, all they have to do is call up the European governments and say, ‘We no longer sell natural gas or any other form of energy to members of NATO.' The consequence would be the utter and total collapse of NATO. Not even a puppet state like Germany is going to let the people freeze to death, let the factories be closed down, and let the unemployment rate hit 40 percent. It’s just not going to happen — it would be the end of NATO.

So whenever the Russians want to destroy NATO, that’s all they have to do. Just call up the puppet Merkel, call up the puppet Hollande, the puppet Cameron, and say, ‘You guys really enjoy being in NATO, well let me tell you what, we no longer sell energy to NATO members.’ That’s the end of NATO and that’s the end of the cover for American power.

That would set off so many black swans. Every banking system would probably collapse because if the German banks are faced with German industry closing down, what the hell is going to happen to the banks? So all the cards are in Putin’s hands. None of them are in Washington’s hands. Putin is going to reorient Russia to the East. Then you are going to see Russia, India, and China, take over the leadership of the world. That will start in 2015.”
While his assessment of Germany's dependence on Russian gas seems rather off to me, the part about Russia defaulting .....................well
Russia has some $700bn in debt...
Here Russia External Debt | 2011-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
Of which about 25% goes due next year. $30 bn in Jan. Assuming there are no bonds/sovereign debt etc. and loans from other countries; Euro-banks would have to be real shitty to collapse from this default, but I'm not sure though.
Can any knowledgeable person help
@LeveragedBuyout @Götterdämmerung @vostok
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Hilarious western delusions of grandeur that have nothing to do with reality. The opposite is true; Russia could easily bring down the whole Western "house of cards".

"All The Cards Are In Putin's Hands"

Russia, India And China Will Takeover World Leadership

By Paul Craig Roberts and King World News

Will Russia’s Response to Washington’s Aggression Be to Release Black Swans?

Click link to listen:

   "All The Cards Are In Putin's Hands" :Â
Information Clearing House - ICH

Empires rise and decline, nothing new there. Question is whether Russia hasn't already peaked...
Hilarious western delusions of grandeur that have nothing to do with reality. The opposite is true; Russia could easily bring down the whole Western "house of cards".

"All The Cards Are In Putin's Hands"

Russia, India And China Will Takeover World Leadership

By Paul Craig Roberts and King World News

Will Russia’s Response to Washington’s Aggression Be to Release Black Swans?

Click link to listen:

   "All The Cards Are In Putin's Hands" :Â
Information Clearing House - ICH

loool Though it might sound cool/nice. It's not really.lol You say China, Russia and India are going to rule the world bros?:undecided: This is a very wrong statement to be honest. India/Indians are more suspicious/hostile towards China than they are with any other country on planet earth(bar Pakistan of course.lol), moreover India rightly or wrongly(i will say funny enough wrongly.lol) considers China its biggest threat and all military deals/weapons it buys or builds through JV/TOT or itself is almost always billed as a geared towards 'countering China'/China killer etc. lol Im not even going to start about BRICS bank debacle where both country where the only one at odds over where the Bank will be based.lol The other two i.e Russia and China, its true both have much more common interests/world views/objectives and both are more realistic/have more trust, however, i dont think Russia will be happy to allow China to lead the group since its now the bigger partner and it will be even more so in the coming decadeor two from now. So this will also create some friction between the two as times goes by. In short the BRIC stuff is just an acronym, since these countries dont have much in common at all, and they still trade wayyyyyyyy more with us in the west/U.S than among themselves, bar China and Brazil and to a lesser extent Russia-China(whose trade though big, is still under its real potential capacity becuase of supicions of course, its only because of our sanctions that Moscow is now even considering boosting trade more with their southern neighbour, since they dont have a choice, its not like they like it.lol).

Putin really overplayed his hands on Ukraine issue, i said ti beofre, he should have stopped at Crimea. but greediness didnt let him i guess. Now Russia's economy will suffer the effects of this for years to come im afraid. While other developing country(even developed/'declining' U.S.lol) keep growing far better than Russia and surpass them.:bounce:

Empires rise and decline, nothing new there. Question is whether Russia hasn't already peaked...

