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Revenge by Pakistani Pashtuns: Private war breaks out on Pak-Afghan border

I don't like the ANP but I too respect Bilor for being very brave & taking the same risks that the rest of us are exposed to - a people's man ! May he Rest in Peace.

Bhai, don't hate them; Afghani Naan is too good ! :D

If you check my post again i said IN RETURN we hate them.

Its not like we hate them thats why they hate us... IT IS

They hate us so in return we hate them.
If you check my post again i said IN RETURN we hate them.

Its not like we hate them thats why they hate us... IT IS

They hate us so in return we hate them.

Yaraa tuuu tou serious hii ho giyaaa...abbb saath mujhee eik chapppair bhi na lagaa deiiin ! :fie:

Rora, I don't like them either because I haven't had the best of experiences with them with them saying the worst things imaginable about Pakistanis & in particular Punjabis & Pakistani Pashtuns !

Heck my friend from Bajaur dislikes them more than I ever can ! I would have thought that the Tribals would atleast like them but no ! :blink:

He says that if tables were turned the Bars would never have taken the Lars as refugees; itnaa touuu nahin koii ghusaa hoo saktaaa ! :undecided:
Tribals of hills simply dont care about central authority whether its from Pakistan or Afghanistan. Durrani rule on these tribals was always nominal, sikhs never stepped foot there and British had to face tough resistance in their efforts to subdue these tribes. Pakistan made mistake of interfering in FATA, and result is local uprising in the shape of TTP from bajaur to Waziristan.
Pakistan made mistake of interfering in FATA, and result is local uprising in the shape of TTP from bajaur to Waziristan.

You are talking if the Govt of Pakistan had any other choice at that time ... We were literally caught between the devil and the deep sea thanks to the mistakes made by the Commander of the Faithful in the 80's ... TTP isn't the result of moving our army in the tribal belt , it is the manifestation of something far more terrible - the ideology of extremism ...
Uh oh ......Pakistan causing trouble for afghans as well ? Naughty naughty :tdown:
Uh oh ......Pakistan causing trouble for afghans as well ? Naughty naughty :tdown:

If you had read, you would have seen that Afghanistan started all this first when they beat up Pakistanis in Afghanistan.
This time I promise I will try to be brief. You could write a book yourself Secur... really mean it! If I do well and get a good publisher you will have a brother around who can help you enter the industry...

It will... but you are much more entitled. After that is Hyperion. I hope you got an offer now. That thread got deleted, thanks to Luffy and gang. A position should be earned and how is my position earned when I disappear and reappear constantly... plus man look at my posts... I get pissed with people who take ethnicity too seriously or are worse, separatists, or are extremely hostile to Pakistan. I admit my posts have knowledge but strategically concealed in my posts are things like these (old post to an Indian national):

No, no, he didn't refuse anything because I didn't get the chance to ask him... actually my actual hope was cornering him and forcing him to choose between 2 options-i thought he wouldn't be able to and then I would ask him for an interview-just to confirm some information a Burki provided-personally i'd like to know his village and tribe and find out if he particularly knows something about Ladha or Makeen. Apparently I should have known you can never corner a person from Waziristan. 90% of the people from Waziristan I have tried to interview have either refused or said okay only to end up not replying to me at all. Its 10% i rely on. Very hard... the situation is tough... so people are just a little nervous about intentions.

He said he has already passed the suggestion to webbie to make me jr think tank. The conversation ended there and I didn't ask. Lets call @Hyperion here and he can read this then I will see.

You are absolutely right... I am not trying to deny or draw attention away from the destruction the wahabi terrorists have caused in our Pak sarzameen... but basically a lot of things become secondary when u have bombs going off in the country near daily and in this is ignored the ethnic issue and a lot of social issues as well... like lets say drugs, rape and child abuse. People just say bombs are exploding across the country and you think about that? Just a point I am making.

Btw Christians have done a lot for Pakistan. I'd like to see a Christian brother receive the Nishan E haider. Their colleges, their infrastructure still remains in the country and we study in their schools, colleges and visit their hospitals... which are as Pakistanis ours. I believe nationalism and religion are seperate. Nationalism and ethnic gratification are separate too though this does not mean that we try to kill cultures. Recently on twitter Ahmed Quraishi posted the same thing, that there should be no ethnicity, provinces, languages in Pakistan. We don't understand that if federational or nationalist party (we have none) had named NWFP Pakhtunkhwa and had helped Pashtuns develop their culture ANP would have no way to make inroads there. We Nationalists fail to understand the ethnic issue... thats why my organization made rules like the stupid ones I mentioned before which never worked.

