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Support change in Iran. Support Maryam Rajavi!

I think Khameini's father is azari and he speaks azari, but he, like most of 80 million Iranians, consider themselves first and foremost as Irani.

Anyway, in this thread, we didn't start by trolling turkey. They started this thread with the whole purpose of being offensive to Iranians and no matter how much we said no one likes MEK organization, they still wanted to troll us, which I think is a shameful attitude.

In turn, I don't think we need to troll Turkey posters back. I think Turkey and Iran have very close cultural relationship, and I don't think there is be an increasing gap.
Judging by your tone, being a Shia must be more important than being a Turk for you. In any case speaking up for your rigths would not make you a traitor. Sometimes you just gotta fight for your rights. That's how it is...

Senden önce Azeri Türkü gibi davranan çok fazla Fars oldu bu forumda. O nedenle Türk olduğunu söyleyen Iranlılara karşı bir şüphe oluyor...

Not all people are lunatics about race, blood and DNA. We are all humans.

ata wolf think i am not azeri and i just want to prove i am azeri and say to him for write quastion to azeri and i answer that. i thank you. i hope one day come to tabriz again.

are you from north azerbaijan ?which city ?

Forum xoş gəlmisiniz (hope that's right).
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I think Khameini's father is azari and he speaks azari, but he, like most of 80 million Iranians, consider themselves first and foremost as Irani.

Anyway, in this thread, we didn't start by trolling turkey. They started this thread with the whole purpose of being offensive to Iranians and no matter how much we said no one likes MEK organization, they still wanted to troll us, which I think is a shameful attitude.

In turn, I don't think we need to troll Turkey posters back. I think Turkey and Iran have very close cultural relationship, and I don't think there is be an increasing gap.
Well Oghuz/Karluk Turkics have huge Persian/Iranian influence so that is certainly true
Anyone in Iran is Iranian. If any group ia mistreated, then efforts should be made to make their lives better as long as they don't try to entice hate, disloyalty, disunity, and try to separate themselves from being Iranians.

First, we are must be Iranians than shias or Sunnis or christian orn azari or Farsi or bandari or dark skin or light skin.

Well Oghuz/Karluk Turkics have huge Persian/Iranian influence so that is certainly true

We all in the region have greatly influenced each other from turkey to Arabs to Pakistan and Afghanistan and it gets on my nerves that while Europeans have moved closer in last 60 years, we in Asia keep trying to see who has the biggest dick.
Why would considering nationality to be more significant than sect makes one a lunatic?
You said Turk and not nationality. The member you mentioned is Iranian. You told him:
Judging by your tone, being a Shia must be more important than being a Turk for you.
So you clearly didn't mention nationality. One may be proud in being a Turk, but there is no problem if one's religion is more important than ethnicity.

just because his mother is Azeri does not make him an Azeri
he doesn't speak the language or even recognizes himself as being an Azeri.[/QUO

Yes he can speak, it may not be very perfect, but you only have to be Turk/half Turk in Iran to speak like that.

Anyone in Iran is Iranian. If any group ia mistreated, then efforts should be made to make their lives better as long as they don't try to entice hate, disloyalty, disunity, and try to separate themselves from being Iranians.

Since pretty much every effort towards that end regardless of how peaceful they are, are being labaled as a promotion of hatred, disloyalty, disunity in Iran, and used as an excuse to brutally oppress even the slightest piece of opposition, there isn't much space to move really. The options to make the lives of Iranians better are very limited. But sooner or later, they will be used as a last resort.

So you clearly didn't mention nationality. One may be proud in being a Turk, but there is no problem if one's religion is more important than ethnicity.

