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Racist Afghans Hate towards Pakistanis & Love for India

Afghans Love India and Hate Pakistan?

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  • Yes & No Vague - In Between

  • NO

  • I do not know

  • I donot Care about the World, we are living in!

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You seem to know them better than us.............. or is it you wanted to read something else..............

Actually what he is saying has some merit. I have met many Pakistanis and they had good things to say to me about India. So, going by their feedback, we must be the most loved nation in Pakistan, right?

You see, the Afghans you guys are mentioning might have family/ work relationship with Pakistan. Or perhaps they are your personal friends. So it is expected of them to have positive views of Pakistan.

Soon India will reap what it Sows and Insha-Allah India will break into many small India, smaller then Bangladesh and Nepal - Insha Allah ( If Allah wills it) this will happen by the will of Allah:pakistan::cheesy::cheers:

But Allah is in our side. :cheers:

Allah helped us win 1971, in Kargil. Till date (by the will of Allah) we have been able to hold on to Kashmir even after numerous insurgency and attacks from Kashmir. After 1947, if any country increased its land mass in S.Asia, by the grace of Allah, it is India (sikkim, Goa, Hyderabad, Siachin, etc.) :cheesy:
If we're taking them in as refugees, we have no right to kick them out if they don't offer us anything.
And the benefits they provide would come on a long-term basis. They're basically war-torn people who spent 2 decades of constant violence. Again, we have no right to expect them to immediately begin setting up successful businesses and being productive citizens. We have to provide them the basics atleast, which is good education, safety and the means to a livelihood before they turn into hard-working people who might even return one day and make Afghanistan a more friendly country towards Pakistan.
My friend either you have not read Afghan's history or you are too optimistic a person or a simpleton. Please mark my words, you are here and I am here too, granted the life remained, no matter what you do to these Afghans, they'll remain thankless and our enemies. You might not have lived with them but I have, in Quetta, and observed their ways and interacted with them on almost daily basis from 1979 until 1997 when I left. They are thankless (and will remain so) because they think there is no such thing as Pakistan, these areas belong to them hence they are not living in Pakistan but occupied Afghanistan, and the resources being spent on their welfare and wellbeing is not the privilege but their birth right. People with this mindset are incorrigible and expecting them to change their opinion about you is nothing but a hopeless mistake.
No need for Indian Comments on my Blog, Indians Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and others are simply Enemies of Pakistan
Go to Hell and Die in your own Hate towards Pakistan - Devil Incarnates
Devil Incarnates :rofl::rofl::rofl: Now that sounds cool.
No need to get tense. AGHAN have right to like dislike anyone.
What ee did for Afghan wexdid for our interests not in their love.
Moreover we should not forget afghan history.
Afghanis need to be sent back, along with their sympathizers enough is enough.



Afghans and Irani Persians still Occupied large parts of NWFP, Balochistan also Our so called Friend China occupied almost 27 % of Kashmir and they change it's name to Chinese Name and Called it Askai Chin

In reality Pakistan is surrounded by Enemies from all Sides................including China, Qatar, Iran, Afghanistan, India, USA, NATO also Saudi Arabia who is just a puppet of EU and USA

I say Hell with them, who needs Friends like them, Pakistan Stand Alone and if you are not Loyal to Pakistan then Pakistan do not need you all as well

This is one of many reasons why Pakistan actively intervened and is intervening in Afghanistan, it is in our best interests. People seem to ignore that we'd rather not have them for a neighbor, but since we do, we have to protect what's our's

This is extremely surprising post . Just check the list of your enemies !!!! Observing many other posts like this, I think this thinking process is shared by many other Pakistani friends and not unique.

We need to evaluate this very meticulously. Why those countries became "enemy" of Pakistan. Pakistan was a new born country on 1947. It had no historical enmity with any of the mentioned countries except the perceived animosity with India due to Partition. So why these countries will become enemy of Pakistan? Do they just not like Pakistan's map or something else?

Pakistan should introspect on what they did wrongly since 1947 that made these countries unavoidable ( Enemy is a very strong word, do not want to use that). Until a nation or even a person cannot identify the mistakes, own that how it can be rectified?

We cannot change your neighbors. But we can always make a good working relations with all if we have a will and a great foreign policy/relation.