Thank you very much. This is the best way of creating unity too. Last part especially well said. What can give someone a right to call someone Pashtun or non-pashtun... plus who knows our background man? Our ancester Abu Ayub Ansari was Arab, one of our ancestors a Tajik, we Lucknowites and I Pashtun... even Pir Roshan was known as Bayazid Ansari and is known to be a migrant. (Our family is Ansari) So I state that ethnicity is very fluid, people change locations and merge into the local community. Simple.

True. Actually it is not really a matter of great concern for me. I do not have to shove my newfound ethnicity in anyones face and feel insecure about it like Luffy.

I agree to an extent with what you say about the Pashtuns and I often argue with separatists (I just can't take them)... but I cannot interfere in anyone else's views, especially local Pakistani Pashtuns (among whom views greatly differe from Astanosh to andromache) or the race card very quickly comes in. Thats why I stop safriz and some people from commenting to others because its all these ethno-fascists want. It quickly becomes a race war. They insult pashtuns/punjabis/kashmiris and the person hearing it feels it is necessary to defend his ethnicity and fight back by attacking the other... which just means the bigoted ethno-fascist wins.

I comment on ANP and Bacha Khan distantly... but if I do more its just a tool for people like Luffy. Its far different criticizing your ethnicity of birth though.... I let myself loose when talking about MQM severely criticizing most Muhajirs... but I told you I am frustrated with how we behaved.

But I do criticize bad things of ANP and Bacha Khan (his view of united india very childish as his choice of burial place) but I stay a little careful on this front. People still think of me as a wannabe. I really love Pashtuns though, but you know I may never fit in... I can't afford not to be attracted to Pashtuns after studying so much... but I am largely disengaged.

But if I defend them sometimes its not because I have become a Pashtun, its because I have seen the discrimination with my eyes. I defend them as a person who has seen discrimination to them from birth... and I want it to stop... not just against Pashtuns but everyone else.

Oh, don't worry about the Afghans (nation)... they are going to get a spanking on the buttocks. I have been chasing Luffy and sher malang for a week. Another troll from that horrid forum joined now... looks like its time to fry some Kabuli tikka. :)

But the refugees... lets say as an active person on rights and stuff I have seen their plight. Most of them don't have a computer or even aware of this Pashtunistan rubbish. I don't say citizenship only for them... bring Biharis here, allow people escaping India to come. In 2003-2004 we had huge problem with this. We are too harsh on people.

Yeah... its a problem. They don't understand... also its the same issue as with the Canadians that I saw. They want us to forget everything about India or being Indian... when a person moves and takes Pakistani citizenship it takes time to integrate. My mother's family stayed in Lucknow. Father came to Pakistan though he moved late (after 47-52 when most migration occurred)... now moving my mother to Pakistan and getting her citizenship, massive issue... replayed later in 2003 when some distant relatives and people in Hyderabad ran into issues. But now all people that moved are patriotic Pakistanis. Yes I don't like them because they don't understand the essence of being Pakistani which is respecting all ethnic groups.

Yeah... it scares me that these 3 leaders are making these kinds of speeches. I agree... a lot of people aren't bad at heart... but are just misled by leaders.

I agree... this is very personal for me... and since we moved late we have seen what the Indians did... the violence is fresh in a lot of our minds. Especially the 2003 incidents... sometime before that I was in Lucknow.

BTW I mentioned exactly the same lines to Karachite and some others here on this site.

A1 comment that proves you deserve to be on the think-tank. Especially bold part. This is my biggest lesson basically from the things I saw and the difficulties we faced. Some people killed were very close. We cannot do the same thing in Pakistan. We cannot create more Sana's bajis and Saima's (some of the victims we saw)... we have to treat our own people with respect regardless of race or ethnicity. And we should equally condemn these things.

Thanks buddy!
Makes me feel solid.

It isn't any logic... but basically what I have seen is a member quitens down when someone from his own race responds and keeps fighting when someone from outside does it. They rely on racism... they can't insult anyone else from their own race because they have to talk rubbish about other ethnic groups so basically they feel like a shipwreck... like they are falling and have no railing to hold on to... thats why people like Sher Malang you may have noticed are stuck on my ethnicity and keep trying to deny it... I will admit it... I am not afraid of them.

