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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

I think everyone should watch this. Such an eye opener on the people behind the DHARNA.
Breaking Views With Malick - 1st December2017

So what is the issue here? I mean how this two words are different than the one word? Both means the one who is taking oath clearly says that he declare the munkir of khatm e nabowat as Non-Muslim.
No issue at all. Whole nation is crying on an idiotic issue, intellectuals like you should guide the nation by educating them. :agree:

i think Govt should give green signal to 1 corp for hot pursuit
some people are blaming the govt while the majority of us are blaming the mullahs. in my opinion i will give -1 point to govt and 0 point (net result) to mullahs. why -1 to govt because the change in the law was not needed at all and it was not a clerical error. it was deliberately done to please their fathers in london who put them in charge in pakistan.
i will give -1 to mullahs initially because of their way of protest and the language their leaders used against all they oppose. ideally they should have gone to the SC first and start a legal way to bring the culprits to justice. but we all know the speed of delivery of justice in pakistan and it is used generally for the elite against the weaker gen public to keep them in control. the recent verdict against NS is a unique example in the history of pak. but the comments by the IHC judge about the role of military in the ending of chaos show that the judges are biased and dont have brians in their skulls. now i will also give +1 to mullahs which will bring their net result to zero. they have shown to the govt that they should not dare to bring even a minor change in the law regarding the khatam e nabuwat. the people may not follow the instructions of the Prophet SAW but they are still ready to sacrifice their every thing in this matter. in this point i think the mullahs are way better then all of us sitting on this platform . we all claim that we love the Prophet but the bitter truth is that our statements about the love of Prophet are just empty slogans and we will never do anything other then posting comments on social media if the govt changes the khatam e nabuwat law. the masters in the west should not be afraid of muslims like us who wont resist any change in our ideology. we will do nothing. this is the truth. we will remain busy in our jobs, seeking more comfortable life rather then sacrificing to save our ideology. the west needs more time to change the thinking of muslims from lower socio economic group . they need to give them modern education and feed them through the media that they should not take matters like khatam e nabuwat so seriously and should focus on "real" issues like disease, poverty etc. so this is a reason i give 1 point to mullahs who gave a strong message to anybody who tries to change our ideology. otherwise muslims like us are good for nothing type of muslims obsessed with white skin, pant suit, english who idealize west in everything.
govt(-1) vs mullah(0) vs military(1)
mullah is slightly better then this traitor govt in this matter.
1 point to military for solving the matter and giving some sense to the govt.
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too too too much late i will say . look at the numbers almost half of the country turned mullah now . i have no idea why we need this much molvi mullah first place . count doctors lawyers teachers all combine less then mullahs and mullah factories are working day night to create more and more zombies . its need now 50 years to reverse it
Hatred cant be cured dude.
Abducted policemen being ‘ignored’ by their superiors?
The Newspaper's Staff ReporterUpdated December 01, 2017


RAWALPINDI: The two police officials who were allegedly abducted and tortured by sit-in participants complained that they were ignored by their seniors and local parliamentarians as none of them visited them in the hospital.

SIs Aslam Hayat, who had been under treatment at the District Headquarters Hospital, was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday with advice of only two days bed rest.

But their families said it might take weeks to recover from the trauma which kept haunting both of them during their sleep.

SI Amanat Ali’s son, who is also associated with the police department, told Dawn that though his father needed several weeks to recover, he was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday as he can be better cared of at home.

He said his father could have been recovered if senior police officers had made a serious effort as they had been in contact with the local leaders of the religious group. Aslam Hayat and Amanat Ali were abducted from the District Headquarters Hospital on Sunday allegedly by religious protesters.

SI Aslam Hayat, who is associated with the homicide investigation unit (HIU) of Sadiqabad circle, was visibly distressed by the attitude of their seniors. He told Dawn that none of the senior police officers and local parliamentarians visited him in the hospital nor did the police department offer any assistance.

Mr Hayat, whose left elbow was fractured during the incident, said after the sit-in was called off the kidnappers put them in an ambulance and took them to Sohan area in the dark and threw them in the bushes alongside the road.

They somehow reached a village where villagers offered them a glass of water and a meal, but they asked a taxi driver to take them to the Sadiqabad police station, Mr Hayat said.

He said two more people - one of whom was probably a local PML-N leader’s driver and the other one was a government official - had also been detained in a makeshift tent by the religious protesters. He said: “It was no less than a miracle that they didn’t kill us.”

