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Pakistan VS UAE

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If our countries will not become self reliant and people stop going to arab countries for job these kinds of abuses will continue..why do you think people from South Asia and third world countries are treated like slaves there?because they know that we dont have much choice left than stay there .if one goes another will come his place..

I see a lot of Pakistanis has love for them because of the muslim brother but they dont so such affection and love towards you as you shows to them..And stop thinking that these countries will come to your rescue in case of any emergencies..all they think will be about them selves ...There love for brotherhood will rise only when they needed help..
saudis and the arabs from all the emirates are Grade A jackasses...theyre racist to everyone not just indians and pakis...ma buddy from palestine lives there, he hates it there way too much discrimination .. and the sad part is these are protectors of mecca and madina

I must agree with you sir, I have a lot of family in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, and their experience is the same. If you are not a local then you are grade c material. Since westerners are considered second after your local gulf arab. Tribalism is alive and well
I see a lot of Pakistanis has love for them because of the muslim brother but they dont so such affection and love towards you as you shows to them..And stop thinking that these countries will come to your rescue in case of any emergencies..all they think will be about them selves ...There love for brotherhood will rise only when they needed help..

You are completely right.But the love Pakistanis have for ARABS is because they have the 2 holy cities and Prophet MUHAMMAD(SAWW) was an ARAB.Unfortunately Arabs are mean ppl they have and will never come to Pakistan's AID they only remember ISLAMIC brotherhood when they need Pakistan.
You are completely right.But the love Pakistanis have for ARABS is because they have the 2 holy cities and Prophet MUHAMMAD(SAWW) was an ARAB.Unfortunately Arabs are mean ppl they have and will never come to Pakistan's AID they only remember ISLAMIC brotherhood when they need Pakistan.

since when did I become mean? I must have missed something:coffee:
since when did I become mean? I must have missed something:coffee:

No, he didn't say any specific person! And not all Arabs are bad people!

But, however whenever Pakistan was in need no Arab (or Muslim country for that matter) came to our help for example 1971!

But, when Arabs (and other Muslim countries for that matter) needed our help we have always been there, from 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli wars, to the Afghan Jihad, from Bosnia to Kashmir, and during the time when militants captured the Kaaba it was Pakistani special forces who cleared them out (Saudi special forces suffered heavy casualties)! Pakistan has done more for the Ummah, and for this reason Alhamdulillah Allah (swta) has blessed us with strength, valor, professionalism and courage that you can't find anywhere else in the world! And not to forget we're a Islamic Nuclear power Alhamdulillah!

kick whole world be pakistani first its great for pakistan.beleve me we no need to help or go for help just because of ummah.its our lose no one will even send one bullet to us when we will in war.better we show some good will to israil india russia for our national intreast and be peacefull in s.asia.so we can enjoy better life.we have to live here with india no with arabs.
kick whole world be pakistani first its great for pakistan.beleve me we no need to help or go for help just because of ummah.its our lose no one will even send one bullet to us when we will in war.better we show some good will to israil india russia for our national intreast and be peacefull in s.asia.so we can enjoy better life.we have to live here with india no with arabs.

Although i do agree with you, Arabs have always been friends with india, while Pakistan made enemies with israel! But i don't think we should make friends with israel or india, because Allah (swta) says in the Holy Quran that Jews and polytheists can never be our friends!

We should make a type of alliance with Iran, China, Russia, Turkey, and the central Asian republics! Our alliance with the Arabs has cost us too much in a way (ie Wahabism and making enemies with Iran)!

Its time Arabs clean up their own mess and get out of the state of nationalism and racial superiority because this was the exact reason why Islam came to them, to bring them out of tribalism, nationalism, and Jahaliyah! Building skyscrapers won't get you nowhere, using your mind and following Islam will!

And i'm not anti Arab, what i said above is just the bitter truth!

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Although i do agree with you, Arabs have always been friends with india, while Pakistan made enemies with israel! But i don't think we should make friends with israel or india, because Allah (swta) says in the Holy Quran that Jews and polytheists can never be our friends!

We should make a type of alliance with Iran, China, Russia, Turkey, and the central Asian republics! Our alliance with the Arabs has cost us too much in a way (ie Wahabism and making enemies with Iran)!

Its time Arabs clean up their own mess and get out of the state of nationalism and racial superiority because this was the exact reason why Islam came to them, to bring them out of tribalism, nationalism, and Jahaliyah! Building skyscrapers won't get you nowhere, using your mind and following Islam will!

