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Pakistan's Mornoic Police - what are they upto ?

there is no way to bring police force of pakistan an right path only a single way is like compleate change like iran hang there bigs demolish whole force and rise a new force. sawak was like our police in iran but were they are today? we need same. no CJ no dectator civil gov can change it:disagree:

Imran i just want to say a 1000 swear words ----- i wish i could return these favors back to them.
Excuse my language Imran but i really am very much disturbed and furious on this matter.

To be honest with you i think our Police is a bunch of thugs who work not for but against Pakistanis , if we don't stand up against it , they will continue their acts of terror.

Everyone knows Police is a bribe pot - this is how they get commissioned , they eat / Drink Haram and spend on haram - bunch of bastards .

I would feel much safer being alone than with a Police officer in Pakistan , and i have no shame saying that they are Wild Bull dogs infected by Rabbis.

Develpero i agree, just wanted to inform you a bit more.
Even officials at secretary level take bribes, kickbacks and undue benefits on state expense.
If you remember Iftikhar ch. was suspended for corruption and he got reinstated by political agitation.

Since, this govt. took over any sense of rule of law has been suspended.
Following the footsteps of Pakistani politicians bureaucrats had not only transfered their black money abroad but also are migrating their siblings abroad.

IMO, this is a good start point for accountability.
Just start checking which state official and politicians have sent their siblings abroad.
Just imagine those siblings living in luxury hotels, visiting beaches and buying properties and where the hell are they getting sudden change in living life?
We should start from head.
Today its someone else - Tomorrow it can be Your Brother , Sister , Dad ,Mother , Uncle , Cousin!

Lets say "Enough" to Pakistan Police , they are not our "Muhafiz" rather they are coming to get you or your family and they will do whatever they want to do.

YouTube - Two Innocent Brothers Killed In Sialkot Live

BB dear, I heard it from a friend of mine about this incident yesterday and by posting this video, sorry to say but you just ruined a beautiful day of mine. Just came back from the mosque after doing my Sehri, and the first thread I clicked was this, now I won't be able to go to sleep neither will stay awake.

No system of the country in practice,
No Electricity,
No jobs,
No justice,
No security,
Sky rocketing prices of food and black marketing,
Victims of terrorism,
Victims of acts of inept politicians,
victims of police's brutality every now and then,
victims of the complexities involved in getting a job done through a govt. organization,
victims of corruption involved in every single institute/organization of the govt,
victims of religious blackmailing and hypocrisy,


all the frustration created by the above stated points, has been let go by beating two innocents to death. What a sorry state we are living in.

Being a victim of everyday injustice and brutality myself, I've one thing to say; there's no humanity in the land of pure. We call ourselves Muslims but we always forget to be human first.

Sometimes, I prefer live in a Jungle than being in Pakistan or infact I'm living in a Jungle but the only difference is; a Jackal is the king.
Man I really hate Pakistani police, Alhumdillah never got big problems from them but I've seen them do terrible things to people. Like stand aside while people are murdered (video on pg. 1 is prime example). Our police is nothing different than Indian police.

But let me just respectfully say, this corruption and power abuse problem affects all institutions, civil government and also the armed forces are also guilty of acting like lords in Pakistan. I come from a military family going back since British days in India, we have similar corruption in all institutions I know them perfectly well. Police earns few dollars in bribes but military earns millions on a scale of this when they beat out competing interests with the butt of a rifle. Soldier or policeman on the bottom does these things because he sees his superiors and officers do these things. It is a trait of a suppressed and apathetic nation who just looks on as suited politician and uniformed man beat them back into the 19th century.
BB dear, I heard it from a friend of mine about this incident yesterday and by posting this video, sorry to say but you just ruined a beautiful day of mine. Just came back from the mosque after doing my Sehri, and the first thread I clicked was this, now I won't be able to go to sleep neither will stay awake.

No system of the country in practice,
No Electricity,
No jobs,
No justice,
No security,
Sky rocketing prices of food and black marketing,
Victims of terrorism,
Victims of acts of inept politicians,
victims of police's brutality every now and then,
victims of the complexities involved in getting a job done through a govt. organization,
victims of corruption involved in every single institute/organization of the govt,
victims of religious blackmailing and hypocrisy,


all the frustration created by the above stated points, has been let go by beating two innocents to death. What a sorry state we are living in.

Being a victim of everyday injustice and brutality myself, I've one thing to say; there's no humanity in the land of pure. We call ourselves Muslims but we always forget to be human first.

Sometimes, I prefer live in a Jungle than being in Pakistan or infact I'm living in a Jungle but the only difference is; a Jackal is the king.

I have not slept for last 12 hours and now my brain is so ****** up that i can't sleep.

Man whatever the issues are , we are the ones who will suffer , we can choose to live like Pussycats or do something about it.
Wait till they become target of hate by MQM or ANP and their target killing starts..with this attitude the day isnt far. God knows how many girls they were beating up are daughters of men with extra taste of mardangi.
the video of 2 boys was very disturbing. can somebody tell me why they were beaten up to death? Those bystanders were also committing a crime by just watching and doing nothng.
Some facts about police which i noticed

If your father is in Police you have ultimate right to be the Badmash of the area

I've seen police coming the wrong way on the road had an accident and end in the poor taxi driver beating.

Beating someone badly because he dared to overtake them on road.

Joining the son of local SHO to beat other boys in fight over cricket match.
Looks like he is owner of teh Rikshaw we can see in the background.....

Pakistan should model it's police officers on American Law Enforcement agencies.

Highly trained and ready for action.

The cops in the west are Heros....When they wear uniform they wear it to become man of law not to become biggest badmash of the area....
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