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You can't be that stupid. European Union offered Turkey privileged partnership. USA declares Turkey as their NATO ally and geostrategical partner.

Shooting down some garbage russian junk fighterplane does not mean we are isolated. It means the people oppressing us get isolated like russia, iran, china etc.

These are your good days chinese fanboy, from now it will turn worse for you.
Can you please elaborate what you are trying to convey!
It is something that a person like you with a limited amount of vision can never understand.
In reality Wars are not won by superiority of weapons but by the Superiority of Faith.
You know battle of Kunuri in Korean war?

Turkish brigade was 700. They did kill more than 7000 chinese.

The turkish - chinese kill ratio was 17 to 1

Now you know what awaits you in World War 3 and 4


My grandfather fought in Kunuri, slayed many Chinese. I can tell you more if you are interested (in Turkish section)
Putin cannot even afford turning off Turkey's valves let alone going for a military retaliation against Turkey...

All he could do is banning Turkish tomatoes into the country and detaining some Turkish students and businessman as a revenge. That charming personality of Putin which was being promoted by pretty much every media outlet around the World for years is melting infront of our eyes :lol: A 'love tap' by Turkish Airforce was enough to burst the bubble of Russia and the showman's on top of it.

Yet we see some Indian and Chinese fanboys (not even Russians mind you) desperately trying to save face by posting silly pictures and their wet dreams :disagree:
It is something that a person like you with a limited amount of vision can never understand.
In reality Wars are not won by superiority of weapons but by the Superiority of Faith.
Hahaha!...Ok!...So what is your Vision statement that makes your faith which according to you is more superior..Make me understand or at least try.....According to me all faiths are the same...no one faith is superior than the other...what makes you superior is when you start behaving like a Human...that is why God has made all humans superior to Animals....And yes Wars are won with suprior weopns, which is a totally different topic that you would not/never understand....Kapish!
Hahaha!...Ok!...So what is your Vision statement that makes your faith which according to you is more superior..Make me understand or at least try.....According to me all faiths are the same...no one faith is superior than the other...what makes you superior is when you start behaving like a Human...that is why God has made all humans superior to Animals....And yes Wars are won with suprior weopns, which is a totally different topic that you would not/never understand....Kapish!
already told you that it is not in your reach to understand.
already told you that it is not in your reach to understand.
So what if you told me ..... I am here to ask questions..if you cannot answer ..please say so...Unless you dont know either and just following dictat....Usually animals are trained to follow what humans want..do you belong to the same tribe...FYI!....If you are on a forum...learn to interact, if you cannot please be a silent observer....you were the one who tagged me not me...so you bloody well answer or just STFU.
Let me help with that, mate!

‘Allah took their sanity’: Putin accuses Turkish leadership of ‘aiding terror’ — RT News

‘Allah took their sanity’

That's what Vlad said earlier at his press conference and the link is to a Russian media.
So for all Muslim fanboys of the great Bear 3.0, the question is : how do you read that???

"Apparently Allah decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey by taking their sanity …"

Now, Putin being demonstrably kufr or kafir, his voicing suppositions about Allah PBUH's will is not decent.
I don't see how good muslims could approve; I am offended for Islam and I'm not even Muslim!

AH! Nothing like a little pressure to the reveal the true nature of someone, wouldn't you agree?
Great friend of Ummah indeed!

Just sayin' Tay.
Muslim fanboys are happy with dead muslims world wide tx to the russians (tchetchenia etc etc) . It has always been like that. And thats the reason why the West is more advanced. How can we show the world that we are not extremists and that we dont want to kill Christians etc if we want to kill other muslims? Muslims hate muslims and we want to show the world that we dont hate non-muslims lol
So what if you told me ..... I am here to ask questions..if you cannot answer ..please say so...Unless you dont know either and just following dictat....Usually animals are trained to follow what humans want..do you belong to the same tribe...FYI!....If you are on a forum...learn to interact, if you cannot please be a silent observer....you were the one who tagged me not me...so you bloody well answer or just STFU.

man is a social animal.
This definition has been declared by a Man too.

the reality is that Humans are not just beings with no purpose of existence to live and die.
If you are diligent enough to interpret my answer you will understand the purpose but i already know that you are not so there is no use in explaining things that you can not understand.

and a very thought provoking reason that may invoke the depths of your faith if you have any..
people who choose to follow a faith that doesn't believe in the singularity of one true GOD with no reasoning at all just because their ancestors believe on that too rather than using their brains and thinking ahead of what was told are animals (sheep) that are basically blind and act at the behest of their human masters.
already told you that it is not in your reach to understand.
they will never understand
btw let tell them about capturing of some parts of spain
search for this battle might (non-muslim) agree
Battle of Guadalete

man is a social animal.
This definition has been declared by a Man too.

the reality is that Humans are not just beings with no purpose of existence to live and die.
If you are diligent enough to interpret my answer you will understand the purpose but i already know that you are not so there is no use in explaining things that you can not understand.

and a very thought provoking reason that may invoke the depths of your faith if you have any..
people who choose to follow a faith that doesn't believe in the singularity of one true GOD with no reasoning at all just because their ancestors believe on that too rather than using their brains and thinking ahead of what was told are animals (sheep) that are basically blind and act at the behest of their human masters.

