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Mar 9, 2014
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I was dreadful, when I received an email from an desk editor of a Pakistan's major news papers apologizing for not publishing my blog on Taliban atrocities. The email read, we are sorry we can't print your blog about Taliban issue as our office has been previously attacked, implying they are under threat. This media group is not alone feeling insecure. Taliban and other linguistic factions has openly threaten Pakistan media houses to stop reporting or be ready for the consequences.

Free speech is a fundamental right of every citizen but it's still considered a novelty in Pakistan. Columnists, writers, bloggers and media personal want to express their real opinions but kept constantly under threat with no security provided by the government. Ones own security has become a private matter where officials have police guard, rich protected by private guards and venerable media and public are left on their own risk.

Media house besieged, reporters target killed, bloggers shot and TV anchor ambushed. 2010 was reported to be the deadliest year for journalism in Pakistan. Starting with Killing of Wali Khan Babar, GEO reporter in Karachi, the killer were never found. In fact all witnesses in the case were murdered subsequently including the persecutor.

Malala Yousafzai's crime was blogging and expressing her feeling towards Taliban for how they are terrorising neighborhoods and destroying girls schools. Shot on the face at point blank by TTP and full accepted the responsibility. Case closed.

“Extremists want no counter narrative in the state that is why they are attacking alternative voices.” said Raza Rumi,a columnist and blogger, injured in an attack along with his own private guard and driver killed. I appeal to government to provide me security, not let me remain victim of an ideology asserted with bullets, bomb he blogged the next day. No security provided.

Hamid Mir, GEO superstar anchors was gun down 2 days ago, after leaving Karachi airport. Six bullets ripped through his legs and abdomen as gunman ambushed his car in an assassination attempt. He was admitted in a critical condition on Agha Khan hospital Karachi. He finally gain conscious after 24 hours. In a statement, Hamid said, government was provided with the information about the threats to his life but no security was provided.

Although media has transformed from print and electronic media to social media with webmasters and bloggers writing the truth, which print media is scared to print, blogging has become a new option for Pakistani's. Sadly with with Malala Yousafzai and Raza Rumi shots, chances are that social media will be under constant threat and freedom of speech will be muted again.

Taliban and other extremist elements have dared to all, who stand for their right to free speech in Pakistan, to become speechless or their free speech will be muted forever. In the past, media was censored in Pakistan and with changing times, its threatened and muted at point blank. Rest assured, if you are a liberal or moderate writer, blogger or columnist, with no state protection, you know guns are mightier then pens in Pakistan.

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Freedom of Expression is alive and kicking in Pakistan. Pakistan Media is Free and expresses itself openly. The Pakistani people support the freedom of our media.

What we don't support are traitors amongst us who take money from the enemies of Pakistan to spread misinformation and try to demoralize Pakistani People.

How can you enjoy with 'pop corns n sodas' when anchors, bloggers and scribes are threatened and killed? :fie:

We are actually enjoying watching your "AGENTS " being blown to pieces.... :pop:

It is your intelligence assets going down the " Toilet " which explains why you are so riled up.... :dance3:

Next, where is that clown NAJAM SETHI....... :butcher:
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We are actually enjoying watching your "AGENTS " being blown to pieces.... :pop:

It is your intelligence assets going down the " Toilet " which explains why you are so riled up.... :dance3:

Next, where is that clown NAJAM SETHI....... :butcher:

That's unfair to our agents! :pissed: Have some sympathy for them and RAW, whose naukri depends on them.:sad:
Freedom of Expression is alive and kicking in Pakistan. Pakistan Media is Free and expresses itself openly. The Pakistani people support the freedom of our media.

What we don't support are traitors amongst us who take money from the enemies of Pakistan to spread misinformation and try to demoralize Pakistani People.

We are actually enjoying watching your "AGENTS " being blown to pieces.... :pop:

It is your intelligence assets going down the " Toilet " which explains why you are so riled up.... :dance3:

Next, where is that clown NAJAM SETHI....... :butcher:

When you are clowning urself with such a serious issue, Najam Sathi is not needed. Freedom of expression's liveliness was demonstrated in Pakistan on Asura Jaloos in Rawalipindi in 2013 or should i present thousands of other incidents. You are American so will Human Rights report, Amnesty International report or American Dept of State report do for you? Sitting in US and writing funny comments is different than express you views internationally and getting threats. Get real sir.
Freedom of speech should not be mistaken for desperation to expose...or even leave a country raw and vulnerable...No country allows that level of "freedom" even the most "liberal" country on the planet...Try exploding with lies against the agencies of any country.....I wanna see who walks free (in that country) after doing such crap? :coffee:
When you are clowning urself with such a serious issue, Najam Sathi is not needed. Freedom of expression's liveliness was demonstrated in Pakistan on Asura Jaloos in Rawalipindi in 2013 or should i present thousands of other incidents. You are American so will Human Rights report, Amnesty International report or American Dept of State report do for you? Sitting in US and writing funny comments is different than express you views internationally and getting threats. Get real sir.

Thank you Mr. Tarek Fateh, we know you are a TRAITOR OF PAKISTAN.
That's unfair to our agents! :pissed: Have some sympathy for them and RAW, whose naukri depends on them.:sad:
I think we should change our agent to Ary news coz our cover just got blown. stop asking for sympathy coz they never gonna let go the double agent.
so some blog is no published and freedom of speech is unprotected. secondly my own blogs were rejected, I got an email and they send a standard reply, not explaining why their didnt publish.

so the claim in this blog is a lie.
What is your thinking about an anchor person ???
are an anchor person is a thing above the society without responsibilities ??
the sovereignty of a country is below the freedom of speech ??

I am not defending anyone BUT FREE SPEECH ITSELF which is everyone Fundamental right of every human being.

so some blog is no published and freedom of speech is unprotected. secondly my own blogs were rejected, I got an email and they send a standard reply, not explaining why their didnt publish.

so the claim in this blog is a lie.


I think some people are senseless so why waste time. The blog about Taliban was not published. For your review:

Blog: Musharraf — right leader for the wrong people? - 'X' Reports

I am not defending the wrongdoing of GEO or HAMID MIR, please stay on the topic of FREE SPEECH as a Fundamental Human Right for everyone.
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