Published in Dawn, December 1st, 2017
so molvis are ready for next stage of chitrool today ?:lol:

Na ye mulk tere molvi ka hai Na ya madhab tere molvi ki jaidad hai, tum logon ka bass chale tou ab bhi Jinnah ko Kafir e Azam kaho ge LEKIN Dandda esa mille ga ke Sans bhi Na le sako ge.
Filhal to joote Mirza Ghulam Qadiani aur us k Khalifon ko par rahe hain.... kahan hain qadiani yahan to roz Mirza ghulam qadiani pe lanat hoti ha...You people can only bark like your Mirza Qadiani

Acha? This section of Molvis? You mean this section? View attachment 439242
View attachment 439242
View attachment 439245
The links are from THAT section of molvis Tolla not from my books:lol: @Zibago @Hell hound and others in every SECTION of have good people and bad not every person of that SECTION might be same what their elder were but THIS molvi is shadow of their elders.
The reason how he abuse Edhi sahib coz he belong to the section which they hate.

Just for little satisfaction of Qadianis





@The Eagle Why you people are allowing that kind of propaganda?
Acha? This section of Molvis? You mean this section? View attachment 439242
View attachment 439242
View attachment 439245
The links are from THAT section of molvis Tolla not from my books:lol: @Zibago @Hell hound and others in every SECTION of have good people and bad not every person of that SECTION might be same what their elder were but THIS molvi is shadow of their elders.
The reason how he abuse Edhi sahib coz he belong to the section which they hate.

These are ad hominem remarks, nothing against the idea of Pakistan. If there is anything against Pakistan please share.

Noothiyas know that the plan was to call PA and give shoot at sight orders.. This would have given new life to NS's politics..

PA has played very smartly this time..

You know that best part in the agreement? Where it is mentioned that this happened because of General Bajwa's efforts and Ahsan Iqbal signed that paper.. wow.

Indeed PA and more precisely Gen Bajwa acted smartly. It was Gen Bajwa who was the target.

When I say that I believe, it means I might be wrong.

But when I say that I solemnly swear, it means that there's no doubt about it, it is true and part of my faith.

So I believe that the plan of this Khatm-e-Nabuwat issue was made in some other region and was offered to Nawaz Sharif, he accepted it happily to save his own self.

The plan was hatched when Gen Bajwa took the office of COAS. Of course the enemy would exploit any fault line available. So Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa had to go through this test.

I hope Gen Bajwa is officially acknowledged for this great service. And Mr. Nawaz Sharif is booked on treason charges and conspiring with the enemies of Pakistan.

Having said that, those who say that molvis should have gone to the court. First thing they should keep in mind that Mumtaz Qadri is their hero so court is out of question here.

Second thing is that the ruling party changed the law in a bill which made the court disqualified person head of political party again. The disregard of court is already in this very bill.

Let's say two wrongs don't make one right. To make courts acceptable to religious people along with education, as pointed out by respected @Shane we need structural changes. Presidential system is considered to be close to caliphate system. So it should be brought and candidates be filtered through the criteria of being honest and truthful.
Presidential system is considered to be close to caliphate system. So it should be brought and candidates be filtered through the criteria of being honest and truthful
In due time, in sha Allah. First, we need to make it to the next elections constitutionally and then again and only if the results are in favour of change. Otherwise, there will have to be a consistent but peaceful movement to change this system before it can be achieved after another five years or so.

Filhal to joote Mirza Ghulam Qadiani aur us k Khalifon ko par rahe hain.... kahan hain qadiani yahan to roz Mirza ghulam qadiani pe lanat hoti ha...You people can only bark like your Mirza Qadiani

Just for little satisfaction of Qadianis





@The Eagle Why you people are allowing that kind of propaganda?

Reported, negative point given - read rules
@The Eagle @Emmie Please can you take action against this hate speech!
At OP please make yourself aware of the hate speech element within Pakistan Law:

Thank you!
This whole theater of sit in and resultant LEA op .............. has proven that people of Pakistan can anytime be manipulated to create unrest and start a civil war .......... the karta dharta of this country should get seriously consider taking concrete steps to stop this cult following now ........ making cheap modern education available to every Pakistani.

You know @I.R.A my friend, one Punjabi verse was echoing in my mind, i.e.

