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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Here are the EXTERNAL outcomes from what Poutine did...All in one week...
  1. Remind NATO of its original raison d'etre
  2. Got NATO to reorganize its forces
  3. Got NATO to rethink its budget
  4. Pushed neutral Finland and Sweden towards NATO
  5. Ruined Russian civil aviation
  6. Further ruined Russian economy
  7. Degrade Russia global image
  8. Revealed flaws and ineffectiveness of the Russian military
Granted, maybe item 8 is debatable because it may came from Poutine's originally restrained battle plans. But if that is true, then Poutine should have stayed a spy and left warfighting to the generals.

By sheer numerical superiority, Russia will take Ukraine. But Russia needs Ukraine and by 'needs', I mean Ukraine must be as functional a country as soon as possible in order to act as a geopolitical buffer. In this, there is little difference between Iraq and Afghanistan because the US needed both countries to be as functional as soon as possible under US guidance for Afghanistan not becoming a terrorist haven and Iraq not becoming a predatory state. Whether the US succeeded or not, there are plenty of existing discussions already so I will not get into those subjects here. Back in 1991, Desert Storm ground war lasted from Feb 24 to 28. On the 28th, the US declared a cease fire. Prior to the cease fire, Desert Storm air campaign lasted 30 days before the ground war. We do not see anything similar Ukraine. There was no 'shock and awe' but more like 'schlock and awshuck' from the Russian military. But by sheer numerical superiority, Russia will win.

So aside from the list of external outcomes, what can we expect from the coming guerrilla warfare? I do not believe the Ukrainians will be any less motivated than the Iraqi and Afghanistan insurgencies. The difference is that the Ukrainian insurgency will be much better supported in terms of global moral outrage, international finance, and qualitatively superior weapons. When Iraq fell, the ME did not got angry but actually breathed a sigh of relief. With Poutine, it is the opposite. Now tension increased, especially after Poutine made the nuclear alertness comment. Support for the Ukrainian insurgency will be even more assured.

This is 3 hours ago

Finland to discuss joining Nato in wake of Ukraine invasion


Finnish lawmakers will discuss the possibility of their country joining Nato in response to Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine on Tuesday.

Sanna Marin, Finland's prime minister, announced Helsinki would send weapons to help Ukraine. - Jussi Nukari /AP
© Jussi Nukari /AP Sanna Marin, Finland's prime minister, announced Helsinki would send weapons to help Ukraine. - Jussi Nukari /AP
The parliament debate is being held the day after an opinion poll showed that a majority of Finns were in favour of joining the Alliance for the first time.

Finland, which was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1939 and has Europe’s longest border with Russia, avoided taking sides in the Cold War and pursued a policy of non-alignment.

Increasing Russian belligerence, culminating in the invasion of Ukraine, has led to a landmark shift in attitudes in a country that was long reluctant to join Nato.

“It is very understandable that many Finns have changed or are changing their minds after Russia started waging war on Ukraine,” Sanna Marin, the prime minister, said on Monday.

The parliament debate was triggered after a petition to hold a referendum on Nato membership got 50,000 signatures in less than a week

Mr Putin listed Finland and neighbouring Sweden, which is also non-aligned, as countries that should be barred from Alliance membership as part of his security demands to the West before he invaded Ukraine. Finland insists on its right to apply for Nato membership if it wishes.

The poll by Finnish broadcasting company Yle found that 53 per cent of Finns were now in favour of joining Nato. That increases to 66 per cent if neighbouring Sweden, which is also non-aligned, joins at the same time, which has been mooted.

Some 28 per cent of Finns opposed membership and 19 per cent were unsure in the first opinion poll taken since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It was carried out over three days, including the day before the invasion.

In a January opinion poll, 30 per cent of Finns were in favour of membership. A poll in December found that only 24 per cent of Finnish citizens were positive towards joining, an increase of 2 per cent from last year, with 51 per cent against membership. In 2017, just 19 per cent of Finns were in favour of joining Nato.

Nato insiders believe any membership process would be relatively quick one because the countries already comply with the many of the standards expected by the 30-nation bloc.

Ms Marin, who did not say if she personally backed joining Nato, said in Brussels that Finland would take the “historic” step of offering Ukraine weapons to help fight off the Russian invasion.

Elina Valtonen is a MP and vice-president of the National Coalition Party, which has supported Nato membership for Finland since 2006 and is in opposition to Ms Marin’s centre-Left Social Democratic Party led coalition.

