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Taliban bans university education for Afghan girls


Taliban bans university education for Afghan girls

December 20, 2022

KABUL: The Taliban authorities on Tuesday ordered a nationwide ban on university education for females, as the hardline Islamists continue to crush Afghan women's right to education and freedom.

Despite promising a softer rule when they seized power last year, the Taliban have ratcheted up restrictions on all aspects of women's lives, ignoring international outrage.

"You all are informed to immediately implement the mentioned order of suspending education of females until further notice," said a letter issued to all government and private universities, signed by the Minister for Higher Education, Neda Mohammad Nadeem.

The spokesman for the ministry, Ziaullah Hashimi, who tweeted the letter, confirmed the order in a text message to AFP.

The ban on higher education comes less than three months after thousands of girls and women sat university entrance exams across the country, with many aspiring to choose teaching and medicine as future careers.

After the takeover of the country by the Taliban, universities were forced to implement new rules including gender segregated classrooms and entrances, while women were only permitted to be taught by women professors or old men.

Most teenage girls across the country have already been banned from secondary school education, severely limiting university intake.

The Taliban adheres to an austere version of Islam, with the movement's supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada and his inner circle of Afghan clerics against modern education, particularly for girls and women.

But they are at odds with many officials in Kabul and among their rank and file who had hoped girls would be allied to continue learning following the takeover.

Women have been pushed out of many government jobs -- or are being paid a slashed salary to stay at home. They are also barred from travelling without a male relative, and must cover up outside of the home, ideally with a burqa.

In November they were also prohibited from going to parks, funfairs, gyms and public baths.

In a cruel U-turn, the Taliban in March blocked girls from returning to secondary schools on the morning they were supposed to reopen.

Several Taliban officials say the secondary education ban is only temporary, but they have also wheeled out a litany of excuses for the closure -- from a lack of funds to time needed to remodel the syllabus along Islamic lines.

Since the ban, many teenage girls have been married off early -- often to much older men of their father's choice.

Coupled with economic pressure, several families interviewed by AFP last month said that securing their daughters' future through marriage was better than them setting idle at home.

The international community has made the right to education for all women a sticking point in negotiations over aid and recognition of the Taliban regime.

"The international community has not and will not forget Afghan women and girls," the UN Security Council said in a statement in September.

In the 20 years between the Taliban's two reigns, girls were allowed to go to school and women were able to seek employment in all sectors, though the country remained socially conservative.

What is Islam take on women education? What Islam are they following?
The Western media and NGOs including the UN are not telling the full story. After NATO departed from Afghanistan, they imposed economic blockade on the country. And when the Taliban govt tried to discuss it, they always talk about women's "rights" in Afghanistan.

There seems to be a demand from some powers through the UN that the Taliban shouldn't change the existing education system that was left behind by the NATO-backed regime. There are some schools funded through the UN for women only that those who provide the funds want them to remain as they left and under UN supervision.

The Taliban on their part are saying we struggled for 20 years and won our hard-fought independence through the barrel of the gun and no way that the same powers that we kicked out are going to tell us how we run our country.

Personally, I am in the middle on this issue. the West should quit hiding behind the UN and should release all of the funds from Afghanistan to the new Afghan govt. The Taliban on their part should reform their education system, but should allow the Afghan women to get education.

At the end, the full story behind this new ban was not told by the Western media. The war is over, and the Afghans won despite the high cost. Therefore, the Western govts should quit hiding behind the UN and should quit making difficult for the Afghan people.

p.s., folks, never believe the slogans from Western media. It is from the same people who told us 19 Arabs with box-cutters hijacked those planes and destroyed the World Trade Center, when we can clearly see today that that claim was bogus. Similarly, this story is a plant as well.
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I've come to the conclusion that either the taliban secretly want their women to all die off as a result of zero educated female doctors, OR their cuck's that want their women to be seen by male doctors exclusively.

A majority of the country still has zero access to electricity, where the **** are they gonna get a computer?

People like you just believe what they hear from the mainstream media. The story is much more complex than that. Some powers are using women's "rights" as issue to make difficult this new Afghanistan from finding its feet on the ground. They also want the UN to remain in charge of Afghanistan's education system,

The Taliban on their part are opposed to that and want to fully reform their whole education system. They made it very clear that all education courses must conform to the Sharia law. So if some girls were learning some feminist or gender-specific courses, the Taliban seems to be opposed to it. This story is much more complex than what is reported.