"Hakimaan tabibaan de wes di ae gal ni"

When there is matter of holy Prophet peace be upon him as an entity and personality, it is as simple as that. I mean people have different interpretations of the teachings of the holy Prophet peace be upon him. But when it comes to personality of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, there is no second opinion. You do it regardless of the consequences. In a sense you are sacrificing yourself, specially when opposite side is certified liar.

People of dharna were on path of sacrifice and they displayed it. Sense prevailed from the army to go with which side, lairs or the people demanding resignation of the law minister. Let's see how.

In this episode there's lesson for Sharifs that if they want to become ideological and touch sensitive issues, first come clean of corruption charges. Fortunately army was part of the JIT probing corruption cases of the Sharifs, it knew inside out of Sharif family. I believe that army took decision on merit, without any religious affiliation.

What if mullahs weren't in majority, Sharifs would have quelled them easily. Another logic of Sharifs goes against them that majority has the right to make decisions. Army took right decision at right time from all angles, taking the interior minister on board.

Second thing is that you sir have declared the biggest group of Muslims as cult. If they are cult then Islam itself is a cult. That is a fact, in fact. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the best example to follow. You bookworms won't understand lol. It is scheme of God. Man learns from human. If it is debate of who came first, man or book, it's man!!!

I guarantee if you keep reading the holy Quran without human assistance, after ten years you'll be writing here, "There's no god, I have gone above the level of god wod".
When there is matter of holy Prophet peace be upon him as an entity and personality, it is as simple as that. I mean people have different interpretations of the teachings of the holy Prophet peace be upon him. But when it comes to personality of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, there is no second opinion. You do it regardless of the consequences. In a sense you are sacrificing yourself, specially when opposite side is certified liar.

Salik mia ........ I think we have reached the point where I can assume that we are frank and open, and I am sure what I am about to type, won't offend or hurt your insecure sensitivities.

You talk of love for Messenger Peace be upon him, as if its some proprietary thing, exclusively owned and retained by one sect (sects themselves are an open war against and negation of Islam) ..... love for Messenger Peace be upon him without understanding His personality, his mission, causes he struggled for ............. is just a hollow slogan and a tool of misguiding gullible ignorant frustrated masses and subjecting them to further exploitation in name of religion and a false holy cause.

People who loved Messenger Peace be upon him, fought injustice, freed humans of slavery, the exploitation they were subjected to and proved their metal in battlegrounds against huge odds .......... they didn't sit in at crossings in Makkah and chant slogans to prove their love, they didn't interrupt the daily lives of others to prove their love ........ they proved their love by accomplishing, defending and furthering the mission of Messenger Peace be upon him.

Ayub Ansari May ALLAH be pleased with him was buried in enemy's territory right next to their castle wall .... and the Ameer of that Army (I won't name him, don't want to shock people and start another drama) lead the funeral prayers and then announced to the enemy ......... here lies one of the greatest companions of our Messenger Peace be upon him .......... the day you dare disrespecting his grave ....... would be the day you will invite the wrath of followers of Messenger, we would be marching right across your strongholds and will bring your huge castles down ........ brick by brick. The Ameer didn't resort to abusing people, didn't threaten with sit ins ....... and the enemy understood.

Now you can form a cult and make people take a bath in a urine pool and call it some sacred magical ritual and love ....... but you won't fool the 100% .... may be 80% but not the 100% ...... voices of reason and logic would remain no matter how big cults anyone forms ..... in the name of love for Messenger. We book worms would still refuse this ignorance and cult following.

Second thing is that you sir have declared the biggest group of Muslims as cult. If they are cult then Islam itself is a cult. That is a fact, in fact. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the best example to follow. You bookworms won't understand lol. It is scheme of God. Man learns from human. If it is debate of who came first, man or book, it's man!!!

A group created out of Muslims, and then that biggest separate group calls itself Muslim ......... Salik do you realise Islam lost the moment you formed a separate group out of Muslims. You don't need to be a book worm to understand this ........... believe me you just need to throw away these shackles and respect yourself as a thinking rational human, capable of making his own views and decisions.

I guarantee if you keep reading the holy Quran without human assistance, after ten years you'll be writing here, "There's no god, I have gone above the level of god wod".

I started reading Quran ........ because humans stopped me from reading and understand Quran. You can make Quran and its message sound like something coded and complicated, but for me it was plain simple and understandable ......... without any other human's involvement. The rest of your mumbo jumbo is assumptions as usual :)
Salik mia ........ I think we have reached the point where I can assume that we are frank and open, and I am sure what I am about to type, won't offend or hurt your insecure sensitivities.

