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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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India funneling weapons, money to terrorists in Balochistan: report


Karachi: As many as four terrorist groups have been operating in Pakistan’s southwestern volatile province Balochistan, a military report said.

According to report, the groups are backed by some foreign powers, including India and Israel, are involved in deteriorating situation in the province.

It said several foreign powers, including Iran, US, India have interests in the region. The report revealed that the terrorist organizations also have their offices in Europe.

It said that the Baloch separatist leaders Barhamdagh Bugti, Javed Mengal, Herbyar Marri and Dr Nazrullah were involved in the violence while India was providing weapons and money to Dr Nazrullah inTurbat and Makran areas of Balochistan.

The military report said that situation in five of 30 district was deteriorated while police and local administration have ceased to function. It said that insurgent camps were set up during 1997 and 2004 while terror activities were started in 2005.
It said that some paramilitary officials have also links with terrorists.

The report also gave details of terrorists’ attacks on paramilitary soldiers, gas installations and railways’ system.

India funneling weapons, money to terrorists in Balochistan: report | The News Tribe
My dear, these Baloch Nationalists have the moral high ground in their province due to the establishment's colonial mindset.

No wonder, these atrocities against the settlers go unnoticed.

Yeah they have "high moral" ground since they kill barbers, labors, teachers, lawyers and innocent civilians. Very high moral ground indeed. Again when this clown is going to be banned? What is this rubbish yaar? Mods, admins will you keep this charsi spreading bullsh!t on this forum. Where are mods?
India funneling weapons, money to terrorists in Balochistan: report


Karachi: As many as four terrorist groups have been operating in Pakistan’s southwestern volatile province Balochistan, a military report said.

According to report, the groups are backed by some foreign powers, including India and Israel, are involved in deteriorating situation in the province.

It said several foreign powers, including Iran, US, India have interests in the region. The report revealed that the terrorist organizations also have their offices in Europe.

It said that the Baloch separatist leaders Barhamdagh Bugti, Javed Mengal, Herbyar Marri and Dr Nazrullah were involved in the violence while India was providing weapons and money to Dr Nazrullah inTurbat and Makran areas of Balochistan.

The military report said that situation in five of 30 district was deteriorated while police and local administration have ceased to function. It said that insurgent camps were set up during 1997 and 2004 while terror activities were started in 2005.
It said that some paramilitary officials have also links with terrorists.

The report also gave details of terrorists’ attacks on paramilitary soldiers, gas installations and railways’ system.

India funneling weapons, money to terrorists in Balochistan: report | The News Tribe

lmao. if we ended up supporting Baloch separatists it would have met the same fate as east Pakistan though i do hope Indian gov't does end up giving support to the BLA as payback for what you guys do in Kashmir.
lmao. if we ended up supporting Baloch separatists it would have met the same fate as east Pakistan though i do hope Indian gov't does end up giving support to the BLA as payback for what you guys do in Kashmir.

Buddy Indian fanboy or a kid who has just started using internet it is difficult for you to understand the obvious difference between east Pakistan and Baluchistan. You just pray that our agencies don't plan to pay you back in the same currency.
My dear, these Baloch Nationalists have the moral high ground in their province due to the establishment's colonial mindset.

No wonder, these atrocities against the settlers go unnoticed.

you have no idea what you're talking about

colonial mindset? If it were colonial mindset then the center would be behind every decision made at local level. From commerce to business deals to every little aspect......I think in that sense the establishment knows that at the provincial level, they have to have faith in the local government --regardless of whether it has the capacity to deal with the challenging law & order in certain parts of the province.

Balochistan provincial government last year refused to allow what was supposed to be Pakistan largest mining investment ever, because of perceptions that the Western mining companies planned to exploit the Baloch people's natural wealth and keep an unfair amount of the profit to themselves......now tell me, was this decision made by the center or by the province? If there was a ''colonial mindset'' --as you call it -- then i dont think such a decision would have been allowed to have been made on the provincial level.

the atrocities against settlers dont go unreported or un-noticed....tell the families of the victims that they went un-noticed!

the groups like BLA are the enemies of the state; those that join their ranks, and those foreign entities that are supporting them in order to weaken Pakistan federation will be dealt with through all means possible.....they are nothing but locusts.

at the same time, government needs to do more to solve the social issues existing there....and the people need to reject these feudal nawabs
lmao. if we ended up supporting Baloch separatists it would have met the same fate as east Pakistan though i do hope Indian gov't does end up giving support to the BLA as payback for what you guys do in Kashmir.

Then, your honeymoon in Afghanistan is about to be over and believe you me, this is really a bad news for Indian policymakers who are following the strategy of "killing with thousand cuts" policy against Pakistan using Afghan soil.
Noone wants to be friends with Baluchis and Pakthoonis! you cant trust your own brother in Islamabad, Punjab and you expect to trust an alien from another province. Killing, loot, & backstabbing each other in Punjab, who even bothers to engage other aliens of Provinces.
Noone wants to be friends with Baluchis and Pakthoonis! you cant trust your own brother in Islamabad, Punjab and you expect to trust an alien from another province. Killing, loot, & backstabbing each other in Punjab, who even bothers to engage other aliens of Provinces.

i don't understand why is punjab blamed for everything? south punjab is worse then sindh or balochistan!

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ----------

Meeting with Imran Khan: No talks unless military kicked out, say Baloch leaders – The Express Tribune


There’s an increasing sense of urgency about Balochistan on the political stage, and as the violence continues, the conditions for negotiations continue to get more stringent.

