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Putin 'proposed to have a Turkish drone factory built in Russia'


Jul 3, 2022
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Putin 'proposed to have a Turkish drone factory built in Russia'​

Erdogan reportedly revealed his proposal to colleagues while claiming Bayraktar TB2 maker Baykar is establishing a plant in the UAE

Un-friggin'-believable. The Iranians must have denied the Russian request, lmfaoo.

Mighty Russia is turning into a dwarf. Since the end of the Soviet Union, Russia is going downhill. Unlike China, the Russian regime seems incapable of keeping up with the times.

It should be out of question that a NATO country provides these kind of "services" to Russia.
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Take this kind of report with a pinch of salt. Nowadays the amount of fake news online is incredible.
Take this kind of report with a pinch of salt. Nowadays the amount of fake news online is incredible.
Erdogan is a tool to destroy the EU. Same as Osama and the Mujahedin were tools to take down the Soviet Union. Turkey was used by the cia to support the civil war in Syria and Libya. The later had oil and gas for Europe shut down and Europe more dependent upon Russia. By design, the EU supplies of energy are being strangled, or better put, the EU is being strangled by the cia endless wars. This European War is one of them. Notice how the JCPOA was ok for years with Obama, not so with Biden, not allowing cheap gas and oil to flood the markets to save Europe and global economies. As is the plan. The UK runs the show and is making sure the JCPOA is to never relieve the EU. MI6 supported Russian Oligarchs in their Brexit Russian Oligarch merger with conservative party/MI6 in British politics. UK is keeping the anti-EU Trump movement going and waiting for the "return of the Trump Dynasty".

The goal of the cia to cut off Europe from energy, collapse their economy, destroy the euro and force a global digital trackable traceable currency on Europe and the globe.

Bush and Obama were the instigators of the endless wars for the cia. Erdogan played along. Putin is the tool for war. Erodgan is to hold hands with Putin and help the cia destroy Europe, while the US DoD and State Dept cry fake tears for Europe and send a dozen HIMARS against 50000 Russian tanks, artillery and IFVs. If Turkey takes the bait to destroy Europe, there is only a globe governed by US, France, UK and Israel. With Russia as controlled opposition. And China taken out. In such a scenario, with the EU gone, Turkey allies would be taken out by the US same as Taliban allies were framed with a false flag and invaded. The three prizes for US is to destroy the EU, China and Iran. After that a nationalist religious expansionist Turkey would be on the short list to be invaded by the US before they get nukes. As Iran knew that they would be next after Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Only Europe stopped this. Peace-niks across the West took over the political movements after the failure of neo-conservatism. Europe supported the JCPOA, not cia planned war with Iran and China. US is blocked by Europe in wanting war with Iran. US was not supported by EU allies in wanting to nuke China. So the cia sent the war to Europe. Europe is the new Soviet enemy of the US. And Erdogan playing along to take out the EU is the new Osama. To not reveal that EU is a rival of the US, the State Dept and DoD are overtly siding with Ukraine. While the cia covertly is playing this geopolitical game out to take out rival EU.

Erdogan is being played by the US to support wars in the Middle East, to support Putin same as Osama was played like a fiddle. The Bin Laden family was cia Bush cronies. And were used much like NATO Turkey was used for chaos in Syria and the continuing chaos in Libya where the oil and gas is needed in Europe to prevent hyperinflation and recession.

US and Russia see Turkey as cheap wh*r*.

And I haven't mentioned the migrant crisis, which Turkey was used to promote this Trumpism to Europe:

Advice to Turkey, stay away from Russia.
A Baykar spokesperson denied that the company had established a factory in the UAE. The spokesperson declined to comment on the Russian proposal.

According to CNN Turk, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told colleagues at a top party meeting on Monday that Putin had approached him during a recent meeting in Tehran to suggest a deal with Turkish firm Baykar to produce its attack drones, which have proved effective against Russian forces in Ukraine.

Who is lying here?
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