And i'm not anti Arab, what i said above is just the bitter truth!


i don't say we make them friends 190 nations are not our friends but we have not to make them our enemy just be real live like normal no friend no enemy.see jorden egypt both sides of israil accept israil and live with peace why not we? just be real its our benifit that india israil russia are not our enemy nor friends .center way is best way.:pakistan:
i don't say we make them friends 190 nations are not our friends but we have not to make them our enemy just be real live like normal no friend no enemy.see jorden egypt both sides of israil accept israil and live with peace why not we? just be real its our benifit that india israil russia are not our enemy nor friends .center way is best way.:pakistan:

the problem is can they live with us? Remember we are a Islamic ideological state (which is reason why they hate us), and on top of that we have a powerful army (Alhamdulillah) and we are a nuclear country (Alhamdulillah)!

These are the reasons why they hate us! So my question is CAN israel, india, and Russia live with a Muslim ideological state that is armed with nukes and has a strong military?

But as far as Russia is concerned, they don't hold much of a grudge against us, in fact they want to engage us through trade and economy! But india and israel are a completely different story!

saudis and the arabs from all the emirates are Grade A jackasses...theyre racist to everyone not just indians and pakis...ma buddy from palestine lives there, he hates it there way too much discrimination .. and the sad part is these are protectors of mecca and madina

Since when did Saudi Arabs protect Mecca and Madina? Its the Pakistan army battalions stationed in Saudi Arabia who protect the 2 most holiest sites in Muslim world!

Last time i remember the Saudi special forces couldn't even protect holy Kaaba from militants, i don't think they can protect Mecca and Madina!

sayaf u have said what was i wanted to say we r not like u to have a friendship with a country who is ur brothers like countries enemy we proved ourself by not recognizing israel when u got one call from ur dad u pissss in paints so be first true muslim be scared of GOD not governments
we love UAE we respect UAE it is our home whatever happen to it it will be my chest to get first bullet not UAE it is our flesh in blood we want respect from u not ur oil and money we willl wish to die for u anytime we work to serve u but not working for getting insulted everyday
No, he didn't say any specific person! And not all Arabs are bad people!

But, however whenever Pakistan was in need no Arab (or Muslim country for that matter) came to our help for example 1971!

But, when Arabs (and other Muslim countries for that matter) needed our help we have always been there, from 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli wars, to the Afghan Jihad, from Bosnia to Kashmir, and during the time when militants captured the Kaaba it was Pakistani special forces who cleared them out (Saudi special forces suffered heavy casualties)! Pakistan has done more for the Ummah, and for this reason Alhamdulillah Allah (swta) has blessed us with strength, valor, professionalism and courage that you can't find anywhere else in the world! And not to forget we're a Islamic Nuclear power Alhamdulillah!


I agree and Inshallah God will reward the people of Pakistan for their actions, and punish the lazy arab dictators for their betrayal and incompetence. Don't worry about that God is fair.
I just want you to know that we are many Arabs who respect and look up to Pakistan and would not hesitate to help Pakistan in case of, God forbid, any emergency. We must all work together to strengthen the bond between Pakistan and the Arab world. Just be patient while we clean up the mess :yahoo:
I agree and Inshallah God will reward the people of Pakistan for their actions, and punish the lazy arab dictators for their betrayal and incompetence. Don't worry about that God is fair.
I just want you to know that we are many Arabs who respect and look up to Pakistan and would not hesitate to help Pakistan in case of, God forbid, any emergency. We must all work together to strengthen the bond between Pakistan and the Arab world. Just be patient while we clean up the mess :yahoo:

Thank you brother for your support! If only Arab countries had leaders who looked into the interest for Islam and their nations, maybe things would be much different today! But sadly that's not the case! Remember, Islam is what gave glory and power to Arabs back in the day of Islamic conquests!

And i'm not anti Arab, i don't hate Arabs!

we love arabs and we can give our lifes for to save middle east which is the HOLY place for all Muslims. im sure day will come when we willl work together INSHAHALLAH we need mentality like u in alll arabs sir thanx for ur kind reply we appritiate u i hope u do something constructive to bring this thinking which u have in your childrens to respect all the human beings no matter what he is muslim or non muslim only this is the way we can clean up this mess INSHAHALLAH
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