Note : Before receiving any bashing as an Indian poster, want to say that India do not have a perfect foreign policy and relation with he neighbors. My comments are also applicable to India :)
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Pakistan is the country who gave Refuge to almost 6 Millions Afghan in last 3 decades, Almost 3 Millions of Afghans got Pakistani Passport & IDs through the corruption of Pakistani Ministry of Interior and Govt. Officials, Now they live in Pakistan and still there are 1.6 Afghan Refugees in Refugee Camps inside Pakistan in 2015 despite there is Peace and booming Economy of Afghanistan because of the investment by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Arab Gulf Countries,Europe, USA, India and rest of the World in Billions of Dollars but they refuse to leave Refugee camps inside Pakistan

Afghans brought Kalashinkov & Opium Drug Culture to Pakistan and they illegally occupied lot of lands in Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar, Quetta etc. not only they took over major parts of cities in Pakistan (esp. Karachi & Quetta) but they also illegally took over Homes, Shops, expensive Agriculture & Commercial lands etc

Afghans in Pakistan and West are simply Traitors, Hypo-crates,
Ungrateful and Haters of Pakistan and Pakistani People but I believe there are some who Love Pakistan more then Afghanistan but they are very little minority!

Which foreign country do Afghans hate the most?

For anyone who has been following Afghanistan at all during the past decade and a half, that's not a trick question. In an earlier post I mentioned in passing the ABC/BBC/ARD national public opinion poll in Afghanistan, released in February 2009. Question #38 asked: “Now I’m going to ask what you think about some people and groups. Is your opinion of very favorable (Pure Love), somewhat favorable (In b/w Love & Hate) , somewhat unfavorable (No Love), or very unfavorable (Pure Hate)?”

The results:

1. Pakistan: Favorable 7 | Unfavorable 91
2. The Taliban: Favorable 8 | Unfavorable 92
3. Great Britain: Favorable 39 | Unfavorable 54
4. The United States: Favorable 47 | Unfavorable 52
5. Iran: Favorable 57 | Unfavorable 40
6. Germany: Favorable 61 | Unfavorable 31
7. India: Favorable 74 | Unfavorable 21

View attachment 211356

Read the Posts Below for more Info.

Afghans love India and hate Pakistan. How can we trust each other again?

Despite hating Pakistanis : More Afghans crossing into Pakistan?

Pakistan world's largest host of refugees: UNHCR - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Afghan refugees in Iran & Pakistan | European Resettlement Network

South Asia Defence & Strategic Reveiw

After Pakistan’s creation in 1947, Afghanistan objected to its admission to the United Nations. The Afghan government of the time decided not to recognize Pakistan as the legitimate inheritor of the territorial agreements reached with the British India. There were several ambiguous and often changing demands from Kabul centered around the aspirations—as Kabul saw it—of the Pashtun and Baloch ethnicities inside Pakistan. For intermittent periods between 1947 and 1973, Kabul extended support to Baluch and Pashtun nationalists inside Pakistan and even called for the creation of a new state called “Pashtunistan.” In 1973, Pakistan, grappling with territorial insecurities, resorted to extending support to Islamists dissidents that opposed Afghanistan’s Republican government of Sardar Daud. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s government created the “Afghan Cell” within Pakistan’s foreign office and assigned it a policy that included strengthening ties with and empowering Islamists in exile in Pakistan, and improving Pakistan’s influence over governments in Kabul

View attachment 211357

Sardar Daud made friendly gestures to Pakistan in the late 1970s, but his overtures were cut short by a Communist coup in 1978. The new regime in Kabul returned to the support—at least rhetorical—for Pashtun and Baluch nationalists in Pakistan. The 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was seen by Pakistan as a grave threat to its national security. It also presented Pakistan with a major avenue to build on its 1973 policy of empowering dissident Islamists against the governments in Kabul. Furthermore, Pakistan had been a partner of the United States in the Cold War since the 1950s, and this cooperation had provoked numerous Soviet threats over the years. The new leader of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, who seized power in a 1977 military coup, was a fervent anti-communist and Islamist. General Zia approached the United States for help with organizing a religious resistance against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

View attachment 211358

What came after Independence of Pakistan in 1945 was utter refusal of Afghans and Indians to accept Pakistan as a state, to accept it's borders and it's land. At one point they officially claimed ownership of large chunks of our land and fought to take NWFP for themselves. They sent militias into our land, they trained militants in Balochistan. And all this happened throughout the 60's and 70's

Afghans and Iran -Persians still Occupied large parts of NWFP, Balochistan also Our so called Friend China occupied almost 27 % of Kashmir and they change it's name to Chinese Name and Called it Askai Chin

