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Some Myths About India

Jambalaya, Cajun cooking, Jazz, Blues, Rock and Roll have always been superbly popular with white America.

Fat lot of good it did the African-Americans throughout most of the twentieth century...

Buddy you have a serious chip on your shoulder man if you think we think of muslims as cooks and mechanics only, and equate them/yourself to the blacks in the US.

The blacks were slaves in the US brought from another continent to serve their white masters and just the last century got a semblence of equality in society and in the eyes of the state.

When were muslims ever slaves in India? Go read up on your monocular history before coming here to try and debate.

Cheers, Doc
What is the point of opening this thread? The usual slander used against Indians will continue to be used by trolls. "Educating" them about the "mythis" is not going to change anything, so wonder why you are wasting your time trying to explain yourself to these people. It stinks of inferiority complex which I do not like.
I agree. And its not like any Pakistani is under any illusion of the truth and the facts when he baits an Indian with any of the so called "misconceptions."

Cheers, Doc
What is the point of opening this thread? The usual slander used against Indians will continue to be used by trolls. "Educating" them about the "mythis" is not going to change anything, so wonder why you are wasting your time trying to explain yourself to these people. It stinks of inferiority complex which I do not like.

the main intention was to make the people understand to change the perception about each other.
Nothing about inferiority complex some day or the other we will have to sort out the differences. Someday we will have to stop trolling. lets try and step forward ... lets see what do we have across the border. Are they ready to understand the things or wanna continue trolling.... :taz:
Point no 2: At the period of time no Afro American was the president as APJ Abdul Kalam. At the same level noone was Azim Premji of wipro. If it was so dont you think organizations like Infosys and TCS would have got an added advantage as they belong to Hindus. Was it possible for a dalit to become the chief minister of Uttar pradesh with as per you there is a dominant high class present in the society. Was it possible to have campuses like as that of "Aligarh Muslim University" one of the biggest in India. Was it possible to have statues of Bhim Rao Ambedkar who was a dalit icon.

Point no 3: Regarding discrimination against the muslims and other communities. We have reservations in the government and in jobs. Though in the private sector jobs all are treated equal.

"Reservation in Indian law is a form of affirmative action whereby a percentage of seats are reserved in the public sector units, union and state civil services, union and state government departments and in all public and private educational institutions, except in the religious/ linguistic minority educational institutions, for the socially and educationally backward communities and the Scheduled Castes and Tribes who are inadequately represented in these services and institutions. The reservation policy is also extended for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for representation in the Parliament of India. The central government of India reserves 27% of higher education[1], and individual states may legislate further reservations. Reservation in most states is at 50%, the maximum amount declared constitutional by the supreme court[2], but certain Indian states like Rajasthan have proposed a 68 % reservation which includes a 14% reservation for forward castes"

Reservation in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The mere fact that you need quotas (reservations) to enforce diversity proves that Indian society is prejudiced.

And education/employment opportunities are most certainly not equal for Muslims. This has been debated ad nauseum in other threads including reference to the Sachar report amonst others.

You anecotal evidence about cooks and isolated incidents of Muslim achievements don't even begin to counter the facts on the ground regarding religous/caste discrimination within India.

A little less "Incredible India" media brainwashing. A little more reality check.
Buddy you have a serious chip on your shoulder man if you think we think of muslims as cooks and mechanics only, and equate them/yourself to the blacks in the US.

The blacks were slaves in the US brought from another continent to serve their white masters and just the last century got a semblence of equality in society and in the eyes of the state.

When were muslims ever slaves in India? Go read up on your monocular history before coming here to try and debate.

Cheers, Doc

Not strong on logic and analogy, are you?

Once again, just because some people allow another group to cook their meals or babysit their kids does not mean they view them as equals.

The reference to American history was meant to illustrate that point, and the fallacy of saying "my cook is a Muslim so that proves Muslims are first-class citizens in India".
The mere fact that you need quotas (reservations) to enforce diversity proves that Indian society is prejudiced.

And education/employment opportunities are most certainly not equal for Muslims. This has been debated ad nauseum in other threads including reference to the Sachar report amonst others.

You anecotal evidence about cooks and isolated incidents of Muslim achievements don't even begin to counter the facts on the ground regarding religous/caste discrimination within India.

A little less "Incredible India" media brainwashing. A little more reality check.

Quotas and reservations are meant to bring the people at par which were previously oppressed. It is meant to bring the people at the equal stature which they were denied in the past.

Do you consider running an organization with over 100,000 employees in a hindu dominant society and with hindu competitors where in every ally of Bangalore you see an IT company mushrooming up an isolated example. Do you consider running a Muslim dominated university with 30,000 students in hindu region an isolated example. Do you consider the achievements of Indian film industry and the Cricketers an isolated example. Please let me know what exactly is total amount of figure you are looking for when it wont become an isolated example.

