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Saudi Arabia executes prominent Shiite Ayatollah

Even the union between Al-Wahab with Al-Saud back in the 18th century is a recent one, my friend. Even Wahabism in KSA is not pure Islam, nor is its version the Islam that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wrote down and disseminated.

Wahabism is a product of the union of Al-Wahab and Saud back in the 18th century.Theirs was a pact to combine the ideology of Al-Wahab with the rule of Al Saud to create the Emirate of Diriyah, the precursor state of Saudi Arabia.

Everyone who studies Islam knows this.

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With each passing day, more and more people are going to find out the reality of these Takfiris and what they stand for. They have no where to run now.

"Al wahhab", hahaha. They are called Al-sheikh, and they're from Banu Tamim. People here with no concept of heritage and lineage, forget that Saudi Arabia is a tribal society, and in a tribal society, people try to ally themselves to the bigger more widespread tribes, and naturally, Banu Tamim being the biggest Arabic tribe, aligning yourself with them is the first step for anyone to begin to hope to rule over Arabia. It has nothing to do with religion.

That is why Saudi Arabia is politically stable, that is why this part of the world was a no go zone to foreign occupiers/nightmare for invaders (Persian rugs/Romans/Ottomans) etc, only an Arab who's aligned with Arabs can rule over Arabia.
Syria under Asad was better than what it is now. The ENTIRE situation in Syria is due to the Arab Spring, and the West's influence and interventionist meddling.

Syria back in 2009, 2010 was peaceful, a land where Sunnis, Shia, Christians, Druze, Jew lived well together.

I would take Asad over any pro moderate rebels or rebels in Syria, period. The United States was wrong for intervening there , and Obama was wrong in supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and the entire Arab Spring movement , PERIOD.

Look at Libya post-Arab Spring. It is uncontrolled now and a haven for terrorists. Look at Iraq and Syria!

Your are basically justifying the killing of sunnis in Syria what makes you better than isis ? this is exactly what they do justify the killing of other people for ideological purposes.
people try to ally themselves to the bigger more widespread tribes, and naturally, Banu Tamim being the biggest Arabic tribe, aligning yourself with them is the first step for anyone to begin to hope to rule over Arabia. It has nothing to do with religion.

I see, so the union between Al-Wahab and Al-Saud back in the mid 18th century had nothing to do with Islam or religion, but everything to do to political machinations. In the case of the genesis of Emirate of Diiriyah.

My friend, this is an example of the politicization of Religion.
Also that's the reason why Shi'tes in the south (Jizan) who are more religious that even the Shi'te in the east, support Al Saud, because unlike the Shi'te in the east region (no tribal affiliations/questionable origins) the Shi'te in the south are mostly from Banu Yam, and they would never betray a tribal pact or never (as it will stain their honor), in a million years, accept to be ruled by none-Arabs, no matter the incentives.
I see, so the union between Al-Wahab and Al-Saud back in the mid 18th century had nothing to do with Islam or religion, but everything to do to political machinations. In the case of the genesis of Emirate of Diiriyah.

My friend, this is an example of the politicization of Religion.
Even though Saudi Arabia as it stands now, apply Sharia law, that wasn't the main purpose of its inception. But, the glue that ties Saudi Arabia together is the tribal law. And people in Saudi Arabia don't care much about Sheikhs or Ulamas etc, as soon as something break the tribal harmony, everything will be thrown out of the window, including segments of Sharia law.
Even though Saudi Arabia as it stands now, apply Sharia law, that wasn't the main purpose of its inception. But, the glue that ties Saudi Arabia together is the tribal law. And people in Saudi Arabia don't care much about Sheikhs or Ulamas etc, as soon as something break the tribal harmony, everything will be thrown out of the window, including segments of Sharia law.

So you are saying that in context to Saudi Arabia, Islam is only important so long as it is in tandem with tribal law and tribal dialectics.

Then what makes Saudi Arabia even different to pre-Islamic Arabia, which was ruled according to tribal law.

The troubles Muhammad (pbuh) was due in part to that tribal mentality , that is why he had to seize Medina and Mekkah by the sword.
All this will do is create a bigger mess. In a time when sectarianism is at its height when people brand the Syrian and the Yemen war as sect wars and when you already tried to make a coalition which had no Iran,Iraq and Syria under the guise of fighting Isis but experts calling it a coalition against Iran. Was such an execution in such troubled times so necessary? A good leader and politician is aware of his or her surroundings and the impact and effects of his or her actions when making a move.