It doesn't hurt me what anyone says bro... i am indeed more or less raceless. :D And it is not the end of the world... i don't need race to survive. But if I am saying I am Pashtun yes its also because I love Pashtuns but a message of unity too. Will I be greatly hurt when people say I am not one, while on other side so called Muhajirs say the same thing. No, i guess. But my intention is to make a difference... i feel I am not making one which worries me.

I just can't convince these people and I want that desperately.

Actually I got sick... ulcer and stuff, bacteria too, breathe very heavy-sometimes people find it amusing-I can't go out much like that. So I lost a lot of contacts but these were mostly social, guys and girls u chill with and stuff-also lost my position as leader of PNA. Now what I have is journalistic contacts... most haven't really helped in regard . There is however one guy who said he knows an agent and can entice him to read my manuscript. So waiting for some inside job for now. :)

As far as publishing the book is concerned I already found a publisher... but I am trying to ditch them and go for BIG fish... big fish here means randomhouse-penguin with 80% of all book sales globally. But I have to get through to them with an agent. In short its a long story and I will only bore you with the intricacies of book publishing which is extremely hard in this day and age. Authors literally have to beg to get their books signed. But if I sign with randomhouse a lot of issues get fixed and you might see me among Mohsin Hamid and Bina Shah.

Entirely true! Stay this optimistic. I was like you... and for godsake never take up journalism and rights issues as a career path... it will rot your brain and make you lose optimism. It happened to me.

We want to host a political party. Like 12,000 members is nothing right. Sunni Tehreek had like 700,000 when it made a debut into national politics. Nationalism is an infant ideology as yet.

True I wish to see the day when lines of race are blurred completely.

Yeah I could learn...

I agree.

@haviZsultan Hey bro !!! Good to see you on Jr.Think Tank post ... Congratulations mate !!! Forgive me for being off lately and replying to this post after so much time , I have been very busy with my University's work ...

Well this is what I encouraged you for , writing big posts because these problems cant be discussed in a brief manner ... Really ? I can write a book ? On what bro ? 'Psychology of a Extremist ' perhaps :P Well sure , if I ever get enough time and data on that kind ...

Maybe I am , I just dont know ... Well that hardly matters what I think , if the Mods think I am worthy , I will get that position ... No , I see you post regularly here of PDF and make highly detailed posts - not to mention you have the patience to answer every single person on the thread ... Well that is because that is what they were taught from childhood and they do not use their own critical thinking skills - like I said before they are " merely toeing other's line " and " jumping on the bandwagon without knowing anything " or with " no knowledge of the reality on ground " ... Well , at times many people get compromised emotionally , that isn't something unusual or wrong and doesn't make any difference to your extensively knowledgeable posts ... I know why sometimes Mods dont delete posts that actually contain strong language ... Well when you get that post of Think Tank or Moderator which you have now , you will be able to control it , trust me ... With great power comes great responsibility :P Right ?

Well @Hyperion is very sensitive about talking about his tribe or anything related to it even remotely :D so dont take it seriously ... He is Turkish-zai by the way :rofl: But there you are , A Jr.Think Tank , all friendship aside , I do not see any other person on the PDF deserving of that position more than you ... What would be the reason that an overwhelming majority of tribals they dont want to talk to outsiders about their life conditions , customs or the ground realities ? Any particular one you can tell me ? Or can I attribute it to the " conservativeness" somehow ?

No , I didn't say you were trying to divert any attention from that or deny it , I merely said that you put first priority on blurring ethnic lines because you have seen it destroy your country from childhood ... Well , its kind of different for me , I blame extremism more than ethnic politics for the woes of my country ... Why ? Because I have seen it happening more in my neighborhood ( around ) than ethnic hatred ... Of course there are many other issues like poverty , crime , corruption and mismanagement but I can trace them back to these two curses !

YES INDEED ! Let me tell you that the principal of my school Mr . Sebastian Khan ( I didn't know whether they were Christians in Khan at that time ) was a Retired General in Pakistan Army ... Now you hear all sort of negative and sometimes propaganda news how we mistreat minorities in this country but you dont see how we allow them to function independently in the country too ... Those Christians as I mentioned in my last post were educating people regardless of their race or religion at a much cheaper and affordable price than my own " Welfare " muslims , they have low cost health system , their own education boards and the quality of education believe me is way better than the most schools whose fees are " out of reach of even middle classes " ... I have said it before " There's no Ummah in existence at the moment " , there's only nationalism believe me ... A lot of people criticize Musharraf for his " enlightened moderation " and most importantly " Pakistan first " policy ... But take my word for it , that man was a realist and whatever he did based on these policies were the need of the hour and right to the core ! ... Yes nationalism and religion are separate , its the same reason that Turkey is an economic and to an extent a regional power whilst we are going through our darkest period in our history thanks to the " marriages of convenience " in the 80's ...

