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Srinagar scandal: Rights activists call for mass graves probe


Nov 3, 2013
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Indian police patrol on a street in Srinagar on February 10, 2013. PHOTO: AFP

Indian human rights activists on Monday renewed an appeal for an international inquiry into reports of mass graves in Indian-administered Kashmir, rebuffing claims by Srinagar’s police chief that there were none.

“By claiming that there are no mass graves in [Indian-administered] Kashmir, the authorities are trying to whitewash their crimes,” Gautam Navlakha told Kashmir News Service (KNS) in an interview.

Earlier, Srinagar police director general Ashok Prasad questioned the veracity of reports of mass graves in Kashmir.

“Mass graves and unmarked graves … which are common in Kashmir … are two distinct things. To the best of my knowledge, six infiltrators from the other side of the border are buried in the largest mass grave [in Kashmir],” he said, adding, “This is an effort to create an issue out of nothing and bring other players into the game.”


Navlakha, however, estimated that there were more than 6,700 mass graves in Indian-administered Kashmir.

“This is a crazy state of affairs… [the authorities] are trying to nullify the truth,” he said, adding that the chief minister of Indian-administered Kashmir had himself admitted there were mass graves in the region.

He accused the Indian authorities of trying to distance themselves from the issue by stating they lacked the forensic facilities to probe the matter and urged the international communityto intervene and uncover the truth about mass graves.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 24th, 2013.
Srinagar scandal: Rights activists call for mass graves probe – The Express Tribune
Actually more land should be allotted for dead bodies of Infiltrators....

Not all graves are of the "infiltrators"
Who cares??,any anti Indian deserves this kind of treatment.....
usually when such an issue comes up the usual justification given is the treatment of kashmiri pandits.
This is a nice way of saying, " carry on with the atrocities."

One cannot justify violence. If Kashmiri pandit issue is brought up again and again, this is just playing with history.
What about the people displaced by loharas, the other local kingdoms, the mauryan and the kushan dynasties?
How far should one go in the past?

Kashmiris(mostly muslims) are facing atrocities from all sides be it some militants or the indian military forces.
Does questioning army qualifies?
No,those people who cry about atrocities by Indian army should also protest for Kashmiri pandits and militants supported by Pakistan otherwise they will not be taken seriously.....
No,those people who cry about atrocities by Indian army should also protest for Kashmiri pandits and militants supported by Pakistan otherwise they will not be taken seriously.....

So to question the army one first need to sympathize with Kashmir Pundits and denounce Pakistan,am i correct?
Jholdawadi strikes again!

If I remember correctly, this Navlakha guy was a regular guest of Mr Fai, the ISI agent in America. I don't understand why the Indian government allows such traitorous scum to breathe, let alone write vitriol against India.
Then there were people like Rita Manchanda, local partner of the India/Pakistan Women Waging Peace movement, Ved Bhasin, Editor of Kashmir Times, Gautam Navlakha, Kamal Chenoy and Praful Bidwai, rights activists and writers.

But have Indian liberals learned anything from their embarrassing association with Fai? It does not appear so. Some 53 of them, in fact, wrote a letter asking the US court which convicted Fai to show him leniency. Among the writers were Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, Ved Bhasin and Gautam Navlakha. While Rajmohan Gandhi is a peacenik in the Gandhi mould, the US attorney who sought Fai’s sentencing, in fact, suggested that Navlakha was “introduced to an ISI general for recruitment by Fai at ISI's direction." (Read this and this) Navlakha has, of course, rubbished this, but his views on Kashmir are clearly unbalanced against India.

In fact, he only thought it was “politically unwise” of Fai for having taken ISI money and did not need to “feign personal hurt or anger” at Fai on this count. He went further, and claimed that the US law enforcement authorities had “magnified” the “crime that Fai sahib committed” by not disclosing where he got his money.

He complimented Fai for doing “marvelous and effective lobbying” on the $3.5 million he received from the ISI. Says Navlakha: “Put it another way, Fai Sahib used the limited resources to good use.” To rub it in, Navlakha even goes on to suggest that Fai may have been “set up by US agencies or done in at the behest of India…”. (Read his whole statement here). Navlakha is no liberal. He is just wedded to the mob financed by the ISI. One hopes the other liberals who wanted spared Fai are not in the same boat. At the very least, they must look at the colour of the money they accept so willingly.

Read more at: Have Indian liberals learnt anything from Fai’s conviction? | Firstpost

no need to quote an anti muslim blog for this news. it was a big issue when it started.

These incidents do happen in india and in south asia unfortunately. All muslims involved should have been hanged in public, but has it occurred to the geniuses that kashmir is the most militarized zone on the planet?

Could this also be a reason for the frequent tension?

The indian army is fighting an islamic insurgency, they look upon every muslim as a suspect. This automatically destroys the fabric. It would have the same affects on hindus or any other community.

The longer the military stays there, problems would continue and it would be child's play for india's enemies to keep the pot boiling.

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