In a recent meeting with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairperson Imran Khan, Baloch nationalist leaders sent out a clear message. It’s a zero sum game now: Unless the military is kicked out of the province and abductions of Baloch people allegedly by the intelligence agencies come to an end, all other measures to address the province’s concerns will fall flat.

The PTI chief met former Balochistan Chief Minister Sardar Akhtar Mengal and exiled Baloch nationalist Harbiyar Marri in a bid to appease the province’s leaders and formulate a strategy to address Balochistan’s grievances. After the meeting, Khan said such a strategy would be outlined soon.

The nationalist leaders, however, remain understandably cautious.

“Baloch leaders told Imran Khan that, in the presence of military and intelligence agencies on the soil of Balochistan, there cannot be any meaningful dialogue or discussion on the issue,” said a source privy to the meetings.

On the other hand, it appears that Imran remains one of the few political leaders that the nationalist leaders are still willing to talk to.

“Mengal, Marri and other leaders conveyed to Imran that … the PTI chairman was amongst those leaders where the trust deficit was at a minimum,” the source added.

The meeting also seems to have spurred Imran to switch his party’s focus from corruption to the Balochistan issue. It is important to note that PTI’s next rally is scheduled to take place in Quetta. Taking his party members into confidence over his meeting with the Baloch leaders, Imran is quoted to have said that the matter should become the number one priority for PTI, adding that the issue is seriously threatening national integrity.

He directed the party’s think-tank to come up with meaningful proposals on Balochistan, which will be made part of the PTI’s upcoming manifesto. One of the more radical proposals on the table is to shift the federal capital and government to Quetta in order to enable massive and quick development.

However, the source added a caveat. According to the source, Imran could not assure the Baloch leaders if he could a play a role in addressing the grievances raised by them at the meeting.

In April, the source added, the PTI will hold a public meeting in Quetta where it will announce “complete solidarity with the Baloch people and unveil their strategy on the issue of Balochistan”.

“The party is gearing up for the rally and it will be a symbol of national integration as many Baloch leaders will be invited,” said the source.

Imran, however, will be addressing a crowd tough to please. “At the moment, even moderate Baloch like Mahmood Achakzai are hard to convince. (The leaders) want to talk to Imran Khan but only if he can guarantee the withdrawal of troops from Balochistan,” the source emphasised once again.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 19th, 2012.
“At the moment, even moderate Baloch like Mahmood Achakzai are hard to convince.

Shows how much knowledge our media has about Baluchistan. Mahmood Khan Achakzai a baloch. Facepalm.
to be honest no one knows much about which districts in balochistan have unrest and which ones are fine! the media also doesn't report much about situation in balochistan.
to be honest no one knows much about which districts in balochistan have unrest and which ones are fine! the media also doesn't report much about situation in balochistan.

Our media is ****. Except one or two everyone else is biased. In fact some of them I think are playing in the hands of foreign countries (I am looking at your Hamid Mir). If a Baloch activist is killed then they will show this news all day long and do programs on it but not when non-Balochi is killed.
US, Israel, India responsible for killings in Balochistan


LAHORE - Foreign countries and agencies strongly opposed to the Gwadar Port and determined to drive a wedge between Pakistan and Iran are involved in terrorist activities in Balochistan, military sources say.

They told TheNation that Gwadar Port had the capacity to bring about economic prosperity in the impoverished Balochistan and this was precisely what the enemies could not tolerate.

Similarly, the sources said, the countries that did not like cooperation between Pakistan and Iran were out to employ all sorts of machinations to create differences between the two Islamic states. They patronise terrorist organisation Jundullah for activities inside Iran.

The United States, CIA, XE Services (the new name of erstwhile Blackwater), India and Israel, the sources said, were some of those involved in terrorist activities in Balochistan and are fanning secessionist tendencies among angry Balochis.

The interior ministry, the sources said, has failed to deport such elements from Balochistan, because of which the terrorist activities are still going on.

Terrorist activities and daily killings in Balochistan have created unrest among the people, providing some leaders with an opportunity to speak against the Federation. Some of them have also started talking of an independent Balochistan.

The government and some political parties plan to hold separate conferences to discuss threadbare the grievances of the people of Balochistan and their possible solution. However, the enemies have also stepped up their efforts to fan sense of deprivation among the Balochis.

The people of Balochistan allege that a military operation is going on against them.

However, sources say that the army and FC had never ever launched any operation on their own and instead had always acted on the orders of the provincial government. This clearly means that the provincial government is responsible for what the two institutions are doing there.

The sources said the army and the FC retaliated only when they were attacked by terrorists and miscreants.

The army and the FC have started about half a dozen projects in Balochistan with a view to providing jobs to some 20,000 locals. So far, 15,000 people have already been appointed and another 5,000 would be absorbed by the end of the year.

Answering a question, the sources said they were not satisfied with the role of the media in the coverage of the Blochistan situation.

While the activities of separatists, terrorists and criminals are getting no coverage on the electronic media, what the FC and other law enforcers were doing in self-defence were being blown out of proportion. Nobody bothers to question who was involved in target-killing of Punjabis, who was stoking sectarianism and who was resisting development projects.

They said that many Baloch leaders were opposed to development process in their province, probably because it undermined their authority. They cited the example of a mining project operationalised by the FC after some 26 years.

Nawab Khair Bux Marri expressed his views about this project in an interview. Without mincing words, the elderly leader said: “My back was not broken even when my son died. But this project has broken my back.”

US, Israel, India responsible for killings in Balochistan | The Nation
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