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Sarabjit `clinically dead`; family to return on Wednesday

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Treatment meted out to sarabjit has served its purpose well. Now all bhaarti terrorists and spies will think twice before venturing into Pakistan and offcourse we should thank the bhaarti media for spreading our message with a pinch of sensationalism....This couldn't have gone any better. :cheers:
@joekrish I am saying people in jail are criminals too...such incidents are not SOMETHING OUT OF THE BLUE....But I am surprised at how much COMPASSION the Indians are showing a criminal!

@Talon Agreed that such incidents are not out of the blue but not for a criminal with a foreign nationality, does it not become the responsiablity of the country to make sure that the law of the land is/was/will be enforced. If he was hanged then may be you would not have seen compassion. This will hurt the already dentad international image of Pakistan.
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Doctors did ask the family whether they wanted the ventilator to be turned off, it was also reported in our media, but not the clinically dead part.

According to doctors yesterday, he was gonna be operated in a few days.

Waiting for a non Indian source regarding clinically dead part.

Common sense, the guy has suffered extensive brain injury. The doctors asked the family (and you agree) to consider removing him from the ventilator. If he was viable, they would hardly be asking such a question. He is going to be operated on? For what? Relieving pressure on the brain maybe.... It seems that he is long gone, just the motion of formalities being carried out.
LAHORE: Indian spy Sarabjit Singh, who was severally injured in an attack by inmates in a prison, went into ‘non-reversible’ coma on Tuesday and was heading to ‘brain death’, said the doctors struggling to save his life.

His Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) had dropped to a critical level which showed that he was moving towards ‘brain death’, a senior doctor at the Jinnah Hospital told journalists. The GCS is a neurological scale that records the level of consciousness of a person.

“Now only his heart is beating but without brain function and this is because of his profound head injuries,” the doctor said.

But, he said, the medical board examining him on a daily basis was not in the position to declare him brain dead without consulting the authorities and Sarabjit’s family. After an extensive physical examination, the doctors had the unanimous opinion that he was absolutely unresponsive and unable to breathe without ventilator. They also examined the result of the GCS and finally expressed the opinion that he met the criteria of ‘brain death’.

The doctor said the authorities had been informed about the failing health of Singh.

Replying to a question, he said that Singh would not be removed from ventilator without approval of the government and consent of his family

Sarabjit goes into
What is disgusting is that Pakistanis are not even condemning the fact that he was killed by illegally.

Had he been hanged by the court it would have been a different issue altogether.

But its expected that Pakistanis dont understand law and condone savagery. ..afterall they celebrated the killer of salman taseer.

And the sad part is that some Pakistani would have to pay the same price in Indian jail.
Good riddance. May you rot in hell @ssHole

What is disgusting is that Pakistanis are not even condemning the fact that he was killed by illegally.

Had he been hanged by the court it would have been a different issue altogether.

But its expected that Pakistanis dont understand law and condone savagery. ..afterall they celebrated the killer of salman taseer.

And the sad part is that some Pakistani would have to pay the same price in Indian jail.

Disgusting is the fact that you are protecting a terrorist who was involved in the killing of innocent Pakistanis. He should had be hanged publically but the pathetic regime of Zadari delayed the matter. He deserved what was coming to him. Now you can all whine and pray for him whatever.
Good riddance. May you rot in hell @ssHole

Disgusting is the fact that you are protecting a terrorist who was involved in the killing of innocent Pakistanis. He should had be hanged publically but the pathetic regime of Zadari delayed the matter. He deserved what was coming to him. Now you can all whine and pray for him whatever.

If he was hanged by the court and government then it was acceptable.

But Pakistanis have a serious problem with following law and order. ..they like savagery so I suppose that it is not surprising that they like this news.
If he was hanged by the court and government then it was acceptable.

But Pakistanis have a serious problem with following law and order. ..they like savagery so I suppose that it is not surprising that they like this news.

You are a terrorist sympathizer.
You are a terrorist sympathizer.

Infact you are a terrorist sympathiser. What was done to this prisoner was an act of terrorism and most Pakistanis love it. Just shows how most of Pakistan isna terrorism loving nation.

As said here before by many indians. Had he been hanged by the due process of law by Pakistan government it would not have heen an issue at all. But Pakistanis cannot abide by law.

And the sad part is that some people in india will get enraged by this news and a poor Pakistani prisoner will have to pay with his life in the same extra judicial manner.
Infact you are a terrorist sympathiser. What was done to this prisoner was an act of terrorism and most Pakistanis love it. Just shows how most of Pakistan isna terrorism loving nation.

As said here before by many indians. Had he been hanged by the due process of law by Pakistan government it would not have heen an issue at all. But Pakistanis cannot abide by law.

And the sad part is that some people in india will get enraged by this news and a poor Pakistani prisoner will have to pay with his life in the same extra judicial manner.

Indians are known to have encourage acts of terrorism inside Pakistan and this is fact since the days of east Pakistan. Even if he would have been hanged, the attitude of the likes of you would have remained the same i.e. defending a terrorist. But then this is not surprising for us. The support of Indians to a terrorist is shameful to say the least but the audacity to defend a terrorist and a killer of innocent Pakistanis is even more shameful & disgusting and speaks about the true nature of your kind.
Consider this as a last reply to a terrorist sympathizer.
Indians are known to have encourage acts of terrorism inside Pakistan and this is fact since the days of east Pakistan. Even if he would have been hanged, the attitude of the likes of you would have remained the same i.e. defending a terrorist. But then this is not surprising for us. The support of Indians to a terrorist is shameful to say the least but the audacity to defend a terrorist and a killer of innocent Pakistanis is even more shameful & disgusting and speaks about the true nature of your kind.
Consider this as a last reply to a terrorist sympathizer.

A pakistani talking about terrorism is ironical. Pakistan is the worlds biggest terrorism exporter. G and give lectures of jehad to some one else.

This is a clear case of pakistanis using terrorism to kill some one they did not like.
Concepts like rule of law and legal hangings are alien to shariah infested pakistanis.

As I said before that no Indian would have showed major issues with legal execution of a convict as per pakistani laws. However since pakistanis themselves make no notice of their own laws and still wonder why the world considers Pakistan as a joke and dont take pakistani laws seriously.
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