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Pakistan should open the gates for Syrian refugees.

No one here seems to even consider the logistics of it. Take a map, please. Now look at the Syria and imagine you are a refugee. Where can you go? If you go east, you have to escape Daesh controlled villages in Syria and go to...Daesh controlled villages in Iraq. So, so reach Pakistan, they have to travel all the way east to Syria border (remember it's the east that's most dangerous), then finally, reach Iraq, and do the same thing, something like 1300 kms maybe.

Now, after all this time they are in Iran. They will also think, screw iran, our ideal destination is Pakistan. So, they have to travel another 2500 kms until they reach Pakistan. And from there, the closest major city is Karachi, which is another 1000 km away.

So, to summarize, they would have to travel 4300 kms from Aleppo to Karachi.

Better Solution:

Push your Arab allies and Turkey to stop supporting rebels, and use Pakistan's standing & influence among the Muslim community to go after a political resolution. Pakistan has been moving towards neutrality recently, and this is good, and it needs to start using this to meditate between different parties for peaceful resolutions.
No one here seems to even consider the logistics of it. Take a map, please. Now look at the Syria and imagine you are a refugee. Where can you go? If you go east, you have to escape Daesh controlled villages in Syria and go to...Daesh controlled villages in Iraq. So, so reach Pakistan, they have to travel all the way east to Syria border (remember it's the east that's most dangerous), then finally, reach Iraq, and do the same thing, something like 1300 kms maybe.

Now, after all this time they are in Iran. They will also think, screw iran, our ideal destination is Pakistan. So, they have to travel another 2500 kms until they reach Pakistan. And from there, the closest major city is Karachi, which is another 1000 km away.

So, to summarize, they would have to travel 4300 kms from Aleppo to Karachi.

Better Solution:

Push your Arab allies and Turkey to stop supporting rebels, and use Pakistan's standing & influence among the Muslim community to go after a political resolution. Pakistan has been moving towards neutrality recently, and this is good, and it needs to start using this to meditate between different parties for peaceful resolutions.

If Pakistan wanted and if the refugees agreed, Pakistan could send a couple of ships to pick them up from Turkey. Its not that hard.
If Pakistan wanted and if the refugees agreed, Pakistan could send a couple of ships to pick them up from Turkey. Its not that hard.

But can't you see the issue with that? The refugees in Turkey are either happy in Turkey or want to use it a jumping point to head towards the west. If a ship docks at Turkey, how many of those people would want to go to Pakistan? You could say, "well, it's their choice", but think further on this. If Pakistan gives this option, it's possible that Turkey will try to encourage as much Syrians to go to Pakistan as possible, which will ease the pressure on their facilities. But then you have angry and unhappy Syrians on that ship, moving further and further away not only from their Syria, but also from Europe.

The best way to help the Syrian brothers is to resolve their home situation, not create temporary homes for them.
But can't you see the issue with that? The refugees in Turkey are either happy in Turkey or want to use it a jumping point to head towards the west. If a ship docks at Turkey, how many of those people would want to go to Pakistan? You could say, "well, it's their choice", but think further on this. If Pakistan gives this option, it's possible that Turkey will try to encourage as much Syrians to go to Pakistan as possible, which will ease the pressure on their facilities. But then you have angry and unhappy Syrians on that ship, moving further and further away not only from their Syria, but also from Europe.

The best way to help the Syrian brothers is to resolve their home situation, not create temporary homes for them.

I did say if the "refugees agreed". I agree with your solution!
America should take the moral responsibility, and Go into Syria AND HELP ASAD and defeat the 20000 odd ISIS fighters.
problem solved, their wont be any migrants running towards EU
So in the end when you couldn't counter any argument you started to personal attack. Quite pathetic that you failed miserably to bring your point across.
Oh well let me answer you.

Why are you running away? I haven't answered you yet, I understand that you called me fool, immature and nounsense and I agree with you on this one as I have declared you a future teller, so you can assume more worse than this I believe.

Its not about stabilizing the economy.... You become a trillion dollar economy when you clean the mess. Yes our politicians are bad but by time with democracy they will become better.. As for your Punjabi information... You fool. I am an Imran khan supporter and voted for pti. I believe in the breaking for Punjab for better administrative sectors. As for refugees. You missed my point completely in your girly hysteric fit. My point was that we have to build data bcz we uprooted them from their homes and then bombed those places and thus we have to provide them with homes, infrastructure, better facilities, a better life and then make fata a province for better administration... In fact if taxes are increased or any drive comes that asks for my money for their homes then I would give all I have bcz they are my country men who have suffered a lot. Perhaps my word was not right but you had no right to personally attack me like this without even understanding my point... My point was that we have enough on our plate without bringing Syrians in. As for attacking me. Well when you make senseless and stupid points about telling world community that we should exchange refugees then yes you would get voilent like a cave man.