Tbh a more merciful gesture considering the flow of the world would have sent a very good message to shia all round and would have showcased that Saudi Arabia is not into sectarianism or fights wars based on sects.
"Al wahhab", hahaha. They are called Al-sheikh, and they're from Banu Tamim. People here with no concept of heritage and lineage, forget that Saudi Arabia is a tribal society, and in a tribal society, people try to ally themselves to the bigger more widespread tribes, and naturally, Banu Tamim being the biggest Arabic tribe, aligning yourself with them is the first step for anyone to begin to hope to rule over Arabia. It has nothing to do with religion.

That is why Saudi Arabia is politically stable, that is why this part of the world was a no go zone to foreign occupiers/nightmare for invaders (Persian rugs/Romans/Ottomans) etc, only an Arab who's aligned with Arabs can rule over Arabia.

Old tricks die hard and this true when you are now coming up with this nonsense. Your lies are just that.

First of all Saudi Arabia is not a "stable" political order. It is a family business put in place when Ottoman empire broke up. All with the help of British. Have you forgotten Lawrence of Arabia without whose help there would be no Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is not a stable political order since it depends on American help to sustain itself. Without American protection, the state would collapse in weeks.

Furthermore, the tribal machination that you refer to, are by no means a stable order. Not by any stretech of imagination. Saudi's heavy handedness in Qatif and eastern part of Saudi Arabia in which Shias are a majority has a reason which you did not mention. But don't worry, I am here to remind you of it. Almost all the Saudi oilfields are in Shia majority areas. Najd itself does not have much oil.
Of course this is bad news for Iran, since they will not be able to build a popular base in Arabia even if there's no Saudi Arabia. Since the concept of pure race/ genealogy/lineages is foreign to them, due to being occupied and bread with multiple times, and also due to their own Mut'a marriage.
Furthermore, the tribal machination that you refer to, are by no means a stable order. Not by any stretech of imagination.

No it is not. This tribal machination was the very reason what Prophet Muhammad had to subdue the Quraish people early on. Since they would not submit.
Old tricks die hard and this true when you are now coming up with this nonsense. Your lies are just that.

First of all Saudi Arabia is not a "stable" political order. It is a family business put in place when Ottoman empire broke up. All with the help of British. Have you forgotten Lawrence of Arabia without whose help there would be no Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is not a stable political order since it depends on American help to sustain itself. Without American protection, the state would collapse in weeks.

Furthermore, the tribal machination that you refer to, are by no means a stable order. Not by any stretech of imagination. Saudi's heavy handedness in Qatif and eastern part of Saudi Arabia in which Shias are a majority has a reason which you did not mention. But don't worry, I am here to remind you of it. Almost all the Saudi oilfields are in Shia majority areas. Najd itself does not have much oil.
Even in the eastern region Shites are not the majority.l they're only a majority in Qatif/Sihat. The biggest city in the east, Dammam, is mostly all Sunnis.

And since the inception of Islam, Umayyad/Abbasid caliphs had to tend to every tribal leaders' wishes and whims just so they don't lose their loyalty, which will lead them to losing hundreds of thousands of men, whose loyalty lies first with their tribe followed by their religion, and then finally their Caliph. The concept of country holds no meaning to Arabs.
So you are saying that in context to Saudi Arabia, Islam is only important so long as it is in tandem with tribal law and tribal dialectics.

Islam in context of Saud family is just a tool to be used to lengthen their monarchy. Nothing more. The amount of damage this family has caused to Islam is unprecedented in history. They have Islam to propagate a harsh violent form of ideology all through Islamic and non-Islamic lands, causing the image of Islam to become one of a crazy religion. Almost every terrorist in the world today belongs to the version of Islam propagated by Saudis.

For them Islam is just a tool, a vehicle to export their political entropy and disorder to the rest of the world in order to stabilize themselves internally. Basically the "tribal pact" between Saudi family and Takfiris, is such that the Takfiris are allowed to follow on with their objectives as long as they allow Sauds to rule and enjoy themselves.

Even in the eastern region Shites are not the majority.l they're only a majority in Qatif/Sihat. The biggest city in the east, Dammam, is mostly all Sunnis.

And since the inception of Islam, Umayyad/Abbasid caliphs had to tend to every tribal leaders' wishes and whims just so they don't lose their loyalty, which will lead them to lose hundreds of thousands of men, whose loyalty lies first with their tribe followed by their religion, and then finally their Caliph. The concept of country holds no meaning to Arabs.

Of course. As per Saudi propaganda. The reality is otherwise. Najd does not have oil. The oil is in Shia areas and therefore the need to be heavy handed.
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