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Russia's Putin says NATO should stay in Afghanistan


It is tragic in many ways and comic in other ways to see the following:

1. One European Putin is telling the other Europeans armies of NATO. Keep your boots on Afghan throats.

2. Poster from Asian country India are saying wah wah. Putin is the new Avatar.

3. Poster from Asian country Afghanistan are barking at Poster from Asian country Pakistan

4. Poster from Asian country Pakistani are barking at the Asian countries Afghanistan and India

Do any of you see the irony?

Then we all say, how come Europeans conquered our Asian assess, how come Europeans ruled our behinds, how come Europeans dominate our region.

Oh the irony!

It is tragic in many ways and comic in other ways to see the following:

1. One European Putin is telling the other Europeans armies of NATO. Keep your boots on Afghan throats.

2. Poster from Asian country India are saying wah wah. Putin is the new Avatar.

3. Poster from Asian country Afghanistan are barking at Poster from Asian country Pakistan

4. Poster from Asian country Pakistani are barking at the Asian countries Afghanistan and India

Do any of you see the irony?

Then we all say, how come Europeans conquered our Asian assess, how come Europeans ruled our behinds, how come Europeans dominate our region.

Oh the irony!

For a self-professed Historian, you are quite a Romantic!!!
That would be OK if you were a Poet or something. For a (supposed) Historian its a "No-No".

The Americans don't deserve any "wah-wahs" for being in Afghanistan.

Russian Putin does'nt deserve any "wah-wahs" for urging the Americans to remain there. So you can fathom what the Indian thinks of that.

Do the Pakistanis deserve a "wah-wah" for mucking about in Afghan matters and condemning them to an existence of perpetual instabilty, just to sustain a quest for something "imaginary"?

And do the Afghans need to get (or not get) a "wah-wah" just because they are reminding a neighbor of its fraught role in their life and times?

Climb down from the clouds, Mr.Historian and confront reality. Smell the coffee if you can.

Nothing Ironical about it at all! Get Real and Junk the Romanticism!

Afghanistan will simply become the preserve of many players, just because a few could'nt get it right.
While the only people deserving of any empathy or even "wah-wahs" may be the Afghans themslves for having suffered it all.
But even that will not happen in the real World.
While the only people deserving of any empathy or even "wah-wahs" may be the Afghans themslves for having suffered it all.
But even that will not happen in the real World.

Well said Popey, and I will respectfully expand on this with what little I've came to learn. The "real world" that you speak of harbors a brutal wisdom of its own and is completely right in its natural assessment. The noble Quran advises its disciples that "all that is good on this Earth comes from God, while all that is evil comes from ourselves." As an Indian, you'd be familiar with the philosophy behind "Karma", which indeed shares in the Quran's wisdom in that if the sum total of our deeds is good, then so too shall we earn in kind (in God's embrace), just as when the sum total of our deeds is evil, then so too shall we earn in kind.

Our recent miseries that have reduced us to a state that even a Pakistani monkey fancies himself as our owners, has been duly earned. At the end of the day, it was none other than the sum total of our collective deeds that did us in. Only when the tear drops of our women cease to be shed in vain, when the meek no longer fears the powerful, when the disfigured is no longer laughed at, when the orphan is no longer abused by sexual predators, and when stray dogs are no longer kicked around, only then will I know that our people have finally awakened and rest in the embrace of God. Not all my Afghans deserve my criticism as many remain noble and virtuous, and it is on them that I am counting on to recognize our collective responsibilities where warranted and liberate our people from our own vices. The time has arrived for Afghans to act with the good of our fellow man foremost in our hearts.

As God is my witness and the fires of hell a certainty, the Pakistanis shall too reap what they've sown. There is a great calamity descending upon them and its wrath will be of the most extreme prejudice. No amount of beards and prayers will deliver the Munafiqeen from what awaits them. Their future will be darker than their souls. We Afghans have been there and the sober amongst us are eyewitnesses to the gates of hell. I come here not to wage war on the Pakistanis, but to deliver a message that demands from them their atonement. But here’s the catch, for to do that, they’ll need to defy their history and act with the courage they don’t have.

Wed, 1 Aug 2012 13:49 GMT

Source: reuters // Reuters

ULYANOVSK, Russia, Aug 1 (Reuters) - NATO forces should stay in Afghanistan until their job is done, Russia President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday, suggesting they should stay beyond a planned withdrawal of most combat troops in 2014.

"It is regrettable that many participants in this operation are thinking about how to pull out of there," Putin said at a meeting with paratroopers in the Russian city of Ulyanovsk. "They took up this burden and should carry it to the end."