She told the Telegraph in January, “Finland is closer than it has ever been to applying for Nato membership. For the first time people feel that the aggression that Russia has been executing towards its neighbours [...] also concerns Finland and Sweden.”

At the end of December, Atte Harjanne, the parliamentary head of the Green Party, called on it to reverse its long held stance against Nato membership and actively campaign for Finland to join the alliance.

Meanwhile, Alko, the state-owned monopoly that sells alcohol in Finland, has announced it will stop selling Russian vodka because of Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

“The situation in Ukraine is shocking and we have taken it seriously,” Anu Koskinen, a spokeswoman for the group, which offers more than 11,000 products including around 30 Russian products, mostly vodka, told AFP.

This is 3 hours ago

Finland to discuss joining Nato in wake of Ukraine invasion

View attachment 819801
Finnish lawmakers will discuss the possibility of their country joining Nato in response to Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine on Tuesday.

Sanna Marin, Finland's prime minister, announced Helsinki would send weapons to help Ukraine. - Jussi Nukari /AP's prime minister, announced Helsinki would send weapons to help Ukraine. - Jussi Nukari /AP
© Jussi Nukari /AP Sanna Marin, Finland's prime minister, announced Helsinki would send weapons to help Ukraine. - Jussi Nukari /AP
The parliament debate is being held the day after an opinion poll showed that a majority of Finns were in favour of joining the Alliance for the first time.

Finland, which was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1939 and has Europe’s longest border with Russia, avoided taking sides in the Cold War and pursued a policy of non-alignment.

Increasing Russian belligerence, culminating in the invasion of Ukraine, has led to a landmark shift in attitudes in a country that was long reluctant to join Nato.

“It is very understandable that many Finns have changed or are changing their minds after Russia started waging war on Ukraine,” Sanna Marin, the prime minister, said on Monday.

The parliament debate was triggered after a petition to hold a referendum on Nato membership got 50,000 signatures in less than a week

Mr Putin listed Finland and neighbouring Sweden, which is also non-aligned, as countries that should be barred from Alliance membership as part of his security demands to the West before he invaded Ukraine. Finland insists on its right to apply for Nato membership if it wishes.

The poll by Finnish broadcasting company Yle found that 53 per cent of Finns were now in favour of joining Nato. That increases to 66 per cent if neighbouring Sweden, which is also non-aligned, joins at the same time, which has been mooted.

Some 28 per cent of Finns opposed membership and 19 per cent were unsure in the first opinion poll taken since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It was carried out over three days, including the day before the invasion.

In a January opinion poll, 30 per cent of Finns were in favour of membership. A poll in December found that only 24 per cent of Finnish citizens were positive towards joining, an increase of 2 per cent from last year, with 51 per cent against membership. In 2017, just 19 per cent of Finns were in favour of joining Nato.

Nato insiders believe any membership process would be relatively quick one because the countries already comply with the many of the standards expected by the 30-nation bloc.

Ms Marin, who did not say if she personally backed joining Nato, said in Brussels that Finland would take the “historic” step of offering Ukraine weapons to help fight off the Russian invasion.

Elina Valtonen is a MP and vice-president of the National Coalition Party, which has supported Nato membership for Finland since 2006 and is in opposition to Ms Marin’s centre-Left Social Democratic Party led coalition.

She told the Telegraph in January, “Finland is closer than it has ever been to applying for Nato membership. For the first time people feel that the aggression that Russia has been executing towards its neighbours [...] also concerns Finland and Sweden.”

At the end of December, Atte Harjanne, the parliamentary head of the Green Party, called on it to reverse its long held stance against Nato membership and actively campaign for Finland to join the alliance.

Meanwhile, Alko, the state-owned monopoly that sells alcohol in Finland, has announced it will stop selling Russian vodka because of Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

“The situation in Ukraine is shocking and we have taken it seriously,” Anu Koskinen, a spokeswoman for the group, which offers more than 11,000 products including around 30 Russian products, mostly vodka, told AFP.

I'm fairly certain that this is one of the 'red lines' that Putin was threatening about. Would NATO take this request seriously? :undecided:
Who do you think we cant sanction any one ? Indonesia is still embargoing Israel and close our Airspace to their plane.

You lose little for not doing trade with Isreal... and you banned yourself from doing trade with Israel not the other way around.
It would called sanction if you can stop any other country from trading with Israel.
I'm fairly certain that this is one of the 'red lines' that Putin was threatening about. Would NATO take this request seriously? :undecided:

It will, there are no restriction on Finland joining NATO, I don't see how any of the 26 member will reject this (If they all agree to help Ukraine). And majority of Fins want to join NATO.