Thankyou!....Now you are talking...You made a lot of sense..See it was not that difficult was it...Now read below what I believe in...and please pay attention to point 9..which is the key here....!

9 Basic Hindu Beliefs
1 Reverence for Our Revealed Scriptures

Hindus believe in the divinity of the Vedas, the world's most ancient scripture, and venerate the Agamas as equally revealed. These primordial hymns are God's word and the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion which has neither beginning nor end.

2 All-Pervasive Divinity

Hindus believe in a one, all-pervasive Supreme Being who is both immanent and transcendent, both Creator and Unmanifest Reality.

3 Three Worlds and Cycles of Creation

Hindus believe there are three worlds of existence--physical, astral and causal--and that the universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution.

4 The Laws of Karma and Dharma

Hindus believe in karma--the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words and deeds--and in dharma, righteous living.

5 Reincarnation and Liberation

Hindus believe that the soul reincarnates, evolving through many births until all karmas have been resolved, and moksha--spiritual knowledge and liberation from the cycle of rebirth--is attained. Not a single soul will be eternally deprived of this destiny.

6 Temples and the Inner Worlds

Hindus believe that divine beings exist in unseen worlds and that temple worship, rituals, sacraments as well as personal devotionals create a communion with these devas and Gods.

7 Yoga Guided by a Satguru

Hindus believe that a spiritually awakened master, or satguru, is essential to know the Transcendent Absolute, as are personal discipline, good conduct, purification, pilgrimage, self-inquiry and meditation.

8 Compassion and Noninjury

Hindus believe that all life is sacred, to be loved and revered, and therefore practice ahimsa, "noninjury."

9 Genuine Respect for Other Faiths

Hindus believe that no particular religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine religious paths are facets of God's Pure Love and Light, deserving tolerance and understanding.

they will never understand
btw let tell them about capturing of some parts of spain
search for this battle might (non-muslim) agree
Battle of Guadalete
I dont agree with your point here....Beliefs have nothing to do in who wins a WAR......Superiority of weapons is what wins you battles and war in today's world.
I dont agree with your point here....Beliefs have nothing to do in who wins a WAR......Superiority of weapons is what wins you battles and war in today's world.
i dont think u have researched about it
at that time Muslim had limited weapons (many didn't have Armour and then their leader burn all the ships and told that they will either conquer this land or die in the cause of allah
Putin cannot even afford turning off Turkey's valves let alone going for a military retaliation against Turkey...

All he could do is banning Turkish tomatoes into the country and detaining some Turkish students and businessman as a revenge. That charming personality of Putin which was being promoted by pretty much every media outlet around the World for years is melting infront of our eyes :lol: A 'love tap' by Turkish Airforce was enough to burst the bubble of Russia and the showman's on top of it.

Yet we see some Indian and Chinese fanboys (not even Russians mind you) desperately trying to save face by posting silly pictures and their wet dreams :disagree:
Dont forget the carpet factory that was stormed by masked men who confiscated the Hard Discs, i mean seriously wtf is this?
Putin wants to flood the market with cheap carpet to take revenge from Turkey? :D
What a ''Super powerish'' retaliation. :disagree:

Russia detains 15 Turkish carpet factory workers - BUSINESS
i dont think u have researched about it
at that time Muslim had limited weapons (many didn't have Armour and then their leader burn all the ships and told that they will either conquer this land or die in the cause of allah
Hold on..Here!.....Did Allah (PBUH) ask you to conquer the land and die for this....WHY?...and what does it have in relation to today..and why would you want to die taking into account the superior western weapons that you would be up against...!

Strangely & despite rough wording, that post #55 of yours is essentially correct.
Still, it opens with a fallacy : Man is a gregarious animal. Only in a solidified structure designed to last,
do we revert to the hive which by the way is favored by those weaker minds that you mentioned as
well as by shepherds and other masters of course and profiteers. Society validates social status but
it is not our nature.

The man who coined it that you alluded to was merely wrong on that ( not the lone case for him either )
and recognized as much by defining the normal number of friends in psychoanalysis as between 20-30.
30 happens to be a mean value for the group in mammal groups. A group of friends; gregarious!
Bird flocks/flights and a fortiori ant colonies go to hundreds and thousands and more in individual members
at which point you can talk about an innately social species.

Good day all, Tay.
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