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Taliban has taken over the Norwegian Embassy in Kabul, wine bottles are to be smashed and children's books destroyed

Right, destroying wine is ever so more important for the Taliban than beginning to build homes for the four million homeless people in Afghanistan. "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan indeed. :rolleyes:

@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE, since you are spamming the forum with "Taliban is so great" threads what will you say of my statement ?
If the 4 million Afghans don't have houses after $2T spent in Afghanistan then the Indians should keep their mouths shut and cry about their lost billions.
The display of Ignorance and Jahalat from the so called Muslims here is astonishing to say the least, alcohol is not in Quran or Haram wait what? what's next ? There is no Oneness of Allah as well ? haha funny thing is that people are quick to point out random evil's which are not fully proved yet and associate it with Taliban to undermine something that they are doing as leaders of a country, its like saying American girls should stop wearing Bikini's at beaches because there are Muslims there. Afghanistan is now under Taliban and its their Govt, they will make the rules there and by looking at the speed they took over, its safe to say that Majority of Afghans support Taliban, means whatever they do will be the will of majority of Afghan for which Pakistani's, Americans, Europeans have no say in it, Indians commenting on Afghanistan is funny and hypocritical to say the least.
The victor decides the rules. Their country their rules. Don't like it? Get your embassy out of the country.
Sure, ban alcohol but my point was of the wrong priorities of the Taliban.

This from six days ago :

What are the habits of the Taliban ? :)

2. About the Pakistani poet, if he and his socialist comrades had succeeded in taking over the government in 1951 ( the so-called Rawalpindi Conspiracy ) then Pakistan would have been a far more developed place by now.

3. About "agreed upon by Muslims" who are these Muslims ?

Agreed. And towards that end I have proposed a new economic system in this thread. Can be applied to any society.

Well, I wish for the Afghans to read this thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is a long article by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha and is about leftist activism among Muslims around the world from the early 1900s onward. The Muslims of now should look at this and go back to what they were that long ago and now support those movements and individuals and governments who carry on that tradition and reject those who don't.

This from six days ago :

What are the habits of the Taliban ?

Him and his socialist cohorts did in the 70's and destroyed Pakistan's institutions, economy and industrial base.

Commies with the exception of Chinese and Vietnamese and that too after embracing some aspects of capitalism have no real world solutions for economic growth.
Old Guinness Stout Advert. Ahhh. The good old days.

Whichever degenerate made that video, must have been a Nadeem Paracha's fan if not himself, since the latter is always a verb, adverb and an adjective away from blaming all the ills of this world on Ziaul Haq, ought to know that their beloved alcohol was banned not by Zia but their own leftist socialist feudal fellow drunkard Bhutto...
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Are Taliban not Afghans? 45% Afghan population is Pushtoon and they supported Taliban's resistance.

Seeing that way then a lot of the people in India support the Hindutvadis. Should I now start posting here in favor of the Hindutvadis ?

Besides, how do you know that many of the Afghans actually voluntarily support the Taliban and not because they are helpless or fear the perceived Islam-forwarding nature of the Taliban because that is what is claimed by the Taliban ?

Him and his socialist cohorts did in the 70's

How ?

and destroyed Pakistan's institutions, economy and industrial base.

How ? And wasn't the Socialist USSR an industrial power and a superpower in every sense ?

Commies with the exception of Chinese and Vietnamese and that too after embracing some aspects capitalism have no real world solutions for economic growth.

China really is a one-party, dictatorial, ultranationalist Capitalist society with the Chinese Communist Party holding onto the name of Communism to legitimize itself in the eyes of the few actual Socialist / Communist elements in the party and the military. Otherwise look at the Chinese economic system which permits stock exchanges to operate, where people gamble money, lose and commit suicide by jumping into steel furnaces or off buildings. How is it different from say India or America ? China has also been accused on being a Neocolonial country.

As for economic growth what do you mean ? If it means people living in comfort without the need to engage in wage slavery just so that they can put food on the table, a roof over the head and a visit to the hospital you will need to create a true welfare-based society. Communism calls for the abolishment of the traditional money system so that economic classes ( rich, middle, poor ) are removed but at this point I don't know how total abolishment of money can be done despite technological advancements like 3D Printing of products but in this thread I present a proposal of how a socio-economic system can be created where an evolved money system exists but economic classes are removed and where basic necessities are free so that the unnecessary Capitalist-society competition for education, employment and other elements don't exist, so that students, white collar professionals and farmers don't commit suicide for socio-economic reasons. Please read the OP in that thread and the subsequent convo where I answer questions and points of members and develop the proposal more.
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Seeing that way then a lot of the people in India support the Hindutvadis. Should I now start posting here in favor of the Hindutvadis ?

Hindutvadis are not Indian? If majority of India's population is not Indian, then who is?!
Please read up on history of that era in Pakistan

How ? And wasn't the Socialist USSR an industrial power and a superpower in every sense ?
Due to war dividend, and it all came crashing down. But we are not talking about committed commies with direct confrontation with West and appearances to keep up.

We are talking of desi tharki variety drown in the genetically pre-disposed inability to tolerate alcohol induced stupor and their inherent fickleness vacillating from one foreign ideology/patron to another and living off that largess to have had the wherewithal to have brought about any positive changes or development of the country.
Him and his socialist cohorts did in the 70's and destroyed Pakistan's institutions, economy and industrial base.

Commies with the exception of Chinese and Vietnamese and that too after embracing some aspects of capitalism have no real world solutions for economic growth.

Whichever degenerate made that video, must have been a Nadeem Paracha's fan if not himself, since the latter is always a verb, adverb and an adjective away from blaming all the ills of this world on Ziaul Haq, ought to know that their beloved alcohol was banned not by Zia but their own leftist socialist feudal fellow drunkard Bhutto...
tbf it was never truly banned in Pakistan even during height of islamaism
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