Yeah , no authority , none whatsoever ! Who the hell on earth knows who were my ancestors ? Were they Iranians , Arabs , Byzantines , Greeks or what ? Whom in my family married whom at what time ? Does that matter ? Why should I care ? I am a Pakistani , it says on my passport and CNIC , the state of Pakistan bears my education expenses ... Not in today's world , sorry ... These despicable logic of superiority based on blood are a thing of past , nobody believes it in the civilized world ... I mean if a Pakistan gets a US nationality , is he a Muhajir ? NO , according to all Americans , he's american like them ! Thats one of the reason why specially West and other countries are prospering whilst we aren't ...

Yeah ! Dont bother about it , mate ...

No body asking you to interfere in anyone's views but the same is true vice versa , my friend ... Difference of opinion is a fundamental quality of human psyche , why is it so offensive to some people , I dont know ... So , it is the same again , if you aren't of my race , dont comment on it LOL ... What is with this absurdity ? I know people are sensitive about these matters , but is this the reason to stop " the freedom of speech " ? Let those who develop it a race war , realize the stupidity of their actions ... Do not stop anyone from commenting on anything , bro ... Only through understanding can there be recovery , remember ? About time we say goodbye to " In my ignorance lies my solace " thinking ... Now remember and I shall make it very clear that " criticism " and " insulting " are very different things and whilst I support the former , I strongly condemn the latter ...

I know why you comment so cautious , bro but think of it if we do not understand our history and the leaders , how can we rectify our mistakes ? Your opinions on Muhajirs and criticism are well known , despite you being one which makes you the bigger man !

Surprise ! I have too always criticized the same things of ANP ... Why get yourself buried in Afghanistan instead of your country , the curious mind asks ? Do you really care what people think ? When I started self-studying psychology , thats the first thing I learnt , do not give a damn what others have to say about you , and who's to say that it hasn't been successful ? No , someday you will , they do not stuff about them which you tell them ... Discrimination against anyone is condemnable , we all criticize it very openly ... But thats the ethnic issue again ! Its done by everyone against everyone , but you will find educated people bother less about these things , illiteracy is one of the reasons behind it , take my word for it ...

I know the past of Afghans and I have a good enough idea of their future ... They have destroyed themselves fighting for 200 years continuously between themselves ... Give them the spanking they deserve , separatist do not merit any respect of ours ! I do not know the refugees bro seriously but I see them as hostiles due to their involvement in crimes and anti-Pakistan activities ... Yeah , just what the TNT said , the muslims of India are free to settle here , let there be no doubt about that ... We have gotten harsh because of the condition of our country , we aren't that bad , bro ...

Of course it isn't that easy to integrate into a completely new and different society with different ways of doing things ... But when they do , why label them as " outsider " , " alien " or worst of all " migrant " ? Rest assured , they are more patriotic than the most ! Has your mother got the citizenship ? The violence in Hyderabad right ? ... They will understand in due time , dont worry ... Everyone did ...

Yeah , mate ... Why do not we see our own mistakes and shortcomings ? We criticize and sometimes insult everyone yet we aren't ready to acknowledge our mistakes and blunders ... The " mode of denial " isn't helping anyone ... Condemn violence on others equally how you do to yourself when it happens to your race , basic message ...

You are welcome , brother ... You just need someone to clarify you things when you are in some sort of subconsciousness turmoil ...

Well , yeah ok If I criticize my race but unacceptable if others do it ... Why ? This is another thing I find unacceptable myself , instead people turn to racism to quitten others basically " shooting the messenger " again ... Yeah , people of same race criticizing themselves is very hurtful for the ethnic extremist , I know that from a long time ... Thats great , I feel my " talk therapy " is working finally ...

Yes we are indifferent to races , we simply do not care ... If they are right , we join them in the bashing astonishing others ... Nobody needs race to survive , its not a matter of our existence ... I know very well why you adopted Pashtun race , for the unity of different races ... A noble cause , Secur would say ... No , you are making a great difference ... I didn't see anyone like that on this forum before , but still you cant convince everyone , not specially those who do not use their brain or do not feel the need to use it ...

