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These People are always butthurt because a turkish General maybe did hurt their redneck Feelings. They constantly try to take revenge when retired.

Before their Uncle sam is forbidding them to speak.

as retired People their opinion is worth Zero like the opinion of chinese, russian and Indian fanboys here on PDF.


These People are always butthurt because a turkish General maybe did hurt their redneck Feelings. They constantly try to take revenge when retired.

Before their Uncle sam is forbidding them to speak.

as retired People their opinion is worth Zero like the opinion of chinese, russian and Indian fanboys here on PDF.


Fair enough!...I will keep this post saved for future discussion..with you. In War ....No one is a saint..that includes Turks as well...Oil is a curse and wish that innocents dont have to pay with their lives for OIL...thats all...as far as Zero worth or not ...You can continue your Rant!...Cheers.
You actually believe your own propaganda! Wonderful.

Despite the hard fighting, the Turks were close to being overrun by the morning of November 29, and only a timely air strike allowed the Turks to escape encirclement. In the aftermath of the fighting, the Turkish Brigade was completely fragmented, with most of their equipment and vehicles lost. Although both historian Clay Blair and Colonel Paul Freeman believed that Turkish Brigade was "overrated, poorly led green troops" who "broke and bugged out", and blamed them for not protecting on the right flank of the US Eighth Army, historianBevin Alexander noted that given the Turkish Brigade was the only UN force present between Wawon and Kunu-ri, the Chinese inability to capture Kunu-ri before the US 2nd Infantry Division meant the Turks had fulfilled their original mission and covered the withdrawal of the US IX Corps. With the US 2nd Infantry Division entering Kunu-ri on the night of November 28, the remnants of the Turkish Brigade fell back towards Kunu-ri and joined up with the US 38th Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division.

The claimed event of Turks killing 200 enemies by bayonet was a myth.
What propaganda do you believe Joe?
I thought you had no problems with Turks?
Did you know the circumstances they were in,in Korea?
The language barrier?
Why dont we ask a military analist first?
Here you go,something to read,

More than 5,000 men of the 1st Turkish Brigade, including liaison and the advance party, arrived in Pusan, South Korea, on October 17 from the eastern Mediterranean port of Iskenderun, Turkey. The brigade unloaded from their ship and proceeded to the newly opened U.N. reception center located just outside of Taegu. The bulk of the enlisted men were from small towns and villages in the mountains of eastern Turkey. For these volunteer officers and volunteer enlisted men who were just completing their compulsory two year service, it was not only the first time that they had left their native country–it was the first time they had been out of the villages of their birth.


The Turks, armed and trained by American military advisers, did better than even they had hoped or expected in this, their first real combat since World War I. The American units to which they were attached respected their skills and tenacity in combat. Some comments by American officers give insight into the Turks and their abilities. ‘They really prefer to be on the offensive and handle it quite well,’ went one appraisal. ‘They are not as good at defensive positions, and certainly never retreat.’ Another report told of their patrol skills: ‘Certain Turkish patrols always reported high body counts when they returned from patrols. Headquarters always scoffed at the high numbers, much higher in fact than any other unit, until the Turks decided to bring the enemy bodies back and dump them at headquarters for the body count.’

The Turks acquitted themselves in a brave and noble fashion in some of the worst conditions experienced in the Korean War. Very little else could have been required or expected of them. Their heavy casualties speak of their honor and commitment. Their bravery requires no embellishment. It stands on its own.

I have my doubts about you Joe,i told you that i have no problem with you intefering as long as your opponent is on the same level(i guess you didnt get it).
I am still laughing so hard about this meme here:


russian bear fears Turkish mountains in Syria. LOL

‘Certain Turkish patrols always reported high body counts when they returned from patrols. Headquarters always scoffed at the high numbers, much higher in fact than any other unit, until the Turks decided to bring the enemy bodies back and dump them at headquarters for the body count.’


HAHAHA even Wikipedia and all korean citizens say TURKS ARE HEROS AND WARRIORS!