It peaked with the U.S.S.R already.
While his assessment of Germany's dependence on Russian gas seems rather off to me, the part about Russia defaulting .....................well
Russia has some $700bn in debt...
Here Russia External Debt | 2011-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
Of which about 25% goes due next year. $30 bn in Jan. Assuming there are no bonds/sovereign debt etc. and loans from other countries; Euro-banks would have to be real shitty to collapse from this default, but I'm not sure though.
Can any knowledgeable person help
What happens in a US debt default?
BBC News - What happens in a US debt default?
Top 5 foreign holders of US debt
Source: US Treasury

Mainland China $1.27 trillion
Japan $1.14tn
Caribbean banking centres: Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands and others $287bn
Oil exporters: Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and others $257bn
Brazil $256bn

Re the idea of Russia+India+China : I don't think China has an interest in letting US collapse economically....
o_OWTF Dude
My post deals with Russia triggering a collapse in EU (and by extension the whole world). How did American debt and China come here.:cuckoo:
With "and the whole world"
With this: "All The Cards Are In Putin's Hands"
Russia, India And China Will Takeover World Leadership
With "and the whole world"
With this: "All The Cards Are In Putin's Hands"
Russia, India And China Will Takeover World Leadership
This is the article for that heading. Check it and burn:sick:
Dr. Roberts: “I was listening to the news today and there were all these self-righteous people just happy as all get out that they had finally stomped Russia into the ground and ‘Russia is now finished,’ and Russia was broken and ‘would soon be an American vassal state where it belongs.' And I was listening to this rot and got to thinking, ‘How can people be so utterly stupid?’ But they are, and they are just as stupid in Washington.

And in the meantime, as part of this process, Eric, we may see Russia unleash black swans that bring down the Western house of cards….

“Suppose the Russian government says, ‘Well, since the attack on the ruble is political and you guys are attacking the ruble and causing us so much trouble, we are just not going to pay off the next traunch of our debt that comes due early in 2015.'

Well, the European banking system would collapse because those banks are terribly undercapitalized. Some of them have loans to Russia that almost absorb the entire capital base. So the Russians don’t even have to default. They can just say, ‘We’re not going to pay this year. We will do it later. We’ll do it when the ruble stabilizes.’ (Laughter).

You can understand the impact of such a decision by the Russians on the West. And given all the linkages and the interconnections — when Lehman Brothers went down it had just about as much adverse affect on Europe as it did the United States.

What would come from that? Who knows? There are all kinds of derivatives and credit default swaps everywhere. We know these derivatives now are some multiple of the world’s Gross Domestic Product. And nobody really knows who all the counterparties are. If the European banks start going down, who knows what the impact on this pile of derivatives would be? But the whole Western system is a house of cards. It’s not based on anything other than market manipulation. So it doesn’t take much of a push to knock it down.

The biggest black swan of all, Eric, if the Russians get thoroughly angry, all they have to do is call up the European governments and say, ‘We no longer sell natural gas or any other form of energy to members of NATO.' The consequence would be the utter and total collapse of NATO. Not even a puppet state like Germany is going to let the people freeze to death, let the factories be closed down, and let the unemployment rate hit 40 percent. It’s just not going to happen — it would be the end of NATO.

So whenever the Russians want to destroy NATO, that’s all they have to do. Just call up the puppet Merkel, call up the puppet Hollande, the puppet Cameron, and say, ‘You guys really enjoy being in NATO, well let me tell you what, we no longer sell energy to NATO members.’ That’s the end of NATO and that’s the end of the cover for American power.

That would set off so many black swans. Every banking system would probably collapse because if the German banks are faced with German industry closing down, what the hell is going to happen to the banks? So all the cards are in Putin’s hands. None of them are in Washington’s hands. Putin is going to reorient Russia to the East. Then you are going to see Russia, India, and China, take over the leadership of the world. That will start in 2015.”
This should be the full part

While his assessment of Germany's dependence on Russian gas seems rather off to me, the part about Russia defaulting .....................well
Russia has some $700bn in debt...
Here Russia External Debt | 2011-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
Of which about 25% goes due next year. $30 bn in Jan. Assuming there are no bonds/sovereign debt etc. and loans from other countries; Euro-banks would have to be real shitty to collapse from this default, but I'm not sure though.
Can any knowledgeable person help
@LeveragedBuyout @Götterdämmerung @vostok

A portion of Russia's trillion dollars in external assets would be seized by creditors if it defaulted. A default would temporarily hurt the West, but would wreck Russia far beyond the default of 1998. Spinning this as Russia holding all the cards is sheer desperation. Make no mistake, no one wants Russia to default, but if it did, Russia would be the most injured by such a move.

"if you don't give me what I want, I will shoot myself in the head! Don't make me do it!"
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A portion of Russia's trillion dollars in external assets would be seized by creditors if it defaulted. A default would temporarily hurt the West, but would wreck Russia far beyond the default of 1998. Spinning this as Russia holding all the cards is sheer desperation. Make no mistake, no one wants Russia to default, but if it did, Russia would be the most injured by such a move.

"if you don't give me what I want, I will shoot myself in the head! Don't make me do it!"
Do you have any break-up for their external assets. I think they have about $500bn in foreign exchange.
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