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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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well somebody said we can fight Israel , but cant fight USA .
guess who ?
Don't know. Also, don't care :laugh:

Let's keep this thread and the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia :pop:

I never thought I'd see these two agreeing on anything.

It's incredible the amount of jews that support Ukraine, Sean penn is half jewish (from Lithuania).

Its a bit of a surprise, perhaps a pleasant surprise that they are on the right side of history once or twice. They also helped a great deal in defeating Armenia last year.

I would have thought with so many coming from Russia that many would take Russia's side.

Not that it makes any difference whose side they are on, but I just find it interesting.

Anyway, after watching this video, I am convinced that America is going all in to ensure a ukranian victory. There is total support on all political sides for Ukraine. Its stronger than trump. there is noone that could shake this American support for Ukraine. And thats very bad news for russia.
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Sure and Ukraine can send nuclear material to moscow, making the place uninhabitable for thousands of years. You dont need a nuke to destroy a city. Uranium dust is enough.

At moment its important to give russia incredible high losses. Ukraine needs a victory in war to be save from russia. This war cant end on negotiations table. And so far it runs good for Ukraine. They now truely get independence from hundreds of years russian agression
Ukraine in its short sightedness disarmed himself , they have nothing to send those to Moscow at best some border villages
by the way , this war only can be ended on negotiation table otherwise welcome Yemen version 2 , wonder is USA willing to sell its wheat to the world instead of dumping it in ocean to prevent a world wide food shortage or prefer the let the wheat price skyrocket and get the benefit

I never thought I'd see these two agreeing on anything.

It's incredible the amount of jews that support Ukraine, Sean penn is half jewish (from Lithuania).

Its a bit of a surprise, perhaps a pleasant surprise that they are on the right side of history once or twice. They also helped a great deal in defeating Armenia last year.

I would have thought with so many coming from Russia that many would take Russia's side.

Not that it makes any difference whose side they are on, but I just find it interesting.

Anyway, after watching this video, I am convinced that America is going all in to ensure a ukranian victory. There is total support on all political sides for Ukraine. Its stronger than trump. there is noone that could shake this American support for Ukraine. And thats very bad news for russia.

The US will dedicate the resources to completely wreck the Russian military to the point where it will take several decades for Russia to recover.
honestly , I can't understand Russians mindset in this war, if i wanted to do it , i'd have made a different sort of warfare
Its hard to understand unless you know Russia and communism. They gre up being lied to and the whole system worked on lies. You dont advance unless you lie and the only way things will function is with lies. Unfortunately, this leads to the creation of a parallel universe which we can see they are all living in.

Its like Russians opened the window on their lies and for 30 years they could see the truth. Then they realised the truth was terrible and closed the curtains again and have again decided to live in a world fo lies.

the truth is that the Russians have a terrible military, very limited capabilities, dont believe in anything and are a corrupt and misguided society. As a consequence this is the only type of campaign they can fight.

They believed their own lies.

The bigger question for me is why were they a superpower in the first place. Why were they allowed to conquer half of europe after WW2. Sounds like Western Europeans just didnt care about Eastern Europe in 1945. Had the USSR been death wth in 1950 we would not have had all these problems.

Hmmm sound familiar :woot: Give this man a beer he speaks like a real Fascist he will get a medal fo shure
White skin, Slavic soil? lol. Its good that some of the Russian fanboys hear this. Good luck to the Chechens dying for this "white slavic soil".
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I think you and others misunderstood the message that the Russians were sending in that formal diplomatic note. The details are in that article of what the Russian will do. Here is what is stated in that article:

"They have targeted supply depots in Ukraine itself, where some of these supplies have been stored,” said George Beebe, former director of Russia analysis at the CIA and Russia adviser to former vice president Dick Cheney. ' The real question is do they go beyond attempting to target [the weapons] on Ukrainian territory, try to hit the supply convoys themselves and perhaps the NATO countries on the Ukrainian periphery” that serve as transfer points for the U.S. supplies.
If Russian forces stumble in the next phase of the war as they did in the first, 'then I think the chances that Russia targets NATO supplies on NATO territory go up considerably,” Beebe said. ' There has been an assumption on the part of a lot of us in the West that we could supply the Ukrainians really without limits and not bear significant risk of retaliation from Russia,” he said. “I think the Russians want to send a message here that that’s not true.
' "

Russia has set their next targets: Western arms supplies to Ukraine. That is what that diplomatic means. It is a new escalation.

but Russia is richer in actual war experience and theory. Also, Russia is probably more advanced, slightly too, in the military nuclear field.

True but ukraine is also experienced in war since 2014 . Also the have experience with russian equipment. So they are able to exploit weakness in some ways .

Also russia is not just fighting ukraine. They are in a fight with geopolitical oppositions. And this opposition's goal is different, they want to maximise the damage to russia. Putin should try to get out of this war, it doesnt win him anything.
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