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Support change in Iran. Support Maryam Rajavi!

If we were sure that @atatwolf is decent, then we'd give decent actions.

It's like me opening a thread about the most notorious pkk terrorist saying support change in Turkey! Support Mr. X.

I certainly wouldn't expect decent answers. When people open threads, they should do a background check. But considering @atatwolf history with Iran (day dreaming everyday about Iran getting bombed to oblivion), nah, I don't think anyone can come up with a decent answer. Anyway, good answers were given nonetheless, in second page and after that about nature of this terrorist.
No, I don't want Iran to be bombed to oblivion but I'm underlining what awaits Iran if they keep pushing other countries in the corner with terrorism funding and sending death squads to other countries. Iran openly threatened to attack Turkey, Azerbaijan and other neighbors so I don't get why you are so surprised some (all) of your neighbors are so hostile towards you.

I support no terrorist organization in Iran but I support democracy which means anti-Mullah. Knowing you are Mullah supporter and supporter of Assad who killed 250k of its people in Syria you cannot come here and claim the moral high ground that you like to take in each thread. :lol:

To be able to claim the moral high ground that I notice you try to take in every single thread you have to have a clean sheet yourself. You can sh1ttalk day and night about Turkey but you have a long way to come on our level of civilization. If I start to list all the crimes the Mullah's committed in this thread, this thread will get 20 pages. I like to remind you that Iran is listed as a terrorist country. Recently there was an US report that said Iran is the n1 terror sponsoring country in the world. I'm very sorry that I'm not a fan of this country. I don't have anything against Iranians who are the victim of this regime too.
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One more cluster f... thread.. Man, when will the Turks and Iranians of this forum get along without taking jabs at each other? The lady mentioned, Maryam Rajavi, might have conducted bad acts, so instead of bombarding the first page of the thread with emoticons try to be decent and explain her wrongdoings. Happy foruming (yeah, I invented it :D) to all of you guys and gals.

I personally took the effort to post information about MEK using non-iranian sources (I used BBC). Other posters did the same. However, Turkish posters were not interested as the aim of this thread is not to have decent discussions but to troll Iranians.
I personally took the effort to post information about MEK using non-iranian sources (I used BBC). Other posters did the same. However, Turkish posters were not interested as the aim of this thread is not to have decent discussions but to troll Iranians.

Appreciate your efforts. It's not about this thread only. I just want to solve the notorious trolling problem between us. We might not love each other, but that shouldn't hinder us from respecting each other. I really don't give a flying phuck about this forum, no bad intention, just want the more active members contribute rather than engage in childish arguments.
Appreciate your efforts. It's not about this thread only. I just want to solve the notorious trolling problem between us. We might not love each other, but that shouldn't hinder us from respecting each other. I really don't give a flying phuck about this forum, no bad intention, just want the more active members contribute rather than engage in childish arguments.

I agree. I'm new to this forum and didn't know we were supposed to hate each other so much until I came to this website!

I always thought Turks and Iranians liked each other.
ata wolf mənə türkiyə dilinə yazmaq çox çətinde çünki onun bir seri lüğətlərin bilmiram. ama azerinin latin yazmağın bilirəm ona görə mənə azəri yaz. mən qüzey azərbaycanın ləhcəsin elə bilmiram ona görə təbriz ləhcəsinə yazıram. bilməsən rmi5 bizim ləhcəni başarır. ondan kömək istə.
I agree. I'm new to this forum and didn't know we were supposed to hate each other so much until I came to this website!

I always thought Turks and Iranians liked each other.
In real life Turks and Iranians dont have any problems at all.
But since this is a military forum its quite full of patriots/nationalists who need to show their countries domination......
In real life Turks and Iranians dont have any problems at all.
But since this is a military forum its quite full of patriots/nationalists who need to show their countries domination......
30 percent up to 40 percent of iran is turk( azeri .qashqai .turkmen .and saljuq turks .khorasan turks.and afshar turks) . r . we turks in iran live with fars(for example tehran) and kurds(west azebaijan) and other people . we have no problem with them . but we have some problems in our rights.these problems are not only for turks . for example in iran other people whose language is not farsi ( most people of iran) cant learn their mother language in schools and educated their mother language.
There is no way I can convince you so you are free to think what you like. However, since this thread is by a Turkish citizen promoting Maryam Rajavi, I know its not a discussion that can be had with logic and honesty anyway, since the purpose is just to troll Iranians.

I'd like to think of myself as an open minded person. So feel free to share the examples, if there is any, showing Iranians forcing a political change simply by protesting without getting crushed by the regime.

I am not well informed about this Maryam character nor about her organization. So I can't tell the intentions behind the thread.
I'd like to think of myself as an open minded person. So feel free to share the examples, if there is any, showing Iranians forcing a political change simply by protesting without getting crushed by the regime.

I am not well informed about this Maryam character nor about her organization. So I can't tell the intentions behind the thread.
It seems more like a smear campaign than anything else. I did a quick research and she supports woman rights, stopping of fundamentalism in Iran and democratic change. Nothing wrong with that compared to what the Mullah are doing. She is one of the few voices that supports this with risks of loosing her life. By the way, she written a good book about women rights in Iran:

RESPECTED Turkish, Iranian and Arab.... erm BROTHERs

I have put a challenge for myself to find at least one member from your respected countries who can speak with respect without using expletives, is not genocidal in his debate when talking AT other nationalities he doesn't like.

most of all he has substance not just rhetoric (which is no doubt in abundance) and has a good knowledge base to contribute. I am told that its a lost cause but we live in hope.

so my MUSLIM brothers. will anyone of you be that person or would I have to loose you because of your chronic propensity to demonise , mock and hate your rival sect, faith, ethnicity and nationality?
I'd like to think of myself as an open minded person. So feel free to share the examples, if there is any, showing Iranians forcing a political change simply by protesting without getting crushed by the regime.