Sad to hear it , bro ! I think you took all these things very seriously , I can confirm that sometimes psychological turmoils can manifest into physiological diseases , so try to be cool and composed while doing your job ... You will encounter many different sorts of people , do not let them get on your nerves ... Journalistic contacts are enough for now , focus on finishing the book and I think you will be able to regain your position some day ...

I can sincerely advice you to get your book published first , the big fishes will automatically chase you themselves when they see the quality of your work ... One step at a time , I get it what do you mean by " big fishes " but please remember this is your novel ... A great deal of it will follow afterwards , attracting those big publishing companies ... So dont lose patience !

Well bro , I stay updated on the news and the happenings in my country and I am still this optimistic ... :D But I will take your advice and never got that route ...

Well , yes 12,000 is nothing but the party is still in its infancy ... It will take sometime to rise like rest ...

You will ! Wait and watch ... We need to focus on education foremost ...

Thanks ! Congratz again for becoming Jr. Think Tank ! I will answer more on your Split Discussion : Muhajir Identity thread when I get more time ...

If you had read, you would have seen that Afghanistan started all this first when they beat up Pakistanis in Afghanistan.

Why do you bother answering the trolls , mate ? I am sure he didn't even read the news but how could he control his ungovernable impulse to troll ... Its generally alright when his country bullies other small neighbors ...
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@haviZsultan Hey bro !!! Good to see you on Jr.Think Tank post ... Congratulations mate !!! Forgive me for being off lately and replying to this post after so much time , I have been very busy with my University's work ...

Well this is what I encouraged you for , writing big posts because these problems cant be discussed in a brief manner ... Really ? I can write a book ? On what bro ? 'Psychology of a Extremist ' perhaps :P Well sure , if I ever get enough time and data on that kind ...

Maybe I am , I just dont know ... Well that hardly matters what I think , if the Mods think I am worthy , I will get that position ... No , I see you post regularly here of PDF and make highly detailed posts - not to mention you have the patience to answer every single person on the thread ... Well that is because that is what they were taught from childhood and they do not use their own critical thinking skills - like I said before they are " merely toeing other's line " and " jumping on the bandwagon without knowing anything " or with " no knowledge of the reality on ground " ... Well , at times many people get compromised emotionally , that isn't something unusual or wrong and doesn't make any difference to your extensively knowledgeable posts ... I know why sometimes Mods dont delete posts that actually contain strong language ... Well when you get that post of Think Tank or Moderator which you have now , you will be able to control it , trust me ... With great power comes great responsibility :P Right ?

Well @Hyperion is very sensitive about talking about his tribe or anything related to it even remotely :D so dont take it seriously ... He is Turkish-zai by the way :rofl: But there you are , A Jr.Think Tank , all friendship aside , I do not see any other person on the PDF deserving of that position more than you ... What would be the reason that an overwhelming majority of tribals they dont want to talk to outsiders about their life conditions , customs or the ground realities ? Any particular one you can tell me ? Or can I attribute it to the " conservativeness" somehow ?

No , I didn't say you were trying to divert any attention from that or deny it , I merely said that you put first priority on blurring ethnic lines because you have seen it destroy your country from childhood ... Well , its kind of different for me , I blame extremism more than ethnic politics for the woes of my country ... Why ? Because I have seen it happening more in my neighborhood ( around ) than ethnic hatred ... Of course there are many other issues like poverty , crime , corruption and mismanagement but I can trace them back to these two curses !

YES INDEED ! Let me tell you that the principal of my school Mr . Sebastian Khan ( I didn't know whether they were Christians in Khan at that time ) was a Retired General in Pakistan Army ... Now you hear all sort of negative and sometimes propaganda news how we mistreat minorities in this country but you dont see how we allow them to function independently in the country too ... Those Christians as I mentioned in my last post were educating people regardless of their race or religion at a much cheaper and affordable price than my own " Welfare " muslims , they have low cost health system , their own education boards and the quality of education believe me is way better than the most schools whose fees are " out of reach of even middle classes " ... I have said it before " There's no Ummah in existence at the moment " , there's only nationalism believe me ... A lot of people criticize Musharraf for his " enlightened moderation " and most importantly " Pakistan first " policy ... But take my word for it , that man was a realist and whatever he did based on these policies were the need of the hour and right to the core ! ... Yes nationalism and religion are separate , its the same reason that Turkey is an economic and to an extent a regional power whilst we are going through our darkest period in our history thanks to the " marriages of convenience " in the 80's ...