You talk of love for Messenger Peace be upon him, as if its some proprietary thing, exclusively owned and retained by one sect (sects themselves are an open war against and negation of Islam) ..... love for Messenger Peace be upon him without understanding His personality, his mission, causes he struggled for ............. is just a hollow slogan and a tool of misguiding gullible ignorant frustrated masses and subjecting them to further exploitation in name of religion and a false holy cause.

People who loved Messenger Peace be upon him, fought injustice, freed humans of slavery, the exploitation they were subjected to and proved their metal in battlegrounds against huge odds .......... they didn't sit in at crossings in Makkah and chant slogans to prove their love, they didn't interrupt the daily lives of others to prove their love ........ they proved their love by accomplishing, defending and furthering the mission of Messenger Peace be upon him.

Ayub Ansari May ALLAH be pleased with him was buried in enemy's territory right next to their castle wall .... and the Ameer of that Army (I won't name him, don't want to shock people and start another drama) lead the funeral prayers and then announced to the enemy ......... here lies one of the greatest companions of our Messenger Peace be upon him .......... the day you dare disrespecting his grave ....... would be the day you will invite the wrath of followers of Messenger, we would be marching right across your strongholds and will bring your huge castles down ........ brick by brick. The Ameer didn't resort to abusing people, didn't threaten with sit ins ....... and the enemy understood.

Now you can form a cult and make people take a bath in a urine pool and call it some sacred magical ritual and love ....... but you won't fool the 100% .... may be 80% but not the 100% ...... voices of reason and logic would remain no matter how big cults anyone forms ..... in the name of love for Messenger. We book worms would still refuse this ignorance and cult following.

A group created out of Muslims, and then that biggest separate group calls itself Muslim ......... Salik do you realise Islam lost the moment you formed a separate group out of Muslims. You don't need to be a book worm to understand this ........... believe me you just need to throw away these shackles and respect yourself as a thinking rational human, capable of making his own views and decisions.

I started reading Quran ........ because humans stopped me from reading and understand Quran. You can make Quran and its message sound like something coded and complicated, but for me it was plain simple and understandable ......... without any other human's involvement. The rest of your mumbo jumbo is assumptions as usual :)

These mullahs were causing inconvenience for public, and so they were ready to face the consequences. But please remember they were saving you and me from future bigger inconvenience. Because those who can play with respect of world's greatest and holiest person Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, they can easily play with honour of yours and mine and our kids.

Those people who were complaining about the inconvenience, should have joined them instead because it was the time to stand up. Even non Muslims should have joined because no one has given rights to minorities like the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

As a society we lack civic sense, whether religious or modern educated people, we must give way to ambulance. This we see often on the roads and same was witnessed in the dharna.

When I say "biggest group of Muslims", please try to understand the physics, how a bigger group is formed. Smaller factions part their way, so a bigger one is left.
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How can you love someone without knowing and understanding ones personality you fool.

Do we really understand? And know?

It looks you haven't loved anyeone :azn:

I don't need to wave my love placards to tell the world hey I love someone.

These mullahs were causing inconvenience for public, and so they were ready to face the consequences. But please remember they were saving you and me from future bigger inconvenience. Because those who can play with respect of world's greatest and holiest person Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, they can easily play with honour of yours and mine and our kids.

Yep Pakistan is a perfect Islamic society, free of every ill .......... so they are the best of people to defend Messenger's honor .......... have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? Go see yourself.

When I say "biggest group of Muslims", please try to understand the physics, how a bigger group is formed. Smaller factions part their way, so a bigger one is left.

You can play with the words all you want .......... but reality isn't going to change.
Related to the ongoing events, comming up next:
Do we really understand? And know?

I don't need to wave my love placards to tell the world hey I love someone.

Yep Pakistan is a perfect Islamic society, free of every ill .......... so they are the best of people to defend Messenger's honor .......... have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? Go see yourself.

You can play with the words all you want .......... but reality isn't going to change.

What matters is that to whom we are following is perfect or not. So yes Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is a perfect human, there's no doubt about it.

You need to wave love placards for Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. This verse of the Holy Quran says something;

وَاَمَّا بِنِعۡمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّثۡ

First four caliphs were nominated on basis of majority, taking into consideration the biggest group of Muslims. You can't simply ignore this democratic principle.
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