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Scholars and Islamic Awakening’ conference opens in Tehran

prohet muhammad is pure muslim ............not sunni or shia just muslim/islam

so no pure muslim in iran who chose theme self as muslim not sunni or shia just one islam ?
prohet muhammad is pure muslim ............not sunni or shia just muslim/islam

so no pure muslim in iran who chose theme self as muslim not sunni or shia just one islam ?
we all call ourselves Muslim in our own countries.people in KSA do.we do too.everyone think he/she is a pure muslim and the rest are sunni/shia.
too bad 500 is not a muslim :(

"Awakening" to what????
Islam , "Islamic Awakening".
what others call "Arab spring", we call "Islamic Awakening", cause people are tired of their dictators who are brought to power with western countries and their only job is destroying Islam and serving to western countries to stay in power.
Islam , "Islamic Awakening".
what others call "Arab spring", we call "Islamic Awakening", cause people are tired of their dictators who are brought to power with western countries and their only job is destroying Islam and serving to western countries to stay in power.

The awakening in the so called "Arab spring" is related to liberty, dignity, and genuinely representative governance - so what is this "islamic" awakening?
The awakening in the so called "Arab spring" is related to liberty, dignity, and genuinely representative governance - so what is this "islamic" awakening?
wrong, this is what western media and their poppets are introducing and it's for two reasons,
first: for a long time they are introducing these dictators as Muslim and their policies as Islam policies to their people, now what would happen if they mention anything about Islamic revolution against them?
secondly: they want to prevent an Islamic government to come into power after these revolutions.just look how Israel is pissed off about these revolutions in the region.
and finally an Islamic government will bring all of those which you mentioned, but as I said their media is skipping the main goal and just proceed with the side benefits.
wrong, this is what western media and their poppets are introducing and it's for two reasons,
first: for a long time they are introducing these dictators as Muslim and their policies as Islam policies to their people, now what would happen if they mention anything about Islamic revolution against them?
secondly: they want to prevent an Islamic government to come into power after these revolutions.just look how Israel is pissed off about these revolutions in the region.
and finally an Islamic government will bring all of those which you mentioned, but as I said their media is skipping the main goal and just proceed with the side benefits.

Ok, got it -- But sill waiting for an explanation about what is "islamic" in this awakening? How different is Morsi from Mubarak? and is sectarian warfare such as Syria and Iraq and Pakistan, the substance of "Islamic"??

And so "Islamic" Awakening is Liberty, Dignity and genuinely representative governance?? Fair enough, but show me, show me where this is happening

Please don't misunderstand, I share with you the aspiration, I'm no so sure sure, actually I am, I'm persuaded we will have none of these things from anything associated with "Islamic" (fill in the Blanks)
Ok, got it -- But sill waiting for an explanation about what is "islamic" in this awakening? How different is Morsi from Mubarak? and is sectarian warfare such as Syria and Iraq and Pakistan, the substance of "Islamic"??
so many questions. about Morsi, he wont steal Egyptian wealth, his policies toward Israel wont be the same as Mubarak,he is starting diplomatic relations with Iran and unlike Mubarak he wont suppress Islamic parties, just for pleasant of western governments.
Syrian crisis isn't about Shiah or Sonni, first it started with demands for more open government, but from the start some external agents converted it to violent protests, so Syrian government had to react against them, but this was exactly what western countries and GCC dictators wanted, them made it an excuse and started arming and sending terrorist groups to Syria, even so Syrian government long time ago accepted an open election under UN observations, but the opposition refused cause they knew Bashar Asad has the people's support, today practically FSA doesn't exist anymore, only foreign troops like Al-Qaeda, Salafis and some people who are fooled by their media that Syrian government has killed Muslims.

