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Sarbajeet Singh the Indian spy, critically injured.

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LAHORE: The condition of Sarabjit Singh, the convicted Indian spy who was injured in an attack on Friday, was serious, said his doctors on Saturday.

According to them, his chances of survival are slim. He has been intubated and linked to the ventilator in the intensive care unit of Jinnah Hospital.

Singh suffered serious head injuries when two fellow inmates attacked him in the Kot Lakhpat jail on Friday.

His wife Sukhbir Kaur, sister Dalbir Kaur and two daughters will arrive in Lahore on Sunday (today) after grant of visa by Pakistani government.

One of the doctors treating him told Dawn: “Singh was diagnosed on Saturday with 3/15 glasow coma scale (GCS); that elaborates upon his critical state of conscious level.” He said the GCS was a neurological scale aimed at assessing level of consciousness after profound head injury and the reading of 3/15 indicated deep unconsciousness.

With the level of his deep unconsciousness, Singh’s treatment had turned out to be a major neurosurgical challenge for the medical board constituted by the authorities, said the doctor.

Senior neurosurgeon and principal of Post-Graduate Medical Institute, Prof Dr Anjum Habib Vohra; head of Jinnah Hospital’s neuro department, Prof Dr Zafar Chaudhry; and neuro physician of King Edward Medical University, Prof Dr Naeem Kasuri, are members of the medical board.

The doctor said Singh had suffered a critical bone fracture when he was taken to Jinnah Hospital’s surgical emergency on Friday evening.

During clinical assessment, he added, it was established that Singh had diffused brain injury over a widespread area of his head that led to unconsciousness.

Doctors also discovered a haematoma (a localised collection of blood outside the blood vessels) which was greater than 3cm which indicated that the patient was in dire need of surgical intervention.

The medical board examined the patient twice on Saturday and doctors were of the view that there was no need for surgical intervention at this stage.

Singh is in a separate intensive care unit in unprecedented police security and no one is allowed to see him except doctors.

Chances of Sarabjit
I feel that our guy is already dead, that is why they are not giving consular access. Only family members are allowed & I believe that no one is doctor in that particular group of 4. So in reality they can be fooled by saying that guy is in coma. How will the relatives believe them in such a condition that he is not dead yet. I am not getting the logic behind denying the consular access. Then Pakistani folks say see we have so great nature of hosting the visitors. Just saw the interview of another ex prisoner who received similar results in Pakistan. I can just hope that our guy survives & gets the justice.

I just don't know how two Manjit Singh are in jail for same bomb blast. Real one in India & another one in Pakistan.
so?? are you saying that Pakistan is a banana republic?? He is a terrorist or not doesn't give anybody right to do what they did...It is responsibility of Pakistan state to make sure rule of law prevails..no??
Good to know that you likes "Banana" Because you call Pakistan as a banana state. But come to Pakistan and taste or check our bananas you will never dream more about it again? Pakistan knows about its responsibility. No need to teach by indians about it. Whet happened to your Indian Terrorist "Sarabjeet Singh" into jail in Pakistan is nothing a new episode against any "Terrorist Prison" (You Indian NEVER wants to discuss or say about Guantanamo jail. That what happened there against so many prisoners. Pics are available via searching "GOOGLE" Then you Indian were keep quite against this matter. Why chill out now? Because it happened against an Indian Terrorist called "Sarbjeet Singh" . . . .? Cool Down!

He should hang soon as possible by Government of Pakistan to close chapter of this terrorist.
Good to know that you likes "Banana" Because you call Pakistan as a banana state. But come to Pakistan and taste or check our bananas you will never dream more about it again? Pakistan knows about its responsibility. No need to teach by indians about it. Whet happened to your Indian Terrorist "Sarabjeet Singh" into jail in Pakistan is nothing a new episode against any "Terrorist Prison" (You Indian NEVER wants to discuss or say about Guantanamo jail. That what happened there against so many prisoners. Pics are available via searching "GOOGLE" Then you Indian were keep quite against this matter. Why chill out now? Because it happened against an Indian Terrorist called "Sarbjeet Singh" . . . .? Cool Down!

He should hang soon as possible by Government of Pakistan to close chapter of this terrorist.

you want to talk about Guantanamo then open a new thread on it and we can discuss it there....you haven't got the message yet...now i am not sure if this is on purpose or u r actually naive....look rule of law must prevail...like it or not but that is the reality of a responsible state(unless and until you claim that is not your cup of tea)....terrorist tag doesn't mean anybody can come and kick the person...really is this such a difficult thing to understand??
Hanging is fine if that is what your judicial system find suitable punishment...however what has happened to him in the cell is very unfortunate...keep in mind that we have long borders and people from both sides get caught just bcoz they were at wrong place at wrong time...such incidents will only mean bad news for netizens on both side languishing in opposite camps jails...we all should unequivocally condemn this act....

1. Nobody is supporting his beating or any such attack on him. What happend in jail to him was uncalled for.

2. Pakistanis had been attacked to death in Indian jails as well. So i guess this is tradition in both
1. Nobody is supporting his beating or any such attack on him. What happend in jail to him was uncalled for.

...My God, pages and pages of this thread is testimony of pakistanis justifying and liking the incident...and then ..we come across this ......bin pande ka lota...

2. Pakistanis had been attacked to death in Indian jails as well. So i guess this is tradition in both
searching for a lame excuse for this cowardice act...:pissed:..
...you are not alone...
Every indian spy should be hanged!
This SOB has the blood of 14 innocent Pakistanis on his hands, he should be sent back to india piece by piece and then fed to rabid dogs.
A 4 member medical panel has decided that Sarabjeet will be treated in Pakistan and there is no need to go abroad, we have enough medical facilities.
Prison fights between inmates are a constant problem. I don't think this has anything to do with the ISI or anyone else.
Prison fights between inmates are a constant problem. I don't think this has anything to do with the ISI or anyone else.

If the ISI wanted to him dead, believe me he would have been dead from natural causes. This is most likely vigilante justice, probably an inmate decided to take law into his own hands since Pakistan's Justice System failed.
Every indian spy should be hanged!

we hanged Ajmal Kasab and Afzal Guru after giving them legal council and due process. Hanging someone is taken very seriously here in India.
Kangaroo courts at best where prime witness on record falsified his testimony is being still held in jail.... there isn't an ounce of shame left on the forum where venom is being spewed against an innocent man....

Sarabjit case: Key witness retracts statement

Do you have any ounce of shame left? Same courts found the last three 'Singhs' guilty and same drama was played by India. Mistaken identity this and that. They were released on mercy petitions and ALL three confessed in India that they were indeed Indian spies and involved in anti-state activities.

Shove the sermons, ain't happening the fourth time around. Spies like traitors have no rights we have all the moral and legal authority to make an example out of him.
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