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what turkey dis may be excess but what would Russia do if she was in Turkish p[position ??
The turkish ruling clique don't have any reasoning or common not just because of "allahs" punishment, it's because they are descendents from a bunch of mongs
The turkish ruling clique don't have any reasoning or common not just because of "allahs" punishment, it's because they are descendents from a bunch of mongs

Chinese gibberish now.?

The chinese fanboys still in shock and denial about Turkey downing a russian jet.

Don't blame us, uncle sam ordered it. NATO preparing for final decapitation of Russia and China and the other third world chitholes like iran, iraq, syria etc.
Putin's already killed 100s of terrorist Syrian Turkmen including Turkish citizen truckers and there will be more hell to pay.
no, accroding to report russia killed at least 1500 turkman since plane down, among those I believe at least 1/3 were turks.

I couldn't wait to see Putin's next round of revenge , eagerly.
no, accroding to report russia killed at least 1500 turkman since plane down, among those I believe at least 1/3 were turks.

I couldn't wait to see Putin's next round of revenge , eagerly.

You know battle of Kunuri in Korean war?

Turkish brigade was 700. They did kill more than 7000 chinese.

The turkish - chinese kill ratio was 17 to 1

Now you know what awaits you in World War 3 and 4


You know battle of Kunuri in Korean war?

Turkish brigade was 700. They did kill more than 7000 chinese.

The turkish - chinese kill ratio was 17 to 1

Now you know what awaits you in World War 3 and 4

haha, you even has the thick skin to mention korea war, let me tell you what happened.
You turks sent a troop of 5000 to korea. in 1st battle, you bravely killed several hundred and took 300 prisoners, but only after you reported to your US master, it was clear that you turks were fighting with retreated south korea army, your ally.
During the second war, you did ambush a Chinese army , which was from taiwan, your another supposed ally.
Finally you did encountered PLA, then got massacred. In one battle you lost more than 3000, the highest casulty rate among US‘ lackeys. After that, your tour in korea finished.

No need to brag before us, We mainly fought with your master US. if US couldn't win us, how could its pawn can? turkey's experience in korea was just a joking story.
Epic chinese troll fail.

Total turkish loss in Korea was 700.


Google for battle of Wawon wikipedia.

True turkish heroism saved allied forces.

Look what is written under chinese loss



What means heavy? No numbers shared by chinese mao government. It was too emberassing for them. They lost 10000 men against a turkish single brigade.

Epic chinese troll fail.

Total turkish loss in Korea was 700.


Google for battle of Wawon wikipedia.

True turkish heroism saved allied forces.

Look what is written under chinese loss



What means heavy? No numbers shared by chinese mao government. It was too emberassing for them. They lost 10000 men against a turkish single brigade.


In the end Soviet-Chinese-Korean force alliance still pushed the entire US Led alliance back.
In the end Soviet-Chinese-Korean force alliance still pushed the entire US Led alliance back.

Idiot it was the other way around.

First southkorean troops first annihilated not just destroyed the northkorean chits. Than chine send in human waves.

After that USA and Turkish army landed on korea and kicked the stalinist and maoist subhumans back to pjöng yang.

It was not a smart move to sign truce from NATO. Gen. Curtis lee may wanted to nuke chinese subhumans but president eisenhower did forbid it.
Chinese gibberish now.?

The chinese fanboys still in shock and denial about Turkey downing a russian jet.

Don't blame us, uncle sam ordered it. NATO preparing for final decapitation of Russia and China and the other third world chitholes like iran, iraq, syria etc.
Did I hurt your turk cyber feelings? You can write about it in your thread gay bachesi
Don't blame us, uncle sam ordered it. NATO preparing for final decapitation of Russia and China and the other third world chitholes like iran, iraq, syria etc.
pls could you provide sources of what you said ?
can you prove NATO asked to fire the Russian plane and NATO preparing for attacking China?

or is it just your dream?
You know battle of Kunuri in Korean war?

Turkish brigade was 700. They did kill more than 7000 chinese.

The turkish - chinese kill ratio was 17 to 1

Now you know what awaits you in World War 3 and 4


You actually believe your own propaganda! Wonderful.

Despite the hard fighting, the Turks were close to being overrun by the morning of November 29, and only a timely air strike allowed the Turks to escape encirclement. In the aftermath of the fighting, the Turkish Brigade was completely fragmented, with most of their equipment and vehicles lost. Although both historian Clay Blair and Colonel Paul Freeman believed that Turkish Brigade was "overrated, poorly led green troops" who "broke and bugged out", and blamed them for not protecting on the right flank of the US Eighth Army, historianBevin Alexander noted that given the Turkish Brigade was the only UN force present between Wawon and Kunu-ri, the Chinese inability to capture Kunu-ri before the US 2nd Infantry Division meant the Turks had fulfilled their original mission and covered the withdrawal of the US IX Corps. With the US 2nd Infantry Division entering Kunu-ri on the night of November 28, the remnants of the Turkish Brigade fell back towards Kunu-ri and joined up with the US 38th Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division.

The claimed event of Turks killing 200 enemies by bayonet was a myth.

Idiot it was the other way around.

First southkorean troops first annihilated not just destroyed the northkorean chits. Than chine send in human waves.

After that USA and Turkish army landed on korea and kicked the stalinist and maoist subhumans back to pjöng yang.

It was not a smart move to sign truce from NATO. Gen. Curtis lee may wanted to nuke chinese subhumans but president eisenhower did forbid it.

This is one ignorant post.

