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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

@Joe Shearer @hellfire @notorious_eagle

As per my understanding ( and heavy lack of understanding of some chest thumpers) the Indian sources claim that they airlifted the soldiers near the LOC from where they made a raid 500m-1km and took out a launch pad whilst pakistan states that no infiltration happened and cross border firing happened at night which resulted in 2 soldiers being martyred. Pakistan has now has cross border firings which resulted in three posts being destroyed.

Now I am aware that cross border raids can happen and have been done by both sides near the LOC multiple of times.

The question I am asking is how does the situation deescalates now? Where do both sides go from here as situation is getting worse and escalating. Do you see this situation going towards a full blown border conflict?

Message from India is loud and clear, we are not interested in war against Pakistan, but are interested in war against terror. Stop harbouring them, from this point I can only see situation coming In control, if Pakistan fall's in line and takes all necessary measure for preventing its land getting used for spreading terror.
Okay so according to "Indian sources" (which are world-renowned for egoistic bullshit).

These "choppers" managed to miraculously evade the most militarized border, sneak past an advanced network of air defenses, pass through several alerted patrolling squadrons armed with hi-tier radars, get completely ignored by one of Pakistan's largest aerial exercises, fly over layers of man-pad squads, undetected by radars dotted throughout the region, - then land on one of the most mountainous regions (that too being undetected by hundreds of patrols) and then repeat all that to get back to the right side of the border. They managed to be soo stealthy that no one in Azad Kashmir heard or saw of this.

I'm sorry, but this can only happen in Bollywood - not reality.

This story was just a cookie given to the angry public to appease them and increase their false-ego.
hmmmmm they used vedic technology in their helicopter which is undetectable for any technology in the world :astagh:
Welcome to Pakistan Defence Forum J.P dutta :welcome:
Hope you enjoy your stay :enjoy:

Sorry I did not say that to you. My apologies. You are new? Or new id?

Anyways. Welcome .. JP Dutta? Is that your name?

Anyways enjoy your stay .. and we look forward to suitable and meaningful posts from you.

they say they filmed it show proof, if they can back it up that pakistan will be the ones with the red face if they cant then they need to shut the hell up.
First you guys said dare to try surgical Strikes, Now when news coming from highest level at Army, also claiming even Pak Army also has been informed, but Now demanding proof.
Tell me let suppose Army release Video later then what will be you next demand for droping 1-2 pops (nuclear ones) on India as you guys were claiming we are Nuclear Power, If India dare we will nuke India :lol: ?
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The idiots are comparing to the worlds most militarized border to the our western border lol. LoC is constantly watched. Any solder could see a helo crossing the border. How stupid do they think we are?

Unprovoked firing incident ..

Oops ,heard about Osama binladen assassination?

Son.. You aren't America.. neither are you Israel and we Palestine..
Ops Its was done by Americans
They had stealth and balls you people have neither.
U threatened us by saying nuking us,now our military announced that we had carried out strike deep inside pak occupied Kashmir. Even our political/administives informed pak govt officially about the strike.
Yet u and ur govt is in denial mode... Now I decide who doesn't have balls? If u have some self pride or balls u should start ear with us after this official channel information.

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