This would be happening if the Finnish parliament pass the legislation.
EU Commission President:
*Temporary Protection Mechanism is to be activated to grant Ukrainians refugee status.
*We feel we had to act
*Our sanctions will take a toll on Russian Economies and transactions
*"We have to end this financing of Putin's War"
"We will freeze all Russian Assets"
* "We are suspending the licenses of Sputnik and RT
* More than 30 countries have placed sanctions on Russia
* We will use the European budget to purchase and deliver weapons to a country that is at war!
* We will end our dependence on Russian Gas - Norway has reached out
*500 Million Euro has been earmarked for the Humanitarian crisis both inside Ukraine and along its borders
* We extend our hard to the "OTHER RUSSIA AND ITS PEOPLE TO JOIN US".
Cowards. They will be Putin's next target
Don't worry, one day when Bulgarias government makes a silly move that antagonizes Russia, Russia might also seek a military operation to "protect ethnic Russians " living in Bulgaria. Then Bulgaria will understand what its neighbours have been going through as well. 😆 hopefully no country will come to their aid, can just give them moral support 😁
It will, there are no restriction on Finland joining NATO, I don't see how any of the 26 member will reject this (If they all agree to help Ukraine). And majority of Fins want to join NATO.

This would be happening if the Finnish parliament pass the legislation.
Soviet Union once applied to join the NATO alliance. If Putin is dethroned, then perhaps a pro-democratic Russia will choose to apply for NATO - EU membership as well :laugh:
Don't worry, one day when Bulgarias government makes a silly move that antagonizes Russia, Russia might also seek a military operation to "protect ethnic Russians " living in Bulgaria. Then Bulgaria will understand what its neighbours have been going through as well. 😆 hopefully no country will come to their aid, can just give them moral support 😁
Well, the war in Ukraine actually shook Putin Allies in EU/NATO (namely Hungarian and Bulgaria President) and you know why?

Russia can do that to someone Russian considered "Little Brothers" what will they think Putin would do to them when they are in an "Enemy Organisation" called NATO?

Everybody want to be dictator, but it's another issue when Dictator turn on you.....
First of all, you are accusing a Jewish person (Zelenskyy) who have relative who died in the holocaust as a neo-nazi, just let that sink in for a moment.

Second. ALL available intel show that Ukrainian will fight and HAD ALREADY FOUGHT in the frontline of Eastern Ukraine for the last 8 years, and you still think there is a "Chance" they may surrender, that's stupid and absurd.

And finally, again, you expect something does not mean it will happen, and if you involve that calculation into your capability to raise war, THAT WAS YOUR OWN MISTAKE. You are STARTING A WAR WITH AN INVASION, exactly how humane can that be? Let's kill people humanely? Exactly how do you invade someone else country "Humanely"?
I am not accusing anyone, just presented how Russia views this war. And besides, hardly ever do you have one person making every decision in a country. But rather a group of people.

War is war and war is not humane. But so far Russia hasn't bombed the living shit out of the civilian infrastructure, rather seem to be avoiding to cause such destruction as much as possible. Far cry from liberators of Iraq that killed a million people.
Soviet Union once applied to join the NATO alliance. If Putin is dethroned, then perhaps a pro-democratic Russia will choose to apply for NATO - EU membership as well :laugh:
We don't need Russia.......This is going to be a dump after EU and US done with their economy..........

I will say let the Chinese have it.
Indonesia and Russia I believe will continue the cooperation to each other despite the sanction, our trade is not large but we have Russian company drilling oil and gas in Indonesia.

The case with CAATSA proves that Russia-Indonesia ties is not that strong the begin with. The decision to abide by CAATSA and drop the Sukhoi deal proved that trade ties with the US and the west weighed heavier than the trade with Russia.
Normalizing discrimination and xenophobia against Russian people everywhere has really left a sour on my mouth.

Do those idiots know this is what Putin wants and will cause them to hate the West even more?
Polish President Andrzej Duda says to NATO sec gen Jens Stoltenberg: “Poland will not be sending any jets to Ukrainian airspace.” Stoltenberg says and reiterated “NATO will NOT enter the conflict”

15'48" Question on jets for Ukraine
SG NATO: not moving airplane into Ukrainian airspace
19'25" (translated reply Poland)
Duda: not sending any plane
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