I am not well informed about this Maryam character nor about her organization. So I can't tell the intentions behind the thread.

Maryam and MEK have been involved in assassinating Iranian politicians after the revolution. After that, they joined Saddam Hussein and helped him attack Iran. These two main facts make MEK hated in Iran because most, even if anti-government, respect the Iranian soldiers who died defending Iran against Iraq so they hate an organization that was willing to kill their own countrymen just to get power.

There are many other reasons, such as their cult-like behavior, but the above should be enough for now.

So, on to next question. Depends on what we mean by political change. If a group wants to undermine the whole institution, then rarely will a country tolerate it, specially countries like Iran who have many outside enemies and stability is important for an nation

If the protests is aimed at something specific, a government policy, female rights, etc, then usually it is tolerated. But if it is "DOWN WITH THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC" then it is doubtful the government will throw down a red carpet for them. But that's the same everywhere, if protests asks for Al Said or Al Khalifa to step down and change the whole government, I doubt it will be tolerated. If in Turkey, protests call to overthrow the government of Turkish secularism, then would authorities ignore it?

We shouldn't use protests as a stick to hit other governments with. In last few years, we have seen government clampdown on protests from most governments, whether Iran or Turkey or even USA.

There can be other questions asked. Can Iranians influence relative change in their country? Yes, they can vote for their President, their city council, members of majlis, and guardian council. Does this mean that any group can do or say or act however they want in Iran? No, of course not. Whether this is fair or not fair, it is at least not unique to Iran.

Thanks for allowing me to explain.
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Maryam and MEK have been involved in assassinating Iranian politicians after the revolution. After that, they joined Saddam Hussein and helped him attack Iran. These two main facts make MEK hated in Iran because most, even if anti-government, respect the Iranian soldiers who died defending Iran against Iraq so they hate an organization that was willing to kill their own countrymen just to get power.

There are many other reasons, such as their cult-like behaviour, but the above should be enough for now.
is this group also involved in the assassinations of Iranian nuclear engineers and scientists? or were the Balochis/ Jundullah employed by Israeli and American intelligence?

since the news of the possible nuclear deal is out . Israel is making the loudest noises once again for excuses to attack Iran and then there is the issue of access to the nuclear installations where once again Iranian scientists and engineers will be "marked" by the supposed UN inspectors for assassinations

tell you what I really feel sorry for your scientists our Dr Qadir should count himself lucky that our army since Musharraf protected him otherwise his behaviour before and after his removal made him a big target for assassination by Israelis
is this group also involved in the assassinations of Iranian nuclear engineers and scientists? or were the Balochis/ Jundullah employed by Israeli and American intelligence?

I dont think the Jundullah were involved in assassinations of scientists. Generally, they used to attack the army or soldiers, and mostly in the borders, not in Tehran.

The assassinations of the scientists were possibly a collaboration of Mossad & MEK.
Maryam and MEK have been involved in assassinating Iranian politicians after the revolution. After that, they joined Saddam Hussein and helped him attack Iran. These two main facts make MEK hated in Iran because most, even if anti-government, respect the Iranian soldiers who died defending Iran against Iraq so they hate an organization that was willing to kill their own countrymen just to get power.

There are many other reasons, such as their cult-like behavior, but the above should be enough for now.

Thanks for the info. I certainly will read more about them.

So, on to next question. Depends on what we mean by political change. If a group wants to undermine the whole institution, then rarely will a country tolerate it, specially countries like Iran who have many outside enemies and stability is important for an nation

You mean constitution? People (mostly Kurds and sometimes Islamists) have always been protesting against the constitution of Turkey. Even more so in Europe and US. So not everything is black and white as you think.

If the protests is aimed at something specific, a government policy, female rights, etc, then usually it is tolerated. But if it is "DOWN WITH THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC" then it is doubtful the government will throw down a red carpet for them. But that's the same everywhere, if protests asks for Al Said or Al Khalifa to step down and change the whole government, I doubt it will be tolerated. If in Turkey, protests call to overthrow the government of Turkish secularism, then would authorities ignore it?

As long as the protests are peaceful, any political demand should be tolerated. That's how it is in Europe. In Turkey, if you protest against the government you will usually inhale lots of tear gas; you will taste water cannon and at worst you will be intentionally shot with a tear gas canister by a psychopath cop. Iran on the other hand is a completely different story. It cannot even be compared with Turkey, let alone with Europe. As I said, even the most innocent protests are being brutally silenced by the regime. If you dare to challange the theocracy, you will most probably be executed on the spot. And the leftovers will be hunted down and will face torture before execution.

We shouldn't use protests as a stick to hit other governments with. In last few years, we have seen government clampdown on protests from most governments, whether Iran or Turkey or even USA.

So no, you can't count Iran among countries like Turkey or US.
ata wolf mənə türkiyə dilinə yazmaq çox çətinde çünki onun bir seri lüğətlərin bilmiram. ama azerinin latin yazmağın bilirəm ona görə mənə azəri yaz. mən qüzey azərbaycanın ləhcəsin elə bilmiram ona görə təbriz ləhcəsinə yazıram. bilməsən rmi5 bizim ləhcəni başarır. ondan kömək istə.

Hoş geldin kardeşim :yahoo:

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