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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

Sadly the guy who is waving his arms is SSP operations (Islamabad) he is my cousin :(

Must be shameful moment , just give some donation for poor for his sins
Must be tough

the irony of it and the sheer arrogance of all in this picture..... Hisab tou dena paraye ga aik din. Allah is witness they will face his wrath

All the muscle
The training
The gear
The cool uniform

Instead of protecting people ..... doing circles around a cement building
This bloodly hell cement structure is not greater then Pakistani people

Mean while countrymen women ,elderly youth were beaten up all evening by rouge gulu butt

My humble request to such units , just call in sick or step aside
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when are you leaving amreeka for Pakistan to lead this here "bloody revolution"?
Dont worry about my travel arrangements. You tell me about how I can show you a video of nails being removed by police and you worry about my itinerary? Speaks to your character, and weakness of simple intellect where instead of the message being delivered you attack the messenger.
Must be shameful moment , just give some donation for poor for his sins
Must be tough

All the muscle
The training
The gear
The cool uniform

Instead of protecting people ..... doing circles around a cement building
This bloodly hell cement structure is not greater then Pakistani people

Mean while countrymen women ,elderly youth were beaten up all evening by rouge gulu butt

My humble request to such units , just call in sick or step aside

Not surprised now bro as his father did a similar thing under the orders of Musharraf when he was IG Islamabad.
Must be shameful moment , just give some donation for poor for his sins
Must be tough

All the muscle
The training
The gear
The cool uniform

Instead of protecting people ..... doing circles around a cement building
This bloodly hell cement structure is not greater then Pakistani people

Mean while countrymen women ,elderly youth were beaten up all evening by rouge gulu butt

My humble request to such units , just call in sick or step aside

Also no amount of donation is worth it if you have the blood of innocents and kids under your watch, it pains me a lot to write this but I am more pained about the innocents whose only “crime” was to come out against injustice.
you attack the messenger.
messenger? I thought it was a blood-thirsty amreeki hyena masquerading as an aggrieved Pakistani.

a genuine Pakistani would want to prosecute and punish the perpetrators once normalcy comes back. only a pak-dushman would want an arab spring like situation in Pakistan
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According to Nanak Sethi
Army played it smart and outplayed NS decision to dissolve assemblies right away by giving false assurances of 1 year support. Army’s real intention was to make this govt negotiate a deal with IMF and present a budget and elections in 2 months. So that PMLN faces backlash.
It was at establishment behest that Zardari urged shehbaz to not dissolve the assembly.
This is the reason suddenly SC is giving judgments in favour of Imran.
Joint session of parliament is called so that PTI senators occupy parliament and MNA’s outside parliament at d chowk.
PTI is packing bags and leaving. Will come back again after 6 days if elections are not announced by then.
Well seeing how public is completely pissed off with the gormint. After 6 days I anticipate the foundations being removed. today the foundations shook but next time they will be plucked out like weeds.

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