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Shiv Sena, MNS threaten Bigg Boss!

It seems that Shiv Sena and MNS drama has worked for the time being.

Of what I heard last, Big Boss shooting has been stopped.

If that is true then its a sorry state of affairs.

But again fanatics of Shiv Sena have power and they had already forced a University to ban a book wherein they said Shiv Sena was portrayed incorrectly.

So this is coming down to now even media
If that is true then its a sorry state of affairs.

But again fanatics of Shiv Sena have power and they had already forced a University to ban a book wherein they said Shiv Sena was portrayed incorrectly.

So this is coming down to now even media

Yes, indeed.

Shiv Sena was a force to be reckoned with during 80's and 90's but off late they have lost their political mission, they have no idea of where they want to go.

And for MNS, well I dont even consider them to fit to be a part of the Indian political system.
Shiv Sena and MNS are thug-facist parties with personality cult following. It is unfortunate that they get away with their Goonda tactics.

Their whole "marathi" identity thing may have some grounds in Maharastra, if kept unchecked would bring chaos to entire nation.
I agree pakistani artists are great but they are not welcome in our country after 26/11 attack and until their own country punishes the guilty.
I agree pakistani artists are great but they are not welcome in our country after 26/11 attack and until their own country punishes the guilty.

My friend - If Pakistan can take part in CWG then whats wrong in Veena Malik taking part in Big Boss.

I mean its Veena Malik and not Zaid Hamid, so why the fuss?
This whole Shiv Sena needs to be banned in India and get rid of these guys. have been a constant source of embarrassment for us.
My sincere request to Taliban to come and destroy their HQ in Mumbai. No Indian would mind ;-)

One should see it in the context that its mumbai city who have been bearing the biggest brunt of terrorism sponsored from across the border, be it local trains blasts or 26/11 and many other before that . I see it a natural human reaction in the given ongoing situation and shiv sena wants capture the residual resentment that already there in mumbai. MNS since has toned down his voice, some says its due to the friendship Raj thackery with Salman.
My friend - If Pakistan can take part in CWG then whats wrong in Veena Malik taking part in Big Boss.

I mean its Veena Malik and not Zaid Hamid, so why the fuss?

CWG event is international obligation ,big boss role is invitation.So its unfair to compare two.
One should see it in the context that its mumbai city who have been bearing the biggest brunt of terrorism sponsored from across the border, be it local trains blasts or 26/11 and many other before that . I see it a natural human reaction in the given ongoing situation and shiv sena wants capture the residual resentment that already there in mumbai. MNS since has toned down his voice, some says its due to the friendship Raj thackery with Salman.

So just because MNS targets North Indians and beats up the poor rickshaw drivers / taxi drivers, damage their property, the whole of North India should throw the Marathis out from N. Delhi / U.P. / Bihar etc?

Even though I don't agree with Thackrreys, they still have some valid points. They were saying .... "Indian artistes are not given importance in Pakistan and Indian channels are banned there. Everyone is aware of this reality. Then why does the show want Pakistanis on television. We will not permit the running of the show”
We should also include the queen of PDF:what: in big Boss,this will give them some additional TRP from members of PDF,Shiv sena will b also stunned by her one liners:lol:
Even though I don't agree with Thackrreys, they still have some valid points. They were saying .... "Indian artistes are not given importance in Pakistan and Indian channels are banned there. Everyone is aware of this reality. Then why does the show want Pakistanis on television. We will not permit the running of the show”

1.) Indian artistes are not given importance in US / Europe also. They do not even know the names of the artistes from India. That's a worse treatment than what Pakistan offers to Indian artists.

In fact the same folks welcomed Michael Jackson, with open arms. Michael Jackson, who would not have heard of a single artist from India.

2.) The ban is by the government. Why not same hue and cry when Indian government put a ban on bulk sms recently during Ayodhya verdict? A government can take decisions which may not be logical but that does not make the people of that land bad.

Both India and Pakistan have negative elements in its political system. Why target artists?

We should also include the queen of PDF:what: in big Boss,this will give them some additional TRP from members of PDF,Shiv sena will b also stunned by her one liners:lol:
she can play a very good role in big boss,she has proved herself in pdf.
My friend - If Pakistan can take part in CWG then whats wrong in Veena Malik taking part in Big Boss.

I mean its Veena Malik and not Zaid Hamid, so why the fuss?

We cannot stop pakistanis to come in CWG because of International obligations. But for other events there are no defined rules where we can alwars chose to ignore pakistani artists.

Pakistanis: Wanna come to India?....bring the 26/11 culprits to justice. Then you are most welcome.
We cannot stop pakistanis to come in CWG because of International obligations. But for other events there are no defined rules where we can alwars chose to ignore pakistani artists.

Pakistanis: Wanna come to India?....bring the 26/11 culprits to justice. Then you are most welcome.

So no Gujaratis anywhere else in India, except Gujarat, for what Narendra Modi's role in the Gujarat Riots?

No Marathis anywhere else in India, except Maharashtra, for MNS and Shiv Sainiks role in beating North Indians?
I don't want to miss Veena Malik from Pakistan:cry: she is such a natural comedian :lol:


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