Source: Russia's Putin says NATO should stay in Afghanistan - AlertNet

he was being sarcastic

It is tragic in many ways and comic in other ways to see the following:

1. One European Putin is telling the other Europeans armies of NATO. Keep your boots on Afghan throats.

2. Poster from Asian country India are saying wah wah. Putin is the new Avatar.

3. Poster from Asian country Afghanistan are barking at Poster from Asian country Pakistan

4. Poster from Asian country Pakistani are barking at the Asian countries Afghanistan and India

Do any of you see the irony?

Then we all say, how come Europeans conquered our Asian assess, how come Europeans ruled our behinds, how come Europeans dominate our region.

Oh the irony!

No "irony" there, Mr "Historian". The "Europeans" that you speak of were at war with one another only as far back as the 1990's, ending up with the dismantlement of the former Yugoslavian tyranny that helped liberate Muslims among others….do you remember that?

That was only within years of the decades old cold war being fought between NATO and its allies (including Pakistanis who greedily benefited from it)….you remember that, don’t you?

Need I also remind you of the "European" death toll that resulted from the cold war, beginning with the Russian civil war, the Soviet backed tyrannies from Eastern Europe to "European" spawned Latin America? And that was only at the heel of the "second world war", which saw millions butchered only three decades from the "first world war", which equally witnessed the killing of millions. How about the Americans fighting one another on their own soil? Haven't you ever heard of the American civil war, or their war of independence from the British colonialists? How about the Spanish civil war or the war between the Irish and the English or for that matter the Catholics against the Protestants? Haven't you ever heard about the time when the Italian descendants of the once formidable Roman Empire began to cannibalize themselves as we Afghans recently did?

Do you remember any one of these Mr “Historian”?

Come to think of it, are you sure you are a "historian" and not a "Philosopher"?
Well said Popey, and I will respectfully expand on this with what little I've came to learn. The "real world" that you speak of harbors a brutal wisdom of its own and is completely right in its natural assessment. The noble Quran advises its disciples that "all that is good on this Earth comes from God, while all that is evil comes from ourselves." As an Indian, you'd be familiar with the philosophy behind "Karma", which indeed shares in the Quran's wisdom in that if the sum total of our deeds is good, then so too shall we earn in kind (in God's embrace), just as when the sum total of our deeds is evil, then so too shall we earn in kind.

Our recent miseries that have reduced us to a state that even a Pakistani monkey fancies himself as our owners, has been duly earned. At the end of the day, it was none other than the sum total of our collective deeds that did us in. Only when the tear drops of our women cease to be shed in vain, when the meek no longer fears the powerful, when the disfigured is no longer laughed at, when the orphan is no longer abused by sexual predators, and when stray dogs are no longer kicked around, only then will I know that our people have finally awakened and rest in the embrace of God. Not all my Afghans deserve my criticism as many remain noble and virtuous, and it is on them that I am counting on to recognize our collective responsibilities where warranted and liberate our people from our own vices. The time has arrived for Afghans to act with the good of our fellow man foremost in our hearts.

As God is my witness and the fires of hell a certainty, the Pakistanis shall too reap what they've sown. There is a great calamity descending upon them and its wrath will be of the most extreme prejudice. No amount of beards and prayers will deliver the Munafiqeen from what awaits them. Their future will be darker than their souls. We Afghans have been there and the sober amongst us are eyewitnesses to the gates of hell. I come here not to wage war on the Pakistanis, but to deliver a message that demands from them their atonement. But here’s the catch, for to do that, they’ll need to defy their history and act with the courage they don’t have.


After the remarks about monkeys and calling us a coward nation, it is obvious that you are a troll. A product of a communist father with no morals. To extrapolate an apology from 180 million people and to belittle them at the same time proves that you are nothing but a pathetic internet warrior sitting anywhere but Afghanistan. Is it Loy Europe, or Loy America?

Come to Pakistan as friends and be treated with love. Come with evil intentions and be butchered. There is really no other way about it.

As for your puppet nation that you speak so idealistically of, it is anything but righteous. With strings attached to your government, you are now barking threats to a neighbor that has hosted the most refugees in the entire world. Your brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers have all been taken care of.

So tell me one thing ehsan farmosh. Do you think that God will not see the venom in your heart?

Whose making your sham country dance and flail it's lifeless arms now?

Is it the Russians, or the Americans?

The Tajiks, or the Indians?

We Pakistanis are not afraid of a puppet nation. You are misleading your own people with your dogma.
A couple of years ago some Afghan came into my mosque. He was a Pathan and me and him got to talking. When he found out I was Pakistani he started ranting about how we stole Pashtun areas from Afghanistan. I told that guy that all of Afghanistan is a part of Pakistan. You wanna know what he did? Nothing he just pouted like a depressed child and walked away. He was just one Afghan. :rolleyes:

…once again, the Afghan unfailingly reveals his honor and courage, while the Pakistani reveals his foolishness….both then in the Mosque and now in this forum by proudly repeating himself!