Alright if you are Imran khan supporter than doesn't make a good human does it? Should I respect you just bcz you are a Imran khan supporter, come on man you really should get yourself checked someday. You have mentioned IDP's as declared them as refugees, if you would like I can re-write your sentence? Now, that you know that you have been caught up in this argument you are making a silly explanation. And by the way in every so called personal attacks I said I "assume" so you better read the sentence before you answer anyone. And finally abt this paragraph, so when I said that how dare you calling them Refugees, you realized that you have made a blunder and that you have jeopardized your image, that's why now you have elaborated something that you never mean it before I assume.

Now lets come to your essay that you have written in order to answer me, I have to admit if it was a logical I would have respected you more than anyone does on this forum, but you got to believe you really have some serious problems.

Senseless part.. Literally made no sense and just personal attacking. Lack of discussion point does that... The work hates us bcz they see as an aggressive nation that supports terrorism. The western media has made sure our image has become that and tbh our actions have also lead various nations to see us with distrust. That's why half the world hates us... They see us as terrorists..

Yes it is senseless for u, you can never understand. I can't make you to understand anyway.

We have done all of those things and what did we get? We made Israel our enemy to please our Arabic brothers but they have not even said a word on Kashmir.. They dont care. They see us as fools to be used.. I am sorry I am done sacrificing the peace of my country for them.

Yes, now you have repeated your selfish attitude again, what did we get? It means we should help only those who help us? you are openly describing your personality in every sentence you write. But I have to say that you will be disappointing, because our Military will always be helping those who are in dire need, despite of our culture differences, that's why I told you that we have literary forgotten the true meaning of Pakistan. And I said earlier you can never understand. Because you don't even know the true history of Pakistan, you have no idea that how many Nations got their independence because of us? even before our independence? We will be helping other Nations even we will have selfish People like you in our opposition.

You missed the point entirely.... Those human right orgs are asking for refugees to be stayed on human basis and you ate asking for refugees on human basis. No difference.

ya, I am not that intelligent to understand your point to be honest with you.

Again personal attacking... You call me fortune teller yet you are making assumptions about me just bcz I didn't agree to your points. Economy is our problem. We can't house 100000 foreigners when we can't even provide facilities and housing to most of our country.

No I never called you a future teller just bcz you dont agree with my points. I called you a fortune teller bcz you made a lot of assumption about me.

I was answering your childish statement to the UN where we would be swapping refugees. I pointed out how they would answer but your eyes are filled with hate right now so can't blame you for completely missing the point.

Nop, I read your essay more than 4 times in order to clarify myself, I told you, you are a probably a future teller.

So your answer to corruption is refugees rather than electing better politicians and creating a non corrupt environment.. Yes they we have damaged Pakistan so dont vote for them. Vote for Imran khan. Sheesh your answer to weak economy due to corruption is make it weaker by bringing refugees. Two wrongs don't make a right. You solve the social I'll. Even a child can understand that.

First of all, let me clarify you on this one, Afghan refugees are not living here on our economic benefits. In fact how many Pakistanis you know are getting benefits income from our Government? ya that benazir income support program. UN is paying $40 Million a year in order to keep those refugees, no they are not living in Pakistan for free. And if your argument is about them getting and stealing our jobs, than lol tell me, since when you have decided to sell fruits on cart? Since when u have decided to drive a tractor full of concrete? Since when you have decided to collect scrap from street to street and village to village? Since when you have decided to sell corn in the markets? And if you are talking about those Afghanis who have become Millionaires than they have worked hard for it, in the beginning they have stolen all those above mentioned jobs from you and from all those in likes of you. And they have succeeded, Alas! you never wanted those odd jobs otherwise you have become a millionaire too. If Syrian refugees will ever come to Pakistan, they will not be a burden on our economy, they speak Arabic and we lack Arabic teachers not only in schools but in Madrasas as well, but no you won't accept them as I said earlier in my post, because you are much worried about your economy which has been thrashed for decades by your so called beloved Politicians. I know that I can be a nonsense, but one thing I know for sure you aren't intelligent either. Do you even know that from where are we getting our economic losses? No-a big NO NO. you only want your argument to be a winner on this forum, by changing your tune in every next sentence of yours.

