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Taliban bans university education for Afghan girls

People forget that there was a time in American history that women were treated as second hand citizens. They couldn't vote & they were marginalized in society. It took a century of fighting by woman to gain access.
And do you know what those women were called? "Feminists". ie, women who fought for equal rights. And yet, even in this thread, you can see that term being used disparagingly. I'll quote a post or two to illustrate what I mean.
women who fought for equal rights.

Men and women will never be equal.
Is this your takeaway from the situation? Half the country is being denied basic human rights, and you are happy that "feminists" will get mad?

I see.

@kingQamaR : This is what I meant.

Human rights is subjective. Even that term didn’t exist like a 100 years ago 😂
... OR their cuck's that want their women to be seen by male doctors exclusively.
In 1996, they decreed that women could not be treated by male doctors at all. (In a country that didn't allow women to get educated or venture out of their homes without a male escort.) You can imagine the consequences.
Talibans bans female education and the West only teaches them stupidity that doesn’t even make them employable at the end.

Like all things there needs to be a middle ground somewhere.

If no job, or less job prospects means no need to get educated? 🧐
Men and women will never be equal.
Nobody claims that men and women are or will be equal. You have to learn the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. Feminists are the first people to acknowledge the difference between the sexes.

Feminists (and most sane people) will advocate that women should get educated - that doesn't mean that men and women are the same.

Feminists (and most sane people) will agree that women must have the right to vote - that doesn't mean that men and women are the same.

Feminists (and most sane people) will agree that women should be allowed to work - that doesn't mean that men and women are the same.

I could go on and on.
Nobody claims that men and women are or will be equal. You have to learn the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. Feminists are the first people to acknowledge the difference between the sexes.

Feminists (and most sane people) will advocate that women should get educated - that doesn't mean that men and women are the same.

Feminists (and most sane people) will agree that women must have the right to vote - that doesn't mean that men and women are the same.

Feminists (and most sane people) will agree that women should be allowed to work - that doesn't mean that men and women are the same.

I could go on and on.

That’s old feminism

Fourth wave feminism claims “we need to take down the patriarchy “

Equality of outcome is also what communists say, never heard any feminists say that.

Feminism has no place in a Muslim country. Let Afghans do what they want, their country their rules.
That’s old feminism

Fourth wave feminism claims “we need to take down the patriarchy “

Equality of outcome is also what communists say, never heard any feminists say that.
You misread. I said that feminists are for equality of opportunity, and NOT equality of outcome. The right to attend schools and universities, the right to work, and so on and so forth. All the rights that men have.

Feminism has no place in a Muslim country.
Is it "Feminism" to say that girls should go to school and universities? If so, then yes, feminism very much has a place in a Muslim or any other country. I don't know what you consider "Muslim", if you disagree on that.

Banning women from education has no place in a Muslim (or any other) country.

Let Afghans do what they want, their country their rules.
That cliche assumes that the people had a say in establishing the rules. Were women consulted in making these rules? When you say "their" rules, who exactly is the "they" in that sentence? The ones in power?
Is it "Feminism" to say that girls should go to school and universities? If so, then yes, feminism very much has a place in a Muslim or any other country. I don't know what you consider "Muslim", if you disagree on that.

Islam existed long before Feminism. Feminism is a Western ideology. Imperial powers use deconstructivism philosophy and degeneracy to try to target other countries, they also use feminist tropes to target Muslim countries in particular.

E.g., Qatar

Banning women from education has no place in a Muslim (or any other) country.

I agree, but say it has no place in Islam. Muslims ≠ Islam.

That cliche assumes that the people had a say in establishing the rules. Were women consulted in making these rules? When you say "their" rules, who exactly is the "they" in that sentence? The ones in power?

That is also assuming every country should follow a democratic outlook, not every country and culture is fit for democracy.

With that being said, Afghanistan's apostasy rates are going to skyrocket within a generation.

Afghanistan's decision today is the result of Pashtun babbus, mullahs, and tribal chiefs who mix culture and Islam.

Everyone loses in the end.
Only solution for Afghans/Afghanistan is to drop few Nukes on them, let the radiation deal with that primitive people, they have no place is modern society, Even a religion like Islam couldn't turn them into Humans, they only kill and blow themselves up, and when they are not doing these two things they are r@ping kids.
Give them a break. If the girls want to study, they can learn online. In this modern age they cannot hide from the outside world.

As Victor Hugo has said "Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
Men and women will never be equal.
Feminism has no place in a Muslim country. Let Afghans do what they want, their country their rules.
Is this satire? I really hope I am taking your words out of context, it seems like you don't believe in gender equality and women's rights and see it as a "western imposition". Feminism (1st wave) at the beginning was a universal movement that struck every corner of the world from the US to the Islamic world, what do you think a female's role in society should be?
Is this satire? I really hope I am taking your words out of context, it seems like you don't believe in gender equality and women's rights and see it as a "western imposition". Feminism (1st wave) at the beginning was a universal movement that struck every corner of the world from the US to the Islamic world, what do you think a female's role in society should be?

I look at feminism at today's context.

Out of control.

First wave is long gone.
Nobody claims that men and women are or will be equal. You have to learn the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. Feminists are the first people to acknowledge the difference between the sexes.

Feminists (and most sane people) will advocate that women should get educated - that doesn't mean that men and women are the same.

Feminists (and most sane people) will agree that women must have the right to vote - that doesn't mean that men and women are the same.

Feminists (and most sane people) will agree that women should be allowed to work - that doesn't mean that men and women are the same.

I could go on and on.

You are mixing up women's rights with feminism

I think we all can agree there needs to be womens rights to protect women from abuse, being used, underpaid etc etc

Feminism is a pernicious western ideology that has destroyed the family in the west

No Muslim would tolerate this ideology or it's proponents
Feminism is a pernicious western ideology that has destroyed the family in the west
This, hit nail on the head. In the west the roles in a household for a mother and a father are very confused now, kids growing up don't understand role of dad and role of mum. There is absolutely nothing wrong in a dad helping out at home and a mum working and earning money. The issue is the structure itself is not consistent and its causing many social issues.
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