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Support change in Iran. Support Maryam Rajavi!

No, they do not. Their "history" started and ended with Ottomans. Ataturk erased Ottoman history and wanted to make new history by appealing to race and language, creating a "modern" European nation (that is why Kurds were never truly looked upon as Turkish, a country named after a race and language).
Ottoman Empire was already called Turkey when the state had borders with Vienna.

Bro I understand with all due respect.

I talk about his race his origin. as long as he is Sayed Hashemi he is Arab.

Every person with tag of ( Sayed ) then he belong to the prophet family PBUT.

Absolutely brother race is not important at all, but you have a root to the prophet family that's the honor in this life and the after life.And that's why we shiite call them with honor as Sayed which means Noble man.
Iranians think they are Aryan (white race) while they look Indian and they come here in this thread and talk about racism and discrimination. :lol: Today's Iranians are mish-mash of people ruled by farsi extremists. That is why I'm advocate that Azeri in Iran follow Aliyev's model. They need to let go of the baggage and pulls them down and rise with the leadership of Aliyev.
Iranians think they are Aryan (white race) while they look Indian and they come here in this thread and talk about racism and discrimination. :lol: Today's Iranians are mish-mash of people ruled by farsi extremists. That is why I'm advocate that Azeri in Iran follow Aliyev's model. They need to let go of the baggage and pulls them down and rise with the leadership of Aliyev.

First of all, we don't think we are white race. When we say Aryan, that is not the same as what the Germans mean as Aryans.
Secondly, I don't think it is insulting to us to say we look like Indians. So what? I'm not embarrassed by that.
However, Iranians don't all look the same. Iranians to the north have fairer skin, Iranians to the south have darker skin. Whatever their skin, they are Iranians.
Thirdly, I also don't care if you say we are mish-mash of people. We have always been a mish-mash of people. We are not ashamed of that. We are proud of it because it means every ethnicity can live in Iran Zamin.

Fourth you say farsi extremists, but (a) they are not ALL farsis (b) they are not extremists

Finally, the shame is on you for attempting to create discontent in Iran, by first advertising Rajavi and then encouraging others to rise and create disharmony.

It is saddening that in recent years, Turkey seems to have forgotten its Zero Problems foreign policy.

Personally, even with all these insults from you against my people, I know not all Turks are like you. I've visited Turkey three times and all three times I have very good memories.
First of all, we don't think we are white race. When we say Aryan, that is not the same as what the Germans mean as Aryans.
Secondly, I don't think it is insulting to us to say we look like Indians. So what? I'm not embarrassed by that.
However, Iranians don't all look the same. Iranians to the north have fairer skin, Iranians to the south have darker skin. Whatever their skin, they are Iranians.
Thirdly, I also don't care if you say we are mish-mash of people. We have always been a mish-mash of people. We are not ashamed of that. We are proud of it because it means every ethnicity can live in Iran Zamin.

Fourth you say farsi extremists, but (a) they are not ALL farsis (b) they are not extremists

Finally, the shame is on you for attempting to create discontent in Iran, by first advertising Rajavi and then encouraging others to rise and create disharmony.

It is saddening that in recent years, Turkey seems to have forgotten its Zero Problems foreign policy.

Personally, even with all these insults from you against my people, I know not all Turks are like you. I've visited Turkey three times and all three times I have very good memories.
If you notice I was responding to Mullah extremists who say they are Aryan, white and superior, not to regular Iranians who want to introduce democracy and equality in Iran. With the current Mullah regime it is impossible to say there is equality, fair elections, human and minority rights. If you say that, nobody will take you serious here.
No nation at the moment is perfect. Iran has its share of problems, but so do other nations in world, specially in our region. I don't think you can pretend that Iran has problems, while Turkey is heaven.
I am turk and shia and iranian. i don t let anyone take them from me. i respect turkey and north azerbaijan and other turk country .because i am azeri .in iran azeris have many problems for example learning our mother language. but we dont traitor to our country. we turks build this country and fight to defend it. we take our rights peacfuly and live in iran. in iran some of fars we call them panfars think iran just only persians (fars) and hate turkes(azeri and turkmens) and arabs. they are fashistUnfortunately many fars among them. but not the total of fars are fashist . my english is so bad sorry for that.
I am turk and shia and iranian. i don t let anyone take them from me. i respect turkey and north azerbaijan and other turk country .because i am azeri .in iran azeris have many problems for example learning our mother language. but we dont traitor to our country. we turks build this country and fight to defend it. we take our rights peacfuly and live in iran. in iran some of fars we call them panfars think iran just only persians (fars) and hate turkes(azeri and turkmens) and arabs. they are fashistUnfortunately many fars among them. but not the total of fars are fashist . my english is so bad sorry for that.
Can you write that in Azeri language to prove you are Azeri? I get the feeling you are another sock-puppet account of Hamam :lol:
Some few points:
1. @Malik Alashter Seyeds in Iran, consider themselves as family and descendants of prophet, but they don't consider themselves as arabs. ;)
2. Iranians and Turkish members are free to troll each other, but I'll prefer if you don't drag Azerbaijani's name or Aliyevs or safavids into your discussions.
3. @azərbaycan türk Welcome to the forum. At first, I thought that you are double account of one of Turkish members. Sorry if that's not the case. In general, the first questions that other members will ask you, is going to be about "can you speak Azeri/Farsi/Turkish?!" BTW, are you Iranian Azeri? which city you are coming from?
@Ostad I guess we are having a new comrade :lol:
i can write azeri almost with arabi script and even latin (azeri). i live in tabriz . if you dont belife i am azeri lets write azeri. you begin .

