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Scrapfest LGBTQ coming to Karachi

This ideology has not killed a single person
This ideology has sexually confused children, leading them into anxiety, depression, suicide, and degeneracy. You have 14 year olds mutilating themselves because they were groomed to believe they're the opposite sex.
@all Karachites. This is your test. Don’t fail the nation. Don’t back down. Chase after shahada if needed but don’t back down from your beliefs. This is the time to show your loyalty to your deen. This is the time to prove your Emaan.

Why cant pakistan arm the LGBTs against the taliban/ttp??? Think about it they are the biggest enemies and at same time lovers of one another.

These LGBTs are better at fighting for their freedom than paky useless army. We could come up with LGBT force to infiltrate and make talibunnies bacha baaz them. Forever having peace in KP

For once be honest with yourself damn hypocritical pakys. You watch these lgbts dance on your weddings/bdays. You have them pray for your kids when they are born. You secretly fantasise of loving them (biggest **** in pakyland). Yet you have an issue with them and not bad taliban 🤣
Arm LGBTQ and forget TTP. Every single true Muslim from Pakistan will rise and annihilate these creatures.
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Brave of you to think LGBT/liberals can wage war in any capacity

The best you can get out of them is barking like a chihuahuas on the side walk in protest.

Men who fight wars have specific ideologies and purpose, if you stand for nothing, then there's nothing to defend.

This is why islamists, facists, nationalists, etc, always are the strongest.

Also it's funny you think just because people are condemning this action, they somehow support the TTP, when they equally condemn those acts even more. This is your way of trying to justify these ill people.
If LGBTQ is armed the true Muslims of Pakistan will make TTP look like a joke.
Never will any true Muslim allow Muslim land to be colonized and conquered by these rainbow creatures.
They won't stop, Pakistan has some serious homosexuality issues and its spreading, from the Bacha bazi from KPK/FATA to Maulana in Madarsas, and the Dance of Khawaja Sira in weddings in Punjab, Pakistan is more gay'er/homosexual than we think it is.
LGBTQ is the new cool. all the kids wanna have mental illness and LGBTQ in the west these days. Muslim kids will be bullied by other kids unless they turn LGBTQ as well in the West
LGBTQ is the new cool. all the kids wanna have mental illness and LGBTQ in the west these days. Muslim kids will be bullied by other kids unless they turn LGBTQ as well in the West
True Muslim kids would not care and would laugh at them

Hijra class doesn't need mental therapy, we the society need to change and adjust our attitudes, we force them into sex slavery, whereas there has not been a study that proves that these born hijra cannot do any physical work.

It happens in any case so why not just accept and tax it.
Just because they may have the capacity for physical work, does not make them mentally healthy.

It is evident from their actions that they require therapy to break the cycle. Their illness creates a continuous cycle of abused and confused children.

Leaving them out in society is a risk and perpetuates the problem.

After therapy they can be put to work.
images (41).jpeg
Seriously what is wrong with you

Hijra class need mental health therapy and support more than anything. They are in a constant cycle of abuse and exploitation.

And we should not encourage LGBT degeneracy for chump change. We need proper and actual methods for economic growth.

Chump change is not worth the social degeneracy it will bring.

Brave of you to think LGBT/liberals can wage war in any capacity

The best you can get out of them is barking like a chihuahuas on the side walk in protest.

Men who fight wars have specific ideologies and purpose, if you stand for nothing, then there's nothing to defend.

This is why islamists, facists, nationalists, etc, always are the strongest.

Also it's funny you think just because people are condemning this action, they somehow support the TTP, when they equally condemn those acts even more. This is your way of trying to justify these ill people.
Islamists are strong?
I wonder how bad they fared against the French in Mali during Serval, Americans in Iraq and Syria. Even USA's track record in Afghanistan was farely solid

Nationalist regimes are strong?
What happened to the baathist arab coalitions against Israel? What happened in the Gulf War and the Invasion of Iraq?

Fascists are strong?
I wonder how world war 2 went

Funnily enough the so called liberal world has had the best success against other countries
Islamists are strong?
I wonder how bad they fared against the French in Mali during Serval, Americans in Iraq and Syria. Even USA's track record in Afghanistan was farely solid

Nationalist regimes are strong?
What happened to the baathist arab coalitions against Israel? What happened in the Gulf War and the Invasion of Iraq?

Fascists are strong?
I wonder how world war 2 went
Let me remind you Afghanistan without any advanced weaponry but pure will power fought against the American war machine for 20 years consecutively.

I can say with confidence no liberal can do such a thing. Facist nationalists can probably come close.

All the examples you gave proved my point.

Funnily enough the so called liberal world has had the best success against other countries
A modern liberal ideological nation has never fought a war.

Just because parts of the west have varying degrees of liberalism TODAY, doesn't mean their past history is attributed to liberalism.

Come back to me when an army that agrees with men identifying as women puts up a decent fight 😂😂😂
I can say with confidence no liberal can do such a thing. Facist nationalists can probably come close.
What about notable cases such as the American War of Independence?

Liberalism isnt just LGBTQ and all that stuff, its an entire political philosophy forming the basis of many modern countries in the west. You could attribute much of their success to liberal ideology.
No fascist, nationalist or theocratic regime has been able to survive as long as these countries, though a solid lot have been destroyed by them.
How do you even define liberalism?. I think you have a quite flawed definition of it

Also id argue US failure in Afghanistan was more of a policy making failure than a military one, just like in Vietnam. The military beat the shit out of the enemy during most encounters but the people (quite understandably so) wanted the war to end
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Just because they may have the capacity for physical work, does not make them mentally healthy.

Born hijra are mentally retarded or lack? I don't agree.

The khawaja sara as we call them were intelligent people who were assigned both military and diplomatic roles. Either we are using the word "Khawaja Sara" for the wrong people now or .....
All these complaints and threats of violence against a minority. Then you complain when the rest of the world decides to ban your religion/religious practices.
This ideology has sexually confused children, leading them into anxiety, depression, suicide, and degeneracy. You have 14 year olds mutilating themselves because they were groomed to believe they're the opposite sex.
still far better than ideology which convinces a person to blow 100 ppl is mosque

Watch your mouth fag!
Quran is perfect. Quran told us about Khawarij and how to deal with them. Quran also told us about the likes of you. We would die before letting harm reach the Quran. You lowlife scums will be put in their place. Lgbtq will not be allowed to spread in Pakistan peacefully!
Yes, we know what the followers are doing is Afganinistan | Iraq | Syria | Pakistan
Muslim countries with peace are the ones where atheism is growing at a Rapid pace KSA | Turkey | Iran | UAE

Taking religion seriously isn't the issue, the opposite infact is happening in Pak. People are not following Islam or its teaching, they follow the parts which suit them rest fall under their whims and desires that includes extremism from left and right.
If it is from the creator itself then how can it be corrupted | perfect being can communicate perfectly hence if there are multiple interpretations then the book os not perfect which means author is not perfect

You wrote two lines and almost 100% of the readers will have similar interpretation, if a super being exist them at-least he should have better communication then common folks like you and me and also he should not have allowed his teachings to be used to kill innocent people
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