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Pakistan test fires Hatf VII missile

dont feed wrong info dear hot launchers are all over the world on ships





You need to reinforce cannisters or silos for this purpose.
On the other hand cold launch does not need to be built into the ship
Anyway I'm sorry. I was unaware..
Imran, Wiplash is correct in his explanation. Though Cold Launch is not restrcited to SLBMs but silo launched missiles also require a cold launch as a hot launch can effectively destroy the silo thus most of the silos in the past were just 'one-time' use silos.

And oh yes, it were the Soviets who pioneered the cold launch method.
Canisterised yet hot launched can't be navalised as of present.

If Pakistan has proved of such a progress; cold launch technology be just hands away from Pakistan engineering society:tup:.

Because the missile is tilted before the booster separated out [as is said by Taimikhan] in cold launch however this would be reversed I.e the missile must be tilted to respective direction before boosting ever starts. This usually is achieved by

As a side note there was a heated debate whether RAAD & Babur are same do refer to this

Dear Mr. Nightcrawler, I am a bit confused between a hot and cold launch? Can you kindly please explain the difference and why a cold launch is necessary for a naval application? Thanks!

Tomahawks CM are hot launched, and still they are working perfectly on surface naval platform. Its not necessary that you need a cold launch system to use it on surface ships. yeah in subs, you need a cold launch system where the gas pressure lets the missile come out of the water, where the solid fueled booster takes over and propels the missile to some height where the turbo fan or turbo jet engine takes over and the wings unfold.

In surface ships, you need the system where the exhaust gases from the solid booster exit or does not damage the missile, below pic of a Tomahawk CM being launched from a surface ship is an example that hot launch can work on ships.


So no worries if we have hot launch system for ship based Baburs. Cold launch may damage the booster since it is attached to the end and has to detach at a specific height.

And yeah, these solid fueled booster are must as the turbo fan or turbo jet engine may not be able to take the missile to the height it needs to go before it starts its glide as these are small engines are not powerful enough.

@ night, even if you have cold launch system, you don't need to have the canister tilted as the booster will do the maneuvering once it gets started after the cold launch system propels it from the canister. Do see the S-300 kind of systems launch, they propel the missile straight and the rocket engine then takes over and changes the position of the missile towards the target, the Indian Brahmos is something different, as it does the tilting through some other technique.

Hope, i made sense.
Here is what some members of Pakdef have to say about this new test of Babur cruise missile

Notice the different canister launcher with hatches as well as the vertical launch. All indications that this could be a naval version

Well, the canister could be used by ground forces in some desolated areas where one can't transport and station naked missiles. However, yes, this canister can be used for submarines and surface warships also to launch Babur.

On Zulfiqar-class frigates this canister can be installed in place of C-801 or C-803 missiles.
if thats the case does it mean that we are at advantage as compared to india considering that they dont have cruise missle of such range but also do we have radar coverage to supplement its true range
By the way very useful discussion. Thanks everyone. Thanks Taimi and Mani for your posts. :tup:
Good achievement:yahoo:......so Pakistan is fastly moving towards the strick back capability.....:cheers:
its a step in right direction. it will go a long way for having dedicated launch systems for PN ships. there will be some structural modifications required to achieve this. something like a missile if fed from within the ship to the launcher and then launced vertically...

for subs, pakistan will need cold launch capability set with a delay at certain depth so the canister will eject the missile the moment it comes to the surface of water.
That might take sometime, but once done, Pakistan navy will be force to reckon with.
It looks now that Pakistan is all set to develop the Naval version of Babur cruise missile.

Are they working on the air launched version also or RA'AD will take care of that and the engineer will just work on increasing the range of RA'AD?
Are both the missile belongs to NESCOM?
With the success of this test, can we say that Pakistan is near to develop an anti-ship missile>

Or that's a totally different thing?

Please explain?
Here is my short analysis of YJ-602's cylindrical container and Babur's cylindrical container to point our the number of differences between missiles and their containers before some***** starts his typical BS.

cylindrical container of YJ-62 and Babur are completely different. Only thing common between them is that both are cylindrical and thats it.

YJ-602's cylindrical container has 6 reinforcing ribs

1. (from right to left) Distance between Start of container &1st reinforcing rib, 1st & 2nd reinforcing ribs and 2nd & 3rd reinforcing ribs is same

2. distance between 3rd & 4th reinforcing ribs is same as that of 4th & 5th

3. distance between 3rd & 4th and 4th & 5th reinforcing ribs is greater then that of 1st & 2nd and 2nd & 3rd reinforcing ribs

4. distance between 6th reinforcing rib and end of missile is same as that of first reinforcing rib and 1st and 2nd and 2nd and 3rd reinforcing ribs

5. In case of Babur distance between all reinforcing ribs is same

6. (Right to left) 1st & 2nd reinforcing ribs i and 3rd & 4th reinforcing ribs i has side hatch(?) which is not there in the YJ-602's cylindrical container

7. Hatf-VII Babur Land Attack Cruise Missile (LACM) uses the ‘Terrain Contour Matching’ (TERCOM) and ‘Digital Scene Matching & Area Co-relation’ (DSMAC)

8. YJ-602 Antiship Missile uses the active radar guidance

9. Hatf-VII Babur have rocket booster which is longer and larger in diameter when compared to that of C-602

10. Four delta-shaped fins at rear of Hatf-VII Babur are much closer to the end when compared to that of C-602 a

11.Hatf-VII Babur uses engine air inlet that is lowered after launch while C-602 has a fixed air intake.

12. Looks wise both missile are seems to have drawn a good deal of aerodynamics from the RGM/UGM-109 Tomahawk Land Attack Cruise Missile.
It looks now that Pakistan is all set to develop the Naval version of Babur cruise missile.

Are they working on the air launched version also or RA'AD will take care of that and the engineer will just work on increasing the range of RA'AD?
Are both the missile belongs to NESCOM?

RA'AD is developed by Air Weapons Complex (AWC) and Babur is developed by National defence Complex (NDC) .both work under the umbrella of NESCOM which is a civilian controlled Scientific and Research organization
With the success of this test, can we say that Pakistan is near to develop an anti-ship missile>

Or that's a totally different thing?

Please explain?

Naval variant of Babur cruise missile was planned way back .As i already posted after the recent test of Babur many people who have some know how of the tech believe that it can be now fired from submarines and ships.For further clarification read my above post on this page

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