Who needs Enemies, it One have Friends and Brothers like Afghanistan, Iran, Qatar, Egypt,
UAE - Dubai, Saudi Arabia and China

In reality Pakistan is surrounded by Enemies from all Sides, including China, Qatar, Iran, Afghanistan, India, USA, NATO also Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Kuwait who are just puppets of EU and USA

I say Hell with them, who needs Friends like them, Pakistan Stand Alone and if you are not Loyal to Pakistan then Pakistan do not need you all as well

This is one of many reasons why Pakistan actively intervened and is intervening in Afghanistan, it is in our best interests. People seem to ignore that we'd rather not have them for a neighbor, but since we do, we have to protect what's our's!

Well i've seen many Afghan immigrants here in Sialkot. Many of them have integrated into our society and considers themselves Pakistanis.
Well they can hate all they want when we send these refugees back to Afghanistan ... As for Afghanistan hating us. There is nothing we can do about it. They have hated us since 1947. They can't stand the fact that there is a huge chunk of pathan land loyal to Pakistan and is part of Pakistan. Let them be. Our focus should be trying to create stabler relations with their government whose power extends to the borders of Kabul ... We need allies though and we should be focusing efforts towards Iran as well. Iran will be a Much more fruitful endeavor than Afghanistan.
A little correction: by saying 'racist Afghans' you're implying only a minority, or a small number of Afghans hold this irrational hatred towards Pakistan. That, of course, is a major understatement.
Over 60% voted YES.

Long live Indian-Afghan brotherhood.

In farsi, 70 years old episodes are considered ancient? The fact is, it is not only Afghans, the Iranians are as much racists and haters of Pakistan hence your comments. Pakistan is one unfortunate country that has three hate filled neighbors none of which has accepted Pakistan wholeheartedly from day one it came into being.

I find myself agreeing with you for a change.

It troubles me.
Pakistan is the country who gave Refuge to almost 6 Millions Afghan in last 3 decades, Almost 3 Millions of Afghans got Pakistani Passport & IDs through the corruption of Pakistani Ministry of Interior and Govt. Officials, Now they live in Pakistan and still there are 1.6 Afghan Refugees in Refugee Camps inside Pakistan in 2015 despite there is Peace and booming Economy of Afghanistan because of the investment by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Arab Gulf Countries,Europe, USA, India and rest of the World in Billions of Dollars but they refuse to leave Refugee camps inside Pakistan

Afghans brought Kalashinkov & Opium Drug Culture to Pakistan and they illegally occupied lot of lands in Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar, Quetta etc. not only they took over major parts of cities in Pakistan (esp. Karachi & Quetta) but they also illegally took over Homes, Shops, expensive Agriculture & Commercial lands etc

Afghans in Pakistan and West are simply Traitors, Hypo-crates,
Ungrateful and Haters of Pakistan and Pakistani People but I believe there are some who Love Pakistan more then Afghanistan but they are very little minority!

Which foreign country do Afghans hate the most?

For anyone who has been following Afghanistan at all during the past decade and a half, that's not a trick question. In an earlier post I mentioned in passing the ABC/BBC/ARD national public opinion poll in Afghanistan, released in February 2009. Question #38 asked: “Now I’m going to ask what you think about some people and groups. Is your opinion of very favorable (Pure Love), somewhat favorable (In b/w Love & Hate) , somewhat unfavorable (No Love), or very unfavorable (Pure Hate)?”

The results:

1. Pakistan: Favorable 7 | Unfavorable 91
2. The Taliban: Favorable 8 | Unfavorable 92
3. Great Britain: Favorable 39 | Unfavorable 54
4. The United States: Favorable 47 | Unfavorable 52
5. Iran: Favorable 57 | Unfavorable 40
6. Germany: Favorable 61 | Unfavorable 31
7. India: Favorable 74 | Unfavorable 21

View attachment 211356

Read the Posts Below for more Info.

Afghans love India and hate Pakistan. How can we trust each other again?

Despite hating Pakistanis : More Afghans crossing into Pakistan?