Regarding my notion of "Incredible India" India is not perfect we have long way to go. Well you can have inputs from the Indian Muslim members about how they feel about it. We have done mistakes in the past and we might make mistakes but what matters is we are trying to stand as a nation.... and Inshaallah one day we will....
Not strong on logic and analogy, are you?

Once again, just because some people allow another group to cook their meals or babysit their kids does not mean they view them as equals.

The reference to American history was meant to illustrate that point, and the fallacy of saying "my cook is a Muslim so that proves Muslims are first-class citizens in India".

How many times do I need to say that it was just one example? Is it that complicated to understand.......:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Not strong on logic and analogy, are you?

Once again, just because some people allow another group to cook their meals or babysit their kids does not mean they view them as equals.

The reference to American history was meant to illustrate that point, and the fallacy of saying "my cook is a Muslim so that proves Muslims are first-class citizens in India".

No buddy, I am waiting for you to bestow these traits on me as manna from heaven.

You have missed (needless to mention, on purpose, it your effort to add another India-bashing post to your tally) the crux of what was being put forward by my compatriot.

When Bapu visited Jinnah's house for a meeting to convince him about not pushing for Pakistan, he did not even call for his customary bottle of boiled water, lest it be misconstrued as a Hindu taking ganga jal with him into a Muslim household.

From those days, we have come a long way today as a secular forward looking nation, and muslims and hindus eat together, drink together, muslims cook the meals in hindu homes, and I know from personal experience in my circle, hindus cook in muslim homes too. As do many christian cooks, as well as nannies/ayas/bais of all religions working in homes of other religions to take care of little children. Something which in the old days would not have been possible and would have entailed cleansing/purifying rituals. Food and cooking is a big deal in terms of religion, as i am sure you must be knowing only too well, and as Indians we are very attuned to each others sensibilities and no home will bring taboo meat into the home to be cooked by a cook of another religion. We will not even order such meat when we sit down together to eat in deference of the other's sensibilities. That is how Indians coexist. That is how we grow. We care for each other and respect their space and customs. It has nothing to do with master and servant as you have quickly assumed in your headlong rush to malign us ..... as usual.

I guess in all this there is no sense in talking to you about the dignity of labour, and the fact that in most Indian households, our old servants have been with us from generations and are treated as part of the family. And no, i am not paying lip service here ...... short of the fact that they are paid a salary (and pensions too when they are too old and feeble), they eat what we eat, we take part in their family functions and vice versa, same with festivals and sweets and gifting of clothes, they fight with the womenfolk like cats and dogs and then make up like long lost friends, and never are they ever made to feel as if they are servants. We leave our children with them knowing they will be as safe as if with family. We leave money and jewellery open in the house knowing that it will not be stolen. This is all based on the trust between one human being and another ..... Hindu, Muslim, etc. never enters the picture. I am sure it is the same in pakistan too, coz we come from the same culture.

Let me know when to say good night.

Cheers, Doc
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the main intention was to make the people understand to change the perception about each other.
Nothing about inferiority complex some day or the other we will have to sort out the differences. Someday we will have to stop trolling. lets try and step forward ... lets see what do we have across the border. Are they ready to understand the things or wanna continue trolling.... :taz:

I am with you on many of the points.
I admire India for it's democracy, education, economics and technical achievements.

But minority rights are a sorry affair for both India and Pakistan. We both have a long way to go.
I am with you on many of the points.
I admire India for it's democracy, education, economics and technical achievements.

But minority rights are a sorry affair for both India and Pakistan. We both have a long way to go.

was expecting such kind of response from across the border....

long live India
long live Pakistan...

dont have indian flag here that's sad

anyways :pakistan:
Treatment Of Minorities
It is a general belief that India is a dominant Hindu state with the ill treatment of minorities. There had been cases. Godhra was a big mistake. At some of the rural areas untouchables still exists. But the perception is changing. India offers a great deal of reservations to the minorities in various fields ranging from education to jobs. There was a time when there was a divide when Hindus and Muslims did not drank from the same well. Today representing the common man I would say the divide is on a decline. Even for me my cook is a Muslim and guys let me tell you no one can make better food then her.

Untouchables are definitely not there anymore.. yes backward classes are.

Reg. Muslim ..the old generation is more conservative..my Nani till today does not eat Roomali roti...

She says Muslims cook it, and are dirty... Cause what happened in India ..all the untouchables Hindu's etc in 17 -18 century converted to Islam as it was not discreminating people.

But i am not saying that all untouchables only converted to Islam...lot of Landlords also did.. for obvious reason.. to retain their wealth under Muslim rulers especially during reign of Aurangzeb.

Just one example.. Do you have second name as "mallik" in Pakistan Punjab - yes
Do we have "Mallik" in Hindu's india - "Yes" Lot of communities did not change their second names.

