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S-125, Pantsir, BUK-M, TOR collection destroyed by Turkish drones !

With the last operation we see that Pantsir is very unsuccessful system against composite+RAM UCAVs and under intense EW conditions. The planes fly just above Pantsir radars and continue to gather intelligence! But BUK system differs positively in this sense, since that system was most likely destroyed with missile which is fired from the out-of-engagement distance.

It is very difficult to get new customers to Pantsir in the near future. Existing operators will also be busy with modernization work for many years.
Good long range optics on Turkish assets there.

+ Only Russia operates Tor-M1/2 in Syria

+ These SHORAD systems are not ideal choices to shot down 30k-40k feet capable MALE drones

+ That's a original 60's vintage S-125 there

Buk-M2 is the ideal system in Syrian service to counter MALE drones (protected by TOR or Pantsir).

There is nothing destroyed in this video except Pantsir on MAN chassis from Libya and 90% fake video with another disappeared Pantsir and computer generated explosion with identical debries.



Rest of the videos most probably just old footage. What a jock :lol:
so it looks like using radar jamming, EW and Drones can destroy most SAM systems in any conflict. Looks like a new form of SEAD has been devised without even needing any HARMS. So pretty much your average medium sized military now can have the oppurtunity to take out enemy SAM's
so it looks like using radar jamming, EW and Drones can destroy most SAM systems in any conflict. Looks like a new form of SEAD has been devised without even needing any HARMS. So pretty much your average medium sized military now can have the oppurtunity to take out enemy SAM's

I made a thread about this

About how useful these systems actually are and whether they are sitting ducks

India will spend billions on the s400 plus other systems and if we could decimate them at a fraction of the cost then we can really hurt India
Turkish drones + EW sensors just playing cat-mouse games with Russian SAM systems in video. Turkish drones have challenged to almost all S series SAM systems in Syria and This video is the decleration of their humiliation. The next footage will be more pathetic for mighty Russian technology.

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