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PDF Color Scheme

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I wanted to welcome a new member but im not allowed.
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New look is very good. Though there are still some issues but I am sure webby will fix it in soon.
The new look will take a little time to get used to but this new version lacks a lot of detail and information that was on the old site. I liked to see what were the latest threads being discussed but I can't see that on this version and have to check each section individually.
Sharp looking site.

Question regarding avatar:

Am I correct to assume that the maximum size for your avatar is 200 x 200 pixels? If so, someone needs to correct the message: "It is recommended that you use an image that is at least 200x200 pixels."

Also, what's the maximum file size?
Keep posting here what you want, and it will be delivered.
In a thread avatars of posters too big right now imo. Posts made should be given greater space in width.
Want to have the feature to know how many are viewing a thread like before. :-)
What happened? Blurry avatars, fonts that look like ink dripped through uneven letters - this is a downgrade, not an upgrade!
The new look is great but it is a little sluggish on my tab.:(
Whatever happened to the top 10 thing at the bottom? That was the main thing that made pdf a website i'd regularly visit in a day over other forums
Mere pyare Admin Bhai....

Live posts ka page kab shuru karne wala hai tu?
yar background image thodi light kar do... load hone main time lagta hai..
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