i can speak farsi and azeri and a little turkish . i live in east azerbaijan province and tabriz is may city.
First of all, we don't think we are white race. When we say Aryan, that is not the same as what the Germans mean as Aryans.
Secondly, I don't think it is insulting to us to say we look like Indians. So what? I'm not embarrassed by that.
However, Iranians don't all look the same. Iranians to the north have fairer skin, Iranians to the south have darker skin. Whatever their skin, they are Iranians.
Thirdly, I also don't care if you say we are mish-mash of people. We have always been a mish-mash of people. We are not ashamed of that. We are proud of it because it means every ethnicity can live in Iran Zamin.

Fourth you say farsi extremists, but (a) they are not ALL farsis (b) they are not extremists

Finally, the shame is on you for attempting to create discontent in Iran, by first advertising Rajavi and then encouraging others to rise and create disharmony.

It is saddening that in recent years, Turkey seems to have forgotten its Zero Problems foreign policy.

Personally, even with all these insults from you against my people, I know not all Turks are like you. I've visited Turkey three times and all three times I have very good memories.
i can write azeri almost with arabi script and even latin (azeri). i live in tabriz . if you dont belife i am azeri lets write azeri. you begin .

i can speak farsi and azeri and a little turkish . i live in east azerbaijan province and tabriz is may city.

OK, I did not say that you are not Azeri, or Iranian, ... and I am no teacher and I am in no place to ask others to take different languages exams!!! I just wanted to give you heads up about what some Turkish and Iranian members are going to ask from you ;) So, don't be insulted. ;)
Anyway, enjoy your stay in the forum. Currently there are some trolling between some members from Turkey and Iran, but it's not always like this ;)
I am not from Tabriz, but I have seen tabriz for many times. You have a clean, neat city. Also, there are interesting places to visit like Clock Tower, El-Gölü, ...
ata wolf think i am not azeri and i just want to prove i am azeri and say to him for write quastion to azeri and i answer that. i thank you. i hope one day come to tabriz again.

are you from north azerbaijan ?which city ?
Atawolf just stop it that women is crazy and if she would be Turkish you would have wanted her to go to jail.....
While there are of course problems in Iran i wouldnt wish a person like her to my worst enemies....
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Iran's current Supreme leader is also Azeri.

I am sure, by the end of this century, you will start calling him your forefather too.

You do not have a history, therefore you have to borrow from Iran's. This is what history-less people do all the time. Borrowing from Great Civilizations.

But it would not make you great.

just because his mother is Azeri does not make him an Azeri
he doesn't speak the language or even recognizes himself as being an Azeri.

and if you think Turkey has no history than you need to read a few books.
I am turk and shia and iranian. i don t let anyone take them from me. i respect turkey and north azerbaijan and other turk country .because i am azeri .in iran azeris have many problems for example learning our mother language. but we dont traitor to our country. we turks build this country and fight to defend it. we take our rights peacfuly and live in iran. in iran some of fars we call them panfars think iran just only persians (fars) and hate turkes(azeri and turkmens) and arabs. they are fashistUnfortunately many fars among them. but not the total of fars are fashist . my english is so bad sorry for that.

Judging by your tone, being a Shia must be more important than being a Turk for you. In any case speaking up for your rigths would not make you a traitor. Sometimes you just gotta fight for your rights. That's how it is...

Senden önce Azeri Türkü gibi davranan çok fazla Fars oldu bu forumda. O nedenle Türk olduğunu söyleyen Iranlılara karşı bir şüphe oluyor...
ata wolf think i am not azeri and i just want to prove i am azeri and say to him for write quastion to azeri and i answer that. i thank you. i hope one day come to tabriz again.

are you from north azerbaijan ?which city ?

From both North(somewhere close to Gence) and South(Qajar roots lived in Tehran), and lived in Tehran for 10+ years, and I'm currently living in USA. I can fluently speak in farsi ;) My farsi keyboard typing is no good though, so I type in fingilish instead. I understand some Azerbaijani, but cannot speak it(except for simple sentences and some anecdotes and such things) hopefully, latinized Azeri keyboard is not difficult, and I learnt it quickly. Sometimes I even use it for typing farsi!!! it's good because it has separate keys for "a" and "ə"(hence less confusion in typing finglish), and ...
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