And I don't remember saying there is a problem if one's religion comes first. Seeing things again Serpentine? Accusing people with being racist lunatics out of the blue and shit... :disagree:

What is your understanding of nationality by the way?
Atawolf just stop it that women is crazy and if she would be Turkish you would have wanted her to go to jail.....
While there are of course problems in Iran i wouldnt wish a person like her to my worst enemies....
She asks for higher human rights, women rights and she wants the stopping of Iranian aggression in the region. I don't think she derserves to be in prison. Her sister got murdered by the mullah. Did the mullah get their punishment for this along with the countless other crimes the mullah committed and are committing?
ata wolf think i am not azeri and i just want to prove i am azeri and say to him for write quastion to azeri and i answer that. i thank you. i hope one day come to tabriz again.

are you from north azerbaijan ?which city ?
Can you translate the first three sentences in Azeri??
And I don't remember saying there is a problem if one's religion comes first. Seeing things again Serpentine? Accusing people with being racist lunatics out of the blue and shit... :disagree:
What is your understanding of nationality by the way?

I didn't call you a lunatic! I think this is a misunderstanding. I meant not all people are crazy about their race. Honestly what I first understood from your post was that you didn't like the idea that being a Shia is more important to him than being Turk.

If you think I'm wrong, then I can apologize for misunderstanding.

My understanding of nationality is the flag you are loyal to first and foremost, regardless of blood running in your vein. E.g one maybe an Iranian in origin, but be loyal to country X, I consider him as a citizen of that country and not Iran.
1. @Malik Alashter Seyeds in Iran, consider themselves as family and descendants of prophet, but they don't consider themselves as arabs. ;)
Ok, they are free to consider themselves not Arab, but reality is that as long as they are descendents of the prophet's family then they are in origin Arab other wise the prophet and his family aren't persian neither turk.

Just like here people they say we are american ok but you came from Europe then your origin is Europe. Ok respecting this reality isn't going to make you loose your right where you live.
Since pretty much every effort towards that end regardless of how peaceful they are, are being labaled as a promotion of hatred, disloyalty, disunity in Iran, and used as an excuse to brutally oppress even the slightest piece of opposition, there isn't much space to move really. The options to make the lives of Iranians better are very limited. But sooner or later, they will be used as a last resort.

There is no way I can convince you so you are free to think what you like. However, since this thread is by a Turkish citizen promoting Maryam Rajavi, I know its not a discussion that can be had with logic and honesty anyway, since the purpose is just to troll Iranians.
One more cluster f... thread.. Man, when will the Turks and Iranians of this forum get along without taking jabs at each other? The lady mentioned, Maryam Rajavi, might have conducted bad acts, so instead of bombarding the first page of the thread with emoticons try to be decent and explain her wrongdoings. Happy foruming (yeah, I invented it :D) to all of you guys and gals.
One more cluster f... thread.. Man, when will the Turks and Iranians of this forum get along without taking jabs at each other? The lady mentioned, Maryam Rajavi, might have conducted bad acts, so instead of bombarding the first page of the thread with emoticons try to be decent and explain her wrongdoings. Happy foruming (yeah, I invented it :D) to all of you guys and gals.
If we were sure that @atatwolf is decent, then we'd give decent actions.

It's like me opening a thread about the most notorious pkk terrorist saying support change in Turkey! Support Mr. X.

I certainly wouldn't expect decent answers. When people open threads, they should do a background check. But considering @atatwolf history with Iran (day dreaming everyday about Iran getting bombed to oblivion), nah, I don't think anyone can come up with a decent answer. Anyway, good answers were given nonetheless, in second page and after that about nature of this terrorist.
If we were sure that @atatwolf is decent, then we'd give decent actions.

It's like me opening a thread about the most notorious pkk terrorist saying support change in Turkey! Support Mr. X.

I certainly wouldn't expect decent answers. When people open threads, they should do a background check. But considering @atatwolf history with Iran (day dreaming everyday about Iran getting bombed to oblivion), nah, I don't think anyone can come up with a decent answer. Anyway, good answers were given nonetheless, in second page and after that about nature of this terrorist.

I surely understand your thinking here. Wouldn't put the blame solely on Atawolf or someone else. The "rivalry", or what you want to call it, between us hinders real forum aura to shine. Pissing contest 24/7, my history beats yours and so on is really annoying, It's like a punchbag, nothing comes out of it. Someone should make these two sides start act decent or completely isolate these two groups.

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