The Turks "will regret what they have done," Putin threatens


Moscow (Russia), Wednesday, December 3. "We will never forget this complicity with terrorists," commented Vladimir Putin. AFP / KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV
Oil/ Daech: Russia accuses Erdogan directly to get rich
On Thursday, it was the turn of Vladimir Putin to continue the verbal hostilities. "We will never forget this complicity with terrorists, warned the PresidentRussian during his address to parliamentarians, theGovernment and the governors of the country. We always will consider treason as one of the worst and most vile acts. Those in Turkey who shot in the back of our pilots know. "" I do not understand why they did that. Only Allah knows, "he said, eliciting applause from the congregation. "It seems that Allah has decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey by depriving of reason and common sense.
" Erdogan denounced accusations "immoral"
"Do not expect us a nervous reaction, hysterical, dangerous for us and for the world, "he promised. "We will not brandish weapons." Putin also said that the economic sanctions imposed on November 24 against Turkey, primarily targeting the agriculture, public works, energy and tourism would not be the only response to Moscow's "stab in the back" of Ankara. "But if anyone thinks for a war crime as cowardly murder of our fellow citizens, they will be quits with tomatoes or sanctions in the sector of public works or in other sectors, they are sadly mistaken. This is not the last time we will remind them what they did, or the last time they will regret what they did, "he threatened as well.On Wednesday, the Russian army had accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family to be "involved" in the traffic of oil with Daech. Charges indirectly reiterated by Vladimir Putin. "We know that Turkey puts in their pockets and allows the terrorists to make money by selling looted oil in Syria," he said, accusing Ankara have also supported the rebel Caucasus North in the 1990s and 2000s when Moscow was fighting Chechen separatists. Turkey was quick to respond through its President. Erdogan has denounced Thursday the accusations "immoral" launched against his family by Russia. "Russia is obliged to prove these allegations (...) those involving family are immoral nature" has he said in a speech in Ankara to trade unionists. He even went further, stating have "evidence" of the involvement of Russia in oil Daech trafficking. "We will begin to reveal to the world," he warned, citing the name of the Syrian businessman George Haswani, "holds a Russian passport." This skirmish between the presidents while Russian and Turkish comes as the head of Russian diplomacy Sergey Lavrov is meeting Thursday in Belgrade Mevlüt Cavusoglu his Turkish counterpart. This must be the first meeting between top Russian and Turkish officials since the destruction of Russian bomber.

Google translation
Avion abattu : les Turcs «vont regretter ce qu'ils ont fait», menace Poutine

What?? Wait.....So Russia has imposed economic sanctions on Turkey?? Mamamiyahh I never thought I will see this day.:lol: I thought just recently Putin was the one saying he is against economic sanctions(or any type of sanctions) against any country since it never solves any problem but instead emboldens the nation under sanctions and makes things worse? :cheesy: That was after we imposed sanctions on Iran and then on Russia itself . Lol

Well, hopefully Putin won't ever mention that again. :enjoy:

i am sure there are plenty of Syrian refugees women.

Ahahahaha..... That crack me up. :rofl:Nice 1.:D
But are they prettier than Russian chicks? Therein lies the question @Sinan ;)
What?? Wait.....So Russia has imposed economic sanctions on Turkey?? Mamamiyahh I never thought I will see this day.:lol: I thought just recently Putin was the one saying he is against economic sanctions(or any type of sanctions) against any country since it never solves any problem but instead emboldens the nation under sanctions and makes things worse? :cheesy: That was after we imposed sanctions on Iran and then on Russia itself . Lol

Well, hopefully Putin won't ever mention that again. :enjoy:

Ahahahaha..... That crack me up. :rofl:Nice 1.:D
But are they prettier than Russian chicks? Therein lies the question @Sinan ;)

syrian girls good as russian girl.
pls could you provide sources of what you said ?
can you prove NATO asked to fire the Russian plane and NATO preparing for attacking China?

or is it just your dream?
No he just timid enough that he start hallucinating what a poor boy you know what take your breath putin not too stupid like err dog an to attack turkey.
Pathetic, fanboys every wher. From Indians, Arabs and chinese. And they are believing what putin says, the russian don't believe it anymore ahahah.
No he just timid enough that he start hallucinating what a poor boy you know what take your breath putin not too stupid like err dog an to attack turkey.

piss off Assad fanboy dope. go dying for your syrian dictator you Coward chicken.

buak buak buak!

@Taygibay...... Ref post 36., PBUH is used for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).... Not used with Allah. just saying mate:angel:
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