Yeah , no authority , none whatsoever ! Who the hell on earth knows who were my ancestors ? Were they Iranians , Arabs , Byzantines , Greeks or what ? Whom in my family married whom at what time ? Does that matter ? Why should I care ? I am a Pakistani , it says on my passport and CNIC , the state of Pakistan bears my education expenses ... Not in today's world , sorry ... These despicable logic of superiority based on blood are a thing of past , nobody believes it in the civilized world ... I mean if a Pakistan gets a US nationality , is he a Muhajir ? NO , according to all Americans , he's american like them ! Thats one of the reason why specially West and other countries are prospering whilst we aren't ...

Yeah ! Dont bother about it , mate ...

No body asking you to interfere in anyone's views but the same is true vice versa , my friend ... Difference of opinion is a fundamental quality of human psyche , why is it so offensive to some people , I dont know ... So , it is the same again , if you aren't of my race , dont comment on it LOL ... What is with this absurdity ? I know people are sensitive about these matters , but is this the reason to stop " the freedom of speech " ? Let those who develop it a race war , realize the stupidity of their actions ... Do not stop anyone from commenting on anything , bro ... Only through understanding can there be recovery , remember ? About time we say goodbye to " In my ignorance lies my solace " thinking ... Now remember and I shall make it very clear that " criticism " and " insulting " are very different things and whilst I support the former , I strongly condemn the latter ...

I know why you comment so cautious , bro but think of it if we do not understand our history and the leaders , how can we rectify our mistakes ? Your opinions on Muhajirs and criticism are well known , despite you being one which makes you the bigger man !

Surprise ! I have too always criticized the same things of ANP ... Why get yourself buried in Afghanistan instead of your country , the curious mind asks ? Do you really care what people think ? When I started self-studying psychology , thats the first thing I learnt , do not give a damn what others have to say about you , and who's to say that it hasn't been successful ? No , someday you will , they do not stuff about them which you tell them ... Discrimination against anyone is condemnable , we all criticize it very openly ... But thats the ethnic issue again ! Its done by everyone against everyone , but you will find educated people bother less about these things , illiteracy is one of the reasons behind it , take my word for it ...

I know the past of Afghans and I have a good enough idea of their future ... They have destroyed themselves fighting for 200 years continuously between themselves ... Give them the spanking they deserve , separatist do not merit any respect of ours ! I do not know the refugees bro seriously but I see them as hostiles due to their involvement in crimes and anti-Pakistan activities ... Yeah , just what the TNT said , the muslims of India are free to settle here , let there be no doubt about that ... We have gotten harsh because of the condition of our country , we aren't that bad , bro ...

Of course it isn't that easy to integrate into a completely new and different society with different ways of doing things ... But when they do , why label them as " outsider " , " alien " or worst of all " migrant " ? Rest assured , they are more patriotic than the most ! Has your mother got the citizenship ? The violence in Hyderabad right ? ... They will understand in due time , dont worry ... Everyone did ...

Yeah , mate ... Why do not we see our own mistakes and shortcomings ? We criticize and sometimes insult everyone yet we aren't ready to acknowledge our mistakes and blunders ... The " mode of denial " isn't helping anyone ... Condemn violence on others equally how you do to yourself when it happens to your race , basic message ...

You are welcome , brother ... You just need someone to clarify you things when you are in some sort of subconsciousness turmoil ...

Well , yeah ok If I criticize my race but unacceptable if others do it ... Why ? This is another thing I find unacceptable myself , instead people turn to racism to quitten others basically " shooting the messenger " again ... Yeah , people of same race criticizing themselves is very hurtful for the ethnic extremist , I know that from a long time ... Thats great , I feel my " talk therapy " is working finally ...

Yes we are indifferent to races , we simply do not care ... If they are right , we join them in the bashing astonishing others ... Nobody needs race to survive , its not a matter of our existence ... I know very well why you adopted Pashtun race , for the unity of different races ... A noble cause , Secur would say ... No , you are making a great difference ... I didn't see anyone like that on this forum before , but still you cant convince everyone , not specially those who do not use their brain or do not feel the need to use it ...

Sad to hear it , bro ! I think you took all these things very seriously , I can confirm that sometimes psychological turmoils can manifest into physiological diseases , so try to be cool and composed while doing your job ... You will encounter many different sorts of people , do not let them get on your nerves ... Journalistic contacts are enough for now , focus on finishing the book and I think you will be able to regain your position some day ...