in all the three countries you mentioned you can see the role of GCC dictators (specially Saudi Arabia) and Wahhabi groups(wahhabi,salafi, takfiri they are all the same, just different names in different regions). In Iraq, Ale Saud is arming some radical group like fans of Saddam to create another bloodshed like Syria in Iraq, also Al-Qaeda (which we believe is being supported by U.S and Saudi Arabia) is very active in Iraq, and most the violences is their job. Pakistan is the same, but with many other factors, but basically what you see in Pakistan is Al-Qeda and Salafis who are responsible for bomb attacks.

wahhabis (which is a fake religious created by U.K) only accepts the version of Islam that they offer and call the others, non muslim , once a while their cleric announce a Fatwa to slaughter the other Muslims and they believe they are doing this for God, interestingly they don't care about Israel at all, and their policies is always in the benefit of U.S and Israel, their main base is in Saudi Arabia but U.S never mentions about this country even after 9/11. today U.S is arming these terroristic groups in Jordan and sends them to Syria, also they cross freely to Israel and have a (so called hospital) camp in there.

And so "Islamic" Awakening is Liberty, Dignity and genuinely representative governance?? Fair enough, but show me, show me where this is happening

Please don't misunderstand, I share with you the aspiration, I'm no so sure sure, actually I am, I'm persuaded we will have none of these things from anything associated with "Islamic" (fill in the Blanks)
I know what you are saying, but whatever these governments are, they are way better than dictatorships, also don't expect to see an immediate change after a revolution, a country that has destroyed during decades or centuries wont return to it's normal state in just a few years, A revolution isn't a miracle.
I just can bring our own revolution as an example, Iran was a messed up country before our revolution, every thing had to be imported, except a few main cities the rest of Iran was in the worse possible state, after our revolution, we have been under heaviest sanctions you can Imagine, but today we produce most of the things we needed to import in the past, we have the highest science growth rate in the world and we are among the top countries in many scientific fields. and you wont see any sectarian crisis in Iran, while we have many Sunnis in too, but simply our security forces wont let those wahhabi groups to enter Iran.
so many questions. about Morsi, he wont steal Egyptian wealth, his policies toward Israel wont be the same as Mubarak,he is starting diplomatic relations with Iran and unlike Mubarak he wont suppress Islamic parties, just for pleasant of western governments.
Syrian crisis isn't about Shiah or Sonni, first it started with demands for more open government, but from the start some external agents converted it to violent protests, so Syrian government had to react against them, but this was exactly what western countries and GCC dictators wanted, them made it an excuse and started arming and sending terrorist groups to Syria, even so Syrian government long time ago accepted an open election under UN observations, but the opposition refused cause they knew Bashar Asad has the people's support, today practically FSA doesn't exist anymore, only foreign troops like Al-Qaeda, Salafis and some people who are fooled by their media that Syrian government has killed Muslims.

in all the three countries you mentioned you can see the role of GCC dictators (specially Saudi Arabia) and Wahhabi groups(wahhabi,salafi, takfiri they are all the same, just different names in different regions). In Iraq, Ale Saud is arming some radical group like fans of Saddam to create another bloodshed like Syria in Iraq, also Al-Qaeda (which we believe is being supported by U.S and Saudi Arabia) is very active in Iraq, and most the violences is their job. Pakistan is the same, but with many other factors, but basically what you see in Pakistan is Al-Qeda and Salafis who are responsible for bomb attacks.

wahhabis (which is a fake religious created by U.K) only accepts the version of Islam that they offer and call the others, non muslim , once a while their cleric announce a Fatwa to slaughter the other Muslims and they believe they are doing this for God, interestingly they don't care about Israel at all, and their policies is always in the benefit of U.S and Israel, their main base is in Saudi Arabia but U.S never mentions about this country even after 9/11. today U.S is arming these terroristic groups in Jordan and sends them to Syria, also they cross freely to Israel and have a (so called hospital) camp in there.