Personally, the Western media and outlets who are making all of this fuzz should stop making difficult for the Afghan people. Let the reforms come from within Afghanistan and not imposed from externally. The Taliban govt themselves should allow their women to get education.
Taliban is following their own pashtun wali culture which ban women to go out let alone get educated.

Pashtuns are not majority, just largest minority. West should have worked to partion Afghanistan along pashtun and non pashtun region. Non-pashtun region of Afghanistan is historically known as Khorasan.


As you can see that in this map. They have their own culture and speak farsi. This is still possible if west provide weapons/fiancing to Tajiks/Hazaras for sole aim of partition and separate statehood. Once world accept Khorasan as separate country then taliban can be pushed back to their pashtun majority areas.

This is how pashtun taliban would have been defeated, instead NATO wasted 2 decades nation building with pashtuns like Karzai and Ghani.

Nonsense. At least 40% of the Afghan population are Pashtuns. And historically, Khosrasan is traced to the Pashtun belt.
Nonsense. At least 40% of the Afghan population are Pashtuns. And historically, Khosrasan is traced to the Pashtun belt.

40% make them largest minority, not majority. And Khorasan is non-pashtun region of Afghanistan. Read some history book or look at Khorasan maps on google.
People like you just believe what they hear from the mainstream media. The story is much more complex than that. Some powers are using women's "rights" as issue to make difficult this new Afghanistan from finding its feet on the ground. They also want the UN to remain in charge of Afghanistan's education system,

The Taliban on their part are opposed to that and want to fully reform their whole education system. They made it very clear that all education courses must conform to the Sharia law. So if some girls were learning some feminist or gender-specific courses, the Taliban seems to be opposed to it. This story is much more complex than what is reported.

Personally, the Western media and outlets who are making all of this fuzz should stop making difficult for the Afghan people. Let the reforms come from within Afghanistan and not imposed from externally. The Taliban govt themselves should allow their women to get education.
Don't open your mouth to me.

I've been following this conflict since day 1, and I won't have a complete dishonest fool tell me what is and isn't going on.

Don't talk about things you know nothing about. You do not know the culture of the region, I do. So shut the **** up, and get the **** out of here with your shit opinion.
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Yo Taliban better luck taking your pregnant wives to Mullah bradars .
Bro thats exactly whats happened in Swat when it was controlled by TTP, so the story is talib boy wife was in labor pain, took her to the hospital but there were only male doctors so talib got angry and demanded female doctor, doctors were like bro you banned them from working and getting education from and now there isnt one available
Bro thats exactly whats happened in Swat when it was controlled by TTP, so the story is talib boy wife was in labor pain, took her to the hospital but there were only male doctors so talib got angry and demanded female doctor, doctors were like bro you banned them from working and getting education from and now there isnt one available

The particular Taliban minister behind this is their minister of Hajj and Religious affairs.
Many in Taliban are against this move and have supported right to women’s education.
This move has no basis in Islam.
It’s common mixing culture with religion and using religion to justify culture which isn’t Islamic.
Pakistan should open up to Afghans who have degrees and education and can contribute to our society. There’s lots of talent in Afghanistan and the more educated the persons is the less likely they will be radicalized. We can use educated ones to help our society if Taliban don’t want to.
People like you just believe what they hear from the mainstream media. The story is much more complex than that. Some powers are using women's "rights" as issue to make difficult this new Afghanistan from finding its feet on the ground. They also want the UN to remain in charge of Afghanistan's education system,

The Taliban on their part are opposed to that and want to fully reform their whole education system. They made it very clear that all education courses must conform to the Sharia law. So if some girls were learning some feminist or gender-specific courses, the Taliban seems to be opposed to it. This story is much more complex than what is reported.

Personally, the Western media and outlets who are making all of this fuzz should stop making difficult for the Afghan people. Let the reforms come from within Afghanistan and not imposed from externally. The Taliban govt themselves should allow their women to get education.

It is illogical to ban girls from getting education no matter what mainstream media says or Western governments do. These Afghan clerics with two inch of facial hair lack common sense.
What is Islam take on women education? What Islam are they following?
First word revealed in the Quran is Iqra which means to Read/Recite. It is incumbent upon male and female to acquire knowledge.
"The first word of the Holy Quran that was revealed, ‘Read’, (Iqra’ ْٱقْرَأ ) (Quran: 96:1), brought the command to read ahead of any other religious command."
Just glass the Kabul palace or wherever these shit-stains are hiding. Even the arabs are face-palming hard at them. Saudia, the birthplace of Islam is modernizing and these pea brains think they know better. **** em with a cruise missle.
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