I believe it was Aristotle that correctly described courage as a virtue occupying a mean point between cowardice and recklessness. After hearing your atypical vitriol, the thoughts tearing away at the Afghan’s mind would have been between putting a bullet in your head and a life sentence to prison on the one hand, and ignoring you as he would a monkey in the zoo on the other. He chose the former and avoided behaving in a way that would have made him abandon his family and responsibilities. Had he been a Pakistani, he’d have replied with a dopey smile on his face and called you a brother, but he chose not to act cowardly. Rather, he exercised the restraint and courage that his years of fasting have complemented. Being a Pakistani Mullah in New York, I don’t expect you to understand Sher Malang’s wise and brief commentary about the Mosque as the context. It is abundantly clear here that as a Munafiq, your fasting is for show rather than as intended for you. You acted recklessly, which is a trait that often leads to cowardly behavior. Now do you see why we view you the way we do?
Naturally Putin would want NATO to stay in Afghanistan for two main reasons:

- NATO preoccupation could keep their attention off Russia for a while

- Russia is in no mood to send its own troops into Afghanistan when someone else is doing the job of getting rid of primitive barbarians.

he was being sarcastic

You so wish he was, but you know it that he's not. Guess attempting to reinstate Taliban is making you guys desperate.
Naturally Putin would want NATO to stay in Afghanistan for two main reasons:

- NATO preoccupation could keep their attention off Russia for a while

- Russia is in no mood to send its own troops into Afghanistan when someone else is doing the job of getting rid of primitive barbarians.

When Haqqani network is sheltering Uzbek and Chechan militants, is there any reason Russia won't support US presence in Afghanistan.
Well said Popey, and I will respectfully expand on this with what little I've came to learn. The "real world" that you speak of harbors a brutal wisdom of its own and is completely right in its natural assessment. The noble Quran advises its disciples that "all that is good on this Earth comes from God, while all that is evil comes from ourselves." As an Indian, you'd be familiar with the philosophy behind "Karma", which indeed shares in the Quran's wisdom in that if the sum total of our deeds is good, then so too shall we earn in kind (in God's embrace), just as when the sum total of our deeds is evil, then so too shall we earn in kind.

Our recent miseries that have reduced us to a state that even a Pakistani monkey fancies himself as our owners, has been duly earned. At the end of the day, it was none other than the sum total of our collective deeds that did us in. Only when the tear drops of our women cease to be shed in vain, when the meek no longer fears the powerful, when the disfigured is no longer laughed at, when the orphan is no longer abused by sexual predators, and when stray dogs are no longer kicked around, only then will I know that our people have finally awakened and rest in the embrace of God. Not all my Afghans deserve my criticism as many remain noble and virtuous, and it is on them that I am counting on to recognize our collective responsibilities where warranted and liberate our people from our own vices. The time has arrived for Afghans to act with the good of our fellow man foremost in our hearts.

As God is my witness and the fires of hell a certainty, the Pakistanis shall too reap what they've sown. There is a great calamity descending upon them and its wrath will be of the most extreme prejudice. No amount of beards and prayers will deliver the Munafiqeen from what awaits them. Their future will be darker than their souls. We Afghans have been there and the sober amongst us are eyewitnesses to the gates of hell. I come here not to wage war on the Pakistanis, but to deliver a message that demands from them their atonement. But here’s the catch, for to do that, they’ll need to defy their history and act with the courage they don’t have.


Here comes another Mullah...Cursing Pakistan and Pakistanis..Oh ALLAH these Munafiq Aghwanies.

Belive me we are use2 wthe Munafiq like u Mr Loy AGhwanistan..Instead of Cursing Pakistan or the Pakistanis Pray for yr own country.

Peace Na you will never see that coz you are Munafiq...
Here comes another Mullah...Cursing Pakistan and Pakistanis..Oh ALLAH these Munafiq Aghwanies.

Belive me we are use2 wthe Munafiq like u Mr Loy AGhwanistan..Instead of Cursing Pakistan or the Pakistanis Pray for yr own country.

Peace Na you will never see that coz you are Munafiq...

Sadly, your opinion holds the weight of a flea, for all I see here is a pathetic remnant of a once proud ancestor, looking the more forlorn with the long arm of Pakistan visibly stuck up so high into his posterior that it reaches his mouth and moves it against me. All I have for you is one question....every once in a while, when a little ounce of ghairat beckons you to cease being a sock-puppet and motivates you to wriggle yourself free, does it ache?

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