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Sikh pilgrims cross the border

A1 Kaid talks like no Pakistani ever comes to India. More Pakistanis come to India than Indians who go to Pakistan, so how about ask your countrymen to stop travelling to enemy country:lol:

Are you judging that through few Atif Aslams, Ali Zafars, Fateh Ali Khans, and Veena Maliks?
I don't think Pakistanis should even have the option of going to India.

But they do, some for medical treatment, some to see their relatives, some for religious purposes. If you had close relatives in India you wouldn't be saying that.

Are you judging that through few Atif Aslams, Ali Zafars, Fateh Ali Khans, and Veena Maliks?

No am stating that based on statistics.
But they do, some for medical treatment, some to see their relatives, so for religious purposes. If you had close relatives in India you wouldn't be saying that.

No am stating that based on statistics.

That chapter of close families will be coming to a close soon in about 30-40 years. It's time to go our separate ways.
That chapter of close families will be coming to a close soon in about 30-40 years. It's time to go our separate ways.

Not anytime soon, I personally know at least ten families in Lucknow who have Pakistani daughter in laws, got married in past ten years or so. And there are many more like them.

I don't have any issues with "going our separate ways" and putting a ban on travelling, but then you got to think about others who have genuine reasons to travel to India and vice versa.
Not anytime soon, I personally know at least ten families in Lucknow who have Pakistani daughter in laws, got married in past ten years or so. And there are many more like them.

I don't have any issues with "going our separate ways" and putting a ban on travelling, but then you got to think about others who have genuine reasons to travel to India and vice versa.

Daughter in laws? No son in laws? :rolleyes:

Those families need to make their decision. End of story.
A1Kaid mate i can see from your post that you hate India and because hostile relation between India and Pakistan you don't want Indians to visit Pakistan.
(Its your logic)

Now i have a question for you
Recently NATO helicopters and fighter jets attacked two military outposts in northwest Pakistan killing as many as 28 troops.
After that relation between USA and Pakistan is not really good.
(Now applying your logic here)

What are you doing in USA ..Pakistanis should barred from visiting US.

Good work Pakistan Goverment and People :cheers:
Someone was talking about people being unvaccinated :lol::lol::rofl:

P.S - Maybe next time they should carry their vaccination cards along with their passports.
A1Kaid mate i can see from your post that you hate India and because hostile relation between India and Pakistan you don't want Indians to visit Pakistan.
(Its your logic)

Now i have a question for you
Recently NATO helicopters and fighter jets attacked two military outposts in northwest Pakistan killing as many as 28 troops.
After that relation between USA and Pakistan is not really good.
(Now applying your logic here)

What are you doing in USA ..Pakistanis should barred from visiting US.


US has for the past decade Governments with terrible foreign policy. Also you can't expect someone who has been living and is set here to leave on a whim. In the end US isn't an enemy of Pakistan, but some US administrations may act like one. As for the NATO attack, very regrettable and punishable act.

It is a complicated situation, the hostilities with India is crystal clear and historical.

You really cannot compare this with the Sikhs traveling to Pakistan.
US has for the past decade Governments with terrible foreign policy. Also you can't expect someone who has been living and is set here to leave on a whim. In the end US isn't an enemy of Pakistan, but some US administrations may act like one. As for the NATO attack, very regrettable and punishable act.

It is a complicated situation, the hostilities with India is crystal clear and historical.

You really cannot compare this with the Sikhs traveling to Pakistan.

And people like you are carrying the legacy of hatred from the past and might pass it to the next generation as well. The root cause is your own inabilities and frustration. US has made you as a scapegoat of it's mistakes and you are responsible indeed equally.

Keep going since it has lead to destruction of Pakistan itself since it's said(in your own religion as well) that HATRED destroys a man from inside.
The Sikh people who come to Pakistan are our friends, many of them hate the indian state with a passion, and express it - once they cross the border.
It is a matter of national interest and security. Pakistan is not your country so you shouldn't be so bothered by what Pakistan should do for its interests.

I will repeat if it was up to me I would ban the Sikhs from their Holy site, no foolish and kindhearted "goodwill" gestures from me, that is for the weak. It is also a matter of public health most likely many of them are unvaccinated and we can't have the spread of diseases from Hind coming across the border.

bro they aren't gonna use those swords to kill some one, its just part of their religion, so we can not arrest them, and banning them is against our religion, we cant ban them from practicing their religion, Islam teaches us to respect all religions equally.
I don't care what you have to say. I'm just saying if it was up to me Sikhs would be banned from pilgrimage, Pakistan does reserve that right to ban them. They are enemies and their holy site resides in Pakistan, they should have that about that before waging hostility and aggression against Pakistan.

I would also have any of Sikhs carrying swords or weapons arrested and call it arms smuggling.

Also I don't like them, I don't like their faces, their religion, their turbans, their culture, nor do I like the other Indian groups. In my opinion all entry from enemy territory should be banned.

Wow..Fasicts and bigots reside amongst us! What a waste of education!
I don't care what you have to say. I'm just saying if it was up to me Sikhs would be banned from pilgrimage, Pakistan does reserve that right to ban them. They are enemies and their holy site resides in Pakistan, they should have that about that before waging hostility and aggression against Pakistan.

I would also have any of Sikhs carrying swords or weapons arrested and call it arms smuggling.

Also I don't like them, I don't like their faces, their religion, their turbans, their culture, nor do I like the other Indian groups. In my opinion all entry from enemy territory should be banned.

right there you see, the reason why you are what you are, what your country is, what your name in the world is, what your state of affairs is.

sakshat pashuh puccha vishaan hinah.

"animals manifest, just without horns and tails".

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