Well its time the soulless help out. We are not ruining our country for others anymore... They don't give a damn at all about us. Sorry but pakistan borders are closed.

I may not like Arabs because of their selfishness, but I know one thing for sure and that is, they have helped us thousands of times when we were in dire material needs. And so as Afghans and other Muslim Countries helped us in many ways if it wasn't the materialistic help. You should learn more I suggest you on this one.

You have explained nothing.. You have talked nonsense left right and center. So elect better people... Give democracy a run and give imran khan the vote.. Your answer to economic burden due to refugees is corruption done by politicians..m what a foolish argument. Again with personal attacking.

Again give democracy a run, alright we will mate, we will, just calm down.

He was a great man as were many others... They are not alive now anywhere in the world. Nobody was around when we faced the Indian army or the Russian army or even back us in international relations.. There is only selfish isolation and relations baser on interests...

You know I got you pegged. You are a fad. You had no idea about the horrors before the image came.. You had no idea abt what Isis was doing or what hell was breaking in Iraq, Syria and Libya ... A month later you will forget all about this following some other sad incident...

See didn't I told you that you are a future teller? But a fake one, I have traveled twice to Iraq after the invasion. I traveled Syria during the conflict for medical aid, and I traveled to Libya once in 2006. I have seen the horrofics of the war, bodies tore into hundreds of pieces, things that I cant even describe in here. So please mate, I told you you know nothing about me, so please stop this predictive games of yours. I have traveled 3 quarter of world, so that's why I request you if you know nothing about your opponent debater than you must argue on ground reality.
My generalizing judging immature friend you can do whatever you wish to. Plz do not tag me again as you will do is personal attack. You can't argue like a normal human being and you can make a single rational analysis nor understand international politics nor standing.... People like you are the reason why we are in a mess.

Basically this. Discussion and thread over.

Ya, you are right, l am not here to show myself how big hulk I am. I want the readers to understand the situation that we as being a Muslim are facing now a days. But as I said again and again you can never understand.
We should welcome them. They need our help and we must help.

Wake up, there is no such thing called UMMAH, only national interests and strategic goals. If there was anything called Ummah, then Syria has UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, KSA, Egypt who are far more near and far more richer than Pakistan.

Pakistan has nothing to do with Syria, and already has a lot to look after its own self. Fck this ummah sh!t and move on, we are not responsible for every sh!t happening in Muslim world.
I was not expecting this at least from you. This ummah 'whatever' is the concept in Quran and of Mohammed (PBUH) so please be little respectful here.
This is Syria we are talking about, an Arab country. We even brought in Pakistan refugees from Bosnia, a far flung European country. Jab life ki pari ho tou jidhar jagah milai gi jain gai refugees.
Who will bear the expenses?? If rich countries give us the expenses then why not. Then We should take them.

I will bear an expenses of 1 family at least, for two years or 5 years, and if I can afford it forever I will never ask them to leave. I can do it, if I can I believe people who are little bit resourceful they can too. You only need a big heart for it. As my friend @AZADPAKISTAN2009 said earlier, "Its one thing to read about stories of hijrat from Macca to Madina and then have debates in schools and colleges. The real moment of what you learned comes forth when you actually practically have to open door to other Muslims Its one thing to read about stories of hijrat from Macca to Madina and then have debates in schools and colleges. The real moment of what you learned comes forth when you actually practically have to open door to other muslims" this is what I have been explaining to one of the knuckle head on this forum. I mean how long are we going to live? I don't even guarantee that if I am writing one sentence I will be alive for another, and no one in this world can. So be practical and open your hearts, don't be like Abu Jehal be like Ansaar.
In the mean-time a quick glance at how countries in the ME have accepted refugees from Syria:

In the mean-time a quick glance at how countries in the ME have accepted refugees from Syria:

means Saudi, Qatar and Kuwait dosent hold any refugees.Those who are part of this mess is actually running away from it..
means Saudi, Qatar and Kuwait dosent hold any refugees.Those who are part of this mess is actually running away from it..

Are you even surprised by it ????

This is simply the spirit of "umma-chumma" at its loftiest....
Are you even surprised by it ????

This is simply the spirit of "umma-chumma" at its loftiest....
Surprised..yes little bit...cant understand their ummah concept, they can provide all support in name of ummah to fight war in another country but not willing to accept refugee in same name of ummah.
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