Pakistan world's largest host of refugees: UNHCR - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Afghan refugees in Iran & Pakistan | European Resettlement Network

South Asia Defence & Strategic Reveiw

After Pakistan’s creation in 1947, Afghanistan objected to its admission to the United Nations. The Afghan government of the time decided not to recognize Pakistan as the legitimate inheritor of the territorial agreements reached with the British India. There were several ambiguous and often changing demands from Kabul centered around the aspirations—as Kabul saw it—of the Pashtun and Baloch ethnicities inside Pakistan. For intermittent periods between 1947 and 1973, Kabul extended support to Baluch and Pashtun nationalists inside Pakistan and even called for the creation of a new state called “Pashtunistan.” In 1973, Pakistan, grappling with territorial insecurities, resorted to extending support to Islamists dissidents that opposed Afghanistan’s Republican government of Sardar Daud. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s government created the “Afghan Cell” within Pakistan’s foreign office and assigned it a policy that included strengthening ties with and empowering Islamists in exile in Pakistan, and improving Pakistan’s influence over governments in Kabul

View attachment 211357

Sardar Daud made friendly gestures to Pakistan in the late 1970s, but his overtures were cut short by a Communist coup in 1978. The new regime in Kabul returned to the support—at least rhetorical—for Pashtun and Baluch nationalists in Pakistan. The 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was seen by Pakistan as a grave threat to its national security. It also presented Pakistan with a major avenue to build on its 1973 policy of empowering dissident Islamists against the governments in Kabul. Furthermore, Pakistan had been a partner of the United States in the Cold War since the 1950s, and this cooperation had provoked numerous Soviet threats over the years. The new leader of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, who seized power in a 1977 military coup, was a fervent anti-communist and Islamist. General Zia approached the United States for help with organizing a religious resistance against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

View attachment 211358

What came after Independence of Pakistan in 1945 was utter refusal of Afghans and Indians to accept Pakistan as a state, to accept it's borders and it's land. At one point they officially claimed ownership of large chunks of our land and fought to take NWFP for themselves. They sent militias into our land, they trained militants in Balochistan. And all this happened throughout the 60's and 70's

Afghans and Iran -Persians still Occupied large parts of NWFP, Balochistan also Our so called Friend China occupied almost 27 % of Kashmir and they change it's name to Chinese Name and Called it Askai Chin

Who needs Enemies, it One have Friends and Brothers like Afghanistan, Iran, Qatar, Egypt,
UAE - Dubai, Saudi Arabia and China

In reality Pakistan is surrounded by Enemies from all Sides, including China, Qatar, Iran, Afghanistan, India, USA, NATO also Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Kuwait who are just puppets of EU and USA

I say Hell with them, who needs Friends like them, Pakistan Stand Alone and if you are not Loyal to Pakistan then Pakistan do not need you all as well

This is one of many reasons why Pakistan actively intervened and is intervening in Afghanistan, it is in our best interests. People seem to ignore that we'd rather not have them for a neighbor, but since we do, we have to protect what's our's!

Which Neighbor likes Pakistan?
Having met many expat Afghans here in the UK, having taught their children and interacted with their elders, I'd say it rare for an Afghan to Pakistan, crazy as it may sound.

And crazy it sounds indeed. I live in the UK as well, I'd like to meet such Afghans. So far everyone I've come across is just a nutjob.
Quite a lot, that was the first move in a long list.

What came after was utter refusal to accept Pakistan as a state, to accept it's borders and it's land. At one point they officially claimed ownership of large chunks of our land and fought to take NWFP for themselves. They sent militias into our land, they trained militants in Balochistan. And all this happened throughout the 60's and 70's.

This is one of many reasons why Pakistan actively intervened and is intervening in Afghanistan, it is in our best interests. People seem to ignore that we'd rather not have them for a neighbour, but since we do, we have to protect what's ours.

I wonder what you would say if I replace Afghanistan with Pakistan in your post, and Pakistan with India.

The similarities are screaming just too loud to be shut out by simply shutting my ears.
Over 60% voted YES.

Long live Indian-Afghan brotherhood.

Don't jump to conclusions Pakistan still has Pakistanis like me, and we refuse to play in the hands of our enemy and make things easier for them. People here are just talking out of their *****. Afghanistan is and will be our ally and you have no business there whatsoever.

Even Karzai worst of the Afghans had to say, Afghanistan will stand with Pakistan if there is ever any attack on Pakistan
Your "brotherhood" is only limited to using their country for terrorism purposes. I will see when you Indians would let 3 million+ Afghans in your country. You guys don't even treat your fellow Indian muslims right, I wonder how you baniyas will treat the Afghans...

Sir, we have many more than that number of Bangladeshi illegals living on our land.

How can Afghans come over to our side with you in the middle?
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