I can sincerely advice you to get your book published first , the big fishes will automatically chase you themselves when they see the quality of your work ... One step at a time , I get it what do you mean by " big fishes " but please remember this is your novel ... A great deal of it will follow afterwards , attracting those big publishing companies ... So dont lose patience !

Well bro , I stay updated on the news and the happenings in my country and I am still this optimistic ... :D But I will take your advice and never got that route ...

Well , yes 12,000 is nothing but the party is still in its infancy ... It will take sometime to rise like rest ...

You will ! Wait and watch ... We need to focus on education foremost ...

Thanks ! Congratz again for becoming Jr. Think Tank ! I will answer more on your Split Discussion : Muhajir Identity thread when I get more time ...

Why do you bother answering the trolls , mate ? I am sure he didn't even read the news but how could he control his ungovernable impulse to troll ... Its generally alright when his country bullies other small neighbors ...

:woot: WTH :undecided:
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@Monkey D Luffy

There is definitely a startification among the Indian Muslims..The Syed, Pathans, Shaikhs, Siddiqis, Bukharis among the Sunnis are among the upper strata while the Ansaris, Dhobis etc constitute the Ajlafs..Tha stratification is based on whether they can claim foreign blood in them or not..In addition to this there is also another groups called Arzal who are the equivalent of untouchables (Pasmanda Muslims)...this is primarily in UP-Bihar belt and not seen generally elsewhere..

If you see any Muslim body like AIMPLB you would see it dominated by Ashrafs..

Read this good article Islam And Caste Inequality Among Indian Muslims By Yoginder Sikand
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@Monkey D Luffy

There is definitely a startification among the Indian Muslims..The Syed, Pathans, Shaikhs, Siddiqis, Bukharis among the Sunnis are among the upper strata while the Ansaris, Dhobis etc constitute the Ajlafs..Tha stratification is based on whether they can claim foreign blood in them or not..In addition to this there is also another groups called Arzal who are the equivalent of untouchables (Pasmanda Muslims)...this is primarily in UP-Bihar belt and not seen generally elsewhere..

If you see any Muslim body like AIMPLB you would see it dominated by Ashrafs..

Read this good article Islam And Caste Inequality Among Indian Muslims By Yoginder Sikand

It explains every thing. After migration to pakistan, many mohajirs started new life by adopting fake caste, a dhobi or chamar started calling himself a syed, and no one in new country was there to verify their caste. Almost every one in karachi belongs now to ashraf castes, even though it is not possible. When some where in this forum i said that most of the indian muslims were converts from hindu low castes, many pakistanis especially those from karachi reacted angrily to it. This ashraf-ajlaf division also explain psychology of pakistani nation, they hate their hindu/hindi roots and connect themeselves to foriegn ancestry.
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It explains every thing. After migration to pakistan, many mohajirs started new life by adopting fake caste, a dhobi or chamar started calling himself a syed, and no one in new country was there to verify their caste. Almost every one in karachi belongs now to ashraf castes, even though it is not possible. When some where in this forum i said that most of the indian muslims were converts from hindu low castes, many pakistanis especially those from karachi reacted angrily to it. This ashraf-ajlaf division also explain psychology of pakistani nation, they hate their hindu/hindi roots and connect themeselves to foriegn ancestry.

Is it any surprise that Luffy finds common cause with one of the most vicious Indian trolls on this forum. @KS is basically trying to shift blame for the dalit he popped off last week-in his country it is very easy to frame a Muslim-a case to note would be the guy framed for the Jama Masjid case on false charges. Such cases go unreported in India as our past experience reveals anyway. They will find weak links like you wherever they can.

Luffy your posts always have the ability to start an ethnic war. Some MQM member reads this his head will be set on fire by this post. This is the only purpose you are here for, creating an ethnic war. And still no apology for the lies you have been telling, durkhanay and adam khan, sherbano and yusaf khan... how many more God knows. Did you delete that incriminating post. Cannot find it this time.

Personally I do not take too kindly about rubbish being posted our family to which I am still loyal to date but both you and MQM supporters are highly intolerant so a fight was inevitable in that case.

Actually the decline we see today of came after 47... before this our family once believed in a higher set of ideals and our maternal grandfather has an entire shrine dedicated to him, we struggled for the Pakistan movement though this fact is being obscured because a Muslim in Lucknow stating any link to Pakistan is painting a target on his back-so they do not talk about the sacrifices of Ansaris. Also you did not confirm whether you got my reply or not about what you said on that closed thread. Anyway, just to clarify some points here.