"Shah" - Both in India and Pakistan ..mostly Sindhi in Pak and Gujrati in India.
What exactly is Hindu deity Shiva Lingam?

According to Swami Sivananda,[20]

The popular belief is that the Siva Lingam represents the phallus or the virile organ, the emblem of the generative power or principle in nature. This is not only a serious mistake, but also a grave blunder. In the post-Vedic period, the Linga became symbolical of the generative power of the Lord Siva. Linga is the differentiating mark. It is certainly not the sex-mark. You will find in the Linga Purana: Pradhanam prakritir yadahur-lingamuttamam; Gandhavarnarasairhinam sabda-sparsadi-varjitam—The foremost Linga which is primary and is devoid of smell, colour, taste, hearing, touch, etc., is spoken of as Prakriti (Nature).

Christopher Isherwood addresses the misinterpretation of the linga as a sex symbol as follows[21] —

It has been claimed by some foreign scholars that the linga and its surrounding basin are sexual symbols, representing the male and the female organs respectively. Well — anything can be regarded as a symbol of anything; that much is obvious. There are people who have chosen to see sexual symbolism in the spire and the font of a Christian church. But Christians do not recognize this symbolism; and even the most hostile critics of Christianity cannot pretend that it is a sex-cult. The same is true of the cult of Shiva.

It does not even seem probable that the linga was sexual in its origin. For we find, in the history both of Hinduism and Buddhism, that poor devotees were accustomed to dedicate to God a model of a temple or tope (a dome-shaped monument) in imitation of wealthy devotees who dedicated full-sized buildings. So the linga may well have begun as a monument in miniature.…One of the greatest causes of misunderstanding of Hinduism by foreign scholars is perhaps a subconsciously respected tradition that God must be one sex only, or at least only one sex at a time.

The Britannica encyclopedia entry on linga mentions,[22] —

The linga was originally understood as a representation of the phallus, as sculptures from the early centuries of the Common Era make clear, but many—probably most—modern Hindus do not think of the linga in these terms. In fact, the stylization of the linga into a smooth cylindrical mass asserts a distinctively aniconic meaning, quite by contrast to the murtis (deities in image form) that serve otherwise as the most important foci of Hindu worship. This interplay is found in Shaivite temples, where the linga is apt to be at the centre, surrounded by a panoply of murtis.

The origins of the worship of the Shiva-Linga are unknown. Shiva-Linga has one complete purana which is dedicated to its form and origin. It may be a symbolic representation of self (Atma Linga) or of everything. Some associate it with the physical form of Pranava (Om). Oval form represents even the shape of the Universe including the existing space. The beginning of the oval form is A in OM and prolonged part is U in OM and M is the ending part of the linga. It is single shape of Trimurti. Praying Shiva Linga is considered as praying the Thrimurti in absolute form. Linga represents absolute and Single power of this universe. Some associate them with the famous hymn in the Atharva-Veda Samhitâ sung in praise of the Yupa-Stambha, the sacrificial post. In that hymn a description is found of the beginningless and endless Stambha or Skambha and it is shown that the said Skambha is put in place of the eternal Brahman. As afterwards the Yajna (sacrificial) fire, its smoke, ashes and flames, the Soma plant and the ox that used to carry on its back the wood for the Vedic sacrifice gave place to the conceptions of the brightness of Shiva's body, his tawny matted-hair, his blue throat and the riding on the bull of the Shiva. The Yupa-Skambha gave place in time to the Shiva-Linga. [1][2] In the Linga Purâna the same hymn is expanded in the shape of stories, meant to establish the glory of the great Stambha and the superiority of Mahâdeva.[2]

Another theory is that Shiva linga might have been originated from the erect memorial topes of Buddhists consecrated in the memory of Buddha. The very poor, who were unable to build big monuments, used to express their devotion to him by dedicating miniature substitutes for them. Scholars note that similar instances are still seen in the case of Hindu temples in Varanasi and other sacred places of India where those, who cannot afford to build temples, dedicate very small temple-like constructions instead.[2][1] Scholars note that during the period of Buddhistic ascendancy the rich Hindus, in imitation of the Buddhists, used to erect something as a memorial resembling their Skambha and the poor in a similar manner copied them on a reduced scale and afterwards the miniature memorials of the poor Hindus became a new addition to the Skambha.[2][3][1]
I repeat my earlier post. This is a waste of time. No Indian need to explain himself or his country to outsiders. If they want to understand, their own hands are perfectly capable of clicking on that wikipedia link that you are posting here.

So my request is, please stop this useless pandering and snivelling.
by the way, nice explanation, lol

we dont consider a cow as a god, they how come hindus worship mokeys, rats eyc????, is there any explanation to it??, not possible dude.

why you forgetting Elephant ? if it makes you 60 % Pakistani /arabs happy

60%?? yes cuz remaining 40% are women..who are not treated human...forget you praying animals first respect your mother..and sister then talk abt Cow:smokin:

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