The Turks mistakenly killed and captured a retreating group of ROK troops fleeing the attack of the PVA 340th and 342nd Regiments.

The Chinese encountered the Turks after this incident, when the Turks were drawn up in defensive positions.

Epic chinese troll fail.

Total turkish loss in Korea was 700.


Google for battle of Wawon wikipedia.

True turkish heroism saved allied forces.

Look what is written under chinese loss



What means heavy? No numbers shared by chinese mao government. It was too emberassing for them. They lost 10000 men against a turkish single brigade.


Somebody somewhere seems to have had a reading capability fail.

Although the US IX Corps managed to safely pull back into Kunu-ri, the Turkish Brigade's ordeal was not over. On 29 November, The Turks that were expelled by the Chinese from Sinnim-ni and were retreating in complete disarray,[32] with the 38th Infantry found Turkish survivors of the ambush straggling into Kunu-ri. By the afternoon of November 29, the PVA 114th Division linked up with the 112th Division of the 38th Corps and renewed their attacks against the Turkish Brigade and the US 38th Regiment, with the 114th Division attacked the Turkish Brigade on the right flank of the 38th Infantry Regiment along the Kaechon River.[The Chinese outflanked the Turks by attacking along the southern bank of the Kaechon River, then crossed the river at the UN rear areas. Upon noticing this development, Tahsin Yazıcı ordered a withdraw, leaving the right flank of the 38th Infantry Regiment completely uncovered. The Chinese defeat of the Turks at Pongmyong-ni resulted in havoc since the retreat of the Turks exposed the right flank of the 38th Infantry, and the disarrayed mass of retreating Turks stopped the 1st Battalion from taking their place at the 38th infantry's flank after Colonel George B. Peploe commanded them to cover the exposed flank. At the same time, the PVA 113th Division of the 38th Corps had cutoff Kunu-ri from the south, completely surrounding the US 2nd Division and the Turkish Brigade at Kunu-ri. In the ensuing battles and withdrawals with the US 2nd Division, the Turkish Brigade was effectively destroyed as a fighting unit with 20 percent of its men becoming casualties.
Chinese gibberish now.?

The chinese fanboys still in shock and denial about Turkey downing a russian jet.

Don't blame us, uncle sam ordered it. NATO preparing for final decapitation of Russia and China and the other third world chitholes like iran, iraq, syria etc.

No combination of countries can defeat an alliance of China and Russia, it's logistically improbable.
I might add that Russia and Iran are involved, we might end up supporting an alliance with China if this ever blows up into world war proportions.
Turkey will not hold up much longer on it's own, it does not have the resources to out last any of the Asian giants.
You actually believe your own propaganda! Wonderful.

Despite the hard fighting, the Turks were close to being overrun by the morning of November 29, and only a timely air strike allowed the Turks to escape encirclement. In the aftermath of the fighting, the Turkish Brigade was completely fragmented, with most of their equipment and vehicles lost. Although both historian Clay Blair and Colonel Paul Freeman believed that Turkish Brigade was "overrated, poorly led green troops" who "broke and bugged out", and blamed them for not protecting on the right flank of the US Eighth Army, historianBevin Alexander noted that given the Turkish Brigade was the only UN force present between Wawon and Kunu-ri, the Chinese inability to capture Kunu-ri before the US 2nd Infantry Division meant the Turks had fulfilled their original mission and covered the withdrawal of the US IX Corps. With the US 2nd Infantry Division entering Kunu-ri on the night of November 28, the remnants of the Turkish Brigade fell back towards Kunu-ri and joined up with the US 38th Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division.

The claimed event of Turks killing 200 enemies by bayonet was a myth.

This is one ignorant post.

The Turks mistakenly killed and captured a retreating group of ROK troops fleeing the attack of the PVA 340th and 342nd Regiments.

The Chinese encountered the Turks after this incident, when the Turks were drawn up in defensive positions.

Somebody somewhere seems to have had a reading capability fail.

Although the US IX Corps managed to safely pull back into Kunu-ri, the Turkish Brigade's ordeal was not over. On 29 November, The Turks that were expelled by the Chinese from Sinnim-ni and were retreating in complete disarray,[32] with the 38th Infantry found Turkish survivors of the ambush straggling into Kunu-ri. By the afternoon of November 29, the PVA 114th Division linked up with the 112th Division of the 38th Corps and renewed their attacks against the Turkish Brigade and the US 38th Regiment, with the 114th Division attacked the Turkish Brigade on the right flank of the 38th Infantry Regiment along the Kaechon River.[The Chinese outflanked the Turks by attacking along the southern bank of the Kaechon River, then crossed the river at the UN rear areas. Upon noticing this development, Tahsin Yazıcı ordered a withdraw, leaving the right flank of the 38th Infantry Regiment completely uncovered. The Chinese defeat of the Turks at Pongmyong-ni resulted in havoc since the retreat of the Turks exposed the right flank of the 38th Infantry, and the disarrayed mass of retreating Turks stopped the 1st Battalion from taking their place at the 38th infantry's flank after Colonel George B. Peploe commanded them to cover the exposed flank. At the same time, the PVA 113th Division of the 38th Corps had cutoff Kunu-ri from the south, completely surrounding the US 2nd Division and the Turkish Brigade at Kunu-ri. In the ensuing battles and withdrawals with the US 2nd Division, the Turkish Brigade was effectively destroyed as a fighting unit with 20 percent of its men becoming casualties.
Basically any turkish military "exploits" can be considered a myth.

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