I am from the Firangi mahal house. Do you know what that is? It later went on to become a university of the time or a madrassa. The ansaris were actually royalty. Mullah Asad bin Qutab Shaheed (an Ansari and our ancestor) was at the court of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. Another thing was we were granted huge amounts of land in Oudh and other places. Since Qutb was murdered Arungzeb rewarded his sons with huge tracts of land. In Lucknow we were given massive houses. Hasrat Mohani died in Firangi Mahal. Top scholars and theologians came from and studied in the school we established.

I researched what you said objectively by the way and came upon some tensions in Bihar. Never heard of it personally nor do the relatives who live in Bihar every say anything about this. I think it was an isolated incident these people are actually using to shift a problem with their own system onto others.

Also I will tell you, yes, while in Lucknow I did notice there was bias against Dalits. A cousin refused to take something from a dalit (do note if we were low caste we would have found common cause with him) but that is basically adopted from people like @KS which is proof that it was a mistake to stay under their Indian yoke. I mean what could he do? If he treated a dalit nicely other Indians could possibly call him things like Dalit-lover so he was forced to treat them the same way as everyone else. Its peer pressure that plays a part and he was surprised when I challenged him even though till then I hadn't developed the habit of eating from the same plate as my driver (no separate cutlery and plates for naukers) and inviting low paid people to our Gandhara Estate to sit with us in drawing rooms.

My friend who often works for human rights spoke to Hindus in Pakistan. Their situation is terrible-particularly when bombs are going off minorities usually bear the brunt. But even one of the Hindus she did talk to had previously, in the past given an interview to a reporter from India in which he said that "Caste-system is the biggest problem for us. Get rid of it."

I think the caste system if you want to call it that exists only between rich and poor and it is noticeable in all of Pakistan, perhaps all over the world. I have never heard of this between families of Muslims though. That article on Bihar too might have been twisted from a land dispute of a poor family with a rich one to one of Ansari vs Syed. :lol:

By the way our Pir Roshan is said to be an Ansari? You like to insult your and my own people? I tell the MQM guys this and I am telling you this. No one is a pure Pashtun/or something else today... everyone has been part of dozens of migrations, in this world you never know who came from where and how he is presently settled in the region he is now. I hope you do know the legend about the Burkis having no Pashtun ancestry or heritage. Another thing is Abu Ayub Ansari from whom all Ansar are descended is actually a friend of the Prophet and where he stayed for many days. To please an Indian who probably divides his time between cutting down Muslims and Christians in Tamil Nadu while escaping TNLA rockets you are basically insulting a Prophets companion.

But I didn't expect less from you. Carry on. By the way topic was the revenge of Pakistani Pashtuns.
@haviZsultan, stop being sentimental, you shouldnt hate sensible guy like KS just because he is an indian, come to your senses think tank.
The low caste ansaris have nothing to do with Ansars of medina. In Pakistani and India they are also called "julaha", decendants of hindu weaving caste.
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Is it any surprise that Luffy finds common cause with one of the most vicious Indian trolls on this forum. @KS is basically trying to shift blame for the dalit he popped off last week-in his country it is very easy to frame a Muslim-a case to note would be the guy framed for the Jama Masjid case on false charges. Such cases go unreported in India as our past experience reveals anyway. They will find weak links like you wherever they can. .

You need to consult a shrink at the earliest.. for the sheer insecurity you show.

What I told is the ground reality in India - especially in UP-Bihar belt.

Now I am starting to doubt about your entire Lucknow house claim given your denial about the existence of Ashraj-Ajlaf divide or that of the pasmanda muslims.

This is for you

Allahpur, which is dominated by Ansaris (considered OBC), has been facing oppression from upper-caste Syeds and Pathans. Said Mustafa Ansari: “It all started in April 2004 when upper-caste Syeds and Pathans beat up a groom and some members of a wedding party because the groom who was going to marry an Ansari girl dared to travel in a Maruti car and cross houses of the Syeds.” He described conflicts between Syeds and Ansaris over using the common village road in 2005.

Muslim inter-caste tension surfaces in Bihar - Indian Express

Hundreds of inter-caste feuds between Muslims happen paricularly in UP-Bihar belt..but only some are actually reported..this is one such. Now dont deny this too.
Did i hear this right ? A muhajir from U.P trying to become Pashtun ?

Other Muhajirs must be so embarassed.

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