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Nov 27, 2011
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Still the people in subcontinent thinks all that is western is good without realizing the depths they have fallen into by believing so .
Still the people in subcontinent thinks all that is western is good without realizing the depths they have fallen into by believing so .
This is natural selection my dear........he who is the best always wins the game.... they were best at their time, they won the game and captured us...........mughals were incapable of kindom when they left their true moral and spirtual(Islamic) values.... and as a result of that they had their own children,s heads hanging on their doors....i cannot understand, what makes Asian and specially indians think that they are better than west....:hitwall:
This is natural selection my dear........he who is the best always wins the game.... they were best at their time, they won the game and captured us...........mughals were incapable of kindom when they left their true moral and spirtual(Islamic) values.... and as a result of that they had their own children,s heads hanging on their doors....i cannot understand, what makes Asian and specially indians think that they are better than west....:hitwall:

Its not about thinking one's self best , Its about understanding how psychological games are played by enemies and how they are still at play though in new ways .

Why its becoming a must do for every nation in the world to legalize gays? Can you make some guess and can you see the consequences it will have on any society? Its just one example there are countless other ways in which our culture is being manipulated to turn us into mere beasts who can be slaved and chained doing only what their masters allows.
It is cultural conquest.. and the subcontinent lost this war long ago.

I feel our culture specially in Pakistan still have morals and values that needs to be appreciated and blind following of west should be discouraged.
I don't intend to say everything from west is bad but unfortunately all the things which are being exported towards east in a planned manner are intended to destroy whatever sane values we still have e.g we are not throwing our elders into old homes and dont need a mother/father day to meet them but if we don't read b/w lines even now such times are not very far.
I like the new India, Earlier Indians were weak because of the infighting among kingdoms, busy in their art's, crafts, dance and music to such an extent that they couldn't defend against barbarians from Arabia, central Asia and Europe...No one can mess with this new India, they cannot ride their khafila into India in the hope of conquest of India unless they want their own country to disappear from the face of this Earth.
looks fake and gay to me... :wacko:
The easiest way to counter something that tries to wake up yr conscience but why dont you search it online as this is a piece from a well known british historian.

Also you better search the basics of education system prevailing in subcontinent at that time which was time tested and full of self esteem.
The easiest way to counter something that tries to wake up yr conscience but why dont you search it online as this is a piece from a well known british historian.
give me a link. have seen enough of sonia gandhi has 1 trillion $ in swiss bank type mails.. call me cynical.
Here are some hints:
macaulay did not think Indians as their equal, he looked at us as some inferior being, who need to be educated to be civilized. He thought india is too chaotic (and he was right in some sense)
This is natural selection my dear........he who is the best always wins the game.... they were best at their time, they won the game and captured us...........mughals were incapable of kindom when they left their true moral and spirtual(Islamic) values.... and as a result of that they had their own children,s heads hanging on their doors....i cannot understand, what makes Asian and specially indians think that they are better than west....:hitwall:

Mughals had no territory to rule since 1758, not even Delhi.
Mughals had no territory to rule since 1758, not even Delhi.
I feel indians here are taking it in a different context in which mughals being muslim are evil and unfortunately are blind to the devastation brits caused to rich culture of subcontinent which gave them the Taj Mahal they are so proud of.. Whats brits gave yu guys except complex of being dark and illiterate ?
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