I know what you are saying, but whatever these governments are, they are way better than dictatorships, also don't expect to see an immediate change after a revolution, a country that has destroyed during decades or centuries wont return to it's normal state in just a few years, A revolution isn't a miracle.
I just can bring our own revolution as an example, Iran was a messed up country before our revolution, every thing had to be imported, except a few main cities the rest of Iran was in the worse possible state, after our revolution, we have been under heaviest sanctions you can Imagine, but today we produce most of the things we needed to import in the past, we have the highest science growth rate in the world and we are among the top countries in many scientific fields. and you wont see any sectarian crisis in Iran, while we have many Sunnis in too, but simply our security forces wont let those wahhabi groups to enter Iran.

I take your point, but I would point out that there are some serious gaps in the narrative you suggest - Morsi has indeed stamped on all political movements - Liberty, is not just the Liberty of Islamic movements, it's everyone's, right?

As for not not expecting change after revolution - You turn on it's head, the very meaning of revolution.

I'm sure you will agree that Liberty is not confined to a particular group, that Dignity is not worth it's name if it is not widely distributed and representative governance is neither representative and effective if it is confined to a single group.

As for the Wahabi/Takfiri, yes, unfortunately, and with great shame for all Muslims, yes, unfortunately they most evil tyranny in the name of a particular vision of Islam -- but when it comes to tyranny Iran too have much to think over, though Iran has a constitution, but the notion of Liberty is a particularly constricted one. as it is in Pakistan -- You can choose from a variety of colors so long as your choice is green, this is not Liberty, but a way station on the w to Liberty.
I take your point, but I would point out that there are some serious gaps in the narrative you suggest - Morsi has indeed stamped on all political movements - Liberty, is not just the Liberty of Islamic movements, it's everyone's, right?
first of all let me make it clear that I'm not a fan of Mursi, or Al-Azhar university, and I don't like his actions specially regarding Israel or Saudi Arabia, but indeed I prefer him to any dictatorship, but Morsi is under pressure of different sides, Western countries, Israel, GCC dictators, Al-Azhar university, fans of Mubarak, and requests of people who made the revolution, so I can't say that whatever he is doing is his choice, also I don't know which of his policies you are referring too, bring particular examples.

As for not not expecting change after revolution - You turn on it's head, the very meaning of revolution.

I'm sure you will agree that Liberty is not confined to a particular group, that Dignity is not worth it's name if it is not widely distributed and representative governance is neither representative and effective if it is confined to a single group.

As for the Wahabi/Takfiri, yes, unfortunately, and with great shame for all Muslims, yes, unfortunately they most evil tyranny in the name of a particular vision of Islam -- but when it comes to tyranny Iran too have much to think over, though Iran has a constitution, but the notion of Liberty is a particularly constricted one. as it is in Pakistan -- You can choose from a variety of colors so long as your choice is green, this is not Liberty, but a way station on the w to Liberty.
liberty and it's level is what your people choose, if your people choose Islam as their official religion, you can't bring christian ideologies for them and say this is the correct one. the kind of system in Iran has been chosen in free election(98.8% chose Islamic republic), no one can deny it. also I don't understand what tyranny you are referring to, everyone in our political system is chosen directly or indirectly by people's vote, and everyone has to be accountable for his actions.
I'm not talking about religion, i'm talking about being secular or not.

Yes I know what you are talking about but @mohsen was saying Iranian will remain Muslim to the guy who said they are all non muslim or something.

A lot of Iranians I know also want religion out of government but are still Muslim.
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the kind of system in Iran has been chosen in free election(98.8% chose Islamic republic), no one can deny it

Yes you can choose any color, so long as it is the color of the revolution - 98.8 is an in-credible number-

and yes, murder is no longer murder because people can decide what the word means - heaven help us all.

Yes you can choose any color, so long as it is the color of the revolution - 98.8 is an in-credible number-

and yes, murder is no longer murder because people can decide what the word means - heaven help us all.

Whose been murdered? :lol:
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