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Pakistan's terrible idea to develop battlefield nukes

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CL-20 was invented and synthesized by A T Nielsen in 1987 at the US Navy test center, China Lake, that is why the name CL.

Keep your comical comments coming , at least we can have a good laugh

P.S What happened to your 7 operational FBR's ? :azn: ... I just noticed they vanished from the discussion :lol: Kid , tell you what , changing topics and going round and round in circles and merely posting a lot of irrelevant information even with big pictures :P isn't going to help you here ... Didn't you learn this lesson when I refuted your ridiculous claims about FBR's ? :azn:

We don't claim that we invented CL-20. We developed a higher powered version of it. Infact the version is so powerful, that the scientists have had to mix it with HMX to keep it stable.
I said what I said. And I know what I am talking about - you don't, because the language you use to explain all this displays this fact.

No you are not the parrot, you are the one who squat beside the cage and opens the door for the parrot to come out.

What are you talking about.

What do you know about language.
Yes we do not , not specially to those who are making fantasy statements and ridiculous claims about things that exist not and having a false sense of security :azn: ...

I have posted some of your finest comical comments for everyone to see :P ... Hope they enjoy that ...

Go and ask your Army and then think who has better sense of security.

About CL-20.. does it matters.. Its going to be used on Pakistan anyway.
EzioAltaïr;3386726 said:
We don't claim that we invented CL-20. We developed a higher powered version of it. Infact the version is so powerful, that the scientists have had to mix it with HMX to keep it stable.

There isn't even a single mention of a higher powered version of it :azn: ... They merely developed a chemical known to mankind to exist for long ... Another Indian distorting facts , huh ?
The 7 operational FBR's :rofl: ... Where are they ? :lol:

You'd see them Doubling the amount of Plutonium produced by the 16 Indian and Foreign Reactors by the time you clear School.
Go and ask your Army and then think who has better sense of security.

About CL-20.. does it matters.. Its going to be used on Pakistan anyway.

Not really , we assume worst case scenarios for our country and discuss on that unlike some ... We do not think our weapons are invincible , make ridiculous claims about non existent things and capabilities and underestimate others :azn:

Does it matter , if we have enough of other stuff to make sure India ceases to exist ? :azn:
Not really , we assume worst case scenarios for our country and discuss on that unlike some ... We do not think our weapons are invincible , make ridiculous claims about non existent things and capabilities and underestimate others :azn:

Does it matter , if we have enough of other stuff to make sure India ceases to exist ? :azn:

And what is that stuff.... super boy ?
You'd see them Doubling the amount of Plutonium produced by the 16 Indian and Foreign Reactors by the time you clear School.

But they were operational just a few hours ago according to you , weren't they ? :azn: But I suddenly see the " would " word here , why kid ? :azn: Is it because not even a single operational FBR exist at the moment :azn: ... Speaks volumes about who should really should clear school ... :D

I see you have raised the numbers of reactors to 16 , another funny comment to add to the list I posted on the previous page :rofl:

And what is that stuff.... super boy ?

Baby Boy , the same that has prevented three wars and caused some to make it a routine to mobilize troops and back off in the end :P

Besides that India is the only country in the world which operates FBR as many as 7 of them ...

Where are these 7 operational Fast Breeders , baby boy ? :rofl:
How exactly does it prove that India has successfully mixed HMX with CL 20 and made the explosive of the future ? :azn: ... There wasn't a single mention of any " mixing " or " new invention " in the article a fan boy posted here ...

Borrowing a technology used to improve the effectiveness of drugs, scientists are reporting discovery of a new explosive more powerful than the current state-of-the-art explosive used by the military, and just as safe for personnel to handle.

Their report appears in ACS' journal Crystal Growth and Design.

Adam J. Matzger and colleagues explain that a technique for engineering medicines and other materials, termed cocrystallization, is attracting attention as a way to make improved explosives, rocket propellants and fireworks. Most solid materials consist of crystals - with atoms and molecules arranged in a specific pattern that repeats itself time and again.

Cocrystallization involves combining two materials into a new crystal architecture with the goal of producing an improved material.

They describe cocrystallization of the military's standard explosive, HMX, with a powerful explosive called CL-20, which the authors say is too prone to accidental detonation for military use.

Mixing two parts CL-20 with one part HMX, however, produced a new explosive with a blast wave that would travel almost 225 miles per hour faster than that of the purest form of HMX, meaning a much more powerful blast.

The new explosive, however, was as stable and resistant to accidental detonation as HMX. They suggest that it has the potential to replace HMX as the new state-of-the art military explosive.

Is it that hard to read? :undecided:

How exactly does it prove that India has successfully mixed HMX with CL 20 and made the explosive of the future ? :azn: ... There wasn't a single mention of any " mixing " or " new invention " in the article a fan boy posted here ...

All I'm saying is India can use this explosive as well.
EzioAltaïr;3386784 said:
Is it that hard to read? :undecided:

Is it so hard to understand they aren't talking about your country here ? :azn: but rather of a new scientific advancements in explosives ...

India currently Operates 20 PHWR civil and about 3-4 of various types experimental.

16 are Planned to be completed soon out of which 8 are Indian PHWR and rest are LWR of foreign origins.

1st FBR has been Running for almost 10 years
... the 2nd FBR is ready at Kalpakkam.

You mean Terrorists, Taliban Militias... and the growing Indian economy etc...
EzioAltaïr;3386784 said:
All I'm saying is India can use this explosive as well.

All , I am saying that you haven't done something ground breaking ... The research and the synthesization methods were already there :azn: ... They just developed the chemical based on decades old research ... Any other country can do it too ... And it isn't changing anything on ground so :whistle:
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