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‘Suicide bombing’ in Ahmadi mosque in Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Change the record man - every time a dog barks you blame AL.

You are devaluing your voice, next time AL really does something wrong what is your view going to be worth?

We have a massive hidden problem with radicals in Bd. Are you wilfully ignoring the British citizens repeatedly caught recruiting and financing terror? How many do you think are undiscovered? Be a decent citizen and be sincere in dealing with your country's problems.

Read these:

Briton arrested in Bangladesh ‘confessed to recruiting’ for Isis | World news | The Guardian

Who is behind the Bangladesh killings? - BBC News
So, I guess we are to overlook the fact that terrorism gets a foothold at Bangladesh every time AL comes to power. They hold multiple citizenship not just Bangladeshi citizenship. Their radicalization process started when they went to Europe. It's a lot like if I sell you a car and you crash that car, it's not my fault that you crashed it.
So, I guess we are to overlook the fact that terrorism gets a foothold at Bangladesh every time AL comes to power. They hold multiple citizenship not just Bangladeshi citizenship. Their radicalization process started when they went to Europe. It's a lot like if I sell you a car and you crash that car, it's not my fault that you crashed it.

I agree radicalisation starts in Europe, the funding and the ideology comes from there too. But European extremists are funding problems all over the Muslim world not just Bd, so playing the political blame game is a shameful exercise. You are justifying these acts by blaming the govt, like we deserve terrorism.
I agree radicalisation starts in Europe, the funding and the ideology comes from there too. But European extremists are funding problems all over the Muslim world not just Bd, so playing the political blame game is a shameful exercise. You are justifying these acts by blaming the govt, like we deserve terrorism.
There is no political blame game. Under AL, the law enforcement and justice system are a sham and they are putting their puppets at high level positions there so that they can get away with anything. Thus not only terrorism but also crimes have increased significantly in Bangladesh. This is what happens when you put a puppet dictator at power.
When was the law enforcement and justice system anything but a sham?
These are old accusations trotted out for every government - the same can be said of any country in South Asia and will be just as true. This is an inherent social problem that will take a long time to solve.

But your mistake is to mix this and terrorism together. In the rest of Asia, when terrorists strike, people really against the terrorist. We are the ones who blame everyone but the terrorist.
terrorism has increased under the AL admin nothing is working
Sorry buddy, in my books if a terrorist doesn't like the government, it means the govt is doing something right!
Only the suicide bomber died, but the fear is still present. And there's also the condition of the people injured.
i am not going to argue with you , you think you are smartest person of all of us but i think you are the dumba$$ person in PDF.
THIS IMEG WILL HELP YOU TO UNDERSTAND THE BIGGER CONSEPT of this bullshit so called religious war.View attachment 282973

first, behave n don,t indulge in name calling!
second when